Summary: Neji has a great life. He has friends, popularity, grades, etc. He's got nothing to complain about. Until he gets bored. So what happens when he and his friends go out to a new club and see that the dancers who perform there happen to be students at their school? Students who never even existed to them before? How will Neji and his friends lives change from the encounter, who will be added to their group, and how Neji's life be affected by a certain red-head? High school may be hard, but it's harder when you fall in love. AU universe and one OC. She's not paired with anyone. More of a 'supporting' character.

Warnings: rated T for 'Sensual' dancing, swearing, shonen ai, and whatever else I can come up with.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO! All rights go to the mangakas and the companies that actually own it. I don't. This fic is for entertainment purposes only. I own nothing but the plot, my OC Ruka, and the words on the page!

Pairings: (so far, implied and otherwise) NejiGaara, ShinoKiba, SasuNaru, (main 3) LeeSakura, ChojiIno, ItachiKyuubi, and whatever else I decide!

Neji Hyuuga sighed, running a hand through his hair. He had long since blocked out the droning voice of the teacher, choosing instead to stare out the window near his desk. He ignored the quiet chatter of his fellow students and the people around him.

'I'm so bored.' Neji sighed internally and turned away from the window as the teacher finished his lecture, giving them the last 20 minutes to chatter mindlessly amongst themselves. Neji's best friend, Sasuke Uchiha, turned to look at him.

"What's wrong with you today?" He asked. Neji shrugged.

"Just tired I supposed." Sasuke stared at him before his attention was pulled away from the brunette, focusing instead on the group of overtly flirty girls that had gathered near their table. A few of the girls tried almost desperately to get his attention, but his total indifference told them that he was not in the best mood, and they turned back to Sasuke. Neji took a moment to look over at his longtime friend as he was mobbed by their classmates.

Sasuke and Neji had been best friends for years. They were juniors in High School now, and that still hadn't changed. Sasuke was tall (about 5'11), pale, and toned. His jet black, spiky hair and onyx eyes stood out in stark contrast against his skin. He was moody, passionate, proud, hard-headed, and easily angered. However, he was also loyal, trust-worthy, and protective. He would listen if you had a problem and tell you whatever was on his mind. He didn't give a damn if he pissed you off with his opinions. He gave it to you straight.

In a lot of ways he was the complete opposite of his friend. Neji was about Sasuke's height, however, he had moderately long dark brown, nearly black hair and almost white eyes with a hint of lavender in the iris. He was toned, and was one of the few who could match Sasuke in regards to sports, exercise, and the like. They were both extremely competitive in that aspect. Neji was usually more outgoing than Sasuke once you got to know him. He had fierce protective streak over anyone he actually bothered to give a damn over. He was honestly pretty intelligent, insightful, caring, and passionate. Neji and Sasuke shared many of the same interests and hobbies. They watched each others backs and were considered the 'school heart-throbs' by many of their fellow students, male and female alike. Therefore, regardless of what they did, their status in the school was undeniable.

Neji was snapped out of his thoughts as the bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. Kids gathered their things and raced out of the classroom, yelling, gossiping, and laughing as they were finally allowed to go home for the day. Sasuke waited while Neji gathered his things and they both started walking down the already deserted hallway, heading out towards the 'courtyard' to meet up with their friends. They didn't speak as the made their way through the almost silent school, a comfortable silence settling around them.

They exited the school's back doors to find a small group of people already seated around the benches, leaning on the tables, and sprawled in the grass. One of them looked up and smiled at the approaching boys.

"There you are! We were wondering when you two were gonna show up! Thought we were gonna have to send a search party!" The blonde said loudly, practically yelling across the small space, and pushed away from the table to approach the boys. Neji smiled at the blonde.

"Naruto." He said, trying not to outright grin at his friends slightly dramatic exclamation. The blonde, Naruto Uzumaki, smirked, his ocean blue eyes brightening as he grabbed their hands and practically drug them over to the group of kids still lounging around the picnic tables. Neji smiled at his cousin, Hinata, and took note of the other faces in the group.

Sai was sitting at one table reading and ignoring the others. Shino was propped against a tree, head tilted back. Sakura was sitting with Lee, deep in conversation with the boy. He noticed Kyuubi, Naruto's cousin, sitting close to Itachi, Sasuke's aniki*. Ino was sitting with Choji, Shikamaru was slumped over the table next to them. Haku glanced up and smiled at him. TenTen was talking to Hinata, so she didn't notice him.

"So, what'd you guys wanna do today?"

Neji turned to Naruto and glanced around the group, waiting for any suggestions. Sasuke shrugged. Neji turned back to Naruto and smiled slightly.

"You choose today." He said simply. Naruto's face lit up and he smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"Can we go to that new club downtown?" He asked excitedly. Neji looked to their friends for approval. They all nodded, a few looking honestly excited at the prospect. Neji looked back to the boy in front of him.

"Sure. Let's hang out here a bit longer and then we can go get changed. We'll all meet up at the club around 7-ish…?" Naruto smiled and nodded excitedly. As their friends continued their individual conversations, Naruto, Sasuke, and Neji walked over to one of the deserted picnic tables and sat on the top, their feet on the bottom board. Neji glanced around the courtyard.

The grounds were mostly deserted now, with the occasional student or classmate walking towards the exits or towards the parking lot. Nothing really caught his interest. Neji started to turn around when a flash of crimson on the other side of the school caught his eye. He turned around and stared at the source of the color, realizing he dimly knew whoever it was. The other boy disappeared around the edge of the building and Neji turned back to Naruto and Sasuke, already forgetting the crimson haired boy in favor of discussing possible plans for a weekend outing with his friends.

*about 15 minutes later*

Neji glanced at his watch and sighed, standing up. It was already 5:00. Naruto and the others took the hint and left, a few yelling that they would see the others later. Neji and Sasuke made their way towards Sasuke's car, seeing as Neji's was still at the mechanics. As Neji slid into the seat he couldn't help but notice the shocking red of the interior, and was reminded of the boy he had seen earlier.

'Who was he again…? I know him from somewhere…' Neji mused silently, not even noticing the car pull out or the drive to his house. Sasuke dropped him off and told him he'd be back to pick him up at about 6-ish. Neji nodded and picked up his bag, jogging to the front door. He unlocked it, knowing no one was home yet, and made his way up the stairs to his bedroom. Once in he dropped his bag unceremoniously on the floor near his door and made his way to his closet. After about 10 minutes of rifling through drawers and examining the clothes already hanging up he decided on a pair of black, slightly torn jeans, a plain white T-shirt, and a black, snug leather jacket. He pulled on his 'dress' shoes and ran a comb through his hair. He glanced at the clock and realized it was already a quarter to six. Neji grabbed his wallet, his keys, his I.D., his cell, and scribbled a note to his mother, knowing that she would be the first home, that he was out with his friends. He was out the front door and locking up the house as Sasuke pulled up. He smirked and walked over, jumping in the car. Sasuke didn't say a word as he made his way towards downtown.

Neji glanced at his friend, mildly surprised by the other boys silence, but said nothing. He looked instead at what Sasuke had chosen, worried he may have overdressed. Those worries were quelled when Neji took in the low rise black jeans, the dark red tank top, the leather jacket, and the boots. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window, taking in the brilliant gold, vibrant pink, fiery oranges, and deep purple hues and streaks that painted the sky. The colors were surreal. Neji smiled slightly at the breath-taking sight and leaned against the window, suddenly a little tired.

'Oh well,' He thought distantly. 'I guess it'll wear off in a little while.'

They pulled up to the club, Shinobi, and Sasuke cut the engine. He and Neji jumped out and walked over to the group of people crowding the sidewalk. At the sound of their approach Naruto turned around and grinned at them, his blonde hair practically glowing from the streetlights. His blue button up and black jeans looked great.

"Guys! You ready?" He yelled excitedly over the music echoing from the club before them. Everyone nodded and they moved to the door, pulling out their I.D.'s for the bouncer stationed by the door. He nodded and waved them in.

The second they stepped into the club they heard and felt the music blasting through the building. It was packed with teens and adults alike, all of them dancing, grinding, eating, drinking, and enjoying the 'go-wild' atmosphere. You could smell the liquor, the adrenaline, the passion and the lust in the air. There was a bar and some tables off to their right against the far wall, couches and armchairs pushed off to their left in a makeshift sitting area. Against the far wall across from the door was a huge stage, flashing stage lights showing the dancers upon it, and a D.J. stand off to the side. Huge speakers were situated around the room and gave a new meaning to the word 'surround-sound.' Strobe lights flashed, brightly colored beams of light swirling and illuminating the dim room. A disco ball hung from the ceiling, refracting bright pinpoints of light around the club.

So far it was the best club any of them had ever been to.

Naruto laughed and grabbed Sakura and Ino to drag them onto the dance floor. The others quickly melted into the crowd of lust-crazed partiers while Sasuke and Neji made their way towards a quiet corner of the bar.

"Good evening, what can I get you guys today?" The barista, a rather tired looking blonde, asked them happily as they sat down.

"Two beers please." Neji said. She nodded and walked away. Sasuke looked at him and rolled his eyes before turning his attention towards the dance floor. He stared almost longingly into the crowd and Neji followed his line of sight, curious as to what had his friend so focused.

Sasuke's eyes were glued to Naruto as the other boy danced with Sakura and Ino. His hair was shining under the lights and he looked like he was having a fantastic time already. He was laughing and smiling as he and the girls twisted and spun to the rhythm of the music. Neji smirked and cleared his throat. Sasuke's eyes snapped to his face, trance broken. Naji raised an eyebrow and glanced at the energetic blonde before his eyes returned to meet Sasuke's, who blushed slightly and glanced away. Neji rolled his eyes. The barista returned, set their drinks down, and disappeared again. Sasuke picked his up and started to take a drink.

"…If you like him so much why don't you ask him to dance?" Neji said simply. Sasuke choked and spat his drink out, coughing as he looked up at an uninterested Neji.

"Wh-What are you…?" Neji cut him off. "Sasuke, we all know that you two like each other. You guys are just to stupid to notice that you both feel the same. Now enough of the slightly awkward sexual tension and go dance with him. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky." He winked and took a sip of his drink while Sasuke stared at him, a light blush on his face. After a moment he stood up and, without a word, walked over to Naruto and dragged the boy to the heart of the dance floor. Neji smirked and rolled his eyes.

'Finally. It's gonna be a long night.'

After a few songs and a few more drinks Sasuke come back, towing a grinning Naruto behind him. He sat down next to Neji and pulled Naruto against his side. The boy looked away from the 'couple,' smirked, and looked towards the stage as the rest of their group trooped over to commandeer the couches. He stared at the stage as a flash of color caught his eye. 'Wha…?' Neji thought before a shout brought him back to the present.

"WHOA IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!" Naruto yelled, jumping up and staring wide-eyed at the stage. The rest of their friends stopped and turned to look at whatever had the both of them transfixed, and Neji watched as most of his friends starting gaping and staring in disbelief. Neji turned and continued to stare at the stage.

There were three dancers in total, and they were all exceptional. They were moving in perfect sync; twisting, flipping, and flowing with the music. There was a girl on the right with long, shiny black hair, a short red skirt, leggings, and a black tube top. She spun, twirled, and swayed to the music, looking both graceful and seductive at once. From where they were, the boy on the left looked to be moderately tall, with a mop of messy dark brown hair and two vibrant red triangles tattooed on his face. His black tank top and low-rise jeans left little to the imagination. The boy was spinning, flipping, and thrusting to the music with an almost feminine grace. They would be lying if any of them said they weren't at least a little turned on by the brunette's sensual dancing. But even that wasn't what had caught Neji and Naruto's attention. It was the boy in the middle of the stage.

The boy had chin length crimson red hair, alabaster skin, and a thick layer of black eyeliner on. He was lean, average height, but you could tell he was toned. His black tank top and red, skin tight jeans accentuated everything. His spins, thrusts, twirls, flips, and his every move in general were the most arousing things any of the high school students present had ever witnessed. It was an instant turn on. The boy himself was the definition of 'seductive.' Neji found himself staring as the boy finished his routine and bowed with the other two, turning and trooping offstage to screams for an encore.

Sasuke spun around and stared, wide-eyed, at Naruto, who looked just as shocked.

"Who the hell was THAT!" He asked, disbelief coloring his tone. Naruto stared at him.

"Didn't you recognize him! That was Gaara!" The boy sounded incredulous, and Sasuke froze at the sound of the name.

"Are you KIDDING ME! THAT was Gaara!" He practically shouted. Neji looked at Naruto.

"Who?" He asked. Naruto stared at him strangely before sighing.

"Gaara. He's in our year at school. I've known him since we were all in elementary school… He was always pretty quiet, but whoa…" The other boy trailed off. Neji and the others turned and watched as the three dancers made their way through the crowd and over to the bar. A few people came over to talk to them but were waved away.

"…Anyone up for a drink?" Neji asked, not taking his eyes off the redhead. The others nodded and made their way towards the bar, taking seats near the dancers. Neji and Shino sat in the seats closest to the three.

"Ah man! I'm exhausted!" The black haired girl sighed, stretching. The redhead, Gaara, laughed and shoved her.

"Aw c'mon! It's not that bad! Besides, you and I both know you love being on stage." The girl pouted and turned to the brunette.

"Kiba! Tell Gaara I can be tired if I want!" The boy, Kiba, laughed and waved her off. She rolled her eyes and smirked before someone came and tapped her on the shoulder. She looked him over before jumping down and leading him into the crowd. Gaara and Kiba rolled their eyes.

"He's soo not her type!" Kiba complained. Gaara nodded. "Well we can't exactly refuse them. If we're asked to dance, we dance. That's all there is to it." Kiba nodded, looking unhappy. "Well, at least we get to dance!" He said, brightening. Gaara rolled his eyes but smiled. "Yeah, that's true."

Another customer walked over and put a hand on Kiba's shoulder. The brunette smirked and followed the man onto the crowded dance floor. The group watched as Gaara rolled his eyes and finished his drink.

It wasn't that customers didn't want to dance with Gaara. Quite the opposite actually. Gaara, however, had a knack for deflecting the customers if he wasn't in the mood. All the red head had to do was glance at any approaching customers to discourage the unwanted interruptions.

As his friends went off to pacify the partiers, Gaara took the opportunity to just sit back and relax. It had just been one of those days. Nothing had gone right. He'd been late to school, hadn't seen Kiba or Ruka until lunch, and had to sit through the rest of his classes alone because they had gotten early release. He had left school later than usual, was almost late for work, and now had a massive headache.

Just one of those days.

Gaara was snapped from his thoughts by a voice over the loudspeaker.

"Hey, now that things are winding down for the night how about we have one last show from our very talented dancers? What do you guys think? Can we get them up onstage?" The crowd erupted into cheers and shouts. Gaara rolled his eyes, stood up, and made his way through the crowd. Kiba and Ruka broke free and joined him on either side as they made their way towards the stage, jumped up, and took their places. They both looked to Gaara as the music started. He glanced at both of them and nodded subtly.

They stopped thinking and just danced.

Neji and his friends watched as the three dancers lost themselves in the music. They were shocked to say the least. Gaara had been a shock, but Naruto had quickly recognized the other two as fellow students as well. Kids who were low on the totem pole of the high school social system.

Kids who no one really knew existed.

Neji watched Gaara, and his friend Shino watched Kiba. They were both completely focused on the boys onstage, following every twist, flip, and move they made as they went through their routine. After a few minutes the dance ended, and the dancers took a bow and exited the stage for the night. Shino and Neji snapped out of the daze they had been in and turned to look at the others, still looking shocked by the news, no, the EXISTANCE of their fellow students. Naruto sighed quietly.

"Uh, you guys ready to go?" He asked. They all turned to him and nodded slowly, grabbing their things and making their way towards the front of the club. As they walked Neji pulled Naruto back a bit.

"What classes does Gaara have?" he asked simply. Naruto stared at him like he was the most oblivious person in the universe.

"You're kidding me, right?" He asked slowly, a look of utter disbelief still plastered on his face. Neji shook his head. Naruto face-palmed.

"OH MY GOD! And people say I'M stupid!" He groaned. Neji scowled indignantly.


Naruto stared at him and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"You frigging idiot. Gaara's in ALL OUR CLASSES! He's even in our lunch period. Has been since 5th grade!" At this Neji almost face-palmed. How had he not noticed the red-head before? He sighed as Naruto rolled his eyes, smacked the back of his head, and ran to catch up with Sasuke.

'Well, at least I have something to look forward to on Monday.' He thought to himself as he said his goodbyes and jumped into Sasuke's car.

The ride home was silent, both boys caught up in his own thoughts. When they reached Neji's house they said their goodbyes and Neji made his way into the house, creeping up the stairs and into his room so he didn't wake his family. He sighed, kicked off his shoes, pulled on a tank top, and lay down for the first time all day. He glanced at the clock as he drifted off.

'3:42 a.m.'

He smiled softly and finally fell asleep, thoughts of a certain red-head filling his dreams.


*aniki- older/elder brother

and yes, they ARE using fake I.D.'s :D i mean c'mon, they could pull it off :D

So how'd you like it? I was trying to finish some updates for my other stories, couldn't really focus, and decided to watch some anime. My friend had loaned me the box sets for Naruto, so I decided to give it a try. It's actually pretty good, but I HATE Naruto as a character. I'm in love with Sasuke, Gaara, Neji, Shino, Kiba, Kakashi, Iruka, and Itachi for some strange reason though. So I was suddenly inspired and just started writing! This is the longest first chapter I've EVER written! It's 8-9 PAGES long! So yeah!

I hope to finish some new updates soon. Just dealing with some family issues and since some of my other stories have happy/hopeful atmospheres right now I didn't want to screw up the plots with anything angst-y or frustrating or something. Because that's ALL I've written lately. So please forgive my lack of updates.

Anyway, Rate, Review, whatever! Just please tell me if it's worth continuing!