Blaine stumbled across the room, viciously wiping the tears from his eyes. He yanked open the drawer and smiled grimly as he picked up his old friend - the razor blade.

He slowly lowered the blade to his wrist and felt the cold metal grace his skin. He gasped joyfully as his old wounds were forced open and he was basking in the pain of his fury. He felt the familiar dizziness and his eyes began to cloud over and then he was melting, melting into the black oblivion in which his salting tears dripped onto the fresh cut.

On period two of Monday morning Blaine Anderson could be found loitering in the schools grounds. He was leaning against the side of the football stands, boot clad feet propped up against some jock's helmet, trying desperately to light his last cigarette. It was a warm but breezy day so he had to be quick before the wind snuffed out his light.

"I'm bored." He sat up suddenly and turned to his group of "friends".

Blaine Anderson had his gang of cronies but he did consider himself a bit of a loner. His crew of five simply worshiped him, he didn't know why. He wasn't exactly a good role model, or the meanest bully or the biggest, strongest or toughest but wherever he went they would be there, whether he liked it or not. The group consisted of Sebastian Smythe, a little weasel if ever there was one. He was feared the most by the other students for his quick-to-judge attitude. If Sebastian Smythe to a disliking to you, you were dead meat. Then there was Puck, he was probably the softest of the group though he wore a hard shell but Blaine had a sneaking suspicion that he was only part of it to get out of lessons - you would have trouble finding a teacher who would tell Blaine's gang to get back to class. Dave Kurofsky was the runt of the litter, he was good for back-up but Sebastian relentlessly teased him and no one was sure why he was still in the gang. Azimo was also in the group but he was only there as protection with his huge frame and rock hard muscles. Blaine was the leader but he wasn't quite sure how this came about but all he knew was that he had to fill the legacy that his fore brothers had laid out for him.

Puck lifted his head from the dusty ground, while Sebastian turned his to Blaine.

"We could always go to class," he said cooly, Kurofsky snorted into his fist.

"Problem Kurofsky?" Sebastian snapped at him. He shook his head and remained a solemn expression.

"Uh, we could go and slushie the freshmen?" Puck offered.

Sebastian nodded thoughfully, "Or that damn Glee club…" The rest of the group grinned. Blaine's gang had made it their mission to bring down that godforsaken glee club if it was the last thing they did.

"No," said Blaine irritably, "It's so immature and we don't want a repeat of last time, Sebastian, when you nearly blinded that Asian girl."

"Please, it was just a bit of juice, her mother way over reacted." Sebastian said.

Blaine narrowed his eyes, "You fucking scratched one of her corneas!" Sebastian flinched and Blaine heard the rest of the group intake their breath. No one liked an angry Blaine.

Blaine was angry all of the time though. He just didn't show it or tried not to, he had his own ways of venting his feelings.

"You know what, maybe I will go back to class. It's more interesting than you losers anyhow." Blaine muttered standing up and stretching.

"I'll come with you!" Sebastian said immediately standing up also. Blaine sighed, it was really difficult to bottle up sometimes. Blaine simply gave him a withering look and began to walk in the direction of the school's wheelchair entrance, a place that everybody, except that Artie dork, avoided. As much as he very much doubted it, he hoped that Sebastian had taken the hint and stayed put but much to his dismay he was right.

Sebastian came jogging up behind him, panting. Panting, for god sake, thought Blaine, he only ran a couple of steps.

"Wait up Blaine!" He called. Blaine ignored him and carried on storming towards the school.

Sebastian finally appeared beside him, "Hey, we, um, do you- uh, what I was -"

"Sebastian!" Blaine said agitatedly, boy, that kid really knew how to push his buttons.

"We still haven't talked about the party…" Sebastian said tentatively. Blaine's insides squirmed uncomfortably. The Party.

"What party?" He snapped back.

"Azimo's party!" Said Sebastian. Blaine's heart was beating a little too fast.

"What about it?" Blaine said.

"Um, well, me and you, we kind of…" Sebastian trailed of as he met Blaine's cold stare.

"Yes?" Blaine said, he didn't know why he didn't just walk away instead of encouraging this conversation.

Sebastian looked at him disbelievingly, "Remember? In the back of my car?" Blaine did remember, he remembered all too well.

"No." Blaine said bluntly.

"Come on, Blaine. Don't do this to be again. I know you don't want anyone to know and I'm the only person you've ever told-"

"I didn't fucking tell you anything Sebastian." Blaine was losing control now, he needed to get away from him.

"Please Blaine." Sebastian wined and then blushed, realising how pathetic he sounded. Blaine didn't say anything. Sebastian stopped him and stared down into his eyes. Blaine shook him off and carried on walking.

"Blaine? How did you get that bruise?" Sebastian asked quietly.

"What bruise?" Blaine said brushing his hair over his temple.

"Was it-?" Sebastian started. Blaine suddenly felt a wave of anger sweep over him.

"Leave me alone." Blaine muttered and then he turned and stormed off in the direction of the school office.