Chapter 35: Routine

"What are you doing?" I froze looking over my shoulder at the sleeping Niklaus. He was stretched out on his back, the covers down by his hips barely covering him. His dirty blonde curls all over the place with his serious bed head going on. "Going to school" I told him, he furrowed his eyebrows confused. "What?" He questioned me, "I'm going to school" I told him like it was the most obvious thing. "To school?" He questioned and I nodded. "Why?" He asked trying to catch my hands. I dodged his attack pulling my boots on. "Because Nik I miss Caroline" I told him honestly he sighed, "then have her over for a girl's night you don't need to go to school" he said. "But I want to!" I told him and he sighed catching my hips and pulling me against him kissing my shoulder. "Are you sure love?" He questioned me and I nodded. "Fine but you'll need this" he said handing me my phone back. I smiled leaning forwards kissing him softly. "I'll be back later" I told him kissing his cheek before getting up and leaving the house. Slipping into my car I drove to school parking in my old spot next to Caroline's car.

She furrowed her eyebrows getting out of her car, obvious having just gotten here as well. "Hey Caroline" I greeted her, she raised an eyebrow at me before turning her nose in the air and walking towards school. I furrowed my eyebrows and chased after her. "Caroline! Wait up" I called catching up to her. "What's wrong?" I questioned her, she froze turning to look at me. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" She shouted, "you turned Elena!" She growled at me in a whisper. "No I didn't" I said immediately. "You're the only vampire I've ever turned Caroline" I told her honestly. "You killed Elena who had Damon's blood in her system! She's now a vampire thanks to you" she said, "so she won't complete the transisson!" I argued, "then you've killed her twice" Caroline growled walking up to her locker.

"Please like you haven't wanted to kill her!" I snapped and she glared at me. "That's different" she snapped, "why because you didn't actually go through with it?" I demanded and she sighed in frustration trying to open her locker for the fifth time. "No because it's wrong Sophie!" Caroline growled at me, "do you have any idea what Stefan's going through right now do you? The pain he's in?" She demanded and I just stared at her. "Really Caroline? You want to go there?" I growled, "fine let's go there." I snapped, "yes I know exactly what I did to that self righteous asshole Stefan and let me say it's been a long time coming. But let's revist some of the highlights that's happened thanks to Elena. Let's see oh I know Damon repeatedly raped you over and over and over again but that didn't stop Elena from being playing both of my brother's like fiddles, thanks to her Bonnie's mother is now a witch and has left her all over again, Jeremy's lost both of his parents aunt and uncle and let's not forget that Alaric's dead thanks to her, Matt lost his big sister thanks to her and let's not forget that you watched your own father die all as a direct result of that little bitch stringing Stefan and Damon along so if you're looking for me to apologize for killing that little skank then keep looking." I snapped turning on my heel leaving a shocked Caroline behind me.

I just wanted to be a normal teenager for a day! Was that to much to fucking ask for?

I slammed the front door turning the corner throwing my jacket and book bag into a seat in the living room. Nik quickly grabbed a blanket throwing it over something in the middle of the floor. I raised an eyebrow at that. "What's wrong love? The normal teenagers of Mystic Falls to boring for you?" He questioned me, and I glared at him flopping down into a seat putting my feet up. "What are you working on?" I questioned him nodding towards the concealed lump behind him. "Nothing, now what happened?" He questioned me sitting on the coffee table pulling my feet into his lap as he rubbed at my calves.

I frowned up at him, "Caroline doesn't like me anymore" I pouted at him trying not to show that my feelings were hurt when inside it was killing me. He sighed, "you know she's only jealous love" he said softly, "no you weren't there Nik! She was furious with me for killing Elena!" I told him, "no one likes me anymore" I wanted to curl up and cry in the corner. He sighed leaning forwards pulling me out of the couch and into his lap. "I like you" he told me holding me against him. "You have to like me, it doesn't count" I pouted, "ah love I like you for a multitude of reasons and none of them are because I have too" he soothed. I rolled my eyes at him, "you're only trying to cheer me up" I frowned, "yes I am" he said and I punched him in the chest. "Just because I'm trying to cheer you up doesn't mean what I'm saying isn't true" he said and I raised a doubtful eyebrow at him. "I'm serious love, so what if these small town people are upset with you? You've never been a small town girl love and frankly I don't understand why you're trying so hard to fit in when you're born to stand out" he said shrugging. "You mean it?" I said softly, "I mean it love. I know what'll cheer you up. Come on" he said taking my hand, I raised an eyebrow at him as he led me out to his SUV before pulling back into town.

"Where are we going Nik?" I questioned him holding his hand as he drove. "Now it's a surprise love" he winked at me playfully before pulling up in front of a store. It was child clothing store. I looked at him. "Really?" I questioned him, "really" he said back getting out of the car and opening my door for me. I smiled taking his hand as he led me inside and to the baby's section. I couldn't help but grin.

Nik was baby shopping with me.

Half an hour later I raised an eyebrow at Nik. He had an armful of baby toys and stuffed animals just grinning. "Nik I don't think we need this many stuffed animals." "Baby's need lots of stuff all the books say it!" Nik argued, "you read books?" I questioned him and blushed lowering is face as he looked up at me with those big blue eyes. I sighed, "you're lucky you're loaded" I chuckled kissing him softly and he grinned walking right up to the cashier and dumped all of them onto the counter. I put my face in my palms shaking my head of him. By the time we finished shopping we nearly bought the place out of everything.

Shaking my head at all the bags I looked around for Nik. He was worse than a five year old in a candy store. Finally spotting at him looking at bicycles. I walked over grabbing his hand pulling him away from them. "Nik a baby can't ride a bicycle" I told him, "but who knows how fast the baby will grow and everyone says that the time just flies right by" Nik said easily carrying the handfuls and handfuls of bags as he put them in the back of the SUV before he turning around to look at me. "Exactly how much research have you done about this?" I questioned him curious. "Enough" he said and I raised an eyebrow as he took my hand spinning me in a circle before leading me back up the sidewalk and into another store. "Anything I can help you two with today?" A girl questioned, "yes we're actually looking for some maternity clothes" he said and I glared at Nik, "you saying I need maternity clothes?" I demanded, he noticed the dangerous edge to my voice. "Of course not love, the baby says you need some maternity clothes" he said. I hit him and walked out.

"I still don't think I need maternity clothes yet!" I snapped at him and he rolled his eyes, "love it's a perfectly natural thing" he said as we sat down at The Grill for some lunch. "Nik I suggest you stop talking while you're ahead" Rebekah commented smiling at me. "Oh thank you another girl!" I sighed bending forwards and hugging her tightly. She smiled hugging me back, "now since I missed the baby shopping thanks to someone being overzealous" she said giving Nik a pointed glare and he just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm here to take you shopping" she said sitting down next to me. "So you think I need maternity clothes too?" I questioned her, "no but I'm curious to see what they have besides you can't pull the look off yet" Rebekah said and I frowned. "I can pull off any look" I argued, "not maternity. I guarantee it" she said, "I wouldn't feel bad though, not a lot of people can pull off maternity." She said and my eyes narrowed. "You know what, I can to pull it off." I spat angrily, "and after lunch I'll prove it to you!" I snapped turning back to my chocolate milkshake with sprinkles not noticing the look Rebekah and Niklaus shared.

"Now I will leave you two to do your shopping" Nik said, "why so you can go back to whatever it was you were working on when I came home earlier that you're not telling me about?" I questioned him with a grin and he smirked. "No I just know better than to go shopping with her" he said pointing at Rebekah before leaning across the table kissing me softly. I smiled melting as he pulled back, he smiled softly. "Enjoy your girl time sweetheart" he said affectionately tucking my hair behind me ear before he left. Rebekah faked threw up all over the table. I laughed rolling my eyes as we left The Grill to get some new clothes.

"I don't understand why Nik says I need new clothes, it's not obvious I'm pregnant yet" I told her, "tell that bump on your belly something different" Rebekah teased pulling out a new shirt before holding it up to me. "It's not that obvious is it?" I questioned her, "please you're already getting some dirty looks from others and rumors are flying about the teenage knock up with the rich man in town" Rebekah teased and I laughed. "Really?" I questioned her and she nodded with a grin.

I rolled my eyes trying on the shirt. I had to admit I looked cute with it on. "Fine, maybe you guys were right" I muttered and she smiled, "see it was only a matter of time before you gave in" she chuckled as we spent another hour going through clothes. "So what exactly is Nik doing that you're having to babysit me?" I questioned her, she smiled at me. "You'll see" she grinned and I raised an eyebrow as curiosity started to burn at me. She checked her watch. "He should be done by now, want to see what the daddy hybrid has been working on?" She questioned and I nodded my head excitedly as we drove back to the mansion.

"So I'm moving out" she said, I looked over at her. "What?" I questioned her, "I'm getting my own place. I found it over the weekend and I'm signing the paper today" she said, "Why?" I questioned her. She sighed, "I need a life away from Niklaus, it'll be better for us" she said and I nodded. "You know you and Matt made a cute couple" I commented and she looked over at me. "And here I thought you didn't want Matt around vampires, that's why you compelled him after all" she said and I sighed. "He needs to be happy and if that's with you then be happy with him" I told her with a smile and she smiled back pulling up in front of the house but she stayed in the car. "Go" she said and I grinned at her grabbing the bags.

"Can't wait to see your new place Becs" I told her with a wink before running inside as quickly as I could. "Nik?" I shouted out into the house listening for him. "There's my girl" he greeted taking the stairs two at a time before bounding over to me kissing me hello. I giggled kissing him back. "You look completely ravishing" he purred and a stupid grin crossed my face. "So I hear you have a surprise for me" I giggled swinging back and forth on the balls of my feet. He gripped my hands. "I do, but first" he smiled pulling a bandana out. I giggled closing my eyes and he tied it around them just to be sure before he picked me up and carried me upstairs. Finally setting me down I figured out we were on the hall that our bedroom was on. He set me down on my feet before leading me forwards through a doorway but I had no idea of which one he brought me through.

"Ready?" He whispered suddenly behind me, "yes" I told him and he pulled my blindfold down. It took a second for my eyes to adjust before I saw a gorgeous hand crafted crib in front of me. It looked like it was built from solid wood with full moons and double fanged wolves. He even had little wolves, moons and stars carved out of small pieces of wood hanging down so the baby would be amused by them. "It's gorgeous" I whispered running my fingers over it. It was beautiful. "Take a look around love" he whispered, I turned slowly taking the room in a full circle. All of the toys and stuffed animals were here, hand carved toy chests, handmade rockers beautifully soft blankets. The room was even painted different shades of blue and grays. It was gorgeous.

"You did all this?" I whispered and he nodded, "do you like it?" He questioned his voice showing his vulnerability. I looked up at him, he was showing me his belly. Nodding I walked up to him wrapping my arms tightly around his neck kissing him hard. "I love it and so will the baby" I whispered to him. He smiled wrapping his arms tightly around me. "I was hoping you would like it, though I couldn't finish it without you're help shopping" he said showing me the dresser and how he had put all of the baby's things. He had even stocked up on diapers, baby wipes, and all different types of creams and powders. He was fully prepared and excited about this. "Though it's going to be a while before the baby comes" I told him and he shrugged, "at least it's ready for when the baby does decide to come" he said with a shrug. I wrapped my arms back around as he slowly started to move us in a slow circle as we danced. "How did I end up with an amazing guy like you?" I questioned him, "just lucky I guess" he chuckled with a shrug making me laugh. "Oh I guess that's it" I told him and he winked down at me.

Knock, knock

"Who could that be?" Nik growled lifting his head for a moment before lowering it back down to pepper my bare neck and shoulder with kisses. "Nik" I giggled uncurling my body from around him. "Someone's at the door" I giggled, "let them wait" he rolled his eyes, "maybe they'll even leave" he chuckled and I swatted at his shoulder as he rolled us over pinning me underneath him again trying to realign our hips, I blocked him twisting my hips to the side. "And what if it's important?" I questioned him, he sighed. "Then my hybrids will take care of it love" he teased biting at my earlobe. "Nik" I giggled allowing his hands to move my hips back as he pushed forwards only for a knock on the door to halt his motions. He growled in annoyance resting his head on my collar bones. "I told you" I giggled brushing his curls back to kiss his forehead, his salty sweat on my lips and it caused my fangs to elongate.

He noticed it kissing him softly, "hold that thought sweetheart" he winked getting out of bed taking the sheet with him wrapping it around his hips as he went. I grabbed the blanket covering myself as he opened the door just enough for him to look out and to keep me completely hidden behind him. "What is it Jonathon?" He demanded, I giggled at him being so grumpy. He was like a dog who got his favorite toy taken away….which I guess was the case.

"Stefan Salvatore wants to see you. He says it's important" he said and I sat up straight at that. What did Stefan want? Nik sighed, "I'll be down in a minute, don't let him out of your sight" Nik said snapping the door shut before grabbing his clothes and pulling them back on. "Excuse me love, got some business to take care of" he growled and I smiled at him. "Don't take long love or I just might have to start without you" I winked at him playfully. He grinned showing off those panty dripping dimples. "Oh now that sounds like an interesting idea" he purred leaning forwards to kiss me softly. "Unless I finish without you too" I teased and he gave me an upset look. I giggled kissing him softly. "Hurry up love" I winked and he disappeared in a flash. Shaking my head I slipped out of bed pulling on one of Nik's shirts shivering in pleasure at feeling the so soft material rub against me before I left the room not even bothering to do anything about my sex hair as I took the stairs two at a time.

"Elena's having problems being a new vampire. She can't seem to keep any blood down" Stefan said, "I really don't see how this is my problem" Nik told him, "it's your probably because there's a new hunter in town. Really knows his stuff and he almost staked Elena yesterday" he said, "still don't see how this is my problem mate after all I'm invincible and as long as Sophie has my child in her belly she is too" Nik told him. "Well it's only a matter of time before he starts coming after your hybrids not to mention Sophie won't be pregnant forever. She will eventually give birth and once she does she's vulnerable. It'd only take a simple decapitation or ripping out her heart to kill her and do you really think this hunter is going to think twice about killing her or trying to kill the baby?" Stefan questioned him, my hand went to my stomach protectively.

"And what are you suggesting?" Nik demanded, "I'm suggesting that we kill that hunter before he kills all of us" Stefan said, "and why would I want to work with you again? After all only yesterday you tried killing me and let's not forget how Sophie reacted to that" Nik growled fully pointing out that I killed Elena and I would go after Stefan and Damon if they double crossed us again. "Because we have a common interest, you want to protect Sophie and I want to protect Elena." Stefan reasoned, "and what after this hunter is gone we what? Go back to ignoring each other? After all it's only a matter of time before you and your Scooby gang make another half ass attempt at my life." Nik argued, "not if you help us kill the hunter. We'll call it a truce. We leave you two alone and you'll leave us alone. After all this town is the big enough for all of us." He said, "oh I sincerely doubt that Stefan. After all we both know your brother only has half a brain and it's only a matter of time before he screws things up again." He reasoned, "and I'll make sure he doesn't" Stefan argued back.

Nik pondered it for a moment. "I'll tell you what Stefan, I'll help you take care of this hunter on one condition" Nik said, I raised an eyebrow at that. What condition would Nik ask of him? "What do you want Klaus? Another decade of servitude?" He questioned him, "no Stefan you can't cut it anymore. What I want is all of you to leave Sophie alone" he said. Stefan tilted his head to the side pondering Nik's words. "What the whole cold shoulder treatment?" Stefan questioned, "no I mean all of you quite being mean to her or I'll rip out your livers" he threatened. "That's not my problem Klaus. She burned her own bridges and you helped her quite a bit with it and she has to deal with the consequences" Stefan said, Nik glared at him and it was only a few moments before Nik carried out his threat. "It's all right Nik" I called out to him and both men looked over at me. Stefan's eyes widening slightly before they moved down to my stomach before back to my eyes. "Stefan's right, besides I'm not interested in being friends with people who try to kill us." I told him, Nik sighed. "Then I suggest we take care of this hunter" Nik said to Stefan, I frowned catching Nik's arms. "Please be careful" I begged him. He smiled nodding pressing his forehead against mine. "I will love, I'll be back before you know it" he promised kissing me softly before leading Stefan out of the room.

His soft hazel eyes met mine and he looked sadder then I had ever seen him. He must be having a really hard time with Elena being in transition. I felt the urge to comfort him but I pushed it aside, instead choosing to just stare him down as he walked out of the room. Letting out a breath I felt the urge to cry again.

Fucking hormones.