Mako trudged down the street, among his way to Beifong's office. The blistering sun crackled down on the dry, cobbled streets. A haze of dust hung in the air like a stiff tent, suffocating the patrons in the street. Mako thought it was probably a side effect of the construction on the city.
The buildings downtown arched over him, like industrial mountains soaring into the murky sky. Mako was aggravatingly aware of the scratch in his throat, a feel of parchment and sandpaper. He grimaced, wishing he could stop for water, but knowing it would be best to report to the newly reinstated chief, before taking a brief repast.
The Police Station stretched before him, the pure stone looking strong, imposing as it reviewed the city from it's height. As he scuffled into the lobby, nodding as one of the sergeants beckoned him forth to the Chief's office. The rooms were cool, iron draping across the entire interior of the headquarters. He scaled the spiraling stairwell, absentmindedly following the loops and turns that would lead him to his destination.
Once he reached the long hallway, the pretense before he reached Chief Beifong's office, a rumbling, cooing voice shuttered into Mako's ears, making him halt. He hesitated, dropping to his knees, feigning fastening his boots as his ears perked in anticipation of the conversation ensuing.
"We haven't seen hide or tail of him Lin! We scoured the seas, have had patrols out across the City and the neighboring cities. We've heard nothing about him or his brother." The booming voice reached Mako's ears without obstruction, as did the next voice, higher and clearly female, though still as demanding.
"Yes, Commander, I know. However, we can't let this monster get away. If he is still out there…"
"Lin, what makes you so sure he is? What makes you so sure he is within our reach anymore. For all we know he could be halfway to the Southern Air Temple by now!" The voice lowered, beaming more pensive. "I suppose we could spare a few more men. But soon enough, the United Forces will have other matters to attend to…We can't chase a ghost for much longer."
There was a long pause, then the woman, assumably Chief Beifong continued in a steady whisper, her voice unwavering, but still conveying the feeling of great sincerity and…danger?
"A ghost? I didn't know ghosts could write letters." There was a soft rustle of papers then silence. It was several long moments before a voice sliced through the quiet. A new voice, crisp and young, but still powerful and questioning.
"When did you receive this Chief Beifong?"
"This morning, General. It was on my front porch, must have been put there before dawn. It was sealed with this." A tiny clang of metal, a chirp in the corridor.
"A badge?" The booming voice asked, careful now, sensing that they were on the cusp of more serious matters.
"My badge," Beifong breathed, barely louder than a whisper. "Amon took it before he….before my bending was…." Mako couldn't be sure, though it sounded as if the Chief had become breathless, sharp inhales echoing out into the hall.
Apparently her distress was apparent because moment later Mako caught the rustle of iron armor against a uniform and metals. The first man's voice, the Commander as the Chief had addressed him, was muffled as he consoled her.
"Lin. Lin, hey. Look at me….listen this could be just some cooked up kids playing a joke. But…we will be taking it very seriously. We'll figure this out Lin. You have my word. No Equalist will be taking your bending ok? Now geez loosen up a bit! You're bringing the mood down! We JUST won back the City remember. We know you're bored, but try not to go stirring up unnecessary trouble so soon, ya hear?" There was a rumbling laugh, a chortle and then another rustle of metal and the stamp of footsteps.
The Chief responded, all her previous terseness reinstated as she respond, "I don't stir up trouble Bumi! And I am not bored! Being a police chief is a lot of work ok?" The only response from Commander Bumi was another bout of laughter.
"May I have this note Chief Beifong? I can see if some of my specialists may be able discern where it came from, sort out who sent it?"
"Take it. I have no use of it. Now if we're all done lolly-gagging, some of us actually have work to attend to!" Her gruff retort was accompanied by the shuffle of feet and then Mako ducked his head, averting his peering eyes to the ground. He finished mimicking fastening his boots, then stood, proceeding towards the Chief's office door, where three figures now stood.
"Lolly-gagging? Oh Linny, that hurts. Why I thought we we catching up on old times…." Commander Bumi's eyes were playful, his voice tinted with mischief as he toyed with Chief Beifong. He was a tall man, with spruces of his disheveled hair bursting out at all angles, wild eyes full of humor and a wide, goofy grin that Mako imagined was one of his most common accessories.
Hard to believe this guy is Tenzin's brother, Mako thought with a skeptical raise of his eyebrow. His companion was much more orderly, tall and handsome, black hair swept back out of his face. Eyes like the heart of a sun. Mako knew him, had even worked with him before. General Bumi. Korra's long-time childhood friend, son of the Fire Lord and the General that had come to Republic City's rescue.
"Shut up and never call me that again Bumi! Or so help, me I'll show you…." Chief Beifong cut her threat short, catching Mako out of the corner of her eye. She turned to him and though he wasn't sure he thought he could see a subtle dust of pink on her cheeks, underneath her hard eyes. A moment later it was gone.
"Deputy Mako, you're back." Remembering that she still had company she turned, waving a dismissing hand at the two soldiers garbed in the red uniforms of the United Forces. "This is Commander Bumi," Bumi extended a large hand, shaking Mako's vigorously, a wide grin blooming across his tanned face. "And General Iroh. Though I believe you two have already met on several occasions." Mako and Iroh nodded at one another, neither meeting the other's eyes directly.
"This is my newest deputy, Mako. He is one of Avatar Korra's friends." At her name Iroh's eyes narrowed, a flicker of something edging into their golden depths. Mako's hands tightened at his side, his upper lip lifting into an unconscious snarl.
"Speaking of Korra, I had a message for her, about the reparation of one of the southern burrows….i guess I can visit he later, or have a messenger run it over."
"I can save you a trip Chief Beifong. I am supposed to be meeting Korra for lunch later. I can deliver it if you like," General Iroh inserted, sending a spike of heat through Mako's gut.
Lunch? With her?
"Yes…Yes I suppose that will do. Just a moment while I find it. She disappeared into her office, a rustling of papers like the shifting of many wings, emanated from the room in her wake. Mako's eyes were locked on Iroh's, his face seething with dismay and anger. His gut felt as though it were burning a hole through him, leaving a singed, painful pit in his torso.
Chief Beifong reappeared in the doorway, handing Iroh a stiffly rolled sheet of parchment, sealed with a silver ribbon, Chief Beifong's personal emblem, a flying boar, stamped across the opening.
So it's him?
Iroh accepted it will a bow, bidding the Chief goodbye and continuing down the hallway with Bumi. Pausing just as they reached the corner, Bumi lifted a whimsical hand, fluttering it as he giggled, "Toot-a-loo Linny-poo!"
The Chief let out an loud, angry bark, starting forward just as a beaming Bumi disappeared into the next corridor, a subtly smirking Iroh following in his wake.
"I'll get him for that!" the Chief vowed as she guided Mako into her office, letting the heavy iron door swing shut behind her.
Mako's mind couldn't have been farther from the Chief's revenge. Instead he was trying to puzzle out the new information he had just learned.
Could Korra have feelings for Iroh? Or he for her? Had he underestimated their friendship, ignored the truth of what it was, what it could become? No, that was silly, they were simply friends and a lunch date didn't, couldn't change that. Right?
An unsettling bubble grew in Mako's stomach, making him lurch in discomfort. His memories swung him back to the days before the attack, and after. The hug they had shared before battle, the look of longing Iroh had given Korra, and perhaps Korra had returned, though Mako had tried to deny that from the start. the way she talked to him, so freely, so openly, like she trusted him completely, with every part of her. And the time they had spent together, especially since Korra had…broken up?…with him.
Mako's world spun, his eyes beaming unfocused, his only thoughts trained on Korra and the sizzling pit inside him, the writhing of his heart as he let his mind piece together the desiccating puzzle.
And as Mako's mind whirled with all of this, he barely noticed the Chief calling his name, her voice like a tiny fog horn, beckoning to a sinking ship, submerged in its own despair.
"Mako. Mako!" Her voice broke through, snapping his head up, his eyes alert once more, though his body still ached, his mind still thrumming with pain and anger.
"How goes you patrol Deputy?" The Chief settled herself into her chair, like a small iron throne, as she sat expectantly, like a hungry wolf waiting for an appetizing dinner. Unfortunately Mako didn't know if what he was about to feed her would be up to par.
"We have received new reports Chief. It appears the Triple Threat Triad has wasted no time in reinstating themselves into the City. We have nothing concrete, only whispers and rumors. Reliable whispers and rumors," Mako added, taking the Chief's piercing eyes against his own.
Her eyes turned grave, sea green depths shadowed with the news. "Rumors are enough for action. Especially rumors as dangerous as this. Do we have any idea who their leader is?"
Mako nodded slowly. "Yeah. From what we've seen and heard Lightning Bolt Zolt had a son who was a member of the gang. Seems he took over after his father got his bending taken."
The Chief's eyes darkened again, this time her hands came up, fretful fingers massaging her temples, her lips pursed, thoughtful.
"Hmmm. This is…bad. Anything else?"
"Just that they have shifted positions, it would appear. Since they are the first gang to have recovered from the attack they've taken over territories in the northern burrows."
The Chief nodded again, taking a heavy breath. Her eyes were narrow, slits as she evaluated the onslaught of bad news. Finally she gave a finite nod, settling her hands in front of her on the desk.
"I'll have to find some forces to spare then. We would do better to squelch this problem before letting it get out of hand." She nodded again, as if to reassure herself, eyes downcast, face taut with unspoken thoughts. Apparently realizing Mako was still there she looked up, eyes studying him briefly.
"You're tired," she said bluntly. When Mako opened his mouth to protest she shook it off, like drops of water on her slick armor.
"No, you are. You've been on patrol for a day and a half straight. get some rest. You're no good to me if you can't keep your eyes from drooping." And with that Mako was dismissed to hurry down the halls, away from the Chief's office and out into the lobby.
As he hopped off the stairs, and strolled out of the station, occupied with dusting some specks of dust off of his police uniform. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, slipping out the door and into the stifling heat of the streets.
In the glistening sunlight pouring through the streets, Mako spotted two figures. Mako caught sight of General Iroh and Commander Bumi, standing just at the base of the steps out in the middle of the bustling streets.
Mako descended the steps slowly, catching the Commander's blustering words as he clapped Iroh on the back.
"Well I'm gonna head back to the air temple. See ya for dinner, eh?" He turned on his heel, almost skipping off, before turning with a mischievous smirk and bellowing across the street.
"Have fun on your lunch date General!" His booming chortle bounced across the streets.
Iroh felt his face flame, his lips breaking into a crooked, rueful smile. "Will you shut up?" he called back as Bumi danced his way down the street.
Iroh spun, his hair falling across his face as he chuckled slowly. He looked up to find the tall, slim firebender, dawning a police uniform, walking toward him. Iroh couldn't seem to squelch the burning anger that blossomed in his chest. Still, he managed to keep his face primarily impassive.
Mako, he thought grimly, his eyes narrowing. The firebender marched up to him, hands coming out of his pockets to rest across his chest in a menacing fashion.
"Hello," Iroh offered, though he didn't feign friendliness in his greeting. Mako neglected the same courtesy.
"Hey," he mumbled through gritted teeth. He ducked his eyes, his dark hair casting miserable shadows across his face.
A thin layer of awkwardness was the only thing that spread between both men's tempers, brewing and blistering beneath the pretense of politeness.
"Is there something I can…"
"Yeah there is something you can do, actually." Mako's eyes met Iroh's now, blazing with anger and spite. His features had lost all reflection of benevolence, even lost its impassive mask, exchanging those for a thin snarl, made even more demure with the dark shadows lancing across his face.
"Look. Stay away from Korra okay?"
Iroh's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed with a dangerous glimmer.
"What," he heard himself hiss.
"I may not be a General like you, but don't think that makes me dumb, or even naive. I saw how you looked at her while we were together. I know how you feel about her." His accusation hung in the air, settling between them like a knife, gluing both of them in their place like ice chains.
"Do you Mako?" Iroh's question finally came, a whisper like death, spreading across his face until his features became twisted and dangerous.
"Yeah…yeah I do. Look. Korra isn't the same little girl you grew up with. She has changed, she is the Avatar. She was with me before you got here and she will be with me long after you leave. Leave her alone. If you don't we're going to have a serious issue. And I am not the person you want to have a problem with."
Mako's chest rose as he took a careful, intimidating step forward, eyes blazing, but Iroh's pierced his, the flaming depths pooling the fury wracking Iroh's entire body.
"Really?" Iroh's voice was sickeningly sweet but their was no mistaking the virulent undertones as he continued, "I don't know why you think you have a say in this, but it doesn't even matter because I am here to tell you. Korra is not your property, nor is she mine, nor is she any earthly beings. She can make her own decisions, set her own boundaries and I do not think she would be very happy to see you here, outlining the rules of her friendships. Korra is more than capable of deciding what she wants for herself Mako." His voice came to a hiss as he stepped even closer to Mako, their faces only inches apart. Iroh's eyes flickered with a deadly intensity, his next words coming out as barely a whisper, audible only to Mako. "I will not see you hurt Korra. I respect her wishes and not yours. But know this: If you threaten me, or her ever again we will have a problem and a serious one at that. And nobody has ever had a problem with me," his voice dropped again.
"At least," he murmured, grabbing Mako's shirt and tugging him closer still, until his face was right in front of Mako's, his eyes burning like two lethal coals, "Nobody that has lived to tell about it."
Without another word he slung Mako away, turning quickly and stalking away, leaving Mako glowering after him, trembling slightly and more infuriated than ever.
The two men's hearts beat together, relying on the identical tempo, as they let their anger and passion flow through their veins, coursing through their bodies like an endless fire.
And Korra was the spark that has started it all.
Minutes later, Iroh sauntered into a small cafe near the harbor. Korra sat waiting for him, stationed at a small table under a simple patio. She basked in the sun, reveling in the blazing heat mixing with the whistling sea breeze that stoked her skin like the caress of a lover. Iroh paused, capturing her in that moment, admiring the look of beauty, of wild and untamable nature that she wore like a cloak surrounding her. Her hair flitted about in the wind and her eyes shimmered against the shadows of the patio. And then they were on him, lighting up like a flame had ignited inside them, soft lips forming his name, familiar voice and hands gesturing him to the table.
He took a seat, smiling giddily despite himself, After his earlier encounter, his blood began to simmer down at the sight of her, soothing his shuddering heart, unclenching his knotted stomach.
"How are you? Are you ok?" She tilted her head to one side, examining his face, for it must have contained traces of his experience only minutes before.
Mentally he shook himself, his crooked smile breaking the grim lines of his strong features.
"I'm fine, just fine now," he said cheerfully, taking her hand in his and inquiring what she would recommend at the restaurant.
And in that moment, sitting with Korra, knowing that this was all very real and suddenly feeling very alive himself, he knew he was better than fine. Better than words could surmise, in fact.
The sun drifted lazily on top of the couple, showering them in it's warm breath, breeze tickling their faces as they listened to the sound go one another's laughs lilting through the air in perfect harmony.
A/N: Ok so this chapter has a portion that is very similar to one of my other fics, but never fear, i did that on purpose;) i wanted to show some iroh/mako angst over korra because….well i love lopsided love triangles! sorry i know, i know. But stay tuned to see what happens next. And thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, it was worth you while and such:) And…I love reviews…I honestly do, so if you could spare a moment, it really does mean a lot to me! Thank you 3