Chapter One:

Plot: Alternate history. With heartless leader Kim Jong-il still alive, North Korea fired a nuclear missile April 12 2012 towards Japan only for it to be shot down. The asian countries are deeply troubled by their brother's actions, and with world being on the brink of World War Three they see if they can save him from the cruel lies that twist once strong mind.

Rating: T for violence, language, and disturbing scenes

Pairings: Giripan and Rochu if you squint.

Hey, first Hetalia fic, and I'm a little worried that they might be ooc. Human names will be used, and South Korea will be refered to as just Korea most of the time or Im Yong Soo. North Korea will always be addressed as his country name or his human name Im Hyung Soo

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, or any of the countries used in this story. The cover art and North Korea character both belong to Lo-wah.

Korea didn't hate his brother. No, he didn't hate him at all. He loved Im Hyung Soo very much. It was just that they never got to see each other, even though they lived right next to one another. The Korean War had sort of driven wedge between them, and after it was over his brother was never the same. North Korea had always wanted what was best for him, ever since they were kids. And when he couldn't convince his brother to convert to communism, he just cut himself off from him.

But now Im Yong Soo knew that what his brother had thought was best, turned out to be the worst.

He'd seen the news. He knew that his brother was in bad shape: what with all the food and power shortages, lack of human rights, lack of a proper economy and re-education/labour camps. Plus the fact that his brother's boss was completely out of his freaking mind didn't help either. What he thought had been best had turned his world upside down, backwards, and shook it till it was unrecognizable. Yes, he had known, and he did desperately want to help North Korea, help turn the country around, change him for the better but his boss said that would lead to disaster; first off his brother had large amounts of nuclear missiles, and God knew what else.

Korea was convinced that his brother didn't have the guts to actually launch one of those things, that he was all bark and no bite. He'd never do that.

He had been wrong. Dead wrong.

His brother had gone through with it. He fired a missile at his brother,- no not him-at his other brother, Japan. The attack had been completely unprovoked, and would of lead to the death of thousands-if not millions of innocent people if Kiku's goverment had found out about it and intercepted it, and shot it down.

The whole world had been shocked at the sudden attack. Japan of course was mad, and surprised. He and Im Hyung Soo didn't get along but he didn't expect him to attack him like that. America was pissed because his buddy almost got nuked, again, and the fact that if Japan had gotten nuked he would have lost his major supplier of video games. China, being the protective older brother that he was, was furious and worried for both siblings involved. Russia was just surprised that North Korea guts to use weapons of mass destruction on such a tiny nation as Japan. England and France expressed concern for the two nations, though England was a little more vulgar with his statement about the incident. Italy was terrified for Kiku, and for the fact that he thought he'd get bombed next, while Germany said he would send in military assistance if war was declared.

His other siblings were all concerned, but with varying degrees. Vietnam was surprised, but nothing much other than that. Taiwan called Japan practically every five minutes to see if he was alright, and Hong Kong really didn't seem to care, but being deadpan as usual it was difficult to tell what he really thought.

Korea was mortified. His brother...North Korea...Im Hyung Soo had really gone through with it. He couldn't believe it as he heard the news from America on what happened. He listened in disbelief as tears dripped down his face.

"But that can't be, da-ze~!" He cried. "North Korea would never do that!"

He heard Alfred sigh, and reply, "I'm sorry dude, believe me, I'm just as pissed off as you are upset, but your brother did it. He tried to nuke Japan."

"Are...are you sure...? Im Yong Soo asked.

"Yeah dude," America answered solemnly. "Japanese officials said that the object they shot down was in fact an atomic nuclear missile."

"I...okay then. Later." Korea hung up before Alfred could say anything. He sighed bitterly, resting his head on his hand. He couldn't believe this. Infact he wouldn't until asked Japan himself what had happened.

And that is what he did.


Japan was not one who got angry easily. As seen with his friend Greece, he had a hard time getting mad. He would get upset, and flustered, but not angry. He was too patient, and reserved for that.

Except when it came to being attacked. To be more specific being bombed.

That made him furious. To think that someone had the nerve to drop a bomb on him, again, was unthinkable. Kiku knew the damage that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused (he'd been in searing pain and bed-ridden for months when it had happened) and from what his boss told him the bomb shot down was more than twice as destructive. And to make it worse they figured out that if the missile hadn't been stopped it would have finished its destination at Tokyo.

So yes, Japan was very relieved that his people had been saved from the agony of being nuked, but even more mad at the very fact that he almost had been. Though you couldn't really tell (other than his flushed cheeks and somewhat narrowed eyes) he was enraged. It didn't make matters better when he found out it was his brother North Korea was the one who fired it.

Now, he already did not like North Korea, South Korea was admittingly annoying but Japan did love him as a brother should. It was just that North Korea was a different story. You see, unlike his brother, Im Hyung Soo and his government never got over the fact that Japan colonized him in mid to earlier twentieth century. Kiku was truly sorry for what he had done, and on many occasions before he was no longer allowed to visit North Korea he sincerely apologized to his younger brother, but to no avail. After that Japan just gave up and let his brother hate him.

And in return Japan started to hate him when he found out that some of his people had been abducted by North Korean officials, even though Im Hyung Soo's boss said that they hadn't done that.

That was other thing about his brother that irritated Japan; North Korea just couldn't tell the truth. No, he had to make up all these stupid stories, like how he had found a cave rich with coal, (The supposed coal filled cave had just been painted black) and Kiku had just learned that the leader of North Korea denied that they had fired a missile, and that they had launched a satellite. A satellite. A nuclear missile is not a satellite. They weren't even trying anymore. At all.


There was a knock at the door. Japan hastily said goodbye to Greece and hung up the phone. He sighed as went to go open it. Now was not the time, not when he was this stressed out.

He opened the door, and saw none other than Korea and China. Great...

"I am sorry, but now is not the time to visit. Please come by later," Japan said as he tried to close only for it to be stopped by China's foot.

"Japan, we have to talk, aru,"

"Can't it wait till later?" Japan asked feeling his stress levels rise. Really, all he wanted was some time alone to calm his nerves. "I am very busy."

"I'm sure you are, aru," China replied. "But this cannot wait. We have to talk. All of us, aru," Japan glanced at a troubled looking Korea.

Japan looked back over at China be closing his eyes and sighing. "Alright," He opened the door. "Come in,"

After gathering around the small table, and being silent for a few moments, Korea felt something brush against his side. He looked down to see a small gray cat staring up at him with large blue eyes. "Aww, "He cooed, feeling a bit like his old self, reaching out to pet the little animal. "I've never seen you around here before, da-ze~."

"Oh, I just got her," Japan said. " Her name is Suki. Greece gave her to me."

"Why, aru?" China asked as he scratched the kitten's ears as she curled up onto Korea's lap.

"He said that cats relieve stress, and since I have been very stressed out because of the...incident...he thought he'd give me one." Japan clarified, and the mood grew gloomy once more.

"Right," China mumbled as he dragged his gaze back to Kiku. "That incident is what we came here to talk about, aru."

Japan raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Japan," Korea sighed as he looked up from the cat. "Were you really...was the thing you shot down really a-"

"A missile?" Kiku cut in. "Yes, it was definitely a missile. And a very powerful one at that, more than twice as devastating as the ones that were used on me before."

Im Yong Soo winced, and looked down at the cat now sleeping on his lap, and wishing he could be as carefree as her. "So it's true, da-ze~,"

"Unfortunately, it is," Japan grumbled.

"That's not the only reason we're here, aru," Yao's voice caused Korea to look up. "Is it Korea?"

"No, it's not," Korea sighed as he admitted. "We wanted to talk about North Korea,"

Kiku's mood instantly worsen. "What about him?" 'Other than he's a complete psycho, and ruthless dictator,'

"I'm...we're worried about him," Im Yong Soo murmured. "He's...he's in trouble,"


"He says he's doing great, but he's not. A nation is only as healthy as their people and his people are starving, and treated in the worst way ever. And I wanted to help him,"

"And we are, aru," Japan looked over at China with surprised eyes. "Because he is coming over here."

Dead silence. China half expected Japan to rip out his katana, or throw something, or at the very least yell.

Instead he got a very low, very cold, very flat, and very angry, "What?"

"North Korea... Im Hyung is coming over," Korea braced for impacted.

Japan growled, his normally peach colored cheeks flushing red. "I will not allow this," He stated bluntly as he got up from the table. "How did you even get him to agree to visit?"

Korea looked up. " I'm not even sure how, or how I managed to hack into his email account, but he's coming over at five. "

Kiku glanced at the clock. It was three-thirty, and let out another growl. "Does his boss know about this?"

"No, not at all," Korea said. "And that's probably the only way he'd be able to come."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Japan suppressed the urge to whack his brother on the head. "Do you know how much trouble we could get into if his boss finds out about this? We could all get killed! Who knows how many missiles he has? You could have very well have ended the world because of this foolish decision!"

"What about Im Hyung Soo?" Korea suddenly demanded, slamming his fist on to the table. The cat woke, startled. "What about my brother-our brother? We can't just stand and watch as he destroys himself! We have to help him!"

"How do you suppose we do that?" Japan asked in a frustrated tone. "We've tried helping him before, only to be insulted for our kindness."

"We have to speak to him directly. In the past, all our efforts to relieve him have failed because his boss takes all the aid for himself and lies to him. If we speak to North Korea face-to-face we have a chance." Korea suddenly bit his lip and added very quietly, "I don't want you to go to war with him."

Japan's brown eyes soften. "I never said that I would."

"I know," Korea said softly. "But I just don't want to see my brothers fighting. We have to try and reason with him, da-ze~."

"He'll never listen to us." Japan argued.

"Not us, but he'll listen to China." Both nations looked at Yao.

"Korea may be right, aru," China sighed as he stood up. "I have the closest ties with him, so I might be able to get through to him, aru."

Japan still looked cynical about the whole idea. "So what? How do we know if North Korea isn't going to invade us while he's visiting?"

China walked over and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "We just have to trust him, and see if we can convince him to change, aru."

Japan sighed again, "So this is going to be how America would say an 'intervention'?"

"Pretty much, aru." Japan suddenly stared at Korea.

"What?" The normally happy-go-lucky nation asked. Kiku blinked.

"Oh nothing," He said. "It was just that I was waiting for you to say that interventions come from you."

"Oh," Korea blinked too, "Well they do, in case you're wondering, da-ze~."

A/N: Okay first chapter done. Wow that was harder than I thought. I had it all planned out in my head, (okay mostly the later chapters) but I just couldn't figure out how to word them as they kept on changing. This being my first Hetalia story, I'm concerned that the characters may be a little ooc. Both South Korea's and North Korea's real names were a little confusing as I wasn't sure is the 'Soo' part of them was their last name or not, but I searched around some other fics and found that the 'Soo' part was always written when addressing them with their human name. I'm also worried that the story seems bland so far, but it'll get more detailed next chapter, promise. I think this is gonna be a three part story, but it might be a four part since I suspect chapter three will be really long.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and don't forget to review. I need reviews no matter how short! I need to be kept motivated!

P.S. Finished this at 5:41 AM and boy is my neck killing me!

P.S.S. The most annoying thing about writing this is as all the research I had to do. And still probably screwed a lot of things up. Feel free to scold me for everything that's wrong.