A/N: Hi! It's been quite a while since I updated. Hope you enjoy this one! Quick overview: This sets one year after. Seira is almost a year old. After Misaki gave birth, Takumi cut a deal. She stays with him for one year. He agrees for being friends which means no flirting. Now that the time is up, he's back with making her his.

I stare at my daughter's tiny body sleeping peacefully. A part of me always wonders how we made this beautiful girl. Her blonde hair and green eyes are just like Takumi's. Business men on their phones stop to look at her and compliment me for having such an angelic baby.

It's a rare morning where I wake up to the alarm. Usually, her piercing cries echo through the mansion before sunrise, demanding attention. The little diva is not the one to blame. Takumi and her grandparents spoil her to death. Last week, she learned how to point with her chubby little fingers to get what she wants. I sigh. It was a proud mommy moment until I realized she had Takumi wrapped around her finger. One smile, he melts. The huge teddy bear at the corner of the nursery smiles at me as if it knew I was right.

We got the bear when Takumi and I decided to take Seira out with us to the mall to buy Charles' 7th birthday gift. In the middle of choosing between a bicycle and a toy car , Seira squealed in Takumi's arms. She pointed excitedly at the stuffed teddy bear, 10 times her size. That was all it took for Takumi to hand over his credit card and instruct the manager to deliver the ridiculously large bear to the mansion immediately. I rolled my eyes.

Earlier that day, I made him promise we would not be getting anything too extravagant for Charles. His birthday party itself was already over the top. But in the end, Takumi spent so much for the event to make it to the magazines.

"Exclusive: Charles Walker's Extravagant Royal Party"

While reading those magazines, I choked over some articles about me and Takumi faking a relationship for the kids. I casually mentioned it to Takumi when he got home, saying it was about time we came clear to the press. In one angry phone call, Takumi paid the right people for those articles to stop. It did.

But both of us knew we were stalling talking about our relationship. My complicated pregnancy bought us time. After a caesarean birth, the doctor gave strict orders for me to rest for one year. Takumi did not bother asking for permission when he moved us into the mansion. It was just for the year, he told me. We could decide where to go on from there. So for the past year, we were friends, no flirting, no sex. Sometimes, I saw how much he wanted to break our deal with the way he looked at me. I tried to get it out of my mind. We were just friends. Friends with children we both loved.

Our one year time frame was up. If he does not want to talk about it, I don't either. Either way, I have to start looking for a job and an apartment already. I can't rely on Takumi's credit line to support me and our children forever.

With one last look at Siera, I leave the nursery and find Charles. It takes 15 full minutes before I finally see them by the poolside. At the exact moment, Takumi is coming up the pool. I catch my breath at the sight his perfect body. Heat flooded my body unexpectedly. Two children with him and he still has this effect on me. Damn it. His eyes found mine and flashed me a knowing smile at my blush. I quickly looked for Charles who was busy checking out his new toy or whatever it was his father gave him.

"Mommy! I have new soccer shoes!" He raised his 14th pair proudly. And he's just seven. The box branded with an athlete's name catches my attention.

"That's sweet, Charles"

"Daddy said it's for my game today. Can Seira come toooo?" He pleaded with those puppy dog eyes. He loved being a big brother to Seira, just as Seira loved him.

"She's still asleep. But when she wakes up, I'm sure she'd insist to come along"

"Yay!I'm gonna show her my shoes when she wakes up!"

I help him in to the soccer shoes before he takes off, jumping and running with them.

"Are you mad?" Takumi carefully asks. I make the mistake of looking at him. A towel hangs dangerously low on his hips, exposing his abs and the sexy V, women melt for.

"You're distracting me with your body" I push him away, accidentally touching his groin. Fuck. I feel my cheeks heat up as I jump from up and move away.

"Is it working?" He smirks, taking a step closer.

"N-no. G-go get dressed, you idiot!"

"Or should I just lose the towel?"

I scan around for an escape. As if on cue, my phone rings. I pick it up instantly, ready to scream if Takumi comes any closer. I shoot a warning glare at him.

"Misaki" Easton's deep voice answers. He's one of the major sponsors of the schools foundation. I worked with him on two charity projects during the year I wasn't allowed to do "stressful" work.

"Hey East" I whisper in a throaty voice that has nothing to do with him. Takumi's eyes glazes all over my body. My pulse speeds up.

"Will I see you in the game later?" He asks hoarsely.

"Yeah. I'll be there" I answer, my eyes not leaving Takumi.

"Good. We could have lunch together. I have a job offer to make"

I casually mentioned to him that I was beginning to look for a job while we were on an event. He was curious as to why I would want a job. So I told him I just wanted to be independent.

" I'll let you know"

I put down the phone. My heart going back to its normal pace. Takumi's playful smile is replaced by a frown.

"He's offering me a job" I smile at Takumi.

"So you're willing to accept help from him and not me?" He crosses his arms. He raises an eyebrow, expecting a reply.

"You've been helping me this past year, Takumi. It's more than enough. But I have to stand on my own" I softly explain, trying to calm his temper.

"Let me take care of you" He tells me, communicating all sincerity with his eyes. He knows today is the one year mark of our deal.

"I uhm I'll check the job offer if it's any good. I'll consult you before I make the decision" I compromise. In the one year limbo we've been living, its one thing I've learned to deal with.

"He's going to give you anything you want, trust me" He scoffs.

"I haven't even met with the HR yet"

"I let him near you because of the deal we made. One year is over, Misaki. I want to negotiate" He gives an intimidating look I saw numerous times in his press appearances. I proceed with caution.

"What do you want?"

"Take me back again"

I feel my heart pound.

"I need time to think about this, Takumi. If this is about the children, you know I'm not going to keep them from you" I look straight into his eyes for him to know I'm serious. I will never deprive my kids of their father.

"I love our children but this isn't about them, baby. You're the one for me. You've known that since high school"

The wedding ring I never bothered to remove felt heavy on my right hand. He stepped closer and took both of my hands in his.

"I want to be the man you run to when you need anything. I want to know how your day went or how our kids messed up the house. I want to come home to you every day. Honestly, I want more children running around the house. And the only one I imagine all of that with is with you"

A/N: I'm back! Thank you for all the reviews/ follows/ favorites. Let me know what you think! Drop a review, I highly appreciate all of them!