"Why do you always get the same thing?"

"Because it's delicious. Have you had one? It tastes like heaven!"

"You're such a dork!"

"You're just a nonbeliever who will convert one of these days."

The two women snorted. Sakura took another bite of her apple cinnamon muffin. It had been way too long since one of these gifts from the gods gave her taste buds such a blessing. Who invented apple cinnamon muffins, anyway? Sakura needed to hang pictures of her savior on the walls of her apartment. Sakura gazed at her best friend as their laughter subsided; it seemed almost surreal. Amazing things turned her life upside down in the past few months. She wanted to tell Ino how Sasuke turned out to be the brother of the dragon, who did exist, but Sakura knew it wouldn't make any sense because Sasuke disappeared from everyone's memory after his defeat.

During the battle, Sakura thought she had lost Itachi. He was lying motionless on the ground. Her heart felt like it stopped beating. She cried out his name as Sasuke smiled victoriously. Sakura ran to the male's side, she shook his shoulder hard before turning him on his back. There was a deep gash going down the front of his chest that was bleeding profusely. Sakura tried using the tattered material from his cloak to hold pressure on the wound, but it was not helping. Sakura watched Itachi's complexion turned an ashen grey and when he opened his eyes, they were black. They were never that color before.

Sakura panicked when the bleeding wouldn't stop. She crouched over Itachi as Sasuke walked over.

"This isn't over!" she shouted at the younger Uchiha.

"It's over. Move out of the way Sakura or you will die."

Sakura ignored the bastard and placed her hands on Itachi's chest. His heart was fluttering under her fingers. Thinking fast, Sakura flared her chakra into her hands, trying to push them into the wounds. Maybe she could give Itachi some of her chakra and he would be okay. At first, nothing was happening, and Sakura was becoming frantic. She forced her way forward and felt a sudden pulling sensation coming from Itachi, his color returning.

Sakura's smile faded as she reminisced about that horrible moment. She thought Itachi would die, but he was returning right in front of her eyes. That did not please Sasuke. The pinkette ran a finger over the scar that now lined her right side. Sasuke slashed her for what she did, and she would never forget that searing pain that erupted from the wound. Afterward, Sakura jumped further away from her assailant and grit her teeth at Sasuke.

"So, you need the help of a pathetic girl to beat me?" Sasuke said, ignoring Sakura. "You're weaker than I thought."

The younger brother moved to attack the elder one, but when he was about ten feet away, a bright light emitted from Itachi and he was once again in his dragon form.

"I will not underestimate you again little brother," Itachi spoke as they locked in battle once more.

"Hey! Whoo-hoo Sakura? Where is your brain?!"

Sakura shook her head from the memory and frowned at her friend. "Am I not allowed to think?!"

"You don't have the brain capacity for thinking."

"Shut up!"

Ino laughed and took a sip of her cinnamon mocha iced coffee. Her face turned serious. "So, tell me how you met that gorgeous hunk!"

It was true; Itachi was still in her life. He was thousands of years old yet didn't wither away when he reverted to human form. Sakura vowed to spend as much time as possible with him. She didn't know if he'd disappear one day.

"I met him in the library," Sakura blurted out before finishing the last of her muffin. "I'm about to go meet him on the boardwalk soon. See you later!"

Sakura exited quickly before her nosy friend could pry anymore. The sun was just setting, and the young woman stood outside for a moment, enjoying the warmth embracing her. An orange hue loomed over the trees and a breeze enveloped her. Sakura stopped herself from placing her arms out and just looking up at the beautiful sunset. Remembering she needed to meet Itachi, Sakura got into her car and headed to his location. Her heart beat like a drum with anticipation of seeing his handsome face. It was true she didn't witness the final blow between him and Sasuke. She passed out from blood loss beforehand, but when she woke up, Sakura found herself in a cabin. Her eyes widened in disbelieve.


The male gave her a huge grin. "How are you feeling Sakura-chan?"

"I hate it when you call me that."

Naruto chuckled before picking up a glass of water and holding it to her lips. She didn't realize how parched her throat was until she the crisp scent of the water hit her nostrils. Sakura gulped, causing Naruto to pull back.

"Take it easy," he warned. "I don't need you puking it all back up."

Sakura rolled her eyes before easing to a sitting position. Naruto fussed at her again, but she didn't hear him. Beryl orbs searched for Itachi and her spirit sank when she realized it was just her and Naruto in the room.

Naruto picked up on her change in attitude. "He'll be right back. No need to worry."

That picked Sakura up and her attention focused on Naruto. Just what was he doing out here? She voiced her question and Naruto moved to go pull up a chair. She couldn't believe her ears.

"I've known all along that the dragon was real," he started. " I had found him myself a few months back. He tried to kill me at first, but we ended up just talking. After hearing his side, I knew you could help him."

"How did you know?" Sakura questioned.

Naruto smiled. "Because I could see your chakra network was lying dormant. Majority of people don't have a chakra network anymore. And even though it wasn't awake, it was trying to. All you needed was someone to give it a push."

How could he see her chakra network? Those answers just brought a thousand more questions. Who was Naruto? Had he lived for years like Itachi? Sakura was about to open her mouth to continue her interrogation, but at that moment, the wooden door swung open and there he stood.

"Itachi," Sakura breathed.

He had many injuries all over his body, but Itachi seemed fine. He deactivated his Sharingan, too She was unaware he could turn it off. When she studied him, Sakura found that she liked the darker version of his eyes. It made him look more... human. Itachi shrugged off his cloak and placed it on the floor.

"Thank you for your assistance, Naruto," Itachi said as he moved to her side.

Sakura reached for his hand in a flash and placed it against her cheek. Itachi watched the display, unsure of how to respond. This woman wormed her way into his being and brightened his dark heart. She dropped his hand and motioned for him to lean down. Their lips crashed together. Sakura wrapped her arms around his shoulders while Itachi moved his hands to either side of his face. It surprised him when Sakura's tongue brushed against his teeth, asking for entrance. It didn't take long for Itachi to allow her access and deepen their kiss.

"Gross, get a room, you perverts!"

Sakura broke away from her lover and glared at Naruto. "You're just jealous because you're all alone. You wouldn't be if you stopped being a dunce and realized Hinata likes you!"

Naruto hung his head. "That's not nice Sakura-chan..."

Sakura giggled before parking and getting out of her car. She could see him from where she stood. Sakura gazed at him for a moment. His long hair had grown about an inch since his release back into human form. He now wore clothes from the time he was in, black muscle shirt and jeans covering his body. Sakura admired his muscular form before closing the gap between them. Itachi turned, knowing she was there long before he saw her.

Sakura smiled at him before saying, "I can't believe this happened."

"I agree," was his short answer before moving her in front of him. His warm embrace wrapped around her and Sakura leaned her head against his shoulder.

Sakura didn't know what would happen next. She had yet to encounter Pein. Her deepest fear was that he would return and say Itachi had to go with him. Sakura's heart sank with Itachi spoke those exact words.

"You're leaving me?"

"Yes," Itachi answered. "I have far exceeded my life expectancy on this Earth."

Sakura tried to stop the tears threatening to fall. "How long before you have to go?"

"I do not know."

Sakura failed at holding back her tears. She turned, buried her face into Itachi's chest, and sobbed. This man meant everything to her. It must have been something special if she fell so hard for him after what had happened. Why did fate have to turn around and kick her in the crotch after she found happiness? Itachi continued to hold her.

"But there is one thing."

Sakura sniffed before turning her tear-streaked face up to look at him. "What's that?"

"I will come back," Itachi answered. "I do not know when, but will you wait for me Sakura?"

She'd wait until the end of time for his return. He was her rock, the fire that burned within her. She'd never forget those crimson eyes. She had been through hell and high water with this man and Sakura realized she was falling in love with him.

"Yes," Sakura breathed. "I'll wait for you Itachi."

They kissed for an instant before Itachi grasped Sakura's hand and pulled her towards the water's edge. The two of them kicked off their shoes before moving to ankle deep in the water. It chilled Sakura's feet a little. A shell caught her attention and Sakura reached down to pick it up. It broke down the center, but her eyes widened at the shape it had taken. The shell held an interesting asymmetrical shape and it glittered when she turned it over in her hand. Itachi saw her pick it up.

"Do you like it?"

"It's very pretty," Sakura answered. "I love how red it is." She gave him a watery smile. "It's are red as your Sharingan."

Itachi's gaze never left the water. "Hold on to until I return to ensure you will not forget about me."

The pinkette held the shell up to her chest, planning to make it into a necklace. "I could never forget you Itachi. You or those crimson eyes."