Sherry here. Okay, first off, I am NOT discontinuing any fics! 'Half-brothers' and 'Shumi in Mafialand' WILL be continued by me but I just need time. ALOT of time. This fic is also rather recent and I will try my best to update it regularly. 'Tsunaru' will still be ongoing, but I am currently going through a MAJOR writer's block for that fic. Please understand! I do not own KHR or 07-ghost by the way. Oh and beware of OOC-ness.

"As the 315th class of our honorable Millifieore empire's Military Academy, we are the elite chosen to be potential soldiers of Hohburg Fort. Let us all endeavor to become superb fighters who will not bring shame to the name of the empire."

Mochida smirked smugly as he finished his 'awesome' speech, the principal smiled in approval, "Mochida-kun is always so reliable, I'd expect no less than the son of the honorable Gokudera family. I've heard the level of this year's students is very high." He commented to Nezu sensei who was seated next to him.

"This isn't the end, out of the 500 people taking the graduation exam, only 20 will pass and become honorable Begleiters." Nezu smiles fondly as he catches sight of a certain black haired teen and a brown haired 'boy', "From this point on, they'll face their greatest obstacle."

"Look, it's chairman Checkface's favorite student."

"Always wearing that sour face, it pisses me off, acting so high and mighty."

"Can that Chibi even keep up in class?"

"Oi oi, don't piss him off, or else he'll get the chairman to expel you."

"Did you know he was a battle sklave before?"

"No way! You serious?"

Tsunayoshi twitched slightly at the loud whispers of 'his' classmates. Oh how 'he' itched to release his sky attribute zaiphon on the poor souls who dared talk bad about 'him'. 'His' chocolate brown hair as untamed as ever framed 'his' heart shaped face as 'his' chocolate brown orbs with flecks of amber and gold scanned the hall 'he' was entering. Checking 'himself' for any crease or button unbuttoned that could scream imperfection, 'he' sidestepped to the left to avoid 'his' best friend for a year, Yamamoto Takeshi's death glomp.

"Tsuna~ Why won't you let me hug you?" Yamamoto whined like a spoiled child. His tanned skin and jet black hair were the heart throb of the female population (Not that there were a lot of them), he uses a rain attribute zaiphon and has a visible scar on his chin. Tsunayoshi sighed as 'he' shook 'his' head at 'his' friend's antics, 'his' hands still busy with the file 'he' was sorting out and was required to bring to 'his' next class. Yamamoto simply grinned after he recovered and ruffled his friend's hair, marvelling at how deceptively soft it was despite it's spiky appearance.

"Let's eat lunch together, 'kay?" With that question, Tsunayoshi raised an eyebrow at 'his' friend, nodding as he knew even if he declined, the swordsman would still insist on it until 'he' agreed.

"You should really stop hanging around me, they'll start badmouthing you too..." Tsunayoshi murmured, 'his' voice as soft as a humming birds wing fluttering. But 'his' heart contradicted his words as 'he' felt ridiculously happy at Yamamoto's stubborn attitude.

"Class, today we'll be reviewing what Zaiphons are." Ignoring the collective groans and mumbles of complaint resounding throughout the lecture hall, Nezu sensei simply continued what he was paid to do. "Zaiphon, as you all know, is the ability to convert mana, the life energy that souls are believed to be made of, into various forms of energy. Zaiphon appears to be influenced by the emotion of the user, as the angrier the person becomes the more aggressive the words are written, so the stronger the attack. Each person's Zaiphon is unique, currently you are being taught to control the flames residing in your hearts, each flame has a different effect when converted into Zaiphon."

As Nezu droned on about the review of Zaiphon, he recalled a particular absentee and halted his lecture to turn to said student. "By the way, Sawada Tsunayoshi, you haven't been attending my practical skill lessons, it makes me sad..." Nezu joked, his smiling face slightly irritating the brunette.

"I am sure you've been informed that I was excused from all general practical lessons." Tsunayoshi retorted back, 'his' eyes staring straight back at 'his' teacher. Nezu simply huffed and went on with his lecture, obviously pouting.

"As I was saying, our dying will flames have a different effects once converted into Zaiphon, Lightning attribute Zaiphon protects rather than destroy, trapping the target in a barrier until someone of destructive Zaiphon destroys the victim. Sun attribute Zaiphon heals physical wounds but a skilled sun flame user will be able to heal psychological wounds as well. Cloud, Mist and Storm Zaiphon are all destructive Zaiphon which destroys anything the user aims his Zaiphon at, with Cloud attribute Zaiphon being the strongest attribute. Rain attribute Zaiphon is a neutral Zaiphon, in other words, it can be used to either attack or heal, mostly choose to use the latter as Rain attribute Zaiphon is a weak attack Zaiphon. The rarest type of Zaiphon is the Night attribute Zaiphon which is a Manipulative Zaiphon, it's not only effective in healing but it also makes a good destructive type Zaiphon too. " Nezu wrote down everything he had said on the board using his Storm attribute Zaiphon.

Tsunayoshi frowned when 'he' realized Nezu left out one more attribute Zaiphon. 'He' raised 'his' hand and voiced out 'his' question. "Nezu-sensei? What about the Sky attribute Zaiphon?" Nezu raised an eyebrow before he turned and laughed at his mistake.

"Ah, yes, I seemed to have missed out that one, thank you Tsunayoshi-kun." Nezu then proceeded to explain the Sky attribute Zaiphon. "The Sky attribute zaiphon, is a very rare and rather hard Zaiphon to control. This Zaiphon is not only capable of healing both mental and physical injuries, but it is also considered the best destructive Zaiphon amongst all the attribute Zaiphons. Some users can use more than one flame attribute but even that is rare in itself."

As Nezu continued his lecture, the teens behind Tsunayoshi started snickering as they gossiped about the brunette who was seated in front of them, alone. "Psh, Checkface's dog gets special treatment huh? Must be awful if he an enemy injures him " Gokudera Mochida sneered as he pointed his thumb lazily at the said brunette, who was trying to keep 'his' temper in check. 'Must not kill, must not kill, must not kill...' Tsunayoshi chanted over and over in 'his' mind. Mochida's underling simply snickered.

"It's a level-up from being a sklave." He commented, an evil grin marring his features. Yamamoto, who sat behind them got tired of letting them trample all over his friend and used his rain attribute Zaiphon to blow some Magazines towards the students.

"Nezu-sensei~ Mochida-san brought porn to school, how awful~" Yamamoto called out, clearly satisfied for avenging his friend's wounded pride. Nezu glanced at the porn books the back haired teen was trying to cover up and gave Mochida a reprimanding glare. "It would seem so... Gokudera Mochida-kun, to the principal's office after school!" Nezu boomed, his face held disappointment as his second best student tried pathetically to explain himself.

Yamamoto pressed his face against the glass window of their school and watched with child-like wonder the fast flying hawkziles in flight. "Woah! That's so cool! Tsuna! Come take a look at this!" Tsunayoshi sighed as 'he' complied with what Yamamoto told 'him' to do. 'He' stared at the building that would soon be 'his' and Yamamoto's work place. "Ne, Tsuna..." The brown haired brunette turned to face 'his' best friend with a questioning look. "Once we pass the exams we'll both be accepted into Hohburg fort, right...?" Yamamoto turned to his friend, a determined smile on his face.

"I'm... I'm gonna fight for the empire and protect my family!" Yamamoto declared, Tsunayoshi smiled crookedly, 'Family... huh...' Tsunayoshi thought, 'his' eyes sad. "You... still don't remember anything of your past, Tsuna?" The brown haired boy in question simply shook 'his' head, a sigh escaping through his parted peach pink lips.

"Hey is it true that some people DIE in every graduation examination?"

"Yeah... we should toughen up so we won't get sent to the hospital!"

Upon hearing that, Yamamoto sank into depression mode, holding his chin as his old scar started throbbing painfully. "AGH! I hate hospitals!" Yamamoto yelled as he held his old scar. Tsunayoshi raised and eyebrow before he patted his friend on the back.

"I'll train with you so you won't get injured enough to get into a hospital." Tsunayoshi smiled, very VERY slightly, causing Yamamoto to gulp nervously.

"Come at me more seriously, Yamamoto!" Tsunayoshi smirked as 'he' summoned a barrier of protective Zaiphon. The swordsman in question simply smirked back and fired a string of destructive rain Zaiphon towards the brunette. "Hah! You think a clumsy attack like that will hit me?" Yamamoto simply grinned and pointed to the ground. The Zaiphon had implanted itself on the ground, spelling out a word that Tsunayoshi obviously took serious offense at. 'Chibi'.

"Why you-!" Yamamoto gave him a cheeky grin.

"Those are my feelings for 'ya! Accept them will you?" Yamamoto laughed at Tsunayoshi bushed heavily, before 'he' summoned 'his' sky Zaiphon.

"Well! I've got PLENTY of things I want to say to you!" Tsunayoshi yelled back in anger, attacking Yamamoto with string after strings of sky Zaiphon.

"WAH! So violent!" Yamamoto teased which only served to fuel the shorter of the pair's anger even more. This continued for several hours and neither noticed the sun beginning to rise until the bell for morning assembly rung.

Both boys had visible bags underneath their eyes as they had both trained for the whole night. Tsunayoshi mumbled under 'his' breath, "Idiot..." Yamamoto only responded with a sheepish 'sorry'.

"Okay -heart-, today will finally be the day when everyone will take the graduation examinations~" A woman dressed in the standard black military uniform, with her fiery red hair tied into a neat bun with strands falling out announced cheerfully. "Please form into groups of ten and enter separate assembly halls~" The woman called, Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto scrambled to assemble as Team A. The group was then led into a dome-like hall, the woman from earlier was standing next to a lever, she smiled at the group as the door behind them shut closed, denying them any exits. Yamamoto had a nervous smile on his face. "Groups of ten...? Just what are they trying to make us do?"

"Okay -heart-, listen up Team A~ For the graduation exam you must defeat this prisoner~ -heart-" She smiled happily as her gloved hand pushed down the lever. The mechanism clicked and clanked, making a rather loud noise as it raised the caged fence that kept the exam specimen in it's prison. It was a monster like being, with a brown eye patch slung over his right eye and dressed in a red leotard, shackles adorned his wrists and feet as they branded him as a prisoner. "If you don't kill him," The woman continued, really Tsunayoshi couldn't be bothered to remember her name. "or abandon your comrades, you will fail so be careful~ -heart-"

One of the brave fools or just an unbelievably reckless idiot, smiled nervously as he tried to calm his comrades. "Come on now, don't be such a pussy! I'm sure that's just another projection like the one we used in training right?" His fingers shaking, he flicked a rubber band at the Prisoner's forehead.

"Ho... This year's brats are pretty energetic, I'm really gonna enjoy breaking you guys~" He glared, an angry smirk plastered on his horrendous face as he located his first target, the boy who flicked that rubber band.

"HIII! H-He's real!" The boy shrieked in fear as he almost soiled his pants, Tsunayoshi was behind him, looking very much bemused. 'Really... These guys are idiots...' Yamamoto who was next to 'him' just stared at the prisoner. 'Wonder how we're gonna defeat that guy...'

The red haired woman decided to add a comment into this scene. "Now now~ Everyone should join forces and put everything they've learned into practical use~ Otherwise you might really get killed~ -heart-" Okay, that woman was really starting to piss 'him' off now. Tsunayoshi sighed through 'his' nostrils in annoyance.

"Okay then~ With that, let the exam begin~ -heart-" The woman announced through an intercom.

No sooner were those words uttered, the shackles were released as the Prisoner let loose his rage. It wasn't long before every teen who had not summoned their attribute Zaiphon were flung towards the nearest wall. Yamamoto thought, 'Can't lose to him...' And chanced a glance at Tsunayoshi when another teen was flung towards the wall behind him.

"Hey... don't dawdle around like a bunch of half-assed turtles." The prisoner mocked, his face smug as Yamamoto turned to face him with Tsunayoshi. He swung his fist down on the ground, causing a tremor to resound around the examination hall. Luckily Yamamoto and Tsunayoshi had the sense to dodge it by jumping out of the way, the other unfortunate ones were knocked out by flying debris or were running for their lives. "Whenever the great me beats up one of you guys..." He pauses his sentence to smash a candidate to the ground before continuing. "My jail time gets reduced!"

Landing on the dome's mirror-like wall, Tsunayoshi observed 'his' enemy, 'his' zaiphon keeping 'him' in place. 'This guy... he may not look like it but he's fast...!' Tsunayoshi grits 'his' teeth as the prisoner continues to beat up the candidates. "Pathetic..." Tsunayoshi murmured as 'he' sweatdropped, they seriously didn't learn anything in their practical training? Out of the corner of 'his' eye, Tsunayoshi spies a certain black haired boy of the Gokudera family banging desperately on the mirror walls. "Truly... Pathetic..." Tsunayoshi sighed.

"Salute!" A line of soldiers snapped to attention when they realized who was heading in their direction. The footsteps were gradually increasing in volume as a group of military soldiers, the Black Orchids, the elite group of the army rounded the corner. The principal bows respectfully as he addresses the group. "Welcome and thank you for coming, Chief-of-Staff, Bermuda-sama."

The said man simply stared coldly at the examination hall, dressed smartly in his military uniform with not even a seam out of place. His narrowed grey eyes slowly drank in the scene going on in the exam. He turns to the woman with fiery red hair and questions in a baritone that could make woman melt into disgusting puddles. "How are the students this year? Do they at least have a backbone?"

Flustered at being in the chief-of-staff's presence, the woman stutters out a reply. "Y-Yes well-" She was cut off when another student was once again slammed onto the mirror, the blood from his injuries smudging the glass as the body slumped down lifelessly. Next to the fallen student was a teenager who was desperately banging on the glass mirrors, trying to get help. "HELP ME! HE'S GONNA KILL ME!" Mochida bawls in a lamentable fashion.

Bermuda von Veckenschteinsimply scoffs at his weakness, "How unsightly..."

The prisoner seems to have noticed Mochida's incessant thumping on the mirrors and turns his bloodshot eyes at his next victim. He smirks as he realizes that the black haired boy probably failed to notice that he was targeted as the next victim and charged with inhuman speed that a troll like him should not even manage towards the back haired boy. His target was violently shoved out of the way and replaced with a brown haired 'boy'. The prisoner simply smirked and grabbed the brown haired 'boy' instead, proceeding to clench his fist so hard it'll break the 'boy's bones.

"Tsuna!" His black haired friend yelled and ran towards the troll, jumping before he slammed down his leg onto the monster's arm, breaking the bone. Tsunayoshi did the same with the wrist, kneeing the wrist and effectively breaking the fragile bone. The agonizing pain was enough for the prisoner to release Tsunayoshi. As soon as the said 'boy' gracefully landed on 'his' feet, a single sentence that had been engraved in 'his' mind since 'he' was put under Chairman Checkerface's care flashed through his mind. 'Do not be compassionate Tsunayoshi, for a female battle sklave, that is your greatest weakness.' It is true, Tsunayoshi is, in actual fact, a female but for certain circumstances she concealed her gender and entered the Military Academy as a boy.

As Yamamoto jumped to kick the prisoner brutally in the eye, Tsunayoshi sent a series of punches to the gut which broke the prisoner's ribcage. Both attacks were too much for the prisoner to handle, and the monstrous man stumbled backwards. As if to will the prisoner to submit to her clear order, "Give in." Tsunayoshi summoned a string of storm attribute zaiphon, encircling the prisoner's neck, cutting off his supply of oxygen and messing with his windpipe, bringing the giant to his knees. "If you so much as move, I'll kill you. Give in." Tsunayoshi repeats.

"The exam is still not over," Nezu sensei stepped into the hall, his jet black orbs observing Tsunayoshi's every movement. "I'm sure Scarlett," 'Oh, so that's her name!' Tsunayoshi thinks, her hand never leaving the prisoner, the storm zaiphon continues to suffocate the troll. "have informed you that this prisoner must be killed." Tsunayoshi simply stares at her teacher with uninterested eyes, before turning away from the man completely. Retreating her Zaiphon, she continued her reply to Nezu.

"He's not our real enemy, there's no reason to ki-" No sooner had the words left her lips, a night attribute zaiphon sliced through the air and beheaded the prisoner. Blood gushed out like a geyser and splashed onto Tsunayoshi's face whose eyes are wide with shock. She turned to face a man, he was handsome but Tsunayoshi was never one to fall for physical appearances, he had narrowed grey eyes which seemed to see into one's soul, his lips were pulled into a straight line as he retreated his hand from summoning the Night Zaiphon.

"You're too slow." Tsunayoshi felt a shiver run down her spine and had to press down the urge to soothe her goosebumps beginning to form on her arms. The voice was a low baritone, one that most women would drool over but it held no emotions in it almost as if he was... heartless. Scarlett hurriedly spoke through the intercom as Bermuda retreated back to his headquarters.

"T-The examination is over!" Tsunayoshi just continued staring after the group. Each one was odd in their own way, there was an ever smiling white haired man, a green haired man who carried a girl with blue hair which seemed comfortable to just sleep, a red haired man who kept saying an odd combination of words and a green haired boy who was about his age, carrying a torn stuffed bunny. 'Who... who was that guy...?' Tsunayoshi stared, even though Bermuda and his crew had long since disappeared into the hallways.

That night, in Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto's dorm room.

"There were 19 people accepted today... including us..." Yamamoto sighed, his arm was currently being bandaged by his best friend. "I'm really pathetic... I'm still shaking..." Tsunayoshi glares (read: pouts) at Yamamoto before tightening her friend's bandage a little too hard causing the tanned teen to yell out in pain. "Ow ow! Hey, can't you be more gentle?"

"We were lucky to be able to get away with small injuries since it was an exam, but if we were in actual combat it would have been worse." Tsunayoshi retorts as she finishes dressing her friend's wound and tosses the roll of bandages towards her friend.

"I'd never thought you'd be the one to help Mochida though. Even he loses face against your bravery." Yamamoto chuckles as he watches the blush spread across Tsunayoshi's face like wildfire. Really, sometimes he forgets that Tsunayoshi is actually a girl and mistakes her for the boy which she was supposed to be. The girl across him mumbles a reply.

"T-That's not true..." She fiddles with her fingers, an action that rarely happens since the girl is rarely seen to have exposed her flustered and embarrassed expression to public. "My body moved on it's own accord." Yamamoto grins and he reaches out, his hand landing on his friend's mop of fluffy hair and ruffles it, making it look more wild and messier than it already is.

"Don't say that, best buddy." Yamamoto's smile was so dazzling, it blinded the brown haired girl as she smiled slightly. "I'm proud of you!"

"Hey... Yamamoto, you know that... I was a sklave before right?" Yamamoto nods, his eyes worried and tense as he wonders about the sudden questions. "Not just any sklave, but a battle sklave, I was sold to the army when I was very young. I... I never knew the 'love' of a family..." She fiddles with her fingers again, before she continues. "But because you treat me as your 'best buddy'... I thought... think... it is the same as the 'love' of a family." A few drops of water make their way onto her mattress and she looks up to see a teary-eyed Yamamoto, whose tears were falling.

"Damn it! Tsuna! Why must you always make me cry?" Tsunayoshi becomes flustered as she tries to remedy her friend's tears.

"W-Why are you crying anyway?" Tsunayoshi asks as she hands Yamamoto a handkerchief.

"You suddenly said something so touching that I didn't know how to react!" Yamamoto whines, his tears continued to run down his cheeks and onto his friend's bed. "But this is the first time you'd said something like that, so... I'm really happy." Yamamoto smiles before an idea pops into his mind. "Alright! Let's make a best-friend oath, if you ever get into a pinch in the battlefield I will never abandon you! I swear by the name of god that if we die, we'll die together!"

Smiling as she knuckle bumps Yamamoto, she nods shyly. In her mind, Tsunayoshi silently swears an oath on her own. 'Since Yamamoto swears to it... God...I will also swear by your name that for Yamamoto... I'd do anything!'

A man, clothed in white robes fit for royalty, his blond hair swaying gently in the wind as the snow fell. He smiles at Tsunayoshi and the brown haired girl notices the necklace, with a large red orb set in the middle. The man begins to speak. "I'm sorry Tsunayoshi... for not being able to be there for you all the time." The necklace jangles as each chime that was attached to the golden accessary was knocked into one another. Tsunayoshi glances down and realizes that she had apparently shrunk, her body was that of a young child's.

She looked up again to stare at the man. The blonde only smiled sadly in response before he turned his back on the girl, his mouth moving as he continued his previous sentence. "Someday, the time will come when you will understand your true mission." His footsteps could be heard as he placed each alternate foot before the other, the snow crunching beneath the soles of his boots. Each step took the blonde further away from the brown haired girl.

Tsunayoshi's eyes widen in surprise and confusion, "Why are you saying this to me? Who are you!" As Tsunayoshi moves to run towards the retreating figure of the man, she slips and falls onto a puddle of familiar yet unrecognizable red liquid. The man continues talking, his back still turned on the little girl as he continues to head towards an unknown destination. "When the time comes I will definitely..." The words following were unclear and Tsunayoshi stares after the man before staring at her small hands.

'Wha... this... what is this...?' She gazed at her hands, her palms were stained a bright crimson that it looked as if it were glowing. 'It's... red... so red...'

Tsunayoshi, dressed smartly in her boy's uniform, jogged along the corridors. Her report regarding her personal information tucked neatly underneath her arm as she made her way hurriedly towards Nezu sensei's office. 'I can't believe that I forgot to give Nezu sensei my report! Better hurry...' She was distracted from her urgent task at hand when she heard her name being mentioned. 'They're talking about... me?'

"Sawada Tsunayoshi from group A... He does possess great talent." A voice spoke, Tsunayoshi frowns as she recognizes the voice as the principal. "If he keeps this up, then surely he can be a cadet of the 'Eye of Mikhail'..." The principal trailed off as one of the officers voiced his concern.

"But what of the stone that disappeared during our battle with our enemy country, Vongola?" The officer spoke, his tone sharp but anxious, as if intimidated.

Tsunayoshi had leaned in, her report long forgotten in her hand, as she continued to eavesdrop. Confused thoughts running through her head, 'Cadet...? What are they talking about? Wasn't I supposed to be a Beglieter...?'

"Raphael is still resonating. The stone must still be around even now." The cold voice which Tsunayoshi identified as Bermuda, the head-of-chief of the elite squad, the Black Orchids. Another voice spoke up, his tone slightly scared and even worried.

"But Autopsies were performed on all of Vongola's royalty, and the stone wasn't there." He paused as if contemplating if he should or should not continue his sentence, before deciding on the former. Before he could get a word past his lips, he was rudely interrupted by another man next to him. "We may have overlooked a blood relative of theirs." A clink and a familiar piece of gold jewelry which Tsunayoshi could have sworn she saw somewhere before was produced, the charms creating a harmony of gentle jangles. "If it is the original..." At this Tsunayoshi felt a sharp throb in her head, she winced, gasping when the pain came too unexpected and unwelcome. "Then this is the necklace which belonged to the King of Vongola."

Her eyes widen as bits of her strange dreams started flashing through her eyes, each scene starting to make more sense as Tsunayoshi clutched her head and almost yelled in pain. Tears formed as she remembered, she remembered the bloodbath where in many, too many, innocent villagers and brave soldiers were sacrificed, clothing the ground in a layer of red liquid. She remembered watching helplessly as she watched her father being seized and brutally sliced into two, his blood pouring onto the floor as his body fell lifelessly onto the ground. 'Ah... that's...' Tsunayoshi's hands clutched her head as tears poured down her cheeks. 'Papa...'

A scene flashed before her eyes, it was her as a child, clothed in white robes that puffed slightly and with orange linings, she was giggling, something she did not do for a long time, as she reached for her father's face in child-like wonder. Her father was smiling happily as he picked her up and held her high, as if she were a trophy meant for admiration. "I will definitely come get you." The words, which were unclear in her dream finally made itself known as Tsunayoshi's eyes darkens. 'That time... the one who was standing next to Papa was...' Her heart pounded noisily in her ears as a fogged memory comes to mind.

The man had a mop of silvery grey hair with piercing grey eyes to match which glinted dangerously in her memory. Her blood boiled as the one man she loathed with every fibre of her being stood with his back facing her in the room, clutching her trembling right arm, she summoned a cloud Zaiphon. Bermuda simply commented. "It seems a rat has been eavesdropping." With that, Tsunayoshi burst through the door, her eyes wide with fury and hatred as she summoned a shield of lightning Zaiphon and launched herself at the infuriating man in front of her, screaming incoherent words.

Before she could get into even an arm's length of the man, her entire body was slammed harshly towards the ground by a smiling white haired man. "No no this won't do~" He stated in a sing-song manner, a katana which was obviously not his was wedged in between Tsunayoshi's face and her outstretched hand. "If you stand up against Bermu-tan then I'll have to kill you~" Tsunayoshi wriggled under his death grip, her hatred-filled orbs flashed amber as she concentrated on the grey haired man before her. The pain in her head, due to the sudden recollection of her memories, was not really helping much in this situation as she struggled under the smiling man.

Bermuda stepped before her, his eyes glinting dangerously like in her memory. "Why were you aiming for me?" Tsunayoshi glared at him in full force, her eyes now completely a burning amber. She screamed in pain when her head throbbed once more, tears streaming down her face as she faced her parent's murderer. "Come to think of it... he was the sklave we picked up in the Vongola kingdom." He murmured in recognition as he looked down at Tsunayoshi's face.

"Keep him in the prison until I got there to collect him, if he shows to happen to know something... make him spill everything."

A shadow ducked behind a pillar as a patrolling guard turned it's direction, when the guard turns his back on the pillar, the shadow swiftly changes his position. Running for the nearest wall, the moonlight shines on his face to reveal Yamamoto. His face was pulled into a worried frown as he thought to himself. 'If anyone finds out what I'm up to... I'll be killed!' Yamamoto gulps nervously but the thought of that afternoon quickly banishes any anxiety he felt.


"Are these all of Sawada Tsunayoshi's belongings?" The guards interrogate and Yamamoto, still in his saluting position nods an affirmative. Worry overcomes any logic and he blurts out the question he had been dying to ask.

"Um... is he alright?" Yamamoto asks nervously. The guard shifting through Tsunayoshi's small box of belongings spares Yamamoto a glance before resuming his duty and answering the tanned teen's question.

"He's done for, he had went against Veckenschtein." He was quickly shushed by his partner but the damage had already been done, Yamamoto's eyes had dilated with worry and fear for his friend's safety.

"That dignitary isn't back yet... so that means she must still be in here..." Yamamoto sneaks into the prison hallway, he was startled when he saw a gloved hand peeking out from a corner. Lying next to the unconscious guard was a ring of keys, some of which were broken.

Yamamoto swallows thickly when he notices the thick smell of blood wafted into his nose. He turns the corner and almost shrieks in shock as he sees corpses of the guards which were supposed to be guarding her slumped into bloody piles around the room. His eyes turn towards the small brunette who was in the centre of the bloody circle. Her hair, which was always untamed as ever, was even wilder than usual. Her hands, her small hands were stained with blood and restrained by a steel shackle which connects both the arms together with a silver chain. Her uniform coat has been stripped off at some point, leaving her only in a torn blouse and the black slacks she wore underneath the coat.

"Tsuna... you..." Yamamoto murmurs as he stares at his friend in shock. The brunette flinches and spun around quickly, her eyes wide with terror as she faced her roommate. Yamamoto cringes, he had never seen his friend like this, she was always very quiet, calm and sophisticated. Her lips part as she tries too gather her voice but it comes out in a cracked whisper.

"I'm sorry... I don't think I'll be able to fulfill the oath to you... Thank you for every-" Before she could finish her sentence, the black haired teen had grabbed his friend's chained wrists and dragged her out of the prison. "NO! STOP! I DON'T WANT TO GET YOU INVOLVED! THIS IS MY PROBLEM!" The girl cries desperately, trying but failing to wriggle out of Yamamoto's iron grip on her shackled wrist. Tears fell and ran down her cheeks as she as well as her best and only friend sprinted across the hallways, which was strangely deserted.

"Are you that reckless Tsuna? You could have gotten killed!" Tsunayoshi's bangs shielded her brown orbs as her friend continued to yell angrily and exasperatedly at her. "Anyone who opposes Bermuda will never lie to see the light of another day! For now, just focus your attention to getting away and survive!" He gripped his friend's hand tightly, gritting his teeth. "Don't you dare think of anything else!" Tsunayoshi, who had been silent ever since Yamamoto yelled at her, purses her lips and stares at their intwined hands through tear-filled eyes. She grits her teeth as she silently muttered a near-silent prayer. 'If there really is a god somewhere willing to listen to my plea... please...! Protect Yamamoto!' By now the hallways are bursting with activity, as Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto sprinted for their lives, the brown haired girl caught snippets of the orders of the guards.

"The cadet's escaped from his cell!"

"Look for him!"

Yamamoto's voice brought her out of her reverie. "There are two swiped hawkziles up ahead! If we could make it until there...!" Yamamoto trails off as two guards appear to block their path.

"You two! Identify yourselves! Halt!" One of the guards barked but his warning was pitifully ignored as both teens simply jumped over their weak barricade and onto the hawkziles. Both Yamamoto and Tsunayoshi started their engines at the same time with their Zaiphon, they quickly flew with lightning speed out the open gates of the academy. Meanwhile, the guards were busy panicking.


"Don't let them escape!"

"Close the gates!"

Bermuda stepped out onto the balcony, his grey eyes narrowing with slight irritation. "What a fuss they're making..." Bermuda mutters. As he steps onto the edge of the railings, Sawada Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto Takeshi flew past him. His eyes widen very slightly as he watches the 'boy' zoom past his bedroom balcony, 'his' eyes were not their usual brown... they were a fiery amber with flecks of gold! He lifts his hand and attacks the 'boy' with his Cloud Zaiphon, the 'boy' manages to set up a protective barrier over 'his' friend but took the damage on 'his' right shoulder instead. His companion cried out in terror, his eyes wide and he supports his friend.

The two hawkziles soon became black dots and then, finally vanished from his sight. 'To put up a barrier around his friend instead of himself... What an interesting prey Sawada Tsunayoshi makes...' He stares at his hand and smirks very slightly. Two guards nervously reported that they would soon be in pursuit of Sawada Tsunayoshi and his accomplice. Bermuda sighs and turns, questioning the guards all the way. "Where is Chairman Checkerface?" The guard responded that the mentioned man was away from the office.

"... Let him go then... we'll find him soon enough..." Bermuda replies, his expression impassive as he moves out of his bedroom, slipping on clean white gloves as he exits. 'Don't think you'll be able to run away from me that easily... Sawada Tsunayoshi...' He thinks, a sadistic smirk adorning his cruelly handsome features.

Yamamoto flew next to Tsunayoshi, his eyes wide with concern and worry for the injured brunette. Said girl was trying to stay awake but the agonizing pain she felt at her right shoulder was enough to render her unconscious. Her grip on the handles of the hawkzile loosened and the brunette plunged downwards, Yamamoto plunging in after her, yelling her name. "TSUNA!"

Meanwhile three priests were enjoying their rides back to the church, one was dressed in a long sleeved black trench coat over a black turtleneck shirt and black trousers accompanied by black boots, the hood pulled back to reveal a mop of unruly spiky green hair accompanied by jet black orbs hidden behind rectangular spectacles. He tutted as he watched a blonde haired priest riding higher than he should have.

"Colonello, I realize you are eager to meet your maker but surely you understand if you were to cause a landslide there's an incredibly high chance you'll bury us along with you?" He shouts, his tone exasperated and joking. The blonde haired man simply grinned back in response, his collared coat was open showing a bit of his muscular chest, paired with black trousers and combat boots. A silver dog-tag and the holy cross hung over his neck.

"Don't be such a killjoy, Verde! I'm a man of thrills! It's a HELL lot more fun up here!" The blonde haired man grins and switches gears to go faster, deliberately trying to anger the green haired priest. Another man, one with his long hair plaited into a long braid, smiles serenely as he watches the blonde riding higher than he should. His feathered black coat fluttered gracefully in the wind as he continued to smile. The chinese robes beneath his coat was visible as the wind tugged at the coat's ends.

"They say only idiots and crazy people like heights." The man comments, his smile never leaving his face. Colonello, overhearing the Chinese man's comment, grins and floors the gas pedal. Verde shakes his head in exasperation, shooting his companion an irritated glance. The man shrugs, feigning nonchalance but the mischeivious grin touching his lips told another story. Verde only shakes his head in reply before looking up to watch their reckless friend trying to get himself killed, the green haired man frowns when he spots a silhouette above the blond. It was an odd shape, almost... human. Verde's eyes widen as he realizes that someone was indeed falling, to their imminent death no less. Another silhouette follows the first, this one the shape of a human riding a Hawkzile. His eyes widen further when he realizes that both were headed for the blonde idiot who was headed right in their path.

Just as he was about to part his lips to call out a warning, or something to alert his friend, the two vehicles and three humans, or at least one WAS human, crashed and all plunged into the canal. Verde and Fon, glanced at one another with alarm and both rushed towards where their friend crash landed. Colonello sits up and groans as he massages his head, in his arms is an unconscious brown haired brunette, 'his' body was littered with bruises along with a rather recent and severe shoulder injury. Not far away is a black haired teen, also rendered unconscious from their crash, despite the rough landing the boy manage to pull through with only a few minor injuries, the other in his arms was not so lucky.

"Colonello! Are you still alive? Serves you right for not listening to me if you died!" Verde calls and the mentioned blonde felt a vein pop. Really, can't he be more concerned about his friend's well being? He looks down to see the raven haired teen awake and staring at him, then he immediately sits up.

"Tsuna is hurt! You have to help her!" The boy shouts and Colonello raises an eyebrow, he looks down in his arms and was immediately alerted that the 'boy' in his arms, is indeed, a girl.

"The hell?"