Warning: The scenes that will take place in this story will not be in linear order. Just however they've come to me and I've written them.
Disclaimer: Star Trek does not nor will ever belong to me. I only own Sonja Laxely. My friend owns Skyla Stine.
The First Time
She Noticed His Eyes Are Blue
They were eating lunch in the cafeteria per usual on a Wednesday. With a PADD before her and her lunch tray set to the side, Sonja tried to ignore the rather loud debate between Skyla and McCoy over whether or not Chinese food was a perfect remedy for hangovers.
"Listen, kid, it ain't healthy!" The doctor growled whilst rubbing his temples with his fingertips.
"Well, Bones, how healthy does my foot up your ass sound?" Skyla chirped in response, a sarcastic smile plastering itself across her face.
With one hand, Sonja scrolled through the information on the screen of her PADD while the other reached for another slice of the orange she'd earlier peeled. From her peripheral, she noted the appearance of the fourth member of their unofficial group sliding into the seat across from her with his own tray of food.
"Anyone else come up first place in their sparring matches today?" Kirk questioned offhandedly.
"They're having a dispute." Sonja informed without lifting her attention from her PADD.
"When aren't they having a dispute?" Kirk turned his attention to her and smiled patronizingly when she lifted her eyes to him.
"Suck on it, Blondie, 'cause I came in first too!" Skyla declared, focusing her attention on Kirk. The dispute between her and McCoy had been temporarily put on hold. "I took down that lithe chick who is studying xenolinguistics."
"Who?" Sonja questioned before finishing off the rest of her orange slices.
"You know," Skyla turned to the woman beside her and thoughtfully latched onto the locks of her red hair. "The one Kirk over here can't stop talking about once you get him started. What's her name?"
"Uhura?" Kirk perked up after having crossed his arms because no one had positively acknowledged his victory of the day.
Snapping her fingers, Skyla pointed at Kirk while keeping her eyes on Sonja. "That one."
Chuckling lightly, Sonja decided to refocus her attention on the text before her. The conversation was heading down a well traveled path: Kirk would ponder the mystery that was Cadet Uhura which would lead to McCoy telling him to get over it and Skyla telling him that the woman wasn't worth the time.
"She's all studies and no fun. For someone studying communications, she's terrible at small talk and making friends. Even if she weren't, though, you still wouldn't stand a chance." The red head added the last part as an afterthought.
"That's not true, now is it, Bones?"
The doctor sighed and stood from his seat. "I don't have time for your school boy crush, Jim. I'm heading out."
"I'll walk with you," Skyla decided, standing as well. "We're not done with our conversation." She said a quick goodbye to both Kirk and Sonja before walking after the grumbling doctor who hadn't bothered to wait for her.
"I could get a woman like Uhura if I wanted to, right Laxely?" Kirk seemed to be taking the redhead's comment a little too seriously as he stared expectantly at the woman across from him.
Lifting her eyes from the PADD once more, Sonja breathed a short annoyed breath before contemplating whether or not to bother answering. However, she became distracted when her eyes latched onto those of the young man. Had his eyes always been such a bright, bright, true blue? It was as if the dark blue of a stormy sky swirled with the bright blue of a Floridian ocean whose depths you could only ever see if Nature allowed. And they were so huge! His eyes should not be that huge. Or so blue. What had been his question?
"Okay, Kirk." Sonja blinked and pulled back to focus on his face as a whole. "I'm going to tell you something everyone should hear at least once in their lifetime." She leaned over conspiratorially and whispered: "You can do anything you set your mind to."
There was a short silence as those blue whirlpools watched her, as if studying her because her words had somehow been written across her face. Then the corner of his lips pulled up and his eyes sparkled in mirth. "Thanks, Laxely. Never heard that before."
A/N: Another story that has been on the shelves for awhile. Like I forewarned on my profile, I don't have much time - creative juices - to write lately and so this is more or a less a peace offering for neglecting my other stories. This style of story was inspired by a Doctor Who fanfic written by hannahncakes called Not One For The Diary. I highly recommend reading her story, it has a great balance of romance, humor, and tragedy (the stuff the great Doctor is made of).
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