Chapter 1: A New Threat

Hey everyone! It's me, sakuraphoenix, and I am back with Return of the Orichalcos! I know you've been waiting forever to see this story come to life, and it's finally here! Anyhow, it's disclaimer time!
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's. I also do not own Alex. Credit goes to A5L. I also do not own Lily, Caitlyn, Rose, and Sara. Credit goes to D.J. Scales

By the way, this will begin in third person. Enjoy!

A person was standing in the middle of the Temple of Atlantis, and saw a meteorite made out of a strange material crash into the earth.

"Finally our time has arrived. The time for the Orichalcos to rise once again! But before we can restore the Orichalcos to its former glory, we'll need three special cards to power the Great Leviathan." A figure in white said

"But master, the Egyptian God Cards were destroyed years ago." A girl who appeared about 15 said

"Don't you think I know that Asami?-! We won't be using the Egyptian God cards, but rather, the Sacred Beasts. They no longer reside on Academy Island like they used to; but rather, they're in the hands of Duel Academy's top graduates from years ago." Said the mysterious figure

"So master, who are these 'top graduates'?" asked a male with an British accent

"Be patient Maxwell. I was getting to that." Said the mysterious figure

She then threw three photographs at the group of six.

"Jaden Yuki?" asked Asami

"Aster Phoenix?" asked Maxwell

"And who's this chump?" asked another female

"That is the son of Duel Academy's third best graduate Akane. Now go, and get the Sacred Beasts, and don't even think of coming back until you've gotten them!" exclaimed the figure

"Yes!" all six of them exclaimed in unison

Sakura's P.O.V.

It had been six months since our battle with the Dark Signers, and in that time, New Domino City well, let's just say had a bit of a face-lift. The divide between Satellite and City was almost completely gone, and so was the tension between the two people of those districts. For the first time in a long time, the future was beginning to look bright. However, things weren't going to stay the same forever. My name is Sakura Phoenix. I'm a Signer, more specifically, the Twilight Signer with the Mark of the Crimson Dragon's heart on my right arm. I used to be the Right Wing Signer, but that mark got transferred over to my lovable boyfriend Matt when I fused my old mark with the Dark Mark of my twin sister, Dawn Phoenix, who was the Dark Signer with the Mark of the Monkey. Right now, I was in the place where my friends, Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, and Crow Hogan were working on a new Duel Runner engine, but like the last few times, I had a bad feeling about it, 'coz Jack was in the driver's seat.

"She's purring like a kitten. A few more tweaks and we should be able to test this new engine to full throttle." Said Yusei

"Forget a few more tweaks Yusei, I'd say test it now!" exclaimed Crow

"Why not? With Jack Atlas in the driver's seat, what could possibly go wrong?" asked Jack

"Oh, I don't know; everything!" I exclaimed as the screen beeped a warning sign

"Jack, lay off the accelerator!" exclaimed Yusei

"Accelerate more? Okay!" exclaimed Jack

"No! Decelerate!" exclaimed Crow

"Guys… it's gonna blow!" I exclaimed

I activated Lightsworn Barrier just in time too. Big explosion happened. Now you know why I have a bad feeling every time Jack's in charge.

"Hey, is everybody okay?" Yusei asked as he took off his safety goggles

"Yeah, we're alright." Said Crow

"The Duel Runner on the other hand." Jack said as he emerged from the rubble that used to be the test model

"We pushed it too hard." I said

"What do you mean we? That was all Jack." Said Crow

"I beg your pardon? You're the one who told me to go full throttle!" exclaimed Jack

"Please, since when does Jack Atlas, the so-called Master of Faster, the Sultan of Speed, do what someone else tells him to do. Clearly I was just testing your judgment, a test you failed, I might add." Said Crow

"Why you…" started Jack

"Bring it on!" exclaimed Crow

"That's enough!" exclaimed an elderly female voice

We all turned to face Zora, who was in the doorway might I add.

"Uh-oh, our landlord." Said Crow

"Aw, she doesn't scare me." Said Jack

"Oh, is that so Mr. Tough Guy? Well does living on the streets with the rats scare ya? 'Coz I'm this close to tossing you bums out!" exclaimed Zora

"Wait, no, you don't understand. That explosion, it was just…" started Jack

"Just nothing! I'm sick and tired of all your excuses, so don't even bother with them!" exclaimed Zora

"Sorry Zora." I said

"We've been working on the new engine again." Said Yusei

"Yusei, Sakura dear, say no more. You go ahead and make all the noise you want. After all, you two did save the world from those Dark Signers." Said Zora

She then walked over to me and Yusei.

"I know you said it was all four of you, but you really ought to quit being so modest." said Zora

"Sure, whatever you say." Yusei and I said in unison

We then heard a Sector Security siren outside. We quickly followed Zora to see what the heck was going on.

"Relax, that's not what why we're here. No, I'm afraid there are even bigger issues at hand." Said Trudge

"Oh my. It sounds serious." Said Zora

"Lady and gentlemen, if you don't mind, let's talk inside." Said Mina

So we all moved inside the garage.

"Don't tell me you guys are still working on that new duel engine prototype." Said Trudge

"We sure are. And if we can ever get the thing to work right, it'll really take our game to the next level." Said Yusei

"And that's what it's gonna take to win the grand prix, the toughest, roughest duel contest ever to hit New Domino City. It'll be here before we know it." Said Crow

"Right, and since it's three duelists to a team, creating one new engine design that we can all use is the best way to soup up all of our runners at once, and guarantee that victory and dueling mortality will be ours." Said Jack

"What more do you guys have to prove? You already saved the world. If you ask me, it's alright for you to rest on your laurels a bit." Said Trudge

"Ya kidding or something Trudge-boy? True duelists never rest. He or she is always training to get better and better. Right Yuse?" I asked

"That's right Sakura. But winning the grand prix isn't what I'm training for. True, we may have saved the world, but it was a close. Too close for comfort. We nearly lost everything that we cared for. Crow, I know you and Jack came out of it more of your duel skills than ever." Said Yusei

Both Crow and Jack nodded.

"But I've never been so uncertain in my life, and Yusei feels the exact same way." I said

"Speaking on uncertainty…" started Mina

"Sector Security has its fair share these days." Said Trudge

"Let me guess, that's why you're here." Said Jack

"Have you heard the rumors about the Ghost?" asked Trudge

"The Ghost?" asked Yusei

"No, but I have heard some rumors about some wise cracks who ambush people both in the street duels and on the track, and if you lose, you'll never wake up again. You'll be asleep forever." I said

"Wait, I think I have heard the rumors about that Ghost. He's that guy who's supposed to appear at night, challenge you to a duel, and then force you into a crash, right?" asked Crow

"Yeah, and I was gonna ask you guys about the other rumor Sakura just said. As you know, when New Domino City and Satellite were linked up, Turbo Duels were legalized. It didn't take long until all types of special courses were being built. But it wasn't until the Grand Prix was announced, and they came out with that new Speed World 2 card that things really went into overdrive. Duelists from all over were dueling on side streets and highways, day and night." Said Trudge

"Of course they were! There's no better way to sharpen your skills for the grand prix than a free-wheeling turbo duel!" exclaimed Crow

"I agree, because there are supposed to be safety measures in place to make sure no one gets injured." Said Mina

"Wait, are you saying that Ghost and this other guy is not a rumor, that they're real and they've found a way to bypass the safety measures?" asked Jack

"That's correct Mr. Atlas. You're quite astute." Said Mina

"Don't tell him that chief! It'll go to his head!" exclaimed Trudge

"So what's this gotta do with us? I mean, it's clear what has to be done. Someone's gotta go out, late at night, to turbo or street duel, take on those bozos, and beat them!" exclaimed Crow

"Exactly right. So how 'bout it?" asked Trudge

"Uh, so how about what?" Yusei and I asked in unison

"Oh no! I know where you're going with this Trudge, and you can just forget it! Don't get me wrong, I hate that people are getting hurt, but we're got the grand prix to prepare for, and we don't have any time to spare! You guys are security, you take care of it! Thanks for dropping in. Great seeing ya! Bye." said Crow

He slammed the doors closed, and locked them for good measure.

"Now, let's get back to work, shall we?" asked Crow

"Uh…" said Yusei

"Alright." Sighed Jack

"Sorry, I gotta run. I promised Dawn we'd stop by the mall this afternoon." I said

"But you hate shopping." Said Jack

"When it's for clothes not related to riding suits. Catch ya later." I said

Meanwhile, Igneous' P.O.V.

I had just defeated another opponent. I was really on a roll today.

"Igneous!" exclaimed a female voice

I turned around to see Naomi. Ever since she came to New Domino City, she really grew out of her shell, uh, no pun intended seeing that she runs a now- Ice Barrier deck. It's still a water deck.

"Naomi! Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Just saw you win your duel. You know, if you were a turbo duelist, I think Matt and Sakura would have a run for their money." Said Naomi

"Maybe I will get a license." I said

"Um, I don't mean to break up this cozy chat, but I'm looking for someone to duel over here." Said a female voice

We both turned to face four girls. One of them had brown hair with blue highlights with brownish-blue eyes. She was also wearing a blue t-shirt, a dark blue trench coat, sneakers, and jean shorts. Another one of them had brown hair in braided pigtails, tied up with red ribbons. She had reddish-brown eyes, and was wearing a red sundress, a dark red trench coat, and red high-heels. A third girl had green hair and eyes. She had her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing an aviator's jacket, a pilot's hat around her neck, a green t-shirt, jeans, and aviator boots. The fourth girl had purple hair and eyes, and her hair was up in Chinese buns. She was also wearing a purple t-shirt, a dark purple trench coat, shorts, and sneakers.

"So, who are you?" I asked

"My name's Rose, this is my twin sister, Sara, and these are our friends, Caitlyn, and Lily." The girl wearing blue said

"Okay, Rose, so quote a good friend of mine, ready to get your game on?" I asked

"You bet." Rose said while lifting her duel disk

"Let's duel!" Rose and I exclaimed in unison

Rose LP 4000/ Igneous LP 4000

"Ladies first." I said

"You're too kind. I summon Jurrac Stauriko in defense mode! (ATK: 500/ DEF: 400/ LV: 2) I'll end my turn with a couple of face-downs." Said Rose

Rose LP 4000/ Igneous LP 4000

"Then I'll start! I summon Laval Magma Cannoneer! (ATK: 1700/ DEF: 200/ LV: 4) Now I activate his special ability! I can discard up to twice per turn one Fire Monster in my hand to the graveyard. Lucky for you, I only have one, so I discard Laval Warrior. Let her have it!" I exclaimed

Rose LP 3500/ Igneous LP 4000

"Now, time to go in for the attack! Take out that Stauriko!" I exclaimed

"Thanks for that, since you destroyed my Stauriko, not only do I get two Jurrac Tokens ((ATK: 0/ DEF: 0/ LV: 1) x2), but I can also special summon from my hand, Jurrac Herra! (ATK: 2300/ DEF: 1500/ LV: 6)" exclaimed Rose

"Well, then it's time for me to make sure your dinosaurs go extinct! I'll play three face-downs before I officially end my turn." I said

Rose LP 3500/ Igneous LP 4000

"Then I can draw once more! I think I'll sacrifice my Jurrac Tokens to summon out my Jurrac Tyrannus! (ATK: 2500/ DEF: 1400/ LV: 7) Tyrannus, do your thing!" exclaimed Rose

"Wait a minute! I activate Backfire! Once my Cannoneer bites the dust, you're gonna get slammed with 500 points of damage!" I exclaimed

Rose LP 3000/ Igneous LP 3300

"And here comes another! Dustflame Blast! I can remove from play all 'Laval' monsters in order to destroy your Tyrannus and Herra!" I exclaimed

"I'll just end my turn." Said Rose

Rose LP 3000/ Igneous LP 3300

"Now I can draw, and this one's going into immediate action! I play the spell Molten Transmission Field! Now I can send two Lavals in my deck to the graveyard." I said

"Why would you do that?" asked Rose

"So I could do this. Call of the Haunted! Now it's time for you to meet my ace! LAVAL JUDGMENT LORD! (ATK: 2700/ DEF: 1800/ LV: 7) And now with my normal summon, I summon to the field, Solar Flare Dragon! (ATK: 1500/ DEF: 1000/ LV: 4) And finally, I remove from play my Laval Coatl, in order to special summon Inferno! (ATK: 1100/ DEF: 1900/ LV: 4) Okay Inferno, time to give that token the heat! Oh, and since Inferno's gonna destroy your monster, fair warning, it inflicts 1500 points of damage to you." I said

"It what?" exclaimed Rose

Rose LP 1500/ Igneous LP 3300

"Judgment Lord, do your stuff. Finish this duel now with Flaming Judgment!" I exclaimed

Rose LP 0/ Igneous LP 3300

"Hey, great duel there. I have to admit, I didn't see that strategy coming. You're a pretty good duelist." Said Rose

"Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. Someone else taught me those moves." I said

I then heard a scream coming from a nearby alley. I started running from where the sound came from, and I saw a man unconscious.

"I'm calling the hospital." Naomi said while she dialed the emergency hotline number

I noticed there was a card near where the man was, so I picked it up. It was a card I never seen before. Maybe Sakura knows what it is.

Later, Sakura's P.O.V.

"Sakura, you should open a café or something. Your cooking's out of this world!" exclaimed Matt

"Thanks." I said

The doorbell then rang.

"I'm not expecting visitors. Are you?" I asked Dawn

She shook her head.

"Who could it be?" I wondered out loud

I opened the door to see Igneous and Naomi.

"Igneous! Naomi! Come inside." I said

"Thanks." Said Igneous

"So, what's the occasion?" I asked

"We need your expertise on something." Said Naomi

Igneous gave me a card, face down on the table, and I picked it up, but the image of the card had a person stuck inside some kind of pentagram.

"The Seal of Orichalcos?" I asked

"I've never heard of that card before, and neither has Igneous." Said Naomi

"Sorry, I'd usually be the go-to girl for this kind of stuff, but I've never heard of this card before…" I started

I was cut off by the sound of breaking glass and the alarm.

"It's coming from the safe!" I exclaimed

I ran to the room where the safe was, which was dad's old room, and the safe was open, and the window was smashed. I checked the safe, and Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder was missing!

"No! They stole one of the Sacred Beasts cards!" I exclaimed

"Sacred Beasts?" Igneous and Naomi asked in unison

"Yeah, a powerful, and at the same time, a dangerous card." I said

"How dangerous?" asked Igneous

"Very. Many years ago, they nearly caused the destruction of the world." I said

Matt's phone began to ring, and he picked it up.

"Hello? Yeah, yeah. WHAT?-! You too? Okay, yeah I'll contact Sector Security. Bye." Said Matt

He hung up his phone.

"That was dad. Uria, Lord of Searing Flames was stolen" said Matt

"Then all that's left is Raviel, Lord of Phantasms." I said

"What are we going to do?" asked Dawn

"Get Mina and Trudge. I'll find the thieves." I said

"Okay." Said Matt

They all left the room when I suited up for a fly-over. Just then, my cell phone rang.

"Hey Sakura, we're going…" started Crow

"Bad time Crow. Someone just stole a very powerful and dangerous card from both mine and Matt's home. I'm flying after the thief. They're very bad at covering their tracks. See you soon." I said before I hung up the phone

I jumped from the roof, and halfway through my free-fall, I activated Transcendent Wings. I used the card Igneous gave me to try and find out where they went. After flying for a few minutes, I felt something coming from the old abandoned factory. I landed inside the perimeter, and I saw someone move.

"Hey! Just where do you think you're going?-!" I exclaimed

The person ran inside, and I followed him or her, up to the roof, where I saw a man, probably way older than me, and a female. Both had the same tacky fashion sense, for they were wearing cloaks.

"Okay, the chase is over. Hand over the Sacred Beast cards you stole before things get serious." I said in a threatening tone

"The only thing getting serious around here will be your soul." Said the man in the cloak

"Okay, did you steal the Grim Reaper's wardrobe or something?" I asked

"Hey!" exclaimed a male voice

A guy with long spiky black hair and brown eyes emerged behind me. He was wearing a royal blue sleeveless jacket with a black shirt, blue pants, black fingerless gloves, and black shoes.

"There you are! You guys stole Raviel from me!" exclaimed the guy

"What? Then that means they have all of the Sacred Beasts!" I exclaimed

"Wait, you had one of them?" asked the guy

"Under lock and key to boot, and so did my boyfriend. Forget before things get serious. Things just got serious." I said

"Wait, I want to duel these guys to get the card back. I'm not going down without a fight. By the way, my name's Alejandro, Alejandro Loredo. Call me Alex please." Said Alex

"I'm Sakura, Sakura Phoenix." I said

"Now that the introductions have been done, it's time to begin this duel." Said the guy in a cloak

"Bring it on." I said

"You can say that again." Said Alex

"Let's duel!" everyone exclaimed in unison

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 8000

"Ladies first, here I go! I summon Ally of Justice Garadholg in attack mode! (ATK: 1600/ DEF: 400/ LV: 4) These three face-downs will finish it up for me. You're up." I said

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 8000

"Gladly." Said the woman

I heard footsteps behind me, and I saw Igneous, Matt, Dawn, and Naomi.

"Now your fates will be sealed. I activate the field spell, The Seal of Orichalcos!" exclaimed the woman

"The Seal of Orichalcos?-!" I exclaimed

A large circle-like thing emerged from the sky, and descended to the ground. The pentagram-like thing I saw on that other Orichalcos card earlier appeared, and the ground around us lit up, and Igneous, Matt, Dawn, and Naomi were pushed back by an unseen force.

"Igneous! Matt! Dawn! Naomi!" I exclaimed

I tried to run up to them, but I was kept inside by an unseen force. I pounded on the force field, desperate to see if my friends and boyfriend were alright.

"It's no use trying to escape the Seal. Once it is activated, only the winners will be able to escape, and the losers will lose their souls!" exclaimed the man

I then saw that the Seal of whatever was inscribed on their foreheads, and there was some kind of red light reflected in their eyes.

"Now for the beginning. I summon to the field Psychic Snail! (ATK: 1900-2400/ DEF: 1200/ LV: 4/ Attribute: Dark)" exclaimed the female

"Great, another psycho who uses psychic-type monsters." I said

"Bad experience?" asked Alex

"You have no idea." I said

"I'm over here, and I think my snail will attack your Garadholg!" exclaimed the female

"Your snail's going nowhere! Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, do your stuff." I said

"I'll end my turn with three face-downs." Said the female

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 8000

"If those are spells or traps, then Hamon or Uria is coming next." I said

"If not, we better be careful all the same. It's my move! And from my hand I summon to the field, Dark Crusader! (ATK: 1600/ DEF: 200/ LV: 4) Next off, I activate the spell, Foolish Burial! This allows me to send to the graveyard my D.D. Warrior Lady. But I'm not done just yet! By sending Necro Gardna to my graveyard via Dark Crusader's effect, he gains 400 attack points! (ATK: 2000)" exclaimed Alex

"All of that effort and you still can't defeat my snail." Said the woman

"Actually, I'm not done yet. Now, I remove from play Necro Gardna and D.D. Warrior Lady in order to summon out Chaos Sorcerer! (ATK: 2300/ DEF: 2000/ LV: 6) Now I activate his special ability! I can choose one monster on the field, and remove it from play, catch is, I can't attack after that, but it's all worth it! Dark Crusader, attack!" exclaimed Alex

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 6000

"Hey Garadholg, show these punks some manners, Ally of Justice style! Attack!" I exclaimed

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 4400

"You may have damaged our life points, but be warned, the terror is about to begin. I activate all three of my traps! And they're all Anti-Spell Fragrance!" exclaimed the woman

"Here it comes." I said worried

"Well, I can't put things off for the time being. I place one card face-down and end my turn." Said Alex

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 4400

"Then it's my turn. Your friend is right to worry, for now I send all three traps to the graveyard in order to special summon Uria, Lord of Searing Flames! (ATK: 0-3500/ DEF: 0-3000/ LV: 10)" exclaimed the mysterious man

"Hold it! If I discard a card in my hand to the graveyard, I can special summon Chaos Hunter! (ATK: 2500/ DEF: 1600/ LV: 7) Now as long as she's out on the field, you can't remove cards from play!" exclaimed Alex

"No matter, for I activate his special ability! I can destroy a card on the field so long as it's in your spell or trap card zone. And I choose Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" exclaimed the male

"Before that effect resolves, I think this card is in need of activating! I activate the trap card, Spirit Barrier! So long as we control monsters, none of our life points will decrease until you can get rid of them!" I exclaimed

"That will hold you off for only one turn. Uria, attack that Chaos Sorcerer! I'll place a card face-down and end my turn." Said the male

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 4400

"My draw! And you're in for it now! I summon to the field my Flamvell Magician! (ATK: 1400-1800/ DEF: 200) But he's not sticking around for long, because I tune it with my Ally of Justice Garadholg! Power of light, lend us your sight. In the darkness of night, show us your might! Synchro Summon! Shine, Lunar Eclipse Dragon! (ATK: 2900/ DEF: 2500/ LV: 8) But why stop there when I can activate this card, Double Summon! Now this card can let me summon twice this round! So before I do that, Card of Sanctity, do your stuff! Now we all can draw until we have six cards in our hands! I'll need all the help I can get to draw this final card." I said

My mark began to glow brighter, and then disappeared as I felt a familiar feeling on my back.

"The Crimson Dragon… everyone… you're lending me your strength for this final draw!" I exclaimed as I drew my cards

Majestic Dragon! You're here! Thank you.

"Now, I summon out my Majestic Dragon! (ATK: 0/ DEF: 0/ LV: 1) Now, I can special summon my Moonlight Phoenix from my hand because I control a Light monster! (ATK: 800/ DEF: 2000/ LV: 1) Oh yeah, before I forget, I should mention my dragon's special ability." I said

"What special ability?" asked the woman

"She gains 500 attack points for every Dark attribute in the graveyard, and I count two, bringing a grand total of 1000 extra attack points! (ATK: 3900)" I exclaimed

"Before you attack goes through, I activate the trap card, Safe Zone! Now Uria can't be destroyed in battle, and any hope of destroying it through a card effect is useless!" exclaimed the man

"But you're still taking damage. Lunar, attack Uria, Lord of Searing Flames!" I exclaimed

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 4000

"And now, I activate the trap, Urgent Tuning! With the battle phase in play, I can tune my monsters without going to Main Phase two! So I tune Level 8 Lunar Eclipse Dragon with Level 1 Moonlight Phoenix, and Level 1 Majestic Dragon! The light of day, burning bright, chases away the darkness of night. Let this light, shining bright; light the stars in the night! Synchro Summon! Burn with light, Majestic Moon Dragon! (ATK: 3400/ DEF: 3000)" I exclaimed

"So? That's not enough to defeat us." Said the woman

"For now, yes, but when I activate its special ability, that's a whole other story! Majestic Moon Dragon can negate Uria's effect, use it as its own, and absorb your monster's attack points, but I don't have attack points to gain, but your Uria has all there is to lose. (ATK: 500/ DEF: 0) Majestic Moon Dragon, attack Uria now!" I exclaimed

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 1100

"Chaos Hunter, end this now!" exclaimed Alex

Alex & Sakura LP 8000/ Mysterious Man & Woman LP 0

We won, but they were panicking.

"Quickly! Take Uria!" The man exclaimed while he threw Uria to a group behind them

The Seal thing then surrounded the two of them, and then they both fell to the ground unconscious. As much as I wanted to throw them into jail, they needed help.

"Hey! You guys okay? Come on, wake up!" I exclaimed

"Well, I'm sure glad they're gone. They really cramped our style." Said a British-accented male

"For once I have to agree with you Max." said a female voice

"Aw, thanks Asami." Said Max

We all looked up to see four people around our age. There were three girls and one boy. The oldest of the group had long black hair and green eyes. She also looked like she wore a little too much make-up. The second oldest girl had long purple hair with pink highlights and mismatched eyes. One magenta and one pink. The youngest of them all had blond hair and red eyes. The boy had dirty blond hair and icy blue eyes.

"Come on guys, let's go home." Said Max

"Wait! Give the Sacred Beasts back right now!" I exclaimed

"Sorry, but we need them for a little more important job. But we will meet again Sakura Phoenix, or should I say, Signer? My name is Antea, and I wish you luck, not that you'll actually defeat us." The blond haired girl said

She also had a hint of a French accent. I turned to face Matt, Dawn, Igneous, and Naomi, glad to see that they were okay, but then something caught my eye. It was a glowing green stone on a necklace. I wonder what this is.


"Good to see you're feeling better Trudge." Said Yusei

"Hey, I'm just happy you guys finally caught up with the Ghost and those jerks." Said Trudge

"Unfortunately, those 'jerks' stole the Sacred Beasts cards. Now that they have them, who knows what could happen now. And what's worse, they were taking people's souls into this field spell called the Seal of Orichalcos. I've researched all the Duel Monster card databases, and nothing." I said

"So, what do you think?" asked Yusei

"Well, from the looks of these pictures you took, I'd say what we have here is a Duelbot." Said Trudge

"Sector Security has been experimenting with robotics. Duelbots are at the very cutting edge of those experiments." Said Mina

"So how come this one got loose?" asked Jack

"Don't know, but my hunch is someone stole a prototype from headquarters, and then they must've somehow reprogrammed it. Now the question is why. I only wish we could check the bot's memory chip." Said Trudge

"Already did that Trudge. Only problem is that it had nothing on it. My guess, the Ghost's memory systems were set to automatically erase if it lost a duel." Said Yusei

"You know it's a crime to tamper with evidence." Said Trudge

"Oh, give it a rest, would ya? If not for us, Sector Security would still be trying to catch the Ghost and those guys." Said Crow

"That's right. No one tries harder!" exclaimed Trudge

"Wow, a dueling robot. So awesome!" exclaimed Leo

"Leo, that thing did a lot of damage." Said Luna

"Oh yeah." Said Leo

"What I don't understand is all that weird that Ghost was saying about Synchro monsters. What's it mean?" asked Crow

"And what do those Orichalcos freaks want with the Sacred Beasts?" asked Igneous

"I don't know. But the one thing that is certain is that there's somebody out there who's up to no good." Said Jack

"I agree Jack." Said Yusei

"So do I and you know how rare that is. And if this means that our city is in danger, we all have to be ready to defend it, Signers and non-Signers." I said

And be ready at all times, because I have a bad feeling that last duel was only a demonstration of what's yet to come.

Done and done! Whew, the first chapter, and it's already pretty long! I hope this is a sign of good things yet to come. Please review, and until next time, I'm sakuraphoenix, saying I heart you, signing off for now. Kan dao ni!