A/N: Well this is my first Kuroko no Basuke fic, please don't kill me for OCC-ness I've just recently been addicted to it. I'm not really a fan of everyonexKuroko so please don't expect that kind of fics from me, I'm in love with pairing Kagami with everyone though. Anyway this is a KurokoxKagami fic, please enjoy. I won't talk about basketball here, this is a romance fic for reasons.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke.

He's Sly

(Chapter 1: kagaMINE!)

"Kuroko…do you know where Kagami is?" Riko asked the blue haired first year. It hasn't been five minutes since Hyuga dismissed the team but Kagami was already nowhere in sight and she desperately needed to talk to him about a new training menu she was planning for him. "I don't know." He answered and walked pass her and he exited the gym before she can ask anymore. Riko sighed, she had the feeling that Kagami and Kuroko weren't on speaking terms today…but she wasn't so sure, they seemed okay during practice.

"Where's Teppei?" she half shouted to Hyuga who was talking to Izuki, Koganei and Mitobe. The team's captain turned to her and shrugged. "He was there a moment ago, right?" he asked. "Yeah, where'd he go?" Koganei said and Mitobe nodded in agreement. "Hyuga, do you think I'd ask you if I knew where he went?" Riko growled loudly. "Everyone's disappearing on us...AH! Even Kuroko ran away!"

"Coach, calm down." Izuki said. Hyuga and Koganei tried suppressing their chuckle while Mitobe was patting Hyuga's back for support. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LAUGHING AT?" She was thinking too much.

(Meanwhile with Kagami.)

"Would you bastards stop following me?" Kagami shouted as he ran down the street away from Seirin.

"Not until you admit that you like me Kagamicchi~" Kise said.

Kagami groaned. It was only minutes after club practice when Kiyoshi cornered him in the drinking fountains outside. Though before the other could even say what he wanted; Murasakibara and Akashi appeared behind Kagami. Murasakibara immediately offered a small lollipop to Kagami, but Akashi slapped it out of his hand. Then Kise came out from a random bush shouting "Cheaters!" but was hushed up by Aomine who threw a basketball to his head. No one knows where Aomine came from though. By then there was an awkward silence until Midorima coughed from the other side of the fountain and adjusted his glasses.

"What the fuck?" Kagami said as he frowned deeper.

"Good afternoon Kagami, how are you today? My horoscope said today is a nice day to go spend time with a Leo." Midorima greeted. Kagami didn't hear it though, he was busy trying to process, rather slowly too, why the hell everyone from the Generation of Miracles was there.

"Shut up Midorima." Aomine said as he pushed Kiyoshi out of the way and gripped both Kagami's shoulder tightly and shook him back to reality. "Oi Bakagami, listen to me. Like me!" He shouted.

"What? No way!" Kagami shouted back, and pushed Aomine away. He stumbled back and hit Murasakibara lightly. He glared at the taller boy but Murasakibara just stared at him lazily.

"Eh, Aomine you lose." Akashi said. He gripped one of Kagami's arms and looked up to him. "You like me. I know you do." Akashi said in a serious face. He was apparently sure that Kagami liked him.

"Asshole." Aomine growled.

"Why the hell would I like you?" Kagami looked disgusted. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" He shook Akashi's hand away.

"Kagamicchi doesn't like you guys, he likes me!" Kise shouted, as he threw the basketball to Akashi and Kagami's direction. Both ducked the ball and it hit Midorima square on the face.

"Shit." Both Kise and Kagami said.

"…Kise…" Midorima growled as he launched at Kise. Aomine and Akashi started bickering. Murasakibara was too busy eating his lollipop and staring at Kiyoshi to tell Akashi that Kagami already dashed away.

"Uhm guys, I don't know what you need with Kagami, but he ran away." Kiyoshi finally said as he dashed to Kagami's escape direction. Of all the times that those guys had to show up, why did it have to be today?

So here was Kagami Taiga, running from a group of teenage boys who were persistently asking him to like them. He was thoroughly confused right now. What is with this sudden change of attitudes toward him? No, seriously…what kind of drug did these guys take, and why was Kiyoshi chasing him as well?

"I don't know about those bastards, but why are you chasing me too Kiyoshi?" Kagami shouted.

"Oh, I want you to like me too." Kiyoshi answered with a light chuckle. Kagami could hear a few groans and a 'Not you too!' being whined from behind him.

"I HUMBLY REFUSE! Like hell I'll like any of you."

"You'll like me." Akashi said calmly.

"I'll force you to like me." Aomine shouted.

"Kagamicchi already likes me!" Kise whined.

"I don't agree…" Midorima said to Kise.

"Shut up!" Kise barked.

"Do you not like us Kagamichin?" Murasakibara asked.


(With Kuroko)

Himuro walked behind Kuroko. He went to Seirin with Murasakibara a while ago, but it seems that the other took off with the other Generation of Miracles boys to force themselves upon his Kagami. 'His' Kagami…but maybe not anymore.

"So…Kuroko, where exactly are you going?" He asked with a smile but frowned when Kuroko pretended that he didn't hear the question. "You like Kagami." Kuruko said. Himuro wasn't sure if Kuroko was asking or stating a fact.

"Yes…well I did."

They continued to walk quietly.

"I do too."
