Heyy guys guess who? My internet has been down so I could not update, but it is up and running again. It is blessed summer so that means that I have more time to write, but I still have a job so it might be every two weeks or a month until I update. But I promise that I will not stop this story until I finish it. And as to my one of my favorite reviewers, (guest) Itachi, this chapter is not long but it is leading up to a long one where I intend to have a great fight. Please feel free to PM with any other ideas that you have. Well no more rambling from me and go on with reading the story, and please leave a review!


Chapter 9



"inner actions"


Recap: "Do not underestimate me Uchiha-san, I will do as I said and I will not fail."

I then reappear next to Shiro-kun and wait for Hatake-sensei's further instructions.

"Now that we have all the pleasantries out of the way, meet at training ground 7 tomorrow for our first assignment. Oh and don't eat breakfast, or else you'll puke. Ja ne." He holds his fingers up in a peace sign and then disappears in a poof of smoke.

I get up and gather Shiro-kun in my arms and put my hands together to make the ram sign to teleport away.

We will show that Uchiha that we will make our dream come true.

Yes no one will stop us.


Outside the Academy...

Something stops me from teleporting away the second I finish my thought. It is two tall dark figures that look similar to Uchiha-san, with their raven haired locks and their onyx colored eyes.

The taller of the two had an emotionaless mask on his face along with lines crossing his face, marking the signs of many sleepless nights. The other Uchiha was only about an inch shorter than the emotionaless one and had a goofy expression on his face.

These two must be Uchiha-sans relatives, but maybe not the one with the goofy look. I thought Uchiha's had to control their facial expressions, this one seems as if he does not have a care in the world. Also the one with the lines across his face was also there when kaa-san was murdered.

Yes I think he was the one with the raven mask. Remember he is the Uchiha heir, Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke's older brother. The other one is their cousin Shisui, also known as Shunshin Shisui. We had thought Dog was the youngest of those ANBU that night, but we were wrong. It is actually Raven who was, the other two had deeper voices and Tiger had graying hair.

True. I wonder what they are doing here? Perhaps picking up Uchiha-san.

I can feel that someone is pulling on my sleeve and I look down in my arms to discover that it is Shiro-kun. I give him a questioning stare and wait for him to notice and respond.

"Nee-chan, who are those men? They look like Uchiha-san over there," he says this to me while pointing at Sasuke.

Just as I am about to start responding to Shiro-kun's question, I see out of the corner of my eye the Uchiha heir glance in our direction. He sees both of us standing there looking in their direction. He first looks Shiro-kun in the eye and sees the usual Haruno traits, then he flicks his eyes toward me. As soon as our eyes meet a glimmer of recognition can be seen in them.

So he does remember us. I wonder if he knows that I have graduated early and is also placed on his brothers team.

Of course he would remember us, he has a perfect memory. And he does most likely know that we are on his brothers team, he is an ANBU captain after all, nothing can be kept from them.

With the Uchiha trio...

As Sakura is carrying on this conversation in her head, the Uchiha heir turns back towards his relatives and informs them that he intends to head over to the Haruno princess and converse with her.

"Nii-san, why are you associating yourself with that trash. She is of no importance, only a weakling who must have cheated to graduate early," Sasuke told Itachi snarkily.

Shisui looks at the youngest Uchiha of the group with a surprised and amused stare. "Mou Sasu-chan I think Sakura-hime is extremely talented. I have seen her perform impossible jutsu's for someone her age and use weights heavy enough to kill the toughest shinobi. She gets up at the crack of dawn everyday to run around the village with no less than 200lbs on her person. Also to your comment about her being trash and of no importance, she is the Haruno prodigy and heir. She is also referred to as the Haruno princess, which in basic terms, she is of great importance."

Sasuke looks at his cousin with a sneer on his face and spews out, "Pfft she is not so great, I bet I could be her in ten seconds flat." He then starts to head towards the Haruno siblings.

Itachi looks at his young brother back with a disappointed glance and replies with, "Aniki you are ignorant of the words you have spoken and the repercussions should you try and fight, I do not think that you should do this."

"I will prove you wrong nii-san. You just wait and see," Sasuke retorts over his shoulder, not slowing even the slightest while heading towards an inevitable defeat.

Back with the Haruno siblings...

Hime you might want to return back to the outside the world. The Uchiha brat intends to challenge us to prove that our powers are a fluke.

Let him try and he shall see that he is no match for us.


Okay everyone I know that this chapter is short, but I promise that next chapter will be better. Please read and review.
