So here is a short RoyXEd. Be nice, it's my first attempt at yaoi. Also, I wrote this in My Beautiful lie's yearbook, so she will always remember it. ;) (put the DO NOT READ sticker on it yet?). I's sorry it's so short but I did write it pretty quickly. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK THIS IS MY FIRST TRY AND I NEED TO KNOW HOE I CAN IMPROVE! So, I hope you enjoy it.
Roy looked over at the younger boy sitting next to him and bit his lip. Stuck with this kid again. This... amazing kid. As much as he liked to pretend that he didn't like Ed, he couldn't help but find the boy so lovable. What was it about him that made the kid so unbearably attractive? Maybe it was his determination. He never gave up. Like a blond little engine who could with serious anger issues. Was it the way he got so mad when people said he was short? The way he was determined to prove to them that he was just as important, no matter how tall he was? Everyone knew and loved him for that scowl he made so often, but in Roy's opinion, Ed looked so much better when he smiled. When he smiled, suddenly he wasn't the angry teenager trying to correct his past mistake, he wasn't the famous fullmetal alchemist. He was just a kid. The way his eyes sparkled as he grinned were full of joy, hope and a touch of innocence. He really did look like just a kid. Just a kid. Those words came back to hit Roy right in the face. He was about twice the age of Ed. What would people say?
'People will say whatever they want to say' A voice in the back of Roy's mind said 'If you love him, love him.' The voice in Roy's head continued to fill his head with romantic images and thoughts of him and Ed. At that moment, sensing a troubled Roy, Ed looked over at the Colonel.
'Dammit! He's looking at me!' Roy thought. He was simply unable to resist those huge golden eyes looking at him worriedly.
"Ed?" Roy asked, his voice wavering nervously
"Yeah?" Ed responded worriedly, for Roy seemed as if he had something very important on his mind.
"There's something I need to tell you...'