Okay welcome! I'm glad you stopped by to read this wacky story of mine! I hope you enjoy it cus I certainly did writing it.
The search for Batman
Fear was a curious concept to a child. It came in many different forms. Sometimes it was the dark, a mystifying realm that lacked the warmth of the light. Other times it was the monster in the closet or under the bed, lurking there ready to snap at your legs that kicked innocently over the mattress side. But for the children of the infamous rogue gallery, the only fearful specter imaginable was the Batman.
He was the personification of dark, the monster in the closet wanting to rob them of their mommies and daddies. A dastardly villain who shook them to the very core. Sure Jen claimed that he didn't scare her in anyway. But still there were times when a sudden alien movement would make her pause for a moment and think of him. The Batman.
They all were wary of the cowl, but even so they still wondered about him. They were children after all, curious creatures bent with soft fantasy and make-believe. Johnny wondered if he always wore his mask, even to bed. Holly sometimes imagined him appearing at her window to leave a batarang at the sill. Emily, sweet Emily, wanted to know that if she drew him a nice picture would he stop taking her daddy to the crazy-house. Jenny just wanted to see what he'd do if she kicked him in the no-no's.
So when Johnny (of course) suggested that the go seek the dark knight, they all were interested. It was a summer day and The Cranes were having a summer cookout. The congregation of seven to nine year old children sat on the jungle gym out back, watching the adults have a soft conversation. "We goin yet, Jen?" Holly asked quietly. Jen, who had made the plan of leaving, shook her head.
"No, wait for it..."
"Time for some summer drinks!" Que exclaimed, carrying a bottle of festive summer vodka and fruit juice to mix into a drink. All the adults rose like the dead, surrounding for a glass. That was signal and the four children slipped off the gym, crawling through the fenced perimeter and down the hill. Johnny held Emily's hand tight since she was the youngest, seven, and got lost easily.
They traveled through the thickets of the woods that would take them into the city. "I'm scared…" Emily said after a while. Johnny frowned and looked to Jen.
"I told you we should 'ave left her behind." Jen's blank, always cold, eyes just drifted over him, as if challenging him to go against her authority.
"She wished to go. And if we had left her behind, our parents would have someone to interrogate for our location." She paused, since Johnny had already given up his side of the argument. "Just hold her close, we'll be out soon." Emily fidgeted a bit, but kept her fear to herself.
The foliage began to draw back as the children entered the city, standing out to the working adults passing back and forth around them. Jen frowned, irritated by being around so many people. She instructed them all to hold hands as they continued their search.
Kayla made her way out the house, a summer martini in hand. She could already feel herself getting lightheaded from the liquor. She never had been able to hold alcohol. She looked out with her brown eyes to the jungle gym where the children had been. She blinked. They were gone.
She looked out to the rest of the playing rounds, just in case they were there instead. No, they weren't anywhere. "Guys-!" she screamed to the other in the house, holding onto the screen door since her knees were wobbling. "The kids are gone!"
The rest of the adults immediately ran outside, freaking out. Kayla who downed the rest of her martini just started to curse them all out (besides the Joker…he was already breaking things in the house), pissed that her daughter was missing. "It's okay….I'm sure we'll find the-"
"Find them? My baby is gone, at your fucking house. Fucking FUCK!" Kayla buried her face in her hands while Harley came to comfort her. Que looked down since Kayla had never cussed her out before, Jonathan putting his hand over her shoulder.
"It's getting dark now, we better move fast." Edward said kissing the top of Kayla's head who was rambling to herself. "Come on." Harley opted to stay with Kayla who couldn't get to her feet anymore and was barking for some more of that 'summer shit' for her head slitting headache and forget this damn fuckery. Que would just feel awkward staying there, so she went with Jonathan, Edward, and the Joker, bringing a rope over her shoulder in case she had to swing at someone with her cha-cha heels. She hoped that where ever they were they were safe...
Night came and so had the summer chill. They hadn't found who they were searching for. The four of them had covered over the entire city and yet the Bat had not been amiss. Emily had whined to them that she was tired of walking and they paused to take a rest in an alley way. Johnny set off in the alley to do his business. He whistled to himself when he heard something behind him. Zipping his pants back up, he peeked over into the rest of the alley.
That's when the pair of men appeared to him, towering over his shortness. "Hey kid," The one in the cap said to him, dark eyes inspecting him. Johnny who had been taught to not talk to strangers (though he usually did so anyway) didn't respond. The men stepped closer to him and when he went to take one back they grabbed him.
Johnny kicked and yelled, making as much noise as he could as they attempted to mug him. He even went as far as to bite one of them. "Fuck, damn kid." The other cussed, fanning his hand.
"What, do you think, you are doing, with my brother?" The muggers heard a very chilling voice. They turned to see Jen, Holly, and Emily. The older girls looked very pissed off, Emily hiding behind them.
"Heh, look it's a bunch of little girls." One mugger muttered, looking at them with a laugh that turned nervous since there was something about them that made his skin crawl.
Jen, who didn't often let her emotions play over her face, glared at the man who was most likely four to five feet taller than herself. She glanced at Holly who smiled sweetly at her cracking her knuckles. Both muggers stared at the girls not sure what to think.
Robin hopped over the roof tops, feeling the rush of air around him. Batman had finally given him permission to roam on his own. He peered about looking for anyone up to dastardly deeds that the Boy Wonder would have to fix. He heard screaming and rolled into the direction of the ruckus. He blinked at what he saw.
Two grown men were being pummeled by three kids his age. The two girls held them down in hard holds he'd seen on the UFC channel. The boy was punching them in the face. He cocked his head to the side because it just looked so bazaar especially when a little girl came and kicked sand in their eyes and they yelped.
"H-hey!" Robin called down, sliding down the pipe. "What are you doing?" The kids looked at him in surprise.
"It's Robin!" Emily screamed as Jen and Holly released the men, their eyes wide. Jen cleared her throat and approached him, while the rest of the kids shrank back, the muggers crumbled on the ground.
"Scaly panties," She said with her arms crossed. She would never be afraid of a kid who ran around in his underwear, even if he was Batman's sidekick. "Where's your boss?"
Robin, confused by the way the other kids were scared of him, looked at her with a taken off guard expression. "Scaly…what?" Jen let out air through her nose, aggrieved by his lostness.
"Batman, where is he? We have complaints to make."
"Jen? Emily? Johnny? Holly?" Someone began to call their names and the children looked over to see their fathers and Que, rushing over to hug them. Que squeezed the life out of her kids, who received a reprimanding look from their father. Emily ran to her father, telling him about how she was scared and it was dark in the woods and so on. The Joker looked at the muggers and then his daughter.
"Did you guys do that?" He asked her, an unfathomable tone in his voice. She smiled and nodded. The Joker grinned and scooped the girl into his arms.
"That's my girl." They hi-fived as Robin backed up from the rest of them because there were a bunch of rogues. Jonathan looked to Robin and raised an eyebrow before the kid ran the hell away.
"What were you guys thinking running off like that?" Que snapped with her hands on her hips. "And why are these guys here?" She gestured to the muggers.
"We were looking for Batman." Johnny said hesitantly. "We wanted to see him. And those guys…they tried to mug me so we beat them up." The parents, with the exception of Joker who was proud, tilted their heads to the side in disbelief.
"You are lucky nothing happened to you." And for thoseself defense lay-ups from Que and Nygma. Scarecrow added to Jonathan's statement making the man roll his eyes. "Let's go back home before your wife does something unsightly." He told Edward who agreed. They all began their journeys back home.
That night all the children had been punished, sent to bed without dessert. As they lay in bed all of them though one thing. That it was pretty fun and even though they didn't find Batman as they wanted, they did get to meet Boy Blunder whom they were sure would pee himself tonight. That thought kept them content and they drifted off to sleep.
Okidoki! There it is! I hope you liked it ! Prepare for more!