AN: Hey everyone! This is my first fic in this fandom, and I'm very excited! Let me know what you think!

This fic is Yuujiro/Tooru. I do not own Princess Princess.

If Tooru were to exercise complete and utter focus, his remaining homework would take him only about a half hour to complete. For the fourth time that night, he glanced at the clock. 10:12. He should be done around 10:40 then. Good. That wasn't so bad. Tooru took a deep breath, and clicked his pen.

And... GO!

Nothing happened.

Ready... GO!

His page remained blank. He tossed his pen down to down it. The truth was, Tooru had absolutely no idea what he was trying to write. He was a strong student, and the thought of skipping out on his homework was positively abhorrent, but unless some miracle happened, Tooru was doomed to miss an assignment for the first time.

"Tooru? How much longer will you be?"

"Ah! Sorry, Yuujiro. Did you want to go to bed?" Tooru swiveled around to face his friend, who was lounging on his bed reading manga.

"No, no. I just thought we could watch a movie or something. I'm not really tired."

"Oh, okay." Tooru begrudgingly turned back to his blank paper. "I'm still working on this so..."

"What are you still working on? We didn't have much homework today."

"It's this damn memoir assignment. My prompt was 'romantic first.'"

"That's what I got too. What do you have so far?"

Tooru held up his blank paper in answer.

"It doesn't have to be original, Tooru, just write about your first kiss or something." "Um... well..."

"Nobody's gonna see it, only the teacher."

"Yeah... but I-"

"Who was your first kiss Tooru?" This was it. There was no more hiding it. "Tooru? Who was she?"

"Actually... it was a he." Tooru stared at his paper watching the story that he should be writing flash before his eyes. A crush. An insane sister. A mistake.

"Oh..." Tooru heard the manga shut. "Tooru... whenever I joked about you... uh... liking boys... I didn't mean... I mean- I didn't know..."

Tooru sighed. May as well just tell him. "It was you."

"Wait... what?"

"You were my first kiss." Tooru ventured a glance back at Yuujiro. His eyes were wide, his jaw unhinged, and an uncharacteristic blush stained his cheeks. "Well... you were dressed in your princess costume, so I guess it was pretty much like kissing a girl." Tooru forced out a chuckle and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, all the while cursing himself for telling Yuujiro at all. Honestly, he should have just kept it to himself.

"L-look it's your fault!" Yuujiro sprang up and pointed an accusatory finger at Tooru.

"Hey! We agreed it was your fault!"

"I wouldn't have done it if I thought it was your first kiss! You should have told me!"

"What? Told you I'd never been kissed before? I have my manly pride!"

"You sound like Mikoto!"

"Well, you sound like a jerk!"

The two friends glared at each other. Metaphorical steam snaked out of their ears and quivering fists. Their faces scrunched. Their lips twitched. They elicited a tiny snort. And finally, they burst out laughing.

"M-manly pride!" Tooru gasped. "I d-did... sound... like Mikoto!"

"A jerk! A jerk!" Yuujiro pounded his fist on the floor and clutched his gut. "What a... shitty comeback!"

Tooru and Yuujiro carried on for quite some time - quite a bit longer than the situation called for. They pounded the walls, the floor, the beds. They gasped for breath and didn't bother wiping away tears. Finally, they collapsed. Lying side by side on the floor, they rubbed their sore stomachs and stifled the occasional residual giggle until their breathing calmed and silence reclaimed the room.

Everything seemed just as it was before. They were just two friends bound by a common frilly fate. Just two, normal, heterosexual - definitely heterosexual - male friends. Yuujiro grabbed Tooru's hand. This is normal, Tooru reassured himself, still normal. The two friends held hands all the time.

"Tooru... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"It was my fault. I'm sorry I stole your first kiss."

"Yuujiro..." Tooru rolled his head over to face his friend.

"I'm sorry you don't have anything to write about."

"Well that's not your fault."

"Tooru, I have an idea. I can fix this." Yuujiro sat up and pulled his friend up with him. "Why don't you write a half-lie?"

"A what?"

"A half-lie. We'll play out a scenario right now and you can write about that, kay?"

"Um, I don't-"

"You met a girl while picking up chicks over summer break, and you invited her to your room. Yuujiro is out on a hot date-"

"That doesn't sound right..."

"-so you're alone with you're girlfriend, Yuu-chan."

"Yuu-chan?" Yuujiro flashed his princess smile, and not-so-subtly pointed to himself. "O-oh. You're Yuu-chan."

"Thanks for inviting me here Tooru-kun. I've missed you sooooo much."

"Uh... uh..." No matter how much he tried, Tooru simply couldn't see his friend as a girl. After seeing him strut around in gorgeous frilly dresses, heels, and pigtails, the normal Yuujiro - the one currently clad in a simple gray oversized T-shirt - seemed incredibly manly. If Tooru was going to be at all believable, he just had to imagine Yuujiro as a princess. "N-no problem Yuujir- uh... Yuu-chan." Tooru flushed. It was impossible. Yuujiro was Yuujiro, and as much as everyone seemed to think (and fantasize) otherwise, he was not a girl.

"Oh, Tooru-kun!" Yuujiro grasped Tooru's hands and leant in close... too close. "You're the kindest, most honest boy I've ever met. And you're so handsome!" Tooru's heart thundered in his chest. Not good. This shouldn't be happening. This was Yuujiro. Not "Yuu-chan." It was his friend, Yuujiro. "From the moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to be by your side." Tooru felt Yuujiro's breath against his lips.

"R-really?" Tooru squeaked. If he hadn't been blushing before, he certainly was now. Even the tips of his ears were burning. "I-I mean, uh... me too, Yuuji- uh... Yuu-chan." Why did Yuujiro look so seductive? His golden eyes were hooded, yet dangerously focused. He was cute... handsome... beautiful... His lips were full, parted, close, so close. Tooru wanted to... he wanted to...

"Kiss me, Tooru," Yuujiro breathed.

Tooru didn't hesitate. He grabbed Yuujiro's face and slammed their lips together - so hard that it hurt. Tooru's tongue immediately delved into his friend's mouth. He devoured Yuujiro's mouth, swirling, sucking, pushing. Sloppy. Teeth scraping, lips floundering... Air, air. He needed air! Tooru pulled back and gasped for breath, only to be hit with the full force of Yuujiro's wide, shocked eyes.

Oh god, what had he done?

"S-s-s-sorry. I-I-I... I don't..." Tooru's eyes filled with tears, and he could only stare at the blurred image of Yuujiro, his mind jumbled with shame and excitement and shame and confusion and shame and shame and shame.

"Tooru." Yuujiro's voice was breathy, his visage confident. Yuujiro raised his index finger and gently traced his friend's swollen lips. Tooru's breathing hitched. "Does it hurt?" It didn't. It felt... it felt good. Yuujiro slowly withdrew his finger; it was lightly stained with blood. Tooru's eyes grew impossibly wider as Yuujiro curled his tongue around the tip of his finger, gracefully licking it clean.


"Shhhh." He smirked. "I know I missed some." Yuujiro leant closer, closer, and Tooru, in his disjointed, flustered state, hadn't the slightest idea what was happening until-

"Hnuhaa!" Tooru elicited something between a gasp and a breathy moan as he felt something warm and wet run over his puffy lips. Tooru felt Yuujiro's hand firmly grasp the back of his head and and press Tooru into him, as he sucked Tooru's bottom lip into his mouth.

"Mmmff!" Tooru didn't know what was happening anymore. He was being sucked and nipped and toyed with, and all he could do was sit there taking it... enjoying it. Yuujiro's tongue slipped into his mouth, and Tooru's groan was lost in his friend's mouth. Yuujiro expertly swiveled his head until their mouths fit together like puzzle pieces, allowing Yuujiro to sink deeper. Tooru could only follow Yuujiro's ministrations. He was utterly enthralled, filled, and dominated.

Yuujiro's grip on Tooru softened. He slowed the kiss and drew back, dragging Tooru's abused bottom lip with his teeth. He ran his tongue over it one last time before releasing it to rejoin Tooru's flushed, bewildered face.

"Well..." Yuujiro pushed himself off the floor and wiped his mouth on his upper arm. "Got enough to write about?"


"Your first kiss. Can you write about it now?"

Oh, that's right. Tooru shook his head furiously and rubbed the spit off his mouth. That was supposed to be his first kiss with the imaginary girlfriend, "Yuu-chan." Of course. What had he been thinking? Yuujiro would never act like that, would never do that to him, a fellow boy. Of course not. He was just helping a friend. Images of the past few minutes flashed through Tooru's mind. Yuujiro's smoldering eyes, his lips, his tongue, and that horrible, wonderful desire. Oh God, what had he been thinking?

"Tooru?" Yuujiro was apparently finding it very difficult to bite back laughter.

Tooru jumped up indignantly, wobbled slightly, and steadied himself. "Yes, thank you, Yuu-chan." There. Nothing to be embarrassed about. He wasn't kissing Yuujiro, not really... He only got a bit lost in the fantasy. Yuujiro couldn't tease him for that, or... yes he could, but he couldn't harp on it for too long. It's not like Yuujiro was picking on Mikoto here.

He plopped back into his chair, and began to write easily - surprisingly easily. The words fell out of his head and settled with a fluidity that he had never experienced before. He scribbled furiously, just barely keeping up with the narrative zipping through his mind. There. In only fifteen minutes, Tooru had written about his first kiss with Yuu-chan. After reading through it, fixing a few mistakes, and scrubbing out the multiple "Yuujiro"s that had mistakenly replaced "Yuu-chan" and the "he"s that were really meant to be "she"s, he tucked the short memoir into his folder and clambered into bed.

"Ready to go to bed Yuujiro?"

Instead of replying, Yuujiro stared hard at Tooru, studying and assessing, his face unreadable and his eyes sharp. Here it was. The beginning of Yuujiro's infamous, cold-hearted teasing. Yuujiro opened his mouth, as if he were about to say something, but snapped it shut and flopped onto his pillow, facing away from Tooru.

"Goodnight Tooru."

Somehow, Tooru was disappointed, as if... he had wanted Yuujiro to make some big deal out of what had happened between them, or at the very least to acknowledge it.

"Goodnight Yuujiro." Tooru's voice came out as little more than a whisper. He shut the light, and attempted to sleep.

AN: I'm not sure whether to bump it up to M, and I'm not sure whether to involve Mikoto (I just love him. Why does he have to be so steadfastly straight in cannon?). Let me know how you think I should proceed! Thanks for reading!