Sorry everyone! I've been so busy with school lately, I shut off all my electronics, including my computer unless for emergencies, so I could concentrate. But here is chapter 8!

So I've gotten a couple private messages asking me if Scott is holding back any when he's being intimate with Allison.

In a short answer, absolutely! I don't think I've ever read or seen a book or movie with supernatural things involved where they didn't hold back when they had sex.

I can't remember if I explained it in the first chapter or not completely, but I did put a little snippet in that said when Scott didn't know how to control everything completely, he hurt Allison when he first made love to her, even holding back all the strength and desire he could. I thought it went unspoken that Scott had to hold back while making love to Allison, but I guess not! So to answer some of the questions: yes, he does hold back when he's with her :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter! I enjoyed writing it :)

"Why the hell are you in my car?" Scott asked her as he backed out of the driveway and drove off. No way would he ever be caught by Allison with another girl in his car, at her house.

"I needed a place to crash." Danielle said simply. "I thought you would be nice enough."

Scott sighed. "Allison wouldn't like it." He told Danielle. He meant it as a decline, but she saw it as a statement.

"Do you do everything your girlfriend says?" Danielle challenged, earning a dark scowl from Scott.

"Oh well. She'll understand." Danielle told him firmly.

"No she won't?" Scott fought. Who is this girl? "Allison is my girlfriend. She said no, so no."

"Are you really letting her control your life? Don't you want to be free of this stupid sire bond?" Danielle asked him, and Scott stayed silent.

Of course he wanted to not have a controller anymore. He didn't want to open Allison up to his whole other world, but being sired to her forced him. He didn't like it, and he didn't appreciate it. He didn't want her to feel his pain. Allison didn't deserve that.

"Well, the only way out of it is killing her, and I won't be doing that anytime soon." Scott told Danielle as he drove down the road to his house.

"What if I told you there's another way?" Danielle asked him, and Scott suddenly was okay with Danielle being in his car.

"There is?" Scott asked her, looking over at her when he stopped at a red light. He didn't want Danielle at his house because of Allison, but if she knew a way to break the bond without Allison dying, maybe one night wouldn't hurt. "How?

"So I've heard." She told him, dodging his second question.

Scott parked the car in the driveway, both of the wolves getting out as they walked to the front door.

"This-" Scott paused so he can turn around to look Danielle square in the eye, making sure she understood. "This stays between us, and only us. That means if you tell Allison, or anyone for that matter, I will kick your werewolf ass out of this town. Understand?"

"Gee, Scott McCall. So violent." Danielle said with an eye roll, pushing past him to open the door. "So where am I staying?"

"The couch." Scott answered, going to the closet under the staircase, pulling out a pillow and a blanket. "My mom is working the night shift, so we'll be at school by the time she gets home."

"Kidding aside, thank you." Danielle told him, actually sounding genuine. "It means a lot. Really."

Scott gave her a half smile before climbing the stairs to his room. Maybe Danielle wasn't so bad after all.

Scott awoke with a blistering headache.

He sat up in his bed, glancing at the clock on his nightstand. It read 3:13 AM.

Groaning, Scott fell back onto his pillow, covering his face with his arm, trying to get the severing pain out of his head.

"Are you okay?" He heard someone ask. Scott instantly sat up again, face to face with Danielle.

"Why are you in my room, let alone on my bed?" Scott asked her, modestly grabbing covers to cover his bare chest.

"Scott, are you okay?" She repeated again.

"It's my head." He told her, gesturing to his face. "It's like I got ran over, over and over again by semis." Danielle rested a hand on his cheek, sending nerve shocks all through Scott's body.

He couldn't tell what that meant, honestly. It made the pain subside, but in this compromising position, he'd rather have the pain back.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked her, but he stayed still. It was as if an invisible force was making him stay in place, allowing Danielle to touch him.

Danielle didn't say anything, pressing her lips softly to Scott's.

Scott immediately pushed her off, but Danielle just kissed his lips again.

Scott snapped this time, grabbing the back of Danielle's head sharply, pressing her closer to him. Danielle ran her nails down his back as Scott took off her shirt.

He laid her down under himself, his lips landing on her neck, biting and sucking and growling as she started to close her eyes.

Scott opened his eyes and sat up, breathing heavy. He looked to his left, but no one was there.

Confused, he glanced at his clock, watching it change from 3:12 to 3:13 AM.

Scott sighed, frustrated, running his hands through his hair over and over again. It was only a dream.

"Get out of my head." He growled lowly, shutting his eyes as hard as he could, his head in his hands. He only hoped Danielle heard him.

The next day at school, Scott tried desperately to try and find Allison.

After his freaky dream, he needed to see her - needed to touch her - as if it would wash away the memory of Danielle.

"Scott, you saw her yesterday. And you'll see her in like five minutes. Calm down dude," Stiles laughed, slapping his friend on the shoulder playfully. Scott tried to smile back, but it looked more like a cross between a wince and a clown face. Stiles didn't understand the real reason behind his anxiousness, and he wasn't about to tell him.

"Hello, ladies!" Stiles said with a grin, walking up to the backs of Lydia and Allison.

"What is he doing here?" Lydia asked when she turned around, looking harshly at Scott. Scott's blood ran cold. Was he in trouble?

"Wha-?" Stiles tried to ask, but let his voice trail off when he saw Allison turn around to face the two boys. Her face was red and blotchy, and her eyes were bloodshot, tears running down her face.

Allison gave one cold look to Scott before grabbing her book out of her locker, walking away from the group quickly.

"Well?" Lydia asked Scott. "Aren't you going to go after her?"

"I don't even know what I did!" Scott said, eyes growing wide. What the hell was going on?

"I bet!" Lydia scoffed, a sarcastic smile on her red lips. "Now go!"

Scott looked to Stiles for an explanation, but Stiles' face told him he didn't know any more than Scott. With a huff, he turned and ran after Allison's scent.

He followed her scent to almost the other side of the school, catching up with her. He reached out and grabbed a thin bicep, turning her around to face him.

"What do you want, Scott?" Allison asked, her voice cracking as more tears fell.

"Allison, what is going on?" Scott asked softly, worried and confused as she turned her gaze away from him. "Why are you crying?"

"Are you really not going to own up to it?" Allison asked him, laughing angrily as her gaze fell on Scott again. Her eyes were wild with anger.

"Own up to what?" Scott asked, becoming angry himself. Scott didn't like mind games, and he was already on edge.

"You cheated on me!" Allison hissed, tears beginning to fall again.

"What?" Scott asked, eyes growing wide. He was starting to believe that his girlfriend was crazy.

"You told me you wouldn't let Danielle stay at your house. You told me 'oh, if she tries anything I'll push her away'! You kissed her!" Allison sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

"Allison, listen to me. I did not kiss her. I promise you," Scott breathed, trying to stay calm, even though he was infuriated. Danielle probably told her something to get a rise out of her. Scott couldn't wait until he was out of school so he could rip her to shreds.

"I felt it!" Allison yelled at him, earning weird looks from her passing classmates. "I felt you kiss her. I felt your pleasure."

It suddenly clicked in Scott's head. He didn't really cheat on her, Allison was feeling the dream.

"Allison, I swear I didn't cheat on you. It was a dream. She was in my head and... And nothing happened. I promise you." Scott pleaded with her. Even though it was true, Allison wasn't buying it.

"I asked Jackson to go with me to Gerard's ball." Allison said shortly, changing the subject. Obviously, he wasn't forgiven. "With Matt gone, Jackson isn't a raging kanima anymore. He isn't a cheater, either."

"Allison, I didn't cheat on you!" He yelled after her as she walked off, confused out of his mind.

"Bummer," He heard behind him, lighting his insides on fire. He was furious.

"This is all your fault," Scott growled as he turned around, pointing a finger at Danielle as his eyes erupted into gold flames.

"Actually, it is." Danielle said with a smirk. "You see, I have the power to control you. I'm older, and I'm more powerful. I can manipulate you to do whatever I want. I need Allison out of the way for my own reasons, and this was the perfect way to do it."

"I'm not going to get together with you, Danielle." Scott hissed through clenched teeth. He balled his hands up into tight fists, his claws digging deep into his palms.

"I don't want you, Scott. Don't flatter yourself." Danielle laughed. "I need her out of the way for a different reason. It has something to do with her family. I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for her."

"So you had to ruin my relationship just so you could piss her off?" Scott growled. He wasn't understanding anything, and it was pissing him off now, not just Allison.

"Okay, obviously you're too dumb to figure it out so I'll explain it to you in elementary school terms." Danielle snapped, Scott taken aback at her outburst. "Her family killed my pack. I want her whole family to suffer. This is one of the ways to do it. Do you now understand?"

"But it happens! We're hunted! They live by a code. They only kill you if you kill someone. Your pack wasn't innocent, Danielle!" Scott whispered harshly, trying to keep his voice low so others wouldn't hear.

"They killed my family. I kill them." Danielle said calmly, walking off as the bell rang for first period.

"I have to talk to Mr. Argent," Scott told Stiles when he ran into him after third period.

"You have officially gone insane, Scott," Stiles told his best friend, hitting him on the head hard. Before Scott could react, Stiles continued. "By now he probably already knows that Allison thinks you cheated on her. Which, you weren't even supposed to be dating in the first place, so that would be a double whammy..." He trailed off, Scott rolling his eyes.

"She wouldn't tell him that we were dating, that would be just as bad for her as it would be for me. And I meant I had to tell him about Danielle and what her plans are for the Argents." Scott explained, walking to the caferteria. Allison, Lydia and Jackson were sitting at their usual table, so Stiles grabbed Scott's shoulder, guiding him to another table in the corner before he could try to talk to Allison again. Now that Lydia and Jackson got back together, Jackson transformed into a true wolf, no longer the kanima.

"The Argents can take care of themselves, Scott. One wolf isn't going to kill off four people."

"It might just not be her, though," Scott told him, trying to get through to his friend. "She was talking about her pack and her family. What if they didn't kill everyone in the pack? What if there are more?"

"Does it even matter?" Stiles snapped, quieting Scott.

"What's your problem?" Scott asked, confused.

"Scott, you're worrying more about a girl you shouldn't even be thinking about than your girlfriend. And now Allison thinks you cheated on her because of that very reason. You can't protect everyone and have everyone like you. There has to be compromises." Stiles told him, glancing over at Allison. She was crying while hugging Lydia, allowing Jackson to rub her back, not completely sure what to do.

"But I didn't!" Scott hissed, getting angry. Why was no one on his side? "You know that. She was in my head controlling me. Allison dreamt my dream, and that is what has her all upset. She thinks it's real, since she felt it too. Why aren't you defending me?"

"Because she's my friend too." Stiles fired back. "I believe you, Scott. I do! It's just... you can't allow this girl to screw you up. It's the fact that you're letting this happen that has me mad at you. You need to fight back when she does things like that. You have to stick up for your girlfriend."

Scott sat back in his chair, coming to the realization that Stiles was right. He was blaming this all on Danielle, when really he could have fought her off, stopping whatever control she had on him.

"I'm still going to the Argents." Scott decided, changing the subject. Stiles smirked, knowing he got through to his friend. "I need to not only talk to Allison, but I need to keep them safe from Danielle."

After Scott brought his mom dinner, he drove to Allison's house, scared out of his mind. He wasn't sure what Allison told them that made her so upset. She had to have said something, and he didn't like his gut feeling that she told them the truth.

Parking in the driveway, he took a deep breath, gaining some confidence before going up to the door, ringing the doorbell. Allison's dad answered the door, his eyes instantly turning cold.

"I had a feeling you would come over," He told him seriously, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside. Mrs. Argent stood on the other side of the door, her arms crossed. Allison watched from the kitchen, glancing through the archway.

"We know what you did, Scott." Mrs. Argent told him harshly, walking up to him. "We know you're an ally to a rogue pack."

"You told them that?" Scott asked Allison, glancing at her. She just looked away, her jaw set.

"Of course she did!" Mr. Argent roared. "Scott, we only let you live because my only daughter believed you weren't like other werewolves. She thought you were different, and that she could trust you. That's the only reason why we kept you alive. Because Allison begged us to keep you alive. But now, I'm not so sure if we can live up to that deal anymore."

"Mr. Argent, you have to listen to me. There is a rogue wolf in Beacon Hills, yes, but I am not with her. She has a plan to get revenge on you, because you killed her pack. I'm trying to stop her before she can do anything worse," Scott told them, locking eyes with Allison. "Like plant lies in my head again."

"We didn't kill a whole pack, though," Mrs. Argent told him, raising an eyebrow. "That is against our code. We aren't stupid, Scott."

Scott was beginning to panic. This wasn't how he pictured it going at all, and now he felt like he was fighting for his life.

"Then maybe your ancestors have, or something. That's just what she told me." Scott told them.

"Our family would never do that," Mr. Argent fought back, cornering Scott. "We live by our code. We even kill one of our own if they break it. Are you calling us code breakers, Scott? You're lucky we aren't killing you now, right here in the-"

"Let him go, dad," Allison said quietly, appearing behind him. "He's telling the truth."

"Allison, you lied to us?" Mrs. Argent asked her, appalled. Allison nodded, keeping her head low.

"Allison, room, now," Mr. Argent scolded her, waiting for her to run up the stairs and disappear into her room before dealing with Scott. "And Scott, get the hell out of my house."

Mr. Argent opened the door and literally shoved Scott outside, slamming the door behind him without another word. Without thinking, Scott immediately scaled the side of the house, crawling through Allison's window.

"Thank you for that," Scott whispered, sneaking up behind Allison. She jumped, turning around to face him.

"You didn't deserve me doing that. I just don't need you dead," She told him, her eyes cold as she sat down on his bed. He tried to join her, but the look she gave him told him it would be better if he didn't.

"Allison, I swear to you it isn't true. Danielle got into my head, and-"

"Get out," Allison told him, not able to look him in the eye.

When Scott didn't move, she finally glanced up, becoming mad.

"Scott, leave. I will call my dad, and he will kill you." She told him sternly, tears forming in her eyes.

Scott turned to jump out the window. He landed by his car, quickly driving off before the Argents could see him.

He walked though the front door, meeting his mom face to face.

"You're late," She scolded, pointing at the clock. He was twenty minutes past curfew.

"I know, I'm sorry." Scott told her, trying to get to the stairs to go to his room. "I'll see you tomorrow, mom."

"Wait, before you head upstairs!" His mom exclaimed, running through the house to the kitchen. She came back a moment later with a white envelope in her hand, giving it to Scott. "This came for you."

Scott took it upstairs and opened it, revealing Gerard's invitation to his ball the next day. He turned it around, the card dating from three days ago, before he and Allison got into a fight.

"Well, Scott McCall," Scott told himself, speaking out loud as he set the invitation down on his desk. "It's time to get your girlfriend back."

When Scott arrived at the mansion where the ball was being held, he successfully slipped past the Argents, searching desperately for Allison.

After almost fifteen minutes of searching, she found Allison in a strapless red dress, dancing with Jackson. Rage and jealously bubbling up in his chest, he made a beeline to them, gently shoving people out of the way.

"Can I cut in?" Scott asked Jackson, even though he was looking at Allison. Allison stuck her nose up in the air and looked away.

"Um, sure. I guess." Jackson said, letting Allison go. "I'll go find Lydia or Charlotte or someone."

"What are you doing, Scott." Allison asked flatly as she felt one of her boyfriend's arm snake its way around her petite waist, pulling her tight against his chest while the other grabbed onto her hand, holding it as they started to sway to the music. Allison rested her other hand lightly on his shoulder. "Why are you here?"

"We need to talk." He said firmly. Allison scoffed.

"Since when do you call the shots? Last time I checked, I saved your life more than you can count. So if anything, I say what goes. And not to mention you practically cheated on me. No big deal either."

Scott shook his head in frustration. He already explained himself countless times, and he didn't want to anymore. "And I can also tear you to shreds easily." Scott said with a slight, fake smile as his long fingers curled around the fabric on her lower back, pulling her closer. Even though Allison knew he wouldn't. No matter how mad he was at her, he would never intentionally hurt her. Still, it sent a cold shiver down her spine. Just the thought of him having the strength for that scared her. "So I think it's only fair that you listen when I say we need to talk."

"Alright." Allison said simply, not letting him get to her. They had never had a conversation where their words were so filled with hate. It was as if Allison cheated on him, not the other way around. And he was out for revenge. She didn't like it. "So talk."

"We need to find a happy medium before we really do kill each other." Scott said, twirling her a couple times. "That is," He continued, pulling her back to his chest quickly. "If you still want there to be an us." He finished as his eyes began to glow gold, searching hers.

Allison just stared into his angry, cold eyes. She knew the old Scott was in there somewhere - he had to be. Scott wouldn't be having this conversation with her about their relationship if he wasn't. The way Scott tightened his arms around her made her feel suddenly safe, not scared like before. Almost like he was protecting her.

However, she should have saw this coming. She knew that this would happen the day she killed Matt in that alley. That the two of them being bonded together would be too much for them. She just didn't want it to be true. She knew they would turn each other into what they didn't want to be. She knew she would uncover things she didn't want to know to begin with.

"Only if you do." She finally said, moving her hand from the top of his shoulder to the bottom of his shoulder blade on his back, pulling him closer and resting her head on his shoulder. She knew he wouldn't push her off. Even when Scott was angry, Allison's head fit perfectly on his shoulder.

"Well it's hard to decide," Scott said, dipping her in the middle of the dance. He placed his lips at the base of her throat, dragging them up to her chin slowly as he spoke. Allison closed her eyes. Kissing the corner of her mouth, he knew it still worked on her. It would make her putty in his hands. Her neck was her weakness, and so was his lips. "Since you decided to turn me in to your father and bring Jackson here."

"I only turned you in to my father when you started to act like a lunatic almost had sex with that disgusting thing Danielle. Which you would have, if I didn't talk to you about it." Allison pointed out when he righted her again on her feet. Scott opened his mouth to explain yet again, but Allison pulled Scott's head closer so she could whisper in his ear, the stubble on his chin tickling her as she spoke. "And I only brought Jackson here to make you jealous."

Scott pulled back to look into her eyes, searching for something. Allison fidgeted under the intense gaze, but couldn't bring herself to look away.

"Well, it's working." He finally told her, his voice calm, even though his eyes were burning.

"Can I have my date back?" Jackson asked, butting in, completely oblivious to the havoc swirling around him. Allison stared into Scott's eyes once more, watching them turn from a light gold to stone cold black, anger seeping back into them. Allison felt a pang in her chest.

"Sure." Scott said simply, staring at Allison. She saw a glimpse of his fangs as he spoke. He dropped his hands from Allison, and she felt his claws accidentally on purpose snag the fabric of her dress on her hips as her breath caught. The corner of his mouth hinted at a smile as he took in her reaction, backing away from the two. He turned his back to them, taking a drink off of a tray one of the waitresses were carrying before exiting the building.

"What's his problem?" Jackson asked Allison. She just shook her head and walked past Jackson, going after Scott. She pushed through crowds of people dancing to classical music until she reached the foyer of the mansion. She looked out the window to see Scott leaning against the building alone, sipping on some random alcoholic drink he wouldn't be able to afford anywhere but here. She ran outside, but slowed so he wouldn't hear her coming.

"You should go back into the party." Scott said, examining the drink in his hand, not meeting Allison's eyes. She barely even stepped out of the mansion. Of course he would hear her, he had supersonic hearing.

"Not without you." Allison said simply with a heavy sigh, taking a step closer.

"So now you decide to play the good girlfriend card?" Scott asked, finally looking at her. Usually words like that would anger her, but this time it didn't. What he said was usually twisted to be sarcastic, but he sounded genuinely curious. Which hurt her. He shouldn't have to wonder how she feels. His eyes were still a deep black, but they weren't mad and wild like they usually were. They looked sad and heartbroken.

"Scott..." Allison trailed off, taking another step so she was inches away from him.

"I'm sorry." Scott blurted, running his hands through his hair. "I knew Danielle was bad news. I knew it. But-"

"You're that nice guy who gives everyone a chance." Allison substituted for him with a slight, broken smile.

Scott just chuckled flatly, chucking the glass drink across the lawn. Allison just sighed as she heard it shatter into pieces on the other side of the property.

"You look beautiful." He told her, eyeing her dress before he looked back up at the sky. "I don't tell you that enough."

"You don't have to," She told him quietly, stepping up to him so they were facing each other. "I'm not with you so you can tell me I'm beautiful."

"But I should!" He yelled in frustration, running his hands through his hair. "I should be that boyfriend that tells his girlfriend she's beautiful! I should be that boyfriend who doesn't give a fuck who sees when I'm holding her hand! I should be that boyfriend that acts like his girlfriend is the most perfect being in the world, and be strong enough for her, and protect her-"

"But Scott," Allison breathed with a wistful smile, cutting him off. "I don't want that."

"What?" Scott asked, taken aback. "You don't?"

"No!" Allison laughed, causing Scott to crack a smile as well. "I don't need you telling me I'm pretty 24/7, or acting like I'm perfect when I'm clearly not, or having to be the big bad wolf trying to constantly defend me. I don't want that, and it wouldn't be like me to want that! I'm not Lydia, you know."

"You are most definitely not Lydia," Scott murmured, reaching out to grab Allison's hand. To his surprise, she obliged, intertwining their fingers between them. "You're better than Lydia. More beautiful."

Allison laughed, baring the first genuine smile she's had since she figured out Scott dreamt about Danielle.

"I love your laugh," Scott continued, gently pulling her into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her small waist, pressing her tightly against his chest as Allison's hands wound themselves around his neck. "I love your eyes, and your nose, and your lips, and your ears-" Allison laughed at that. "And your fingers, and your legs, and your toes, and your-"

"I love you," Allison blurted, cutting him off before he could go on. "I love you so much."

Scott's eyes searched hers, an emotion that Allison quite couldn't put her finger on burning inside of them. He leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to hers gently before she could protest.

Even though she wouldn't.

His kiss was hesitant at first, not knowing if it was what Allison wanted. Scott pulled her tightly against his chest, and Allison pulled him tighter.

"I love you too," He told her, and it was music to Allison's ears. She missed him. But it just wasn't Scott himself that she missed; it was the little things. The hugs when they pretended to 'bump' into each other in the hall, the way she talked to Scott even when he was all the way across the classroom, but most importantly, she missed him saying 'I love you'.

"Can we go home?" Allison asked him, pulling way from him slightly. "Please?"

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Scott asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just the other day you were so excited about this. And what about Gerard? Would he mind?"

"I don't care," Allison told him. "Can we just go back to your house? Please, Scott?" She begged, reaching down to squeeze his hand.

"Yeah," He said gently, grabbing her other hand. "Yeah, lets go get our stuff."

They came into the house, Allison's dress already half unzipped and Scott's tie undone. They banged through the foyer, leaving heels, jewelry and a suit jacket on the floor behind them as they climbed the stairs. Scott shoved Allison against every wall he could find on the way to his room, already leaving countless hickeys and small bite marks on every inch of her body.

By the time they entered Scott's bedroom, Allison's dress was a red puddle of silk on the floor, accompanied by Scott's dress shirt, tie and shoes. Scott appreciated her choice of underwear, the black lace of her panties and bra complementing her hair and pale skin.

Scott grabbed Allison's thighs and picked her up swiftly, forcibly wrapping her legs around his waist as he pressed her up against his bedroom wall. She moaned loudly as Scott worked his tongue on the valley between her breasts.

Her hands found their way to his back, her nails digging into his shoulder blades as he let out a low growl. Allison could tell he was already shifting.

"Don't hold back." Allison panted as she pulled on his belt, his lips sucking on her neck, making her head spin.

"What?" Scott froze, breathing roughly against her neck.

"Don't hold back." Allison repeated, suddenly with a lot less confidence, moving her lips to his, almost as if she was in a trance because of him. Which lately, he had that power with her.

"No." Scott told her firmly, taking her hands off of him, pinning them over her head on the wall of his bedroom Scott pressed her into. He pulled his lips from her neck to look her in the eye as he talked to her. Allison held herself up between Scott's body and the wall, legs wrapped around his waist. "I have to hold back with you, it's too dangerous..."

Allison pressed her lips to his, feeling his body slowly start to give in, even though he still had his hands clamped around hers over her head.

"I can't, Allison..." Scott told her while he bit down on her bottom lip, allowing her to drag her tongue along the top row of his teeth. "I'll hurt you. I can't..."

"I don't care. Just this once. Please." She whispered, wiggling one hand out from his grip, moving it to the nape of his neck, pulling on his hair slightly. Scott breathed sharply against her lips, pressing his whole body almost painfully into hers, trapping her against the wall.

"Allison..." Scott breathed into her mouth, trailing off as he let go of her other hand, moving both of his to grab her thighs, pressing his fingers firmly into her skin. One hand crawled upward, wrapping his long fingers around the waistband of her panties. He quickly pulled them off, letting out a half moan half growl as he felt her warm core rest on his abdomen.

Scott allowed Allison's hands to run down his bare chest to reach the belt on his dress pants, undoing it as quickly as she could before letting the pants fall to the floor.

Allison slowly started to gyrate her hips on his abdomen, kissing his bare chest just as slow. She took satisfaction in the moans he was letting slip through his clenched teeth. She arched her body into his chest, allowing Scott reach a shaky hand behind her to undo her strapless bra before returning his hand to the wall next to Allison, pushing his hand harder and harder against it. Allison used her feet to knock off Scott's boxers.

"Let go." Allison whispered in his ear before attacking his neck, sucking and kissing it. Scott threw his head back, leaning into Allison.

"No." He finally got out, even though his body didn't agree with his words. His fingers were digging into her hips, without a doubt leaving deep bruises.

"Let go, Scott." Allison told him again, tightening her arms around his neck, trailing kisses down to his collar bone.

Something snapped in Scott, because he harshly grabbed the side of Allison's face, yanking her lips back to his. She smiled against his lips as he roughly massaged the grooves between her ribs, allowing Scott to run his tongue along her bottom lip before demanding entrance, their tongues fighting before Scott quickly won.

Allison screamed into Scott's mouth as he pushed into her without warning, not letting Allison adjust to his size before starting powerfully push in and out of his human girlfriend at an inhuman speed.

"Oh God!" Allison yelled as she broke away from Scott's lips, but he didn't even stop there. His lips just moved down to her chest, violently kissing her cleavage. Allison moved her hands to his thick hair, pulling on the roots brutally. Scott moaned loudly against her chest, sending a tremor through his house.

Scott moved Allison from the wall to his bed before she could even blink, putting his girlfriend on top as he let his claws dig into her skin as she rocked her hips back and forth on his, not missing a beat.

"Damn it, Allison!" Scott growled in a husky voice. Allison watched hair over grow all over his face, his eyes a smoldering gold. He moved his hands from her hips to her back, leaving claw indentions on her hips. He moved his large hands to her back, forcing her to press her chest into his as he attacked the valley between her breasts with his lips.

Allison knew he was hurting her; she wasn't oblivious. But the pain turned into ecstasy by the time it reached her nerves. She also knew she would have horrible bruises and cuts, but she wasn't about to complain. Scott was finally being real with her; he wasn't holding back. That's what Allison wanted all along.

Scott also knew this was wrong. He knew he was handling her too roughly, and he was actually surprised he didn't break any of her bones. But he could hear what Allison was thinking, and felt what she felt. Hearing the words rougher and harder over and over againweren't exactly helping him control himself.

But the way Allison moved her body against his so perfectly made all those thoughts about her safety fly out of his head.

Let go, Allison thought, willing him to keep being the way he was with her. Don't hold back, let go.

As if on Allison's cue, Scott flipped them quickly so Allison was trapped under him. He put his hand on the back of her head so it wouldn't hit his headboard. Allison clawed his back, her nails drawing long and deep cuts from his shoulders, all the way to the small of his back. As quickly as she broke his skin, it healed back, allowing her to repeat the steps over again.

Scott threw his head back as he let out a deep moan, throwing one of Allison's long legs over his shoulder effortlessly, wrapping a large hand around her slim knees as he pushed further into her. Allison threw her head back onto Scott's pillows, mouth wide as she panted for breath. Scott leaned down to kiss her already bruised and swollen lips.

"I'm... close." Scott fought to get out against her lips while his fingers pressed deeper into her knees, trying his hardest not to rip his girlfriend to shreds.

"It's okay." Allison whispered when she felt her inner walls clench around Scott, moaning loudly as he picked up the pace for his last final thrusts. They came together, screaming.

Scott collapsed on Allison, his whole body tense. Allison could feel Scott's canine teeth violently scrape the skin just above her collarbone, and she instantly knew Scott was trying everything not to bite her. She reached up to cradle Scott's face with one of her hands, feeling how tense his jaw was from him trying anything to not snap it shut on her skin. She felt his jaw close more and more, and Allison started to panic.

It seemed at the last moment, Scott quickly turned his head and bit down hard on his bicep. Allison watched the blood trickle down his arm as she sighed with relief, resting her head on the pillows.

Scott fell back onto Allison, burying his head in the nape of her neck as his arm quickly healed from his own bite.

"I'm sorry." He said when Allison finally got her breathing back under control.

"For what?" Allison breathed, digging one of her hands out from under Scott's body to rub his back slowly.

"For the Danielle thing-"

"Don't mention her name around me." Allison snapped. "The bitch is dead to me." She giggled, already making light of the whole situation. Scott laughed with her as well, but stopped when he remembered he had more to say.

"But that's not just it. I'm sorry for hurting you." Scott muttered, rubbing his nose slightly on Allison's neck, tracing one of her collarbones with his long fingers. It was already bruising in the shape of fingers, aligning his perfectly.

"Oh, shut up. You did not." Allison told him, rolling her eyes. Scott always worried too much. As long as she wasn't broken, she was fine.

"Yes I-!" Scott tried to argue, but his ringing phone cut him off.

"Who's calling at one AM?" Allison groaned, rolling over in Scott's bed. Scott checked the caller ID, seeing the number was blocked.

"Hello?" Scott asked, his eyes instantly glowing gold with rage when he heard the other voice on the line. Allison cuddled into his arm, trying to calm him down.

"I don't like it when people mess with my plans, Scott McCall." Danielle said on the other end of the phone.


I again apologize for not updating for the longest time. It wasn't cool of me.

I also apologize for this chapter not being my best. I put a lot of information into it, trying to get to that last part of the chapter. The rest was just fluff, building up to the last couple sentences.

But, all good things must come to an end. The next chapter will be Burning Love's last chapter. It will tie up all loose ends, dealing with Jackson, Danielle, Scallison and the Argents. But I will be coming out with another story soon. It will be two chapters, and it will be about Scott and Allison losing their minds, and how they help each other through it. Like all my other stories, it will be rated M, and it will be out in a few days.

I am already writing the last chapter of Burning Love, and I really hope you all will enjoy the ending to this story. Please review!