Chapter 1
Meeting Senju Tsunade's boys
Once in almost every teenagers lifetime, they believe that their life sucks, the world's against them and that they are not being treated fairly. Normally, these thoughts are due to the fact that they have to be home by a certain time or possibly because they are grounded for getting a bad result on a test.
As Hinata sat on a plane flying toward Konoha, she wished that she had a curfew or received a bad grade. At this point, her life was a lot worse at the moment. Over all she had a perfect life up until the last day of school, the day she won the championship for her team. It was the kind of accomplishment every one wants and dreams about. But, after that day everything changed.
Her father, Hiashi, found out the next day and went into a boiling rage, stating that no heiress of his was to participate in such activities. To be honest he was always against her being on the track team, he preferred her to be studying in business and investment to receive knowledge in order to run the family company someday. At the peak of his rage, he completely took the title of heiress from her and made Hanabi, her sister, his new successor. He told her that since she had no more purpose she was to leave at once.
And so, she did.
As she stormed out of the huge house with two bags slung over her shoulders, she happened to bump into Tsunade, her fathers partner in business and her mother's old friend. She asked what was wrong and Hinata told her everything in a babbled, stammering mess, not able to sustain her tears. The older woman hugged her tightly and said she had no problem taking care of her.
So, from that point on Hinata was placed in Tsunade's custody. Not only did she have to leave the bustling big city of Tokyo were she spent all of her life, she also never even got the chance to say goodbye to her younger sister. Hinata sat in silence, trying not to cry her heart out over her father that didn't love her or care for her in anyway.
Tsunade fidgeted nervously, causing Hinata to ask if she was okay. The blonde woman smiled and told her that she was fine, but rather nervous about taking her home. When Hinata asked why, she gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Hinata, sweetheart, did I ever tell you that I have 10 other adopted sons."
Hinata gaped at her in incredulity. Tsunade had ten sons? How was she going to survive? The only male she had ever really known was her cousin Neji, and that barely counted cause he ran away years ago. She even attended an all girls private school for crying out loud! Didn't boys speak their own language or something? She could already see the disaster waiting to happen.
It was a long flight, so thinking that she should prepare for the oncoming catastrophe and at least have a picture of what she was walking into, Hinata dug into her messenger bag and pulled out a notebook and pencil. She politely asked Tsunade to tell her about the boys. She enthusiastically excepted and started writing away. Minutes later she was done and handed the book back to its owner. In it, written in neat feminine script was each of the boys names and brief description.
Sasori, 20, studying part time at the local university and creates puppets as a hobby when he has the time.
Itachi, 19, studies at the same university as Sasori for business and politics.
Deidara, 19, didn't want to attend uni. so he stays home and works on clay models.
Neji, 18,...
Hinata quickly looked up to Tsunade was was grinning widely "Yes, your cousin Neji. I found him a few days after he ran away and took him in. You know, he talks almost all the time about you. It seems as if luck is on your side, ne?" Hinata nodded and continued reading.
...4th year in high school and president of the martial arts club.
Shikamaru, 17, 3rd year in high school, president in the archery club.
Sai, 17, 3rd year in high school loves to draw and sketch.
Gaara, 16, 3rd year in high school, cousin of Sasori, likes sharp things like knives- enough said.
Sasuke, 16, hot headed prince in high school, 3rd year, part of the martial arts club, younger brother of Itachi.
Kiba, 16, 3rd year, obsessed with girls.
Naruto, 16, energetic, athletic, 3rd year.
Hinata slowly closed the book. She had to admit some of these boys were... interesting.
When the plane landed, she grabbed her bags reluctantly and they set out to find Tsunade's assistant and friend, Shizune. Shizune was a tall slender woman with short black hair and equally dark eyes. When they found her, she looked at her then at Tsunade.
"Who?" She asked her boss. Tsunade smiled nervously before telling Hinata's sad story.
"So I decided to take her in." She finished as all of Hinata's stuff was packed in the trunk and they began their drive to Tsunade's house. Hinata noticed it was out here unlike how it was in Tokyo. Though it was a big town like so many other places, it was surrounded by lush green grass and different color trees.
It was naturally beautiful unlike Tokyo were you are captivated by the many city lights that shined at night.
Hinata also noticed that the houses got bigger and more grand as they drove further into Konoha. Finally, the car stopped in front of a huge estate surrounded by tall stone brick walls. When Tsunade and Hinata got out of the car, Hinata grabbing her duffel bag and track messenger bag while saying thank you to Shizune as she drove off, they walked through the iron gates. Hinata realized that it wasn't a single house(mansion really); It looked more like three houses put together. It was bigger than her old home, and that said a lot. Her whole house was home to the whole Hyuga family which, in fact, is way bigger than 10 boys and two females.
"Hinata-chan!" Tsunade called already halfway up a pathway that went around the mansion to what must have been the backyard. Hinata quickly followed...well as quickly as she could with a bag resting on each shoulder.
At first all Hinata saw was Tsunade standing on the pool deck waving and grinning at her. But then as she got closer she saw them. A light blush settled upon her cheeks. There, in the pool, splashing and goofing around were a completely shirtless bunch of extremely gorgeous guys.
"Come here Hun!" called Tsunade, so Hinata had no choice but to join her on the deck. This was not how she was planning the meeting to be. She could of walked through the front door and found a room to live in witout being noticed. They would hardly sense her presence. But, since Kami had a good sense of humor today, she hesitantly walked up the wooden steps and dropped her bags on the deck. Everything and everyone became silent, much to Hinata's discomfort, the boys slowly turned their heads towards her as if they were in some shampoo commercial. She was half-heartedly expecting rose petals to fall due to their beutiful aura.
"Boys," began Tsunade, breaking the silence "This is Hinata-chan and she will be staying with us from now on."
Hinata took a deep breath as the boys all stayed frozen and stared at her like she was a foreigner invading there country. She nervously smiled and shyly waved "H-hello. I'm Hyuga Hinata. Nice to meet you."
One of the older guys swam forward and pulled himself out of the pool, breaking the boys out of their trance-like state. Hinata took one look at him and her pulse stopped, her pale face turned paler and she was sure she stopped breathing for a second.
The guy looked like he just stepped off of the cover of those magazine's girls be squealing over. His long bright blond hair was a little messy and clung to the sides of his face and neck due to being underwater. His thin but well toned abdomen was lightly misted with water. Hinata was so captivated she couldn't help but follow a droplet that fell from is dark eyelashes, cascaded down his high cheek bones, slowly made its way over his abs and then hid under his swimming trousers.
Hinata's blush quickly came back 10 fold, making her face resemble a tomato. She squeaked before doing something only being around boys could cause her to do.
She fainted.
"...Did I do something wrong, un?"
A/N: Indeed you did Deidara. Indeed you did... Any ways REVIEW for a faster update