6 months later…

It was gorgeous out. Absolutely beautiful. The sky was blue, the temperature comfortable, and a slight breeze in the air. It was very reminiscent of the last time they had come to the park; merely days before the darkest period of their lives.

JJ lay flat on her back, staring into the endless blue sky as Spencer sat beside her, scanning through his latest reading interest at warp speed. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, allowing the fresh air to rush up her nostrils and against her parted lips. The sensation was so soothing; she had rarely felt as relaxed and at peace as she did in this moment. She felt safe, secure, and happy. While she may still be healing from her ordeal, and her life wasn't perfect, JJ couldn't have been much happier with how she found herself in this moment.

For a long time after it had been hard not to dwell on everything; she couldn't even look at herself in a mirror for the first two weeks after she had returned home. It wasn't until the visible bruises had healed that she had been able to look at herself and not be reminded simply by looking at her own reflection.

Her recovery had been a process; a long arduous one that proved to be as challenging as anything she had ever faced in her life. Even after the bruises had faded, JJ found she still wasn't comfortable within her own skin for quite some time. She felt like she was almost living outside of herself. She struggled to come to terms with what had happened to her.

Even when she had almost completely healed physically, the mental harm JJ had endured proved to be far and away her biggest obstacle to overcome. She couldn't sleep when she was alone. She would stay wide awake, too scared to close her eyes.

Spencer had long moved in by then; bringing all his belongings to her place as promised, just a day after they had returned home. He had been quick to notice she wasn't sleeping, and offered to stay in her room with her. JJ appreciated it, knowing the sacrifice he was making to try to help her. He was, after all, still recovering from his own injuries.

JJ had insisted he sleep in her bed, even if the idea scared her to her core. Deep down she knew she wasn't ready for it, they probably both did, but she didn't want him to have to sleep in a chair or on the floor as he watched over her; it just wouldn't be right.

The first night she slept great. The morning after, however, she awoke in a hysterical panic and nearly hurt them both. She had forgotten where she was, and briefly, she thought she was back in bed with Tony.

JJ grimaced as she recalled the memory, how gracious Spencer was, but how weak and vulnerable the whole ordeal had made her feel. How frustrated she had become that things couldn't simply go back to normal as quickly as normal had been taken away from them.

For the next few weeks Spencer slept in a separate bed they were able to move into her room. It crowded the room and left no room to maneuver, but they had made it work for a few weeks. During those weeks JJ had continued her recovery, all physical signs now gone, and she was consistently seeing a bureau-appointed therapist.

While it took her a while to open up, JJ found that over time she felt better as she did. Eventually, she told the therapist things that had happened to her; things she never told anyone else; not Hotch during her debriefing statement, not Spence when she had finally had the courage to tell him what she had endured. JJ found that telling the therapist helped to set her free. It helped to lift a weight from her shoulders, from her mind, her soul, that she had become so accustomed to feeling that she hadn't even realized it was there.

Before long JJ had felt like her old self. She felt confident again, happy. She thought she had conquered all her demons; she was ready to move on with her life.

One night she returned home from an uplifting session to find Spencer already home, dinner cooked. His injuries had also long healed and faded. He looked so sexy. JJ found herself aroused. While they had kissed and snuggled for some time by this point, they had both been timid when it came to the subject of truly being intimate again. Spencer tried to give her space and to not rush anything, JJ was never sure up until that point if or when she would ever be ready. Tonight she was, she felt it.

Spencer tried to get her to slow down when she jumped him, greedily kissing him, but she ignored him. By the time they had made it to the bedroom, naked, JJ was beginning to have doubts as she fell to the bed. While she wanted Spence, she didn't feel the same level of arousal as she normally felt during their usual lovemaking. Before long she had to stop, jumping past Spencer and rushing to the bathroom in tears.

At that moment she had felt like damaged goods. Tony had messed with her down to the deepest cores of her body and soul. She couldn't get aroused like she was used to; something had changed. When JJ finally had the courage to tell her therapist this, the kind woman told her it was to be expected, but she insisted that things would return to normal. That she would get everything back with time. That she couldn't rush; she had to rebuild herself and take baby steps.

After a long process, and more support from Spencer than she had any right to expect from any man, let alone him, they were now back to where they had been. They could sleep in the same bed together. They could make love again. Amazingly, JJ thought their love life was even more passionate than it had been before. And it was all a testament to the man seated beside her; her soul mate.

JJ opened her eyes slowly, lifting her left hand skyward, obstructing her view of the beautiful blue hues. JJ eyed her hand intently, a smile on her face even as her eyes traced over her still slightly crooked ring finger. The gold band around the finger gleamed in the sun, the small rock on the top reflecting the sunlight back into her face.

A trace of light reflected and caught Spencer in the corner of his eye. Looking up from his book he looked over at JJ and smiled to see that she was still beaming at the ring he had given her. It had been almost a week, and she still couldn't stop staring at it. This made Spencer happier than he could describe. The symbolism of it; of where they were now, of where they had been, and more importantly where they were going. They had a future together; they were each other's future.

Spencer continued to stare at her, watching her, as JJ was deep in thought, admiring her ring. It was amazing how beautiful she was. She had never lost her beauty, even after everything she had been through. Sure, they had been through some incredibly trying times, but if anything it had brought them closer, made them stronger. The small arguments they used to have were meaningless now. They had been through hell and back and they had survived. There was nothing that could come between them.

Spencer's eyes scanned over JJ, as they had done thousands of times before. He had every detail about her memorized, but he still loved to refresh that memory. The memories of how she was before, when she was bruised and battered, were long gone. Looking at her now, she was almost the exact same as she had been that day six months ago in the park.

There were only two slight differences. The first being JJ's luscious, long blonde locks were trimmed a bit shorter. Her hair still fell to her shoulder, as thick as ever, but following the ordeal she had decided on having it trimmed and restyled. Spencer knew that part of it was psychological, but he didn't argue. In fact, he loved it, even if now enough time had passed where the hair had re-grown to almost its previous length.

The other difference was the tattoo on JJ's hip. While neither of them were big fans of tattoos JJ had decided that it was necessary; a way to help move past her one permanent physical scar. The first time she had shown it to him, Spencer fell in love with it because it fit her so perfectly. The tattoo was of a small, colorful, golden butterfly, its wings out-stretched, flying freely. It wasn't large, merely enough to cover the last residual of JJ's kidnapping. Now everything in their world seemed to be in balance.

Spencer had overcome his own mental demons, his own nightmares. He had reconnected with his mother, assuring her that everything was ok. The funny thing was she seemed to have already known, her face beaming when he paid her a visit not just to clear the air about everything, but to also tell her that he was going to marry JJ. Again, she had given him a knowing smile. He still couldn't figure out a mother's intuition, but she seemed to always know before he had to say something.

Spencer sighed lightly as he recalled the memory, the happiness in his mother's eyes when he told her. The sheer joy in JJ's eyes when he proposed to her. The smiles and congratulations from the team when they announced their engagement to the team.

Yes, they were both back to work. They'd both been cleared by psychologists to resume their jobs. While they were both taking things slow, and JJ was still going to some sessions on her own will, life was as good as it could get for the two agents.

Spencer's eye caught JJ's and they both smiled.

Everything was right in their world.

They were both blissfully happy.

They were in love.

And in less than a month's time they would finally, rightfully, become husband and wife.

Nothing could be better than that.

AN: This was rather short I know, but I felt like this chapter pretty much wrapped it all up. I didn't want to get too crazy or drawn-out with it. Again THANK YOU ALL for reading this story. I know it was long and very detailed (at times very dark), but I do hope it was enjoyable. This is definitely the most effort I have ever put into writing a story.

I'm not sure where I am going from here. I would love to keep writing, but I don't always have time; certainly not for a big project like this. I do have some one-shots I may eventually post. If I go with something longer I do have a few ideas; including a sequel to "JJ's Hero". Like I said, not sure what, or IF, I will write this, but any input, ideas, suggestions are welcome as always. Thanks again, it's been fun!