Yeah... I don't know where this came from, since I wasn't planning to write anything else for Need for a while, but it happened!
BUT! Before you read, follow me on twitter! Lunachu16 – if you had, you would have known sooner that this chapter was coming ;D Don't be afraid to tweet me, I love talking to everyone!
This chapter I'm going to dedicate to ALittleMoreCargan, since we had a lovely conversation on twitter earlier :) Go read her stories also if you don't already!
Now enjoy!
To say that Logan Mitchell had a close friendship with Carlos Garcia and James Diamond, as well as his foster brother Kendall Knight, was an understatement. The four of them had been together practically since birth, nothing could separate them.
Of course, they always got each other wound up and annoyed, personalities often clashing horribly. Kendall's personality was ordering and protective, opening up very little and only to those he completely trusted, whereas Carlos was completely the opposite, always happy and smiling, trusting everyone until they gave him reason not to.
James was much like Carlos, optimistic, always seeing the good in people; however, his mischievous side was a common sight. There was nothing James enjoyed more than a good prank on one of his closest friends to start the day off. Of course, this annoyed Kendall to no end, especially since he was usually the target of the said pranks.
Logan was just quiet to put it gently, he was silent most of the time, quite introverted, he didn't enjoy days out much, and they were just a waste of time in his opinion. Besides his brother, Kendall, their little sister Katie, and the two best friends, Logan spoke to no-one.
Right now, for instance, Carlos was dragging his friends out to a fairground. Katie Knight had decided to join them.
"Come on, Logan; just come on one ride with me, just one? What about the Log Flume, you loved that when we were little!" The short brunette pleaded, gripping onto Logan's hand with her two smaller ones as she tried to pull him towards the said amusement.
Carlos, Kendall and James snickered slightly as Logan sighed, exasperated and annoyed. "I really don't feel like it right now, Katie."
She pouted, her pale pink cheeks puffing out sweetly as she huffed. "You never feel like it! Come on." Apparently, the girl refused to take no as an answer, gripping the taller boy's arm with both of hers and dragging him onto the boat shaped log.
Carlos looked over to Kendall, both of them having the same smirk ironed onto their face. At the same time, they both muttered. "She's got him whipped." They broke out into grins, the expression uncommon on Kendall's face in public, but right now he didn't really care. In the company of his closest friends, he could let himself go.
The three boys watched as Logan gripped onto Katie's back in fear as the log began to move, going into a dark cave. It was a known fact that the boy did not like roller coasters, or anything similar to them.
Katie chuckled lightly as she felt Logan's hands grip into the back of her thin shirt, his breathing deepening to calm his pounding heart. She turned slightly to face him, her pale fingers gently pushing a small lock of his black hair away from his brown eyes.
"There's nothing to worry about, Loge. You'll be fine, okay?" She smiled at him, tilting her head slightly as she did so. Logan couldn't help but smile back, the damned motion was infectious. But it wasn't long until the ride tilted back, climbing up the first hill, it only took about 10 seconds until they were at the top of the small but steep drop. Logan gulped loudly as he looked over the edge, seeing the drop ahead.
"Ready?" Katie grinned as she asked him, brown eyes shining with excitement as the log tilted that tiny bit further forward, the ride coming crashing down towards the water, leaving the two occupants of the boat soaking wet.
Logan tried to calm his breathing and the frantic pounding of his heart, hands gripping so tightly onto Katie's shirt that the fabric was on the verge of ripping and his knuckles were white. The small brunette in front giggled lightly at his actions.
"Calm down Logan, that was fun, wasn't it?" She enquired, eyes still shimmering.
Logan shook his head frantically; he had not enjoyed that one bit. "Katie Knight, I will never trust you again."
She just giggled louder, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand, attempting to hide the motion in vain. "Oh well!" She exclaimed, knowing from experience Logan didn't mean it. "Just two more drops to go!"
The colour drained from Logan's face, leaving him pasty white with fear. "What?" His yell of disbelief echoed throughout the cave, crying out and gripping Logan tight as they began to rise again. "I wanna get off, I wanna get off, I wanna get off..." He repeated, rocking slightly with Katie causing her to chuckle more. Logan did tend to overreact a little bit at times.
Once again, the log fell down the steep drop, this one larger than the previous. The feeling of the ride gave made Logan's heart leap to his throat and his stomach churn, a strangled gasp of fear escaping his lips. Once the log evened out again and began to climb the highest drop, the one in which their photograph would be taken on, there was no conversing, no reassurances from Katie, just silence and shaking.
Logan knew he was overreacting to the children's ride, but he could swear that the devil himself had created this form of 'Entertainment.' Logan closed his brown eyes, held onto his little sister tighter, and sealed his mouth closed as the ride dropped, he tried to keep his face impassive of fear, and Kendall would never let him live it down. The crash of water once again soaking the two friends to the bone was what snapped Logan out of his 'happy place' in which he'd used to distract himself.
Shivering lightly, although he knew the hot sun would soon dry him off, Logan couldn't get out of the small boat quick enough, practically shoving Katie out of the way to get back on his dear, sweet land.
Kendall chuckled, unable to keep the amusement from his best friend's state out of his eyes as he connected his hand around Logan's upper arm, helping pull the shaking boy out beside his sister, who chuckled and skipped towards Carlos and James without a care. The three went straight to the photo booth, of course, to collect their picture of the two friends going down the slope.
Kendall turned his attention back to Logan, smirking at his pale face and quivering knees. "You alright, dude?" He enquired, flipping a few strands of his blonde hair from his eyes. Bryce stared at him in disbelief for a second, before nodding dully.
"I cannot stand our sister." Kendall couldn't help but break out into a smile.
"Aw, Loge, You know that isn't true. Lighten up a little; you're getting worse than me."
Katie, James and Carlos returned, skipping gently with their arms hooked. Carlos was grinning like a maniac, which just proved Logan's point that he'd never live the picture down. As the black haired boy showed his slightly taller friend the picture, Logan groaned.
He looked like a big baby, gripping the back of the grinning and laughing Katie's shirt. And was that, was that tears in his eyes? Oh gosh, his life would be over if Fredrick ever got hold of this amazing piece of blackmail.
Kendall once again grinned at the horror on Logan's face, making a show out of taking the picture from Carlos and putting it in his bag, ready to of course show the boy's social worker later. Logan may be the one he was closest to out of the friends, considering their personalities were so alike, but that didn't mean he didn't like the annoy the slightly younger kid too.
Katie broke Kendall's blackmailing thoughts with a simple exclamation. "Oh, hook a duck!" With that, she was off, skipping towards the stand with Carlos being dragged by the arm behind her. Kendall sighed wearily; he was the one with the money, so he'd have to follow her to the childish attraction. Grabbing a handful of Logan's hair, fondly mind you, he pulled the shorter boy over to where the two hyperactive kids were bouncing on their heels, waiting for the chance to earn a stuffed toy. James followed suit behind, trying to pry Kendall's hand off Logan's hair with the plea 'You'll ruin my hard work!'.
"Alright, how much is it for 2 games?" Kendall enquired; he didn't want the two youngest of the group to go without a stuffed animal, so they'd have to get two.
The man behind the counter raised his eyebrows. "For two games, that will be $5."
Kendall looked angered for a second at the steep price, but closed his eyes and sighed, allowing the boiling blood to calm before he handed over the money.
Katie beamed as she was given the long pole with a hook on the end. After a few unsuccessful attempts of hooking the tiny duck, she handed the pole to Logan, pouting. "Do it for me, Logan? Please, I really want the monkey!"
Logan rolled his eyes. "Why should I? Remember, I hate you."
Katie's pout grew, her cheeks puffing out a little and she placed her hands on her hips. "Logan Mitchell, you will hook that duck for me right now mister! Or so help me; Mr Frying Pan will come out to play!"
The four guys couldn't help but sweat drop in unison at the terrifying 11 year old. Logan nodded and took the hooked pole from her. "Alright, alright I'll get you the damned duck..." He leant over the edge of the counter, leaning towards the pond filled with ducks. If he was honest, it wasn't a very good booth, the hooks were thick whereas the loops on the duck's heads tiny. It was very difficult to get it through and stay there, but none the less, Logan managed it.
He handed the duck to the man behind the counter and pointed towards the large pink monkey that hung by its tail from the stall. "I'll take that please." Katie squealed in delight uncharacteristically, bouncing on the balls of her feet as the man handed her the stuffed toy. She nuzzled into the fur on the Monkey's head, flashing Logan a grin of thanks.
Carlos didn't take long hooking his own duck, choosing a large, plastic buster sword as his prize. But, noticing Katie's monkey, he pleaded with her to swap, which she had no problem in doing. Oh man, Logan and Kendall would be in for a long night. The group walked together through the crowds, Katie a little behind them as she re-enacted some fighting moves she'd recently learnt from a game with her new sword.
"Katie, cut it out, you're not Angeal." Logan told her irritated, rubbing his forehead to warn off the approaching headache.
Katie froze, her cheeks turning red at the realisation that she'd been caught in the act. She mumbled a sorry, putting the large toy sword on her back.
Kendall broke the awkward silence that followed. "How would you kids like to go to the cinema?"
Carlos and Katie began jumping on their heels again, grinning happily with a chorus of affirmative words. Logan just nodded simply, not one to get hyper over a simple idea.
"I wanna see a cartoon! Can we Kendall, please?" Carlos pleaded with his big, brown puppy dog eyes. Katie shoved him to the side, getting in front of her brother in his place.
"No! We have to go see an action film! They're so cool and fun, you agree, don't you Kendall, Logan?" She asked them sweetly, but the malice in her playful voice was just daring them to go against her wish. James piped up beside her, agreeing to the action film and causing the smaller girl to grin as though she had won.
"No." Kendall and Logan said in unison. The older of the two pushing Katie out the way as they spoke, before walking ahead. Kendall continued talking.
"I want to go see that new horror film, Woman in Black or something I think it's called." Katie and Carlos immediately began protesting. Katie wasn't like other girls her age, but it didn't mean she liked Horror films. "Oi, shut up." No-one argued with Kendall, the protests quietening. "I've been wanting to see this for a while, so we see Woman in Black or nothing at all."
Still, not one protest was heard from the younger two. James rubbing his neck nervously, he wasn't one for Horrors either.
"I agree with Kendall, it looks good. Plus, Daniel Radcliff is in it, and he'll always be Harry Potter."
Carlos and Katie just hooked arms and held each other close, already scared.
It didn't take long for the group to arrive at one of Minnesota's cinemas, Kendall headed to the line to buy the tickets, ignoring the fact that Katie was much too young to get into the film, while the three remaining boys and the youngest brunette went to get the snacks with Solis's money.
Needless to say they went a bit overboard with two supersize popcorns, four huge sodas, hotdogs for each of the boys and a pot of fluffy, pink candyfloss between them. Kendall was not impressed when he returned with the tickets, but took one of the boxes of popcorn to himself regardless.
They walked into the correct screen, sitting a few rows towards the back and in the centre, so their view was good but they weren't surrounded by creepy, making out couples that would put a dent in Katie's 'innocence'. The trailers soon started, Carlos already hiding behind Katie's shoulder. Katie herself was trembling.
"Katie, calm down, the film hasn't even started yet." Logan reassured, and then grinned a little as he remembered what she had said to him on the flume earlier on. "There's nothing to worry about, Katie. You'll be fine, okay?"
She glared at him for the mocking tone, causing Kendall to scoff and choke on his popcorn. Soon, the dark movie began, effectively scaring Carlos and Katie out of their wits by the middle of the film.
Logan and Kendall had been whispering to each other for some time, before Logan suddenly shouted out in the quiet cinema. "Stop being stupid, Harry, use your wand! Your wand! Accio wand, Harry!"
He sounded so serious while yelling it out, Kendall couldn't help but burst into laughter, clutching his stomach as Logan continued to yell at the actor on screen. Katie and James looked horrified, hitting Logan lightly to try and shut him up as murmurs of disapproval echoed throughout the screen. Soon, the staff officials from the cinema were marching up the aisles towards them, pulling Logan, Kendall, James, Carlos and Katie from their seats and escorting them out.
They were issued with a 6 month ban from the cinema.
Since the group still had a few hours to kill before having to head home ready for the first day of the new school year the next morning, the headed to the park where they had all first become close friends. The boys had only been 6 then, Katie being a mere baby. Making it 9, nearly 10 years ago the promise had been made to always stick together.
They all sat, hand in hand by the pond, watching as a small, green frog hopped towards the shimmering water.
Hope you enjoyed this random, impulsive chapter. I didn't really plan it, it just sort of... happened, and turned out pretty long!
It was a nice change to do something light-hearted again!
Also, I have just been informed that in every Bonus chapter I write, there must be a random green frog appearance... Let's make it happen!
Thank you for sticking with this story even through its slight Hiatus!