I knooooooooooow it's been a long time since this updated and half of you have me on alerts will be wondering "Wait, what's that fanfic? I don't remember putting it on alerts." And you are completely right to feel that way. I honestly got so busy with everything that I got used to not writing and forgot about this fic quite a bit, and when I remembered it, there was only roiling guilt inside my heart that made me want to curl up and hide from you all further. But! I did start this fic, and there may still be some of you waiting around or at least vaguely interested in figuring out how it ends, so I'm going to do my best to finish it. There are no excuses that are good enough to get rid of how long this took me, and hopefully I'll be able to keep to my own promises and actually have a semi-realistic update time for the chapter after this.

So without further ado, I turn it over to my editor and friend Jax (Thanks gurl you da bomb). She might want to leave a note IDK. If she doesn't then you'll just see the story under this. Also I bet none of you read this that's okay I don't always either. (Especially when it's this long.)

Jax: For those who didn't read what Sarah wrote, just read it for a long explanation as to why she went hiatus. A huge thank you to everyone who supported this, favourited it, reviewed this, followed this, or even just read Opposites Attract! We love you guys.

As always, we do not own Hetalia or the countries.

(1P!Romano, England and Bad Touch Trio)

"Well," England's voice was saturated with surprise as he pulled back from the phone, the beeping of a disconnected call keening down the line.

Romano huffed. "I thought you said he was the nice one. He sure seemed nice, hanging up like that when we needed help! Are all your kids brats?"

England pursed his lips. "Like you're one to talk when you've never raised any underlings and Spain did such a fantastic job of cultivating your manners."


"England," France cut in with a frown, "Did he really hang up? That doesn't seem like usual behaviour from mon petit."

"Hey isn't yours," England snapped back. "He is a fully sovereign nation with the ability to act independently to the rest of us."

"Well, he certainly didn't pick up most of his habits from you, sourcils massifs.1"

"I'm not sure what you just said to me, but taking past history into account I'm going to assume it was insulting and take offence."

"It takes that much just for you to figure out you were insulted and you're still not entirely sure?"

"Why you—"

"Okay I know you can't all be as awesome as I am, but unfortunately, even my own awesome is not enough to save Canada by myself. So wrap it up, ladies."

The Brit immediately rounded on Prussia, looking ready to go another round with him, but Spain jumped in. "Hey! I know that you're in a sour mood, GB, but we're sort of working on a deadline here."

"GB?" England was flabbergasted.

"Great Britain," Romano sighed.

Prussia frowned. "You know what, I'm leaving without all of you. You take longer than a woman before a date." He strode towards the door, Gilbird flying over to land on his shoulder, puffing up to ready himself for any oncoming adversaries.

"You leave before us and I'll tell Hungary you said that," France snapped and the Prussian suddenly froze, his bird nestling into the crook of his shoulder in fear.

"Nein," he whispered dramatically.

"Let's get out of here before the universe either collapses or we tear each other to shreds, yes?" England snapped, stalking into the hallway and shoving past the suspended Prussian.

"Someone's testy," France grumbled.

(2P! And 1P!Canada)

Canada sat huddled in the corner of his long couch, Kumajiro settled across his knees. He was nervous and scared, but there was a part of him that said it could be worse. Despite that the two men arguing across from him were genuinely massive in size, at least they didn't seem to be paying him any mind. He'd probably miss any of the violence they were throwing off in waves from their person. At least, as long as Kumajiro didn't feel like asking who he was again and bringing their attention back to him.

"You promised me!" The dark red headed one cried, clutching at the strands of hair falling around his sunglasses. "You promised that we'd find my alternate; that we'd take his power!"

"And we will," the other snarled, this other version of him that he couldn't relate to himself in a million years, "Just give it time."

"How much more time?"

"As much goddamn time as I need!"

"Well could you possibly hurry it up, because I'm getting pretty hungry since there's absolutely nothing to eat around here."

"Oh fuck your vegetarianism."

"Excuse me!"

"I'm your brother, not your goddamn nanny!"

"It's not my fault I can't eat raw moose like a savage!"

"You're seriously pushing your luck if you want me to help you!"

"Yeah, because you've been so helpful this far!"

His opposite suddenly spun around, pinning his brother to the wall. "Shut up, America."

The mask of anger fell away from the country's face, a vulnerable look of frustration and desperation taking its place. "I'm just worried we'll run out of time, Matt. You don't know anything about inter-dimensial travel besides what you got out of Dad when he was drunk and there's probably a lot of holes in what we know. What if we stay too long and can't go back? What then, Matt?"

The other country pulled back slightly, his face going from inches away to a comfortable distance; the tight grip his fingers held on his brother's shoulder softening. It was the closest that the smaller Canada had seen his tough, plaid-wearing, axe-bearing, lumberjack self come to softness. "Trust me, Al. We'll get what we came for."

He shivered at those words and the undercurrent they held. Kumajiro pushed his nose into the space between his knobby knees and Canada patted his head softly.

Suddenly his alternate turned his head towards him and Canada shrank back into the couch, his smaller frame feeling weak and useless in the face of this towering, violent giant. "You got a way out of here, kid?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" His breath caught in his throat.

The American alternate snorted. "It's called a car. I know it's remote up here, but geez."

The other Canada let go of his brother's shoulders, striding towards the door. "Like you're one to talk. Your country is so freakishly eco-friendly that I'm surprised you know the word car."

The original Canada startled involuntarily at that. A world where his brother's people barely drove? What a strange place indeed.

"Now," The lumberjack-like Canadian gave a wicked grin to the other two men occupying the room with him. "Shall we let the others know we're here?"

(1P!Romano, England, and Bad Touch Trio)

"Yay! Road Trip!" Spain spared a glance off of the road for just a moment to grin at Romano through the rearview mirror. His underling glowered.

"It's my car," he muttered. "I don't understand why I couldn't drive."

"Me either!" Britain cut in.

"Because," France said, turning to face them from his place in the passenger seat and pointing at Romano, "You are Italian," he switched the finger to England, "and you drive on the wrong side of the road half the time."

"My driving's fine!"

"This is a car, not a pirating galleon!"

"Have you looked at your bloody traffic circles?"


"I thought we weren't letting France drive because he would be too busy fighting with England to drive?" Spain asked.

"Pardon?" France snapped in a heavy French accent.

"You wanker!" England chimed in.

Romano put his fingers to his temples to stifle a headache. Prussia cradled Gilbird in his hands from where the bird wanted to jump out the window and race the car.

"Why can't we just teleport again?" The Italian muttered, slumping lower in his seat.

"I'm worried the universe is too unstable to handle a lot of jumping right now." England explained, "I'm hoping to drive as close as possible to the coast and then take us from there. It might not seem like much of a distance difference, but with the number of us, it could be the factor between splitting our world apart and keeping it together long enough to save it."

"Wouldn't a plane be better?"

"Do you think we have time to book a flight, Romano?"

"Don't turn your fucking stupid questions back on me!"

The Englishmen opened his mouth, but Spain cut him off. "Don't mind him. He acts angry when he's upset."

"Don't psychoanalyze me you dumb bastard! I'm just angry because I'm stuck in a car with all of you idiots!"

Prussia reached over and physically restrained England. It was to the surprise of everyone in the car that he suddenly stopped struggling, eyes glued outside the car, mouth gaping. "What in the bloody hell...?"


China stretched, folding his silk robe around him further. Night was falling over Shanghai, and he was nearly ready to retire after a long day. Tomorrow he would stay in Beijing but tonight, he would appreciate this city's skyline. Pulling back from the window, China's yawn died in its throat, his eyes locked on the sky above his sky scrapers. There, in wavering lines like watercolor, the northern lights danced. Which, frankly, was impossible, since he was almost certain there was no place in his country northern enough to see them.

Dread churned in his gut and he hurried over to his telephone. Dialing the number, he waited for it to ring a couple times and then only gave enough time to listen to the click telling him the other line had picked up before he was speaking.

"Japan," he gasped, "look out your window."

"What?" The Asian country asked, sounding vaguely baffled, but China was relieved to hear him padding through his house. "Why would you call me of all people just me to look out my window?"

"First country I thought of around my latitude."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just look,"

China almost imagined he could hear the country's confusion radiating down the line, but Japan didn't say anything else. He could hear a slight intake of breath and knew that Japan had seen what he had.

"What is that?"

"It looks like the northern lights."

"We're nowhere near high enough for that."

"I know. That's why I was wondering if you could see it. They're floating around Shanghai too and I'm assuming that's not my only city."

There was a pause and then... "Something's wrong?"

China shook his head. "I'm going to call some other countries and check in with them."

The two countries bid each other goodbye, too baffled to bring any of their usual ire into the conversation. If either had stopped to really think about it, then they might have realised it was one of the most civil conversations they'd had in years.

(1P!All those people back in the car whose names I don't care to list just scroll back it's not that hard)

They all looked at the sky for the rest of the short ride down to the coastline. Spain kept his eyes mostly on the road, but his eyes darted up periodically.

"Are you sure mon petit is all right now, England?" France whispered.

England shook his head. "I think we should go straight to Matthew's cabin."

"This may be one of the only times we agree on something."

"Cazzo," Romano groaned, "The universe really must be splitting apart if you two are actually getting along for once."

"Just listen to your elders, you brat."


The car rolled to a stop, and the Englishmen reached over Prussia, opening the door and roughly ushering the other country out of the door, scrambling out after him. "Come on, all of you!"

The other countries piled out, convening around the short blond man, all of them fixing on the sky. England sighed, pulling down the cuffs of his shirt. "Let's ride, shall we, gentlemen?"

(More to come...)

1 I used google translate for this one and it's supposed to mean massive eyebrows so-

AN: Okay! So that's it for now and I'm not sure when I'm going to update again. Probably not until after finals, to be honest. This semester has been especially heavy. However, because this has taken me so long to update, I'm planning to expand on my original plotline. I had planned for it to not be much longer than this, maybe even just a chapter, but because of how long I've left you all hanging, that doesn't really seem fair. I'm not sure how much longer, since I'm basically winging a plotline, but it's alright.

Jax: Once again, thank you to everyone. Trust me, every review, story alert, follower alert, some-other-super-duper-thing alert we receive really helps a lot and is highly appreciated. It's a great motivation for Sarah herself and so, we hope that you've enjoyed this chapter and feel free to review/follow/favourite/be awesome! Anyways, catch you guys later!