Greetings lovely readers. Remember this story? Hahahaha sorry for neglecting it. I just could not think of a good chapter for this and then poof! Thank heavens for dreams, even though in a book I am reading it says that 60% of dreams are about traumatic events. So the other 40% must be my OTPs XD But I digress. I think I actually have the entire story in mind, now if I could only find a way to put it in words exactly as I imagined it...Urg. The only hope I have is to write a really crappy smut fanfic and end up hated like the author of '50 Shades of Grey' or whatever it is called. Also if anyone is artistically inclined and wants to draw a cover or fanart for this story, be my guest (I could really use a better cover since I got this one of google images). Enough ranting! I hope you like this short-ish chapter!

Guest 1: I'm also a bit sad that there aren't that many franada AUs and thank you for reviewing~

Guest 2: *blushes* Awww thanks.

Guest 3: I couldn't kill Mattie, he is my favourite character!

Guest 4: Thank you and sorry for putting this story on such a long hiatus but I am back~

Warnings: *Shrugs* it's rated T.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

"Arthur, may I have a word with you?" a deep voice asked catching the young merman off guard.

Arthur turned around in the slate marble dining room chair to see an older version of Alfred towering over him. "O-of course," he said trying to collect himself. Even after all of the times he spoke directly to Arthur, and even treated him as a part of the family, he still feared the King as any normal citizen would.

King Charles nodded and pulled out a chair next to him. He rested his elbows on the table and whispered "Arthur, I fear for my son."

"Rest assured, your highness, we will find Matthew," he promised contemplating if it was rude to put his hand on his broad shoulder for comfort or not.

He sighed and cupped his chin in his hands. "It is not Matthew I am worried about," he began causing Arthur to raise one of his untamed eyebrows a bit confused. "It is Alfred. I fear that I am getting older."

"What do you mean by that?" Arthur asked obliviously. It was apparent that King Charles was in fact growing elderly. His once golden hairs turned grayer with each passing day and his blue eyes dulled. In addition wrinkles began to form on his once clear skin and his once toned chest was beginning to soften.

"I will not be on the throne for much longer, which is why I am asking you to protect my heir at all costs. Please keep him in the castle at all times and never have him without an escort."

Arthur's eyes widened with his display of affection, even if he did refer to Alfred as 'his heir'. If he were not the King, Arthur would be insulting his plan's flaws. How could he treat Alfred like this? He wasn't a bloody pet or a possession, he thought.

However the green eyed blonde replied shakily "of c-course."

"Good. Take care of yourselves while I am gone," he said pushing out the chair from the table to swam off to begin his daily schedule.

"Gone?" Arthur asked swimming alongside the blue tailed King as they exited the dining room and entered the foyer. The foyer was Arthur's third favorite room behind the parlor and the library. The foyer was shaped as a circle in glistening white marble. Spread out through the entire room were corals and sponges in every imaginable color dancing to the water's currents. Six marble columns held up a painted dome depicting the greatest feats and cities of the Kingdom.

"You did not think I would let that stingy Eastern Kingdom keep my son; did you?" King Charles asked with a lighthearted chuckle.

"I would never dream of it."

"Atta boy," he said ruffling Arthur's wiry blonde hair as if he was his own child. "Somebody ought to teach those posh Easterners not to mess with us."

"Sir, why not have the military rescue him?"

He smiled warmly and placed a hand on the younger's shoulder. "Arthur, you have much to learn about royalty. I cannot leave the fate of Matthew in anyone else's hands. I am old and served my time. If I do not come back, please tell Alfred how much I cared for him."

Arthur's eyes widened with fear for his ruler. "Aren't you going to see him before you leave?"

He shook his head letting his short locks fall over his blue eyes. "No. Alfred is too stubborn and would force me to take him along. Besides I cannot bear the pain."

Arthur nodded once. "When will you be leaving?"

"As soon as possible. Arthur, thank you," he stated and pulled Arthur into a tight hug.

Arthur choked out "you're welcome."

"Oh Angelique," Francis practically sang for his favorite maid in a smooth voice.

Angelique sighed. She was a bit tired from undressing and bathing Matthew last night and was hoping to have some rest before beginning her early morning duties. "Yes-?" she said stopping in her tracks when she stepped into his room. The golden haired King radiated happiness, something she has not seen him act like for a while.

He immediately swam over and grabbed her mocha hands, still in his loosely fitted nightgown. "Oh Angelique. I had a magnificent time last night."

She raised her eyebrows uninterested. "Oh really now? Tell me more," she said sarcastically with a roll of her dark eyes. Ever since she became a maid for Francis, she always dreamt of being the only person he could love. It was a farfetched and cliché fantasy, but a girl could dream a little. After all, Francis would soon get bored of little servant Matthew and move on cyclically.

"We went out for a delightful dinner and I taught him how to dance," he said dragging her around the room in a waltz-like dance.

"Anything else?" she urged, her breathing becoming short and her heart fluttering. She could not believe her childhood lover was dancing with her around his bedroom, just like she had always imagined.

The yellow tailed merman shook his head. "Not yet. I am waiting for that special moment."

She was taken aback by his comment. "Waiting? Francis I think Mathieu put you under some sort of spell," she teased with a giggle.

"Ah, it is called amour."

"Yes, you and your human language," she said with a roll of her dark eyes.

"What is there not to like about the humans? They have their rich language and beautiful sky-that's it!"

"What's it?" Angelique asked as Francis let go of her sweaty hands.

"I will take him to see the étoiles!"

She plopped herself on his slate bed a bit deflated and flattened down her wrinkled blue dress and asked "étoiles?"

"The stars. It is perfect, non?"

Angelique scowled and ran her petite through her brown curls. "Are you sure about this guy? Nobody has even heard of him!"

"Yes, I am positive about my Mathieu," he said running a shiver up his spine. Just saying the merman's name made his heart and face fluster. "Tell Mathieu that I am taking him out tonight but nothing else. Make sure he is wearing something beautiful. I want him to be surprised."

Angelique bit her lip and nodded, tears pricking her brown eyes and wished that he could be saying those words about her. "Yes, milord."


Author's Notes: Poor Seychelles. Why do I always make bad things happen to her? Don't worry, she will get a happy ending...eventually. Also, the ending is a bit dumb. Sorry I majorly rushed. My bff is coming over for a sleepover and I wanted to publish this before she did. *Sighs* I don't really want this story to last too long, given I have 47832910 stories to finish before my school begins and I will be overloaded with music and clubs and work and shit. Maybe only around 15 chapters or whatever. Thank you for fueling me with your wonderful reviews XD! Anyways I know I promised some more UsUk Not yet. /hides/ Sorry. More Franada though. And what is more romantic than stars? Oh right, nothing! I just have so many Franada (and UsUk) feels. Well, that's all from me about this chapter. I hope to see you all soon~