A/N: I think anyone that reads this has the right to come kick me in the shin… If you can find me. So I'm just gonna come right out and say it…


I was looking back over Rise and Fall the other day and realized I could make it SO much better! I have a tendency to start plots and never finish them. I also tend to be a little random…

So that's all stopping NOW. I have Rise and Fall planned out so it shouldn't take me to long to get up (hopefully less than a YEAR (which is how long it took the first go around)). And then I'll start on Scars and Souvenirs.

So as soon as this is posted I'll post the new Rise and Fall.

But here's a preview of the first chapter!

Rise and Fall

Chapter 1: Fly On the Wall

I had just walked out of the Power Station after delivering a few things from the Underground when it happened. There was a moment when time seemed to go in slow motion and everything else with it. A loud and sudden crack of thunder ripped through the air and a bright light shot from the sky. Multiple people stopped to watch the streak of light dash across the sky before hitting somewhere in the Industrial Section of the city.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked in the directions. Deciding to investigate this strange occurrence I quickly pulled my long, brown hair back before running for the nearest zoomer. With practiced ease, I swung my leg over the seat and began heading in the direction the bright light had landed.

. . .

Two years earlier…

Green eyes began to slowly slide open and having been caked with sand made the process that much more difficult. The little girl began to rub her eyes to rid herself of irritating sensation. She sat up only to be swept up with dizziness and fall back into the hot sand. She swallowed, suddenly realizing how dry her throat and mouth were. With nothing else to do her eyes began sliding shut again as she was taken over by unconsciousness.

When she came to again it was to the feeling of moisture on her lips. The brunette's eyes snapped opened she leaned towards the source of the water. A man in his twenties was hovering over her with a wet rag dripping into her mouth. He had brown hair that was pulled away from his face in dreadlocks allowing for full few of the intricate tattoos that covered his chiseled face as well as icy blue eyes. The girl snatched the rag from the man and squeezed the rest of the water into her mouth.

She looked around the room curiously. It was large with grey walls and many white beds and not much else.

"Good, you're awake," he stated as if one might state the time of day. "We found you out in the pumping station. What were you doing out there?"

With a few seconds of deep thought to girl finally answered, "I don't know."

"How do you not know? You were outside the city walls?" the tattooed man asked briskly. "Did you get away from your parents? Though at your age you should know better than to ever step foot outside the city."

The girl looked up at him with wide eyes, "How old am I?"

The man looked shocked, "You don't know?"

"I just remember waking up with sand in my eyes and being real thirsty and tired," she stated with green eyes cast downwards.

The man stood from her bedside revealing red armor, "I'm going to go get a doctor."

With a sad nod the young girl began staring down at her hands folded in her lap.

A/N: Now go read the rest of it!