Everything was strange. All around was a black background, the only distinctive features were the pink pathways and a few houses placed randomly about. The place seemed harmless, kind of cute in way, but it still felt unsettling. Ib took hold of Gary's hand, and moved slightly closer to him.

"What's wrong little lady?" Gary smiled down at Ib, "Is this place scaring you?"

"N-no, I'm fine." Ib spoke quietly. They walked in silence for a few more moments before she spoke up again. "Gary… what if we don't make it out alive?"

He looked down at the nine year-old girl, surprised. Gary stopped midstride and knelt down to look at Ib in the eyes, "Ib, we will make it out alive. I promise you."

"But what if we don't." She persisted.

Gary thought for a moment, "Then I suppose we go to a better place." Another thoughtful silence persisted, before Gary spoke again, "You know, there was a café right outside of the art gallery. They had amazing food. Do you know the one I'm talking about?" Ib nodded, "Well, when we get out of here alive, I am going to take you there. My treat. Now come on, smile for me. We'll get out of here soon."

Ib gave him a small smile and then became serious. "Gary?" she looked down.

"What's wrong?"

The little girl wrapped her arms around Gary and whispered, "Thank you."

He closed his eyes, and spoke softly, "No, thank you."