This was inspired by a Tumblr follower of mine's tag on a Sam/Ruby gifset I posted that read: "#au in which sam and jess are married and sam's a lawyer and he's having an affair with his client ruby." I liked it, so I wrote it. Here's to you, Tumblr follower. If this gets enough kind words, I'll continue it. Enjoy.

NOTE: This is set in the "What Is And What Should Never Be" episode universe, meaning Dean and Sam rarely talk, John has passed away, and Jessica and Mary are alive. The difference is that this is set roughly in season four - meaning Sam is married and a criminal lawyer.

"Miss you already, baby. Have a good trip!"

The text message shouldn't have evoked the emotions they did in Sam. A heavy guilt filled his chest and sorrow weighed down on his shoulders. How many times had he lied like this to his wife about where he was? He could tell you exactly. Four times. In the past five months, Sam had lied to Jessica about where he was going four times. The first time was one week after Valentine's Day 2009. Now, five months later, it's July 21, 2009. Sam still remembers how scarily easy it was to lie to Jessica and say that he was going on a business trip to Albuquerque, when in reality, he drove an hour from their home in Stanford to Pleasanton, California to meet her. Her.

Sam's lip was turning dark red where his teeth bit hard into it as he read the text message over one more time. This was wrong.

The feeling of guilt grew heavier as Sam felt soft lips press into the space between his shoulder blades. Small hands trailed down the bare skin of his back and he clenched his jaw, screwing his eyes tightly shut. Her warm breath tickled and his muscles tensed under his tan skin.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly.

Well, for starters, you're not my wife, he thought bitterly. But Sam didn't say the words. He knew better than to be bitter about the situation he was in now. He'd gotten himself into it. He was a sinner just as much as Ruby, if not more.


Sam's feelings about Ruby were a mess. Mixed with lust and greed was a feeling that he wasn't quite sure about. It wasn't what he felt for Jessica, which lead him to believe that it wasn't love. But maybe it was love. A sick, twisted, dark version of love. A version where lust was more powerful.

But when Sam saw Ruby for the first time, he knew he wanted her. She'd walked into his office in black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt, her hair dark and curled and pulled back into a ponytail. There'd always been something playful about her, but it wasn't a childish sort of playful - it was wicked. Mostly, clients of his would dress to impress him. Ruby, however, had looked like she could have cared less what he thought of her, as long as he did his job.

She had black hair and pale skin and lips that matched her name. Her lips… they were where the problem had started. When she was focusing on something, she'd chew on them, and Sam had always stared. The first time, she'd caught him staring. She'd been reading over papers he'd handed over the desk to her and had glanced up to find his green eyes lingering on her lips. Sam had looked away, but not bothered to apologize. Since then, Sam had gotten better at not staring so obviously.

The thing was, Sam had never thought about another woman since dating Jessica. He'd never had second thoughts or daydreamed about running his hands over another woman's body. But with Ruby… things were different. He didn't know why, either. He just knew that they were. … That, and that he liked it.

It had taken Sam a few weeks to admit that to himself. If it came down to it, Sam knew he would pick Jessica over Ruby, but he wasn't ready to give up what he and Ruby had. He liked the secrecy. He liked the feeling of having power somehow. He liked that he was successful in hiding something like this. And he loved the way Ruby's skin felt against his. He loved that he towered a foot above her, rather than the few inches between his wife and himself. He loved how deep her voice was in his ear while they made love in secret and how she wasn't afraid of being rough with him. She was small, but made up for the lack of height with her vigor and passion.

"Sammy?" Ruby questioned, her arms slipping around his waist slowly, fingers trailing up his torso.

Only two people called him that, and those two people were his wife and his mother. Sam had never given Ruby permission to call him by the nickname, but he'd never stopped her either. She'd started of her own accord. There was something vulnerable about it, almost, that made their affair even more scandalous, and the dark part of Sam's mind liked it. The worse, the better.

He clicked the screen of his phone off and set it down on the bedside table in their hotel room before turning in Ruby's arms.

She was wearing nothing but her black lace panties and his button up shirt, which engulfed her and made her look smaller than she actually was. But Sam's eyes didn't roam her body like any other man's would - they went straight to her lips.


He liked the way her lips formed his name. Ducking his head down, Sam peppered light kisses onto her ruby red lips, drinking in every sin as they touched. Ruby sighed and slid her hands up to his chest.

"It was nothing. It was no one."