Swing, Swing

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto; Kishimoto-sensei does.

A SasuSaku Month Fiction.

1: Conversation

"Sasuke..." Sakura announced into the mobile slowly, "We need to talk." Her her face was scrunched up as if she were in pain.

"Hang on a minuet," her boyfriends voice crackled over the tiny speakers in reply. "I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"This can't wait!" Her eyes snapped open. Fury and tears blurred her vision as she tightened her grip on the blanket wrapped around her tiny form. "I'm sick of always having to wait!"

"I really am sorry, Sakura," Sasuke tried to explain, "There's a... situation that I need to attend to."

"This had better be good, Uchiha," she said dangerously, eyes narrowed.

"I think my brother is hosting an orgy in my bedroom."

Sakura removed the phone from her ear and frowned at it in confusion, giving it a good shake before placing in on the opposite ear.

"Speak up a bit," she advised him, "I must have misheard you; I thought you just said your brother was having an orgy in your bedroom."

"That's what I said." Sasuke reiterated, "Itachi is most likely having coitus with multiple people in my bedroom."

"I seriously doubt that's true, Sasuke." Sakura wiped away her tears and sighed in exasperation. "What even drew you to that conclusion in the first place?"

"Just listen."

A few seconds of silence and then:

"Ahhh! Itachi! More! Give me more!" a distinctly high female voice cried out in elation.

"That's right, you sexy beast!" a male bellowed.

"Uhg! I can't hold it in any more!" another masculine voice groaned. Pants, moans and groans filled Sakura's ear, her cheeks were flushed in embarrassment.

"See what I mean?" Sasuke's said. The questionable noises vanishing as he moved away from the door.

"Bloody hell!"

"What do you think I should do?" he asked. "My physics essay is in there and my lesson starts in half an hour."

Sakura had to fan herself down before answering. "Get out of that apartment, you imbecile!"

"Imbecile?" Sasuke sounded slightly offended and confused. "Why do I need to leave?"

"Well, would you want Itachito be in the same building as you when you're having sex?"

"I suppose not, but-" Sasuke's voice cut off and Sakura heard a loud crash on the other side.

'Did he just drop the phone?'

"Sasuke?" she called into the device. "Sasuke, are you still there?"

There was nothing from the other end until:

"Holy shit!"

"Is this your baby brother, Itachi?"

"He's hot!"

"Sasuke? I thought you were in school!"

"Why did it have to be in my room, you pervert!"

"Let him join us, Itachi!"

"Yeah, he's really cute."

"Stop touching me, you fucking slut!"

"You know you want to, we'll have so much fun!"

"I swear to God, if he goes near them; I'll have his head," Sakura muttered into the speaker in disgust.

"Get off me! I have a girlfriend!"

Sakura smiled softly. 'That was so sweet," she thought, shaking off her blanket and making her way to the bathroom to freshen up, taking the phone with her.

"Gyah!" Sasuke's irritated voice sounded. "Finally got away from those freaks."

"That must have been so embarrassing for you."

"Of course it was!" he exclaimed loudly. "They were all naked!"

Sakura couldn't help but giggle.

"Stop making fun of me!" Still laughing, she leaned towards the bathroom mirror and started applying mascara to her lashes. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

Sakura frowned; she couldn't remember why she'd phoned her boyfriend.

"Nothing, really. We should go out for lunch today, after your lesson," she invented.

"Oh, okay. I'll meet you by the bandstand at 1:15."

"Bye, babe!" Sakura said happily, pressing the end call button. As she rushed around getting ready for her date, the reason why she had phoned her boyfriend occurred to her.

She had called Sasuke to break up with him. It seemed ridiculous to her now. She had truly believed he didn't care about her, that he would jump in bed with the next pretty face that came along wanting to get in his pants, notorious playboy that he was. That wasn't right though.

She loved Sasuke and now-just maybe- he was beginning to fall in love with her, too.

A/N- So I'm writing for SasuSaku month this year!This was difficult for me to write; I don't usually write dialogue, much less hardly diluted phone conversations! I shall try to follow the prompts and post everyday. Not every entry will be this long though, I have a lot of stupid school thing going on this month. If I don't post one day, I'll just do multiple posts when possible.

