There's a lot of pretty boys wrapped around the block
Don't be wastin my time with your crazy talk
If you wanna get a peice of this heart of mine
Get in line,get in line


When what you thought was simple as a child can change in an instant. Friends become enemies, love becomes hate, sleepovers don't involve sleep, and separation becomes the biggest heartache you can ever endure.

Bella Swan was a plain 13 year old girl. She was 4'11 awkward, always inside with her head stuck in a book, preferably romance novels.

She always dreamed of being the main character of those books. She wanted to feel beautiful and have an amazing guy sweep her off her feet.

Bella was best friends with Jacob Black. Since birth they were always attached by the hip. Three years later Bella would have never imagined

her life turning around in a blink of an eye.

Now she has grown into the streets of Brooklyn's eye candy. She had an angelic face. Her chocolate melted colored eyes, the way her

long dark brown curls fall around her pale shoulders was just a remarkable sight to see. Her frame was a mix of a supermodel and a belly

dancer. Thin in the right places, curves where they should be. This gave the impression of her being a goody two shoes with a hint secret bad

girl past. And as her appearance became more noticeable to others, she started to see herself in a while new light. From turning her medium

animal club member shirts with baggy sweats to tight t shirts and short skirts. With this new outward and inward attitude she always got what

she wanted. Girls would think of the idea of just talking to her. Guys would have dreams about being with her. Life was good.

"Hey my sexy little Ella" Ella? Her fucking names Bella. Bella turned around to see who was talking to her. Of course she thought. Mike

Newton. A blonde short haired creeper who's been in love with her since 7th grade once her shirt started to finally fill out. Stalking her every

move has turned into one of Mike's most important daily activities. "If your ugly ass is trying to hit on me at least have the common curtsy to

say my fucking name right" Bella said before she flipped her hair at his face, closed her locker and walked to her first period class.

People stared at her as she walked down the hallway. There was always a price to pay when you look like Bella. She always had to be on

top of everything, has to be 100% perfect. She works out 3 hours a day and when she back home and finished her homework at 9 she sneaks

out her house to make up time for her social life. But what she called "real troubles" would never live up to Edward Cullen's struggles in life.

Edward was born and raised in Italy, and he comes from a long line of criminals. Burglaries, auto theft, head banging any illegal thing you can

name the Cullen family has done or been blamed for. His parents died before he was even 8. As a way for Edward to get a better life, him and

the rest his family such as his uncle and little brother and sister , Edwin and Alicemoved to Brooklyn New York. He wasn't so keen with the

move. Edward loved Italy, it was his home. But he also knew that his family only wanted the best for him so he agreed to go along with the

move (not like he had a choice)

Edward was sent to a school just near the outskirts of his new apartment building. He wasn't ready for a new school when all he wanted

to do was get back on that plane. As Edward walked into the high school he had the feeling of regret and anguish. He really didn't want to be

here that much was obvious. When he walked in late to his first period class he saw Mr. Burns his English teacher sitting at his desk trying to

control the class that was already calm to begin with.
"Ah, the new students here" said Mr. Burns like he was actually excited to see Edward. "Class this is our new student Edward he came

here from Italy" there was a whistling from the girls in the back "quiet down girls. Now Edward why don't you take a seat and I can begin to tell

you our class room procedures afterward." Edward looked around the room to see where he could sit and just blank out for the next 45 mins.

Then he glanced at a seat in the back next to the hottest girl he's ever seen. Edward looked at her and with a husky voice asked "Can I sit with

Bella was asked to sit next to someone from time to time but she never liked to be around them during class. Her whole focus in school

was the work in order to leave Brooklyn, which meant she needed to study her ass off. But as she hears Edward's voice she feels herself get

heated. And when she looks up at him she's internally burned. Edward had to be at least 6'2 he was pale with strong broad shoulders and had

this tall dark and handsome thing going on, his eyes were bright emerald green. He had longish crazy sex hair that looked so perfect that Bella

wondered what it would be like to put her fingers through it while they were holding each other close...

Bella gave a flirting small smile to Edward before replying "Sure" Edward sat down in his seat and began to wonder what it would be like

to be with her. He was positive she was thinking the same because she was getting really acquainted with the cherry lollipop she just put in her

mouth. He smirked and continued starting at her. He didn't want to stop but he didn't want to seem creepy. This wasn't so new for Bella, being

stared at but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous around this guy.

She wanted to get closer to him so she thought she would have to be the first one to make a move. Bella looks at Edward until he looks

up at her she smiles and says "Hey my names Bella and you are...?" "Edward" He replied. "Hmmm, I love that name" Bella mumbles to herself

but Edward ends up hearing. He chuckles "Thanks" Bella suddenly feels her face getting hot and she can tell that she was blushing. What the

fuck is wrong with her? She's never acted like this before. She was never one to get nervous around a guy.

Like Bella, whatever Edward wanted he got. And right now he wanted to claim this goddess as his own. Edward began to rub his hands

over her left knee. It was a friendly gesture, but as his hands hitched their way higher up Bella shorts she knew he meant business. Her breath

got ragged as she felt his hot breath at the nape of her neck. He was getting closer and closer to where Bella wanted him to be. Bella let out a

gasp as his hands rubbed her through her shorts. His hand was rough and he could feel how well her body responded to his touch. Just as Bella

got more willing to give in to Edward the bell rang. She got up out her seat slowly feeling a little heated from Edward little pre show. Edward

gave her a wink before telling her "See you later" then walked straight to his next period class. Really? Bella thought, if he wanted to play like

this then let the games begin.