Chapter Three:

"Your hair is falling out,"

After those words time appeared to have frozen for North Korea. Completely unaware of everything and everyone around him, he just stared at the clump of hair in his hand. His own hair was falling out. How long how long had he been like this? How long had he no there had to be another reason for this. There was another reason for this. He wasn't starving at all. His boss would have done something about this by now. His incredibly wise and kind boss wouldn't have let his get this unhealthy.

His brown eyes were suddenly burning. "I...I..." Was all he could say.

"Now do you see anniki?" Korea asked. "We want to help you. You can't go on living like this, da-ze~."

Can't go on living like this? Can't go on living like what? Can't go on living successfully, and having happy people? 'No.' North Korea's eyes narrowed. He swallowed hard. "No not true," He muttered darkly. "Not all,"

"What do you mean? Of course it's true." Came Japan's blunt response. The starving nation twisted his head around.

"Shut it, Nihon!" Im Hyung Soo snapped through clenched teeth. "You know nothing! My boss cares about me! He would never hurt me!"

Japan's raises an eyebrow. "Cares about you? I'm sorry to say North Korea, but it seems you know nothing about your boss,"

At this point Korea was just waiting for his twin to leap out of his chair and tackle Kiku to the ground. That would have been a sight to see. However North Korea furious brown eyes flashed and he shot back, "We'll see who knows who once someone tries to bomb your ass. And I'd welcome that."


There was a loud painful slapping sound and North Korea's head was suddenly turned and faced the opposite way of which it was when he arguing with his brother. His cheek suddenly stung sharply and he wouldn't be surprised if there was a hand print on it now. His eyes looked down for a second before darting back up to see a very angry looking China glaring at him, his own hand somewhat pink from his own blow.

"That's enough, both of you, aru!" He growled as he glanced quickly at a somewhat startled Japan. "I won't have you treat each other like this!"

Neither Japan nor North Korea said anything. Not even the normally talkative Korea uttered a word. China closed hs eyes and sighed, rubbing his temples. He was getting too old for this. "Look, North Korea, we just want to help you, aru."

Im Hyung Soo turned his head back. "I do not need any help." He muttered defiantly.

"Yes, you do, aru," Yao retorted, trying to keep his simmering temper from reaching boiling point.

"No," North Korea said again. "I do not,"

That was it. China snapped. Yanking the delusional nation up from the chair he dragged him over to long mirror that was hanging on the opposite wall. "Look at yourself, aru! Look!"And North Korea did look. His complexion was pale, (minus the pink mark on his cheek from China's slap) but then again, it had always been. Dark rings were under his brown eyes, but that was because he hadn't gotten much sleep the past couple of days. He was thin, but that was normal. He had a large greenish purple bruise on his neck, but he had always had bruises on him. He saw nothing wrong, nothing out of the ordinary.

Still, he said in a rather quiet voice. "I...I see nothing wrong,"

China really struggled to not given to the urge to bash North Korea's head into the wall. Instead he quickly ripped open North Korea's shirt, a few buttons coming off and scattering onto the floor. Now, they knew that North Korea was skinny, and malnourished; it was practically common knowledge. But they didn't that he had gotten this bad.

You ever see those starving African kids in those commercials? You know, the ones that always look like they're about to cry while a narrator asks for someone to sponsor them?

Well try to think that, but somehow being twice as bad.

If those kids had seen Im Hyung Soo, they'd be trying to get him a sponsor. The poor nation's skin looked even unhealthier underneath. Sure his usually uncovered skin was pale, but at least it was not gray like the sky during a light drizzle. His stomach was shrunken in horribly. His ribs,-dear God his ribs-his ribs were so vividly pronounced that if you didn't know that their owner was still living you would have though that it had been science class's room skeleton with rat hide flung over it. In short North Korea looked so bad that it was a miracle that he was still living, let alone being able to walk around and talk.

If this story was a drinking game, and you had to take a drink every time it got quiet, then you'd have to take a drink now.

For that's what happened. It got quiet, ghastly quiet. So quiet that it made the last time it had gotten quiet seem as loud as screamo band concert. A heavy layer of horror and shock filled the air. From what they could tell if their emaciated brother had actually been aware that his country fired a missile it was his last stand and he wanted to go out with a bang.

Yao swallowed hard as he felt North Korea tremble in grasp. Never in his entire four thousand-year old life did he ever see someone this underweight and not dead. He hoped his brother was seeing how horrible he looked."Well North Korea," He started softly. "Do you still think you don't need help, aru? Tell me, is this what a healthy person looks like? Does a healthy person look like their going to drop dead any moment, aru?"

China reached up and snatched another clump of hair from the trembling nation's head. "Does a healthy person's hair fall out like this, aru?" He asked again, his voice harder this time. The rest of his siblings said nothing as the show continued.

"Does a healthy person have a bruise,-a choke bruise, on them, aru? Do you want to tell me how you got it, aru?"

At this point Im Hyung Soo was shaking as bad as if he was standing in the middle of an earthquake. '...Not true...there has to be another explanation for long have I looked like this...?'

"Well, aru?"

A moment later North Korea managed to stutter out, "I...I-"

"No," China cut him off swiftly. "It is not what you did. It's what he did, your boss, aru. He choked you, didn't he?"

In a feebly protest, North Korea shook his head and said desperately. "No, no! He didn't! He would never hurt me! He loves me!"

That only frustrated Yao more. "If that monster loved you he wouldn't have let you become this, aru! If he cared about you he wouldn't let your people starve! He loved you he wouldn't have choked you, aru! Damn it, Im Hyung Soo I raised you better than this, aru! You don't deserve to be treated like this, aru! You know that!"

Take another drink 'cause it just got quiet

...It couldn't be true. His boss did love him. He always said that he did. His boss always had his best interests at heart. His very wise and loving boss always said he was doing great. Is...was this what great looked like...? Did doing great look like doing awful? His walls were cracking. Did doing great include fainting and your hair falling out? His walls cracked again. Did great look like you should be dead by now?

"Im Hyung Soo," China's voice again, but this time it was much gentler. "You can't go on like this, aru. You can't, you won't be able to, aru. If you do, you will die."

Die. For some reason that word deeply frightened him. He did not want to die. He had gone from thinking that he was perfectly healthy this morning to someone telling him he was on death's doorstep. No, he was perfectly fine! Wasn't he...? Yes, yes he was! No, no he wasn't! Yes, yes he-!

Fine did not look like this! Fine was not a walking skeleton! Fine was not was he was! It was all a lie! All a lie!

And then it hit North Korea like a freight train carrying two hundred tons of bricks. Everything he knew was a lie. Everything he had been taught was false. His boss-all the bosses he had ever had been lying to him! He had been wrong all along! terrible feeling of shock and helplessness swept up the poor nation. What was he to do now? How did he...what was he...?

It all came crashing down on him. Im Hyung Soo's walls finally shattered and he admitted defeat. Hanging his head, he felt tears start to run down his pale cheeks. "'re...alright."


"You're right," He said louder, trying to still his quivering voice. "I know that I am not fine. I know I need help. I know that I am not-"

"Suppose to be here,"

You know, instead of taking another drink, just slam the bottle or glass down and watch it shatter and you'll get the exact feeling all the nations got when they heard that voice.

There, standing in the door way between to armed bodyguards was none other than North Korea's boss, Kim Jong-il. They nations stood there, stunned and almost frightened by the man's sudden appearance. He just smiled and took a step forward toward China and the trembling North Korea.

"Not suppose to be here." He said again. "Poor North Korea, I would be crying too if I was forcefully taken from my home. Oh, and look. They've ruined your shirt. Oh, don't worry; we'll get you a new one."

The man spoke in a sickening, obviously false understanding , the man's very presence was sickening.

Kim Jong-il suddenly looked at China his fake kind face melting into a stern one and he frowned. "China," He said sharply. "Would you be so kind as to let my nation go? You're frightening him."

'Your nation?' A disgusted thought ran through Yao's head. 'I'm frightening him?' Though it was the very last thing the four thousand-year old nation wanted to do, he did not want to risk his siblings getting shot by the two guards and would undoubtedly shoot if ordered to. So, very reluctantly and slowly, he released his younger brother from his grasp.

Smiling somewhat smugly, the North Korean leader then said in the same mockingly sincere voice, "I'm sorry, North Korea. We came as soon as we could. Gentlemen, please show North Korea to the car. I'll be there shortly."

The two guards glanced at each other before one asked, "Are you sure, sir?"

The man turned his head and smiled. "Of course. I'll be fine. I just want to have a little chat with my friends."

The guards looked at each other again but then nodded. Kim Jong-il turned back to his trembling nation. "Come along, North Korea,"

Eyes still teary, Im Hyung Soo quietly said, "But..."

However his weak protest was cut off as his boss raised and eyebrow and North Korea flinched as if struck. "I...yes sir..."

And with his head hanging low, North Korea walked slowly towards the door. Just as he was about to leave, Korea, who possibly never been quiet for this long in his life except when he was sleeping suddenly burst out, "North Korea!"

His twin froze and turned his head. His brown eyes were dull and hopeless.

Korea swallowed hard. "I...we love you."

And just for a second Im Yong Soo thought he saw spark of shock flash in his brother's sad eyes before they returned to normal.

"But I love him more," The mad leader retorted. "Now run along, North Korea."

Hesitantly, the nation followed orders and was guided away from his siblings. Korea wanted to chase after his brother and save him, but his legs wouldn't move for some strange reason. Once the front door was heard sliding shut, all eyes were on the North Korean leader.

"Gentlemen," He began friendly enough, "I know what happened here was not a kidnapping. I know that North Korea went willingly and I assure you; he will not be punished."

"You're lying," Yao muttered. "I saw the condition he was in, the bruise on his neck. We all saw it, aru."

"Well, North Korea's always been how people would say a 'klutz'. Honestly, I could give him all the training in the world and he'd still trip over his own two feet."

"That is not true, aru." China hissed. "I raised him before you were even born, aru. I know what he is really like."

"Really?" Kim Jong-il sneered. "You raised Japan here too, didn't you? You thought you knew what he was like. That is, until he quite literally stabbed you in the back."

"That was long time ago, aru!" The four thousand-year old nation snapped. "Kiku was a different person back then!"

"Oh, you still call him by his human name?" The leader asked. "After everything he's done? Well then, China answer this; will you forgive North Korea if he ends up killing Japan and South Korea?"

"My brother would never do that, da-ze~!" Korea protested furiously.

"Are you sure? He seemed like he would during the Korean war, and he's gotten even stronger now. Maybe he won't kill you, but he will take over you. You and your twin will finally be reunited. In the best future alive, in the worst in death."

At this point all thought left Korea's body and he lunged at the cruel man, wanting to tear him limb-from-limb. Luckily, Japan grabbed him just time and held him back, the angry Korean struggling and shouting profanities.

The leader just smirked."I can get North Korea to do anything I want him to," He chuckled. "He'll listen to whatever I say."

"He still won't do it, aru."

"Oh, if he won't do it. I will. All it takes is just a push of a button these days. Oh and Nihon. I will hit my target eventually."

"I'd like to see you try," Japan growled.

Kim Jong-il just smiled again. "Oh I will, don't worry. And very soon, you'll be next, South Korea."

Im Yong Soo was just starting to cease his swearing and struggles. "You just try, you bastard!"

"I already told you that I will. No matter what the costs. They say a captain always goes down with his ship."

"North Korea is more than just a 'ship', aru. He's a person too! You can't treat him like this, aru."

"Japan treated him no better." Kiku winced.

China then muttered very darkly, "You're a mad man."

"We shall see."


The journey home long and quiet. His boss didn't say anything to him at all. No one did. It was eerily silent all the way. Im Hyung Soo was tired, but did not fall asleep on during the trip. No, he was much too anxious for that. He knew his boss knew that he he hadn't been forcefully taken away. His clever boss didn't think that for a second. Not knew what he had done was bad. He had broken the number one rule, and now he was going to pay for it. His boss would undoubtedly be mad, no, furious with him. His boss would punish him for sure. You see, even though his boss was very kind and loving he was also very strict. North Korea cringed. How could he be so stupid?

When he arrived home, his boss instructed him to follow him into dining area. There at the table was a small bowl of white rice with a pair of chopsticks. North Korea was surprised. Wasn't he going to be punished? Wasn't food a reward, something he didn't deserve? He stared at the food before his leader's voice made him jump.

"Eat up, North Korea. You've had a long, fretful day." Though his boss's voice was cheery, it was still an order.

Not wanting to further anger his leader, North Korea sat down and cautiously began to eat. It tasted alright and nothing was happening to him yet. Yes, of course his boss wasn't trying to poison him. Why would he? His boss loved him, right? Right...?When he was half way done his boss spoke to him again. "Those other countries didn't hurt you, did they North Korea?"

North Korea stopped eating and looked up. He swallowed. "No, sir."

"You were crying when we got there?" His boss pointed out. "Why?"

Suddenly a rock felt like it had been dropped into the nation's stomach. "I..."

"You said 'I am not' when I entered. What aren't you?"

Biting his lip, he knew he had to say something. "They said I was weak, sir. But I know I am not."

Kim Jong-il nodded. "Ah, so you were saying that you were not weak?"

"Yes, sir." The knots in his stomach seemed to lessen.

"But you were crying. Why?"

The knots in his stomach returned and tripled. "I..." What was he supposed to say?

Suddenly his leader sighed. "It's alright, North Korea," He said while walking over to the nation. "You do not have to tell me if you don't want to. I think I already know."

He did? Im Hyung Soo forced himself not to shudder at that thought. "Sir...?"

"What else did I want to tell you? Oh yes, we will be embargoing all products from China."

Now that North Korea knew wouldn't be good at all. "But sir, more than half are imports are from China."

"Your point? You should be grateful that you are still trading with your brother South Korea. Besides, " His boss put a hand on his bony shoulder. "We are quiet capable of taking care of ourselves, aren't we?"

It still didn't seem right. "But, sir..."

The hand on his shoulder tightened its grip hard. "Yes, North Korea?"

Knots tripled again. "I...nothing, sir."

The grip relaxed slightly. "Are you sure?" His boss asked. "No questions, concerns or complaints?"

In an instant North Korea remembered something. "Just one, sir." He said meekly.


"My hair," Im Hyung Soo started slowly, reaching up and easily pulling a small tuft from his head. "Seems to be falling out."

His boss just patted his shoulder. "Oh that? That is nothing to be concerned with. You see, weak old hair is falling out so new, healthy hair can take its place."

Oh. Oh. That made sense. Perfect sense, he should have thought of that before. "I see. Thank you, sir."

Smilng and removing his hand from the nation, he stated the following, "You're welcome, North Korea. Now once you finish your dinner I want you to up to your room and get rest, alright?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good night then."

"Good night, sir." His boss he was finishing his meal, Im Hyung Soo couldn't help but feel more uneasy than he should have.

Over the next few days North Korea noticed some changes. His laptop was gone. That gave him a sinking feeling. His boss did know what had really happened. But he never spoke up about it. In fact his boss was nowhere to be found. Curious though he was about Kim Jong-il's where abouts, he never asked about it. He more than likely wouldn't get an answer anyways.

Besides, that was the least troubling of his changes. More of his hair was falling out and he failed to notice any new hair growing in. He didn't complain though. He knew it wouldn't do him any good. His boss must be very busy and probably didn't want to be bothered by his trivial imperfections.

No, he didn't utter a word of woe when walking up the stairs seemed to tire him out much more than it did before. He didn't whine when he would stand and then suddenly wake up on the floor after hours had apparently passed. No, though it was troubling and soon after frightening him, he didn't say a thing.

Days passed and North Korea had barely gotten anything to eat. He wasn't hungry, just feeling horribly weak. Maybe his brothers were right. Maybe he was in trouble. Maybe he should say that's what he decided to do. On the fifteenth of May he was going to confront his boss. No matter how afraid he was he was sure his boss would understand, or at the very least, hear him out.

He never got a chance to tell his boss anything that day, though. He'd been feeling weaker and more tired than usual. He walked slowly to the top of the stairs when that cruel gray fog that had been plaguing him for days returned to his eyes. 'No...not here...' he thought desperately as his limbs went numb again.

'...not here...'

His eyes rolled into the back of his head and Im Hyung Soo fell.


One broken wrist.

Three snapped ribs.

One punctured lung.

One fractured skull.

That was just the beginning of injuries that North Korea had sustained after he had fallen down the steps.

Weight: Sixty eight pounds. Should weigh at least one hundred and twenty five pounds.

Severely dehydrated.

He should have spoken up sooner. But now it was too late.

In a coma.

Much too late.

Unlikely to ever come out.

Something big had happened. His people were rebelling. They were rebelling. They weren't scared anymore. They weren't brainwashed anymore. And neither was Im Hyung Soo. Deep in the recesses of his damaged mind he was through listening to his boss. His boss wasn't loving at all. His boss had caused his destruction as well as his own. A captain always goes down with is ship he had said but he was lying. The coward was fleeing.

His entire land was in chaos; people were rioting in the streets, entire towns up in flames. The military would have stopped them if not more than half of it been on the people's side. Other countries sent in troops to help the part of the army that was trying to maintain order only to be crushed by the resistance.

The people who didn't support the rebellion were dealt with brutally; either exiled or killed. The same went for those still under Kim Jong il's spell. They didn't want anyone to slow them down. They wanted to make a new country; no matter what the died in the great rebellion, and North Korea's already broken body was mauled even more. They had found his boss and most of his family. The government officials were found also. And they were all executed. Kim Jong-il went from being worshipped as a god to being sacrificed like an animal. Some people say that he actually believed he was invincible. He would never know to the extent at how wrong he was.

Then after the executions, the capital was burned to the ground. And with it was Im Hyung Soo. The country of North Korea ceased to exist.


The world was used to these horrible things happening, used to countries coming and going. It was nothing new. But did not make any easier for those who knew them Allies, all except for China, were surprised but not really shocked. They knew something like this was going to happen sooner or later and what do you know, it happened sooner. America sent in relief to North Koreans, er, people in need. England and France did nothing. Russia sent sunflowers to China to help cheer him up, but it didn't work.

Nothing did. China felt like he had failed once again in four thousand-year old life. He felt like he could done more, but in truth if he had done anything, more people would have gotten hurt. And now he just hoped that Im Hyung Soo was happy-where ever he was.

Though they had never liked each other, and the other tried to kill him, Japan could help feel sad for the death of his brother. He never liked North Korea, but he didn't wish for him to burn to death. But more so he felt bad for South Korea. His normally happy brother was more than certainly distraught over what had happened.

And he was distraught over it. No, he was heartbroken. He had failed to save his brother. He'd had been so close to saving him, but he failed anyways. He was just learning about how his twin had died. He had burned to death. People tried to comfort him by saying that North Korea didn't feel anything because he had still been in a coma at the time, but that didn't reassure him. It was still a horrible way to go.

Apparently all that was left of the nation was bone fragments, ashes, and his red hair ribbon which had been taken off of him sometime after he had fallen. That was all. Er-not really. Korea still had his twin's military hat and gun which for some reason no one thought of using when Kim Jong-il had arrived at Japan's house. It was probably for the best that no one did though. Japan gave him North Korea's things claiming that he had no use for them.

The rest of his siblings were slightly troubled, but carried on. Several months later it was like North Korea had never existed. And that just upset Im Yong Soo even more. It was like they didn't even care. He knew he had to move on, but he felt like he couldn't. Maybe it was his brother's things that were stopping him from getting over it? Yeah, that was it. He should go and return them to his brother, or at least return them to his land.

It had been a long time since Korea had actually visited his twin's land. Much of it had changed, that was for sure yet most of it was the same. Forests still blanketed the mountains which remained beautiful as ever. A feeling of nostalgia over came him as he remembered the faithful day where he had gotten stuck upside down and a less-than-amused North Korea got him down.

A small smile tugged at his lips. He wondered if his brother ever reminisced like this. A darker thought replaced the lighter one and Korea wondered if his younger self had the knowledge of things to come would his brother have listened to him? No, no he wouldn't have. North Korea was stubborn and a skeptic and would have just said that he probably had a nightmare or something.

Pacing through the woods he briefly wondered where his brother would like his things to be buried. Or would he like them returned to his capital, or what was left of his capital. Or maybe-

Who was that?

There was a small Asian girl standing just about twelve feet in front of him. She was were traditional Korean clothing and had her long brown hair tied in a long hanging ponytail by red ribbon tied in a bow. She looked like she could be no more than five.

'What's a five year old girl doing this far out in woods?' Korea thought. The girl didn't even seem to be aware of his existence as she was too busy doodling something the dirt with a long stick.

Curiously, Korea walked up to the child. "Hi,"

The girl didn't look up. "Hello."

"Are you lost, da-ze~?"

"No, I know my way back home." A low hanging hair curl hung from the left side of her head.

"What's you name, da-ze~?"

"Im Yang Gae."

"Oh. Mine's Im Yong Soo."


"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Planning out a system of government." She replied simply.

Korea gave a small laugh. "Aren't you a little young to be planning things like government, da-ze~?"

The girl shook her head. "No, my boss said I should start brainstorming ideas."

"Aren't you a little to young to have a boss?" He laughed again. Maybe...

"Do you ever get tired of asking questions?"

"No, why? Do you get tired of answering them, da-ze~?"

"Yes, I need to concentrate."

Im Yong Soo just smiled. "Look kid, I think you should leave the system of government to the people of North Korea, da-ze"

This made Im Yang Gae look up. Her brown gaze was confused. "But I am North Korea. I have to do it."

That made him grin. He had thought so. "Well then, North Korea," He said reaching in to his messenger bag, pulling out his brother's military hat and placing it onto the child's head. "I think this belongs to you, da-ze~."


A/N: Woo, ho-ly shit, it's finished. And. it. took. for. ever! I'm so sorry for the lateness of this was just so hard an awkward to write. If I don't do anything within the next year, Kim Jong il's ghost has killed me. Lol, everyone's so ooc here, and I probably made millions upon millions of mistakes. WAAAAAAHHHH I can't do anything right!

Special thanks to: Illusion Island, 3BFFs, 0o TheLadyLuna 0o, serenity-topaz, A.R.C Fangirl 0w0v, SilentAce and Guest even though your review still hasn't shown up on the review counter yet.

P.S. It's 6:37 PM here and no, I did not stay up all night to finish this.

P.S.S. For behind the scenes follow the link on my profile. It's below my Youtube link. THANKS!


UPDATE 11/1/13: finally got its spell check back. Not that it matters, though.