Disclaimer: I don't know Glee, sucks to be me. A small note I am going on hiatus so I'll be updating again late April, mid-May. Alrighty kiddies on with the show.

Chapter eight: Waking Up the Animal Inside

The hunter continued to watch the monsters' house the rest of the day all the way into the evening. There was just too much activity there for his liking since this morning. He just knows that something happened, that something is very wrong in there. He can feel it all the way down to his bones, well that and he heard a lot of growling and crashing but in his mind it was all instinct. He saw that the monster's parents have been running in and out of the house all day, sometimes scared sometimes angry. The father carried out a whimpering little boy in his arms and speeded off into the woods. Then that bitch Santana carried the blonde haired harlot out in her arms and ran into the woods in the direction her father went. Where? He doesn't know where they went but he does know that it was something to do with all that commotion from that went down this morning. But wherever they went couldn't have been that far since they came back 20 minutes later. Yes he timed it but don't judge him because he had his reasons. He needed to keep track of these things if he's going to be an efficient hunter.

He eyed the house with so much hatred that he couldn't even straight think anymore. If he could he would've burned the house down with his mind regardless of who was inside. He hated these monsters with a burning passion and these girls that associated with them are no better, in his opinion.

His face twists into an unrecognizable mask that if anyone from school saw him they would question themselves if they really knew him at all. No one would believe that this sweet sometimes goofy boy could be filled with so much hate but at least he's not a killer like these animals. Those blonde bitches weren't any better associating with animals like them. If they got hurt or killed than they would've gotten what they deserve. He tried to save them but they wouldn't listen so whatever happens isn't his fault. He'll show them the errors of their ways. Then he'll show everyone exactly what he's capable of.

But that was an issue for another day because right now he needed a way into that house. He desperately needed to prove to his family that everything he said was real. He needed to prove that he could be great like his grandfather thought or crazy like his parents are starting to think. He needed to prove that he didn't imagine that encounter with a beast. That it wasn't a just a stupid mistake made by a kid that was angry with an ex-girlfriend. That he didn't make all this shit up and he really did see that monster change in front of him!

But he needed a way into that bitch's house and her life. He needs something or someone rather to get him close to one of the blonde bitches. He knew that he would have to swallow down his contempt for them all so he can become his friend. He screwed up with the blonde bitch but that doesn't mean he couldn't fake some remorse to get in their good graces. Once he got the blonde bitch to forgive him and be his friend then he could strike when the monster least expects it when their guard is down.

The hunter glares at the house lost in thought, thinking up different scenarios before a brilliant idea pops in his head. He knows exactly who he needs so he can gain access into the monster's life. And he knows who he needs to make her if she doesn't want to be his pawn. He smirks as he sinks into the woods allowing the darkness to swallow him up and he starts walking toward the new best friend's house.

Frannie stares at her sister and he girlfriend with jaw unhinged, like they're insane because despite what she said not even two minutes go this can't be real. This is some scary monster movie type of bullshit and she refuses to even entertain the possibility that something like that can exist and she is not turning into one. At this point she was seriously considering putting her sister and Santana in the freaking psych ward. She shakes her head slowly, "No there's no such thing as weres or whatever the fuck you say. That's all a fairy tale Lucy people can't just turn in monster like in the movies."

Quinn's quirks her brow, she can feel a head ache forming and it was starting to make her left eye twitch. She should've known that her sister would take one step forward to only take twenty steps back and then launched herself back into the land of denial. It is the Fabray way after all just look at how blind she was with Santana and her feeling for her. She sighs as she tries to rub the tension building on her neck, away, "Sissy look I understand that this is hard to accept it took me a while when I learned but we don't have time and besides we went over all this already. I thought you remembered what happened this morning."

Frannie shakes her head firmly planted in her own personal land of Narnia because she likes it there. Everything's all pretty and shiny, "Nope that was a vivid dream brought about by too much alcohol and I was just about everything that happened this morning plus my head isn't in a good place right now. That attack or whatever didn't actually happen because I was dreaming the whole thing. I don't think that it's very amusing that use my confusion to poke fun at me Lucy."

Quinn groans exasperated, "Damn it Sissy you're being impossible you moron the last thing you remember is breakfast so when did you start drinking? At eight o clock in the damn morning?" She gives Frannie an incredulous look, "This isn't fun and games for me you know? I was worried sick about all day. You could've died. Do you understand that dead, died, gone Sissy? And you have the nerve to think this is some freaking joke, idiot."

Frannie sighs grabbing Quinn's hand, "Lucy I'm…"

Quinn didn't want to placate not by her, she snatches her hand and moves closer to Santana. She swallows hard, "You're not the only that got hurt Sissy. Right now Randy's in the other room looking like you did, not even twenty minutes ago. Brittany's the one sitting by her sister's side wondering if she's going to wake up. So cry you and your stupid denial."

Frannie reaches for Quinn's hand to apologize but she hisses when a sharp pain stabs at her chest almost knocking her off the bed. Something's wrong. There's someplace that she needs to be but she doesn't know where. There's this faint voice inside of her head that was just screaming about something being very wrong but she can't understand what its saying. Frannie shakes her head sucking in a more oxygen, willing the pain away. She winches turning her attention back to her sister the loon who seemed not have notice that anything was wrong but Santana did.

She noticed the flinch and gasp of pain that Frannie made. She sniffs the air discreetly searching for the reason but she didn't smell any blood so her wounds haven't reopened. Santana frowns wondering what was going on inside the older blonde's body.

"Sissy! Stop ignoring me already," Quinn whines frustrated at her big sister. She smacked the girl's shoulder drawing Frannie's attention back on her, "You know for being older and a doctor you're nothing but a big ass immature brat."

Frannie feels a low growl tickle the back of her throat surprising herself and the other two girls, "Really Lucy you're calling me an immature? And do you really want to get into who's exactly the bigger brat? If you want I can tell Santana one of the millions of stories I have on you little sister," Frannie taunts.

Quinn glares at her, "You know what? I'm telling Mom that you're picking on me!"

Frannie laughs, "If she's sober enough to remember I don't think she'll care Lucy Q."

"I wasn't talking about Judy I meant Alex," Quinn smirks. They were Fabray's meaning they didn't do too well with dealing with their feeling. Quinn was happy that her sister was alive and Frannie didn't like the scared look on her face when she talked about her possibly dying. So the Fabray sisters did what they do best, they deflected.

They continue to bicker back and forth like sister usually do until Santana had enough of the bullshit. She knows that Frannie was denying what she saw out of fear but enough was enough already. She knew her mate was pushing because of the fear and uncertainty she felt all day, left her feeling vulnerable. She also knew that emotions wasn't something that was nurtured in their house and snide, sarcastic fighting was their way of saying 'glad that you're alive but enough was enough. She had a little girl in the other room that hasn't woken up yet and a terrified best friend at her side. It wasn't over yet and she needed to remind them of this.

"Enough," she roars silencing the Fabray sisters. "We have enough to worry about without you two acting like a bunch of babies."

The two blondes jump a little startled because they forget that they weren't alone in the room.

Frannie frowns, "Um like what?"

Quinn smiles sheepishly, "Sorry baby but honestly Frances is being such a stubborn ass brat."

The older Fabray sister glares at the younger one when she started in on her again, "Really Lucille you're calling me a brat? Maybe I should tell your girlfriend stories about when you were a baby, and then we'll see who's acting like a brat."

Santana sighs throwing herself back on the bed and covers her eyes. 'Damn bickering sisters I'm soooo glad that I'm an only child', Santana tells Charlie.

Quinn sticks her tongue out at her sister and hisses, "My name isn't Lucille! Don't call me that fucking name you know I hate that shit Frenchie!"

Charlie huff, 'And what would you call me, human?'

Santana chuckles, 'A big furry pain in my ass.'

The panther hisses before turning her attention back to her mate and her sister. She puffs out air in version of laughter, she can't wait to talk to this newly turned were about her human mate. She finds their interaction very amusing.

Frannie glares into her sister's burning hazel eyes, "Damn potty mouth little girl! Don't call me Frances or Frenchie than I won't call you Lucille, Sissy."

Santana snickers, 'I'm sure that they would think the same thing if they could hear us, flea bag.' The Latina rolls her eyes, 'Don't hiss at me I don't think that you're scary.'

"Fine! You big bratty no it all," Quinn pouts.

"Jesus Christ now I remember why I always had to keep you two separated. It's like being in the room with a bunch of two year olds," Santana mutters.

The Fabray girls heard her though and turned their twin glares at her. Santana clears her throat, her smile coming out more of a grimace. Her smile actually seemed to be screaming out 'Don't hurt me'. Quinn quirk her eye brow of doom at her girlfriend, daring her to dig the hole she suddenly found herself in that much deeper. Santana scratches the back of her neck and finds something interesting on the wall behind Quinn.

"Really Santana a bunch of two years?" Quinn's voice dripped with honey. "This 'two year old' will have you sleeping on the damn floor if you have something else you wish to say.

Frannie snickers, "Danger, danger I wouldn't speak anymore if you don't want to continue putting your feet in your mouth."

Santana whimpers, "I'm good please continue with your, uh discussion."

Frannie snickers again, "Whipped!"

'I agree with the human sister,' Charlie's growling laughter echoes in her head.

'Fuck off before I make a fur coat out of your ass,' Santana sneers. 'Besides you don't even know what that means.'

Quinn narrows her eyes and snaps her head toward her sister, "As for you Mistress of denial please explain to me why the hell you have this!" She yanks Frannie's shirt up to show off her healing scratches, "Or did you get that in your dream, sister dear?"

'I know what you know silly human because I am you,' Charlie taunts.

Santana groans, 'Don't remind me.'

Frannie frowns at her ironic choice of words and lightly touches the healing marks, "I don't remember these being here yesterday."

Quinn gasps dramatically, "Really they weren't? Then please explain to me why they're almost healed if you didn't have them yesterday."

Frannie opens her mouth but she couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse to why her had cuts and scratches on her body unless she lost more than a day. But that still made no sense, Frannie lifts her eye brow the same manner as her sister and with speed she didn't have before she hits Quinn in the face with pillow. "You smug isn't an attractive look on you sister dear. If fact its unbecoming maybe you should practice some humility."

Quinn grunts flinging the pillow back at her, "Maybe you should practice keeping that stick out of your ass."

'Okay time to put a stop to this.' Santana sighs.

Charlie's mocking laughter echoes in the back of her mind, 'I'll leave you to further anger our mate and her sister.'

She mentally flips off her furry half and stands up suddenly startling the bickering duo again, "You know I have a feeling that we'll be here all night if I let the two of you continue fighting like a couple of babies so I'm just going to make this easier for all of us."

Quinn clears her throat, "Honestly San, this is how we work things out."

Frannie nods, "Mocking and taunting that's the Fabray way."

Quinn looks at her suspiciously as her girlfriend stripping out of her clothes, "What exactly are you planning babe?"

Santana rolls her eyes, "Since you refuse to believe what your mind is telling you then maybe you'll believe what your eyes see."

Frannie sputters turning red, "Santana leave your clothes on! Lucy control your girl."

But her sister just shrugs completely distracted by the perfect tan skin being revealed by inch by inch before her eyes. Quinn mumbles, "Shh Sissy."

Frannie sighs her sister's a freak and Santana is as well. Santana needs to stop with the stripping because yeah she so doesn't want to see that. Frannie shakes her head, turning her eyes away when something caught her attention, something that shouldn't be there. Frannie squints her eyes and brings her head forward for a closer look.

"Oh my god what the hell," she exclaims jarring Quinn out of Santana induced haze.

Quinn looks at her sister frowning, that wasn't fair she was enjoying the show. Her eyes follow Frannie's eye line, seeing what she was seeing. Quinn's frown deepens, suddenly feeling very, very possessive of her girlfriend's um, bits so she covers her sister's eyes absentmindedly muttering, "Mine don't look Sissy."

Frannie feeling a little manic starts to giggles uncontrollably, "Whatever you say Cave Quinn but correct me if I'm wrong, Santana isn't supposed to have, uh that." Quinn just shrugs already turning her attention back to the gorgeous girl in front of her.

Santana blushes covering herself, she forgot that it was even there, "Um I'll explain later it's a bit complicated to get into right now."

Frannie nods, "I'll hold you to that López."

Quinn frowns at the move, not liking the fact that Santana was hiding herself from view. She was getting a little turned on by seeing her girlfriend standing in all of her glory. This causes Santana's nostrils to flare instantly smelling Quinn's arousal. A low growl vibrated in her chest as the intoxicating scent invaded her senses. She struggle shaking off her arousal, getting a hard on when her mate's sister was five feet in front of her wasn't exactly her definition of an ideal time to do so.

She looks directly at the dilated dark green eyes of her mate and she starts to smirk knowingly, "Later baby I promise."

Quinn pouts like a five year old when they're told that they can't play with their favorite toy, "Fine but you owe me and you're soooo not fair San."

Frannie clears her throat waving her hand in the air, "Um sorry your older sister is still in the room and she doesn't want to hear about your uh behind closed doors activities."

Quinn laughs she likes getting under her sister's skin, "Sorry Sissy but I can't help it I mean she's just gorgeous.'"

Frannie shrugs, "Somehow I don't believe you your pathetic attempt at an apology Lucy."

Quinn laughs harder as she uncovers Frannie's eyes just as Santana started to phases in front of her, "You may be right."

The older blonde gasps as the Latina changes into the animal she thought was only in her dreams taking up most of the room. Frannie screeches and jumps off the bed but her feet gets tangled in the sheet making her fall face first onto the floor. She turns on her back and scrambles onto her back moving as far away as she could get until her back hits the wall, "Jesus Freaking C… this isn't real. This isn't real. It can't be…"

Quinn approaches her cautiously until she's kneeling in front of her. Quinn looks into familiar hazel green eyes, "Sissy calm down that's Santana and she won't ever hurt you, I promise."

Frannie feels a hysterically laughter bubbling inside of her, "She's a freaking cat. A huge freaking cat."

"A panther, Charlie is a were panther," Quinn smiles softly.

"Charlie? Who the hell is Charlie," Frannie squeaks out.

Charlie huffs indigently at the older blonde feeling slightly insulted. A feline like smile graces her lips as she stretches her muscled limbs lazily. Charlie snorts before jumping gracefully on the bed that groans under her bulky weight. She lays her big head on her paws, watching the sister interaction. Quinn smirks inward at the innocent expression on her panther's face.

Quinn smiles turning her attention back to Frannie, "Charlie is what I call Santana's panther form." The older blonde shakes her head, "Yes and so will you because Carlos tried to attack you."

"But it was just a bad dream. This can't be real," Frannie whispers. Her eyes locked onto Charlie who at the moment seemed very uninterested about the sisters' conversation. Charlie's long tongue licked her paws unconcerned at being watched like she was prey.

"No Sissy you know it wasn't a dream," Quinn whispers just as soft, stroking her sister's hair. She really hates the vulnerable look on her sister's face but she can't let her slide back to where they started again, "I'm sorry but it's very real."

Frannie swallows hard but her gaze doesn't waver from the huge predator in front of her.

Quinn sighs as she tries not to coo at how adorable Charlie was being when she yawns and lays her head back down and closes her eyes.

After a few attempts Quinn was finally able to calm her down enough for her to sit back on the bed cautiously. Charlie stays still as the girls approach the bed wanting to show the skittish girl that she wasn't going to harm her. Charlie opens one eye to peaks at her mate and her sister when she feels the bed dip under their weight. With a feline smirk the panther scoots close enough to lay her big head down on Frannie's lap. A nervous laugh bubbles in her throat as she jumps when the heavy head makes contact with her. Charlie nuzzles Frannie's lap lightly before she gives in and starts stroking the soft fur. This wasn't so bad, she guesses. At least this cat wasn't trying to use her as a scratching post or mistaking her for dinner.

The pain in her chest comes back suddenly again this time worse than before. She breaths in deep willing the pain away but there's something crawling around inside of her head. There's something that she needs to do but she can't figure out what. Her hand stayed stroking the fur absentmindedly as she tried to understand what was going on in her head.

Quinn was missing all the big neon flashing signs that Frannie was two seconds away from panicking. She was completely oblivious the fact that Frannie was about to start hyperventilating as the discomfort and the panic built up more inside of her.

Quinn starts to smirk at Frannie when she just continues to pet her kitten. It was completely impossible to ignore her kitten's adorable cuteness. She knew first hand that Charlie was too adorable to be able to resist.

Frannie closes her eyes tightly trying to bury the panic and asks the one question that's been burning in her head. She swallows hard, "So what does that mean for me."

"It means that on the next full moon you're going to phase. You and Randy," Alex says from the doorway.

Frannie opens her eyes turning to look at the older Latina that was leaning on the door frame. She frowns wondering when she got there or maybe she was there the whole time. She nods slowly as stunned look spreads across her face, "Are you sure? I mean it can't be that simple can it? People just don't wake u and become were cats because of a little scratch?"

Alex sighs moving further into the room slowly until she was standing in front of her, "Yes I'm sorry mija but I'm positive and it wasn't just a little scratch. It was more like four slash marks down your side, very deep slashes."

Frannie's face falls, "I don't want to be a were cat or whatever you are. No offense Alex but I just, it's not something…"

Alex pats her shoulder, "I understand unless you're born into this or want to be changed to be with your mate than it's a lot for someone to get used to."

Frannie narrows her eyes glaring down at the panther on her lap, "Does that mean you're going to try to turn Lucy?"

Alex holds up her hands, "Not me mija and not if she doesn't want to. Like I was telling Quinn earlier while you were resting someone other than a mate being turned is very unusual. Carlos is young and he's mating is new and the connection isn't fully formed. If it's anyone's fault than it should be mine because I should've felt that he was about to lose control."

Frannie feels a deep growl vibrating through her chest, "When I get my hands on that kid he's going to be a sorry little house cat."

Charlie growls her agreement loving the fact that she has an extra person with her to protect her mate and her human friends.

Alex smirks, "I have no doubt that between the four of you Carlos will feel like a helpless house cat." She takes Frannie's hand and squeezes it gently, "In the meantime Santana and I, hell the rest of the López clan will help you get through this."

Quinn takes her shaking hand into her own, "See you're not alone in this Sissy, you'll have me to help you and cheer you on."

Frannie closes her eyes again, "What do I have to look forward too?"

The older Latina sighs, "I'm not going to Sugar coat it and say it's going to be easy and painless. Unlike a person that was born into this legacy the first phasing hurts like a bitch."

Quinn grips her hand tighter, burrowing closer to Charlie's warm body, "Why? I mean it doesn't hurt San or any of you to phase so should it hurt my sisters?"

"Because the panther is fighting for her place in your body and mind," Alex tells her. Remember it's not natural like a were that was born with the gift so your human body will fight to reject it that's the reason why you were unconscious for so long. The phasing is the body's way of making a last ditch effort to remain completely human."

Frannie nods, "When does this phasing occur?"

Alex laughs softly, "On the most cliché day that you can think of it's the one thing that the movies got right," Alex's eyes dance around full of mirth, "on the next full moon. Which is in about three weeks from today but you're not alone like I said."

Quinn nods tugging her hand playfully, "That's right you'll have me not to mention Randy's going to be experiences this right beside of you, so you'll have Brittany cheering you on."

Frannie trying to ignore the sharp pain at the mention of Brittany's name but whatever going on inside of her has something to do with the tall blonde. She frowns but nods her head slowly finally looking around room and notices for the first time that they were missing a two blondes, "Hey where's Brittany and Randy?"

Quinn leans down to kiss and nuzzle Charlie's neck, "She's in the other room with Randy."

Frannie tilts her head to the side concentrating on the voice inside to was screaming when that something that's been bother finally snaps inside of her mind. She jumps off the bed dislodging the lazy panther. Charlie glares at the annoying newborn but then she smells the fear pouring out of the girl and cocks her head to the side listening and waiting. Frannie starts breathing harshly pushing away Quinn's questions and runs to the other room. She slams the door open almost taking it off the frame slamming it against the wall.

"Brittany!" she screams when she sees the girl laid out on the floor.

Everyone rushes to the room after her when they heard Frannie scream. Charlie was there before everyone growling, stalking around the room her fur standing up as she searches for the threat. But when she turns her big head to where Frannie and her mother were kneeling with Brittany on the floor she starts mewling.

'Brittany,' screams Santana pushing at the edge of her cage begging to come out.

Charlie growls prowling the room denying her request she was worried that there's still an unseen threat. They cursed themselves at not realizing that their oldest friend was hurt. They wondered how they missed the on obvious signs.

"What's wrong?" Quinn comes in last bumping into Alex, who was standing shocked at the door way. She gasps when she sees her childhood friend lying on the floor looking pale. "Brittany! Oh my god what happened?" She pushes past the stunned panther and falls next to her sister as she examines her best friend.

Alex sniffs the air but doesn't smell any blood as she kneels next to the prone girl. She curses herself for not realizing that something was very wrong with one of her children. "I don't smell any blood so I don't think she was scratch as well," Alex mutters as watches Frannie go into doctor mod.

"No scratches or bites that's a good thing right," she asks off handedly not really expecting an answer. She was feeling the prone girl for injuries and gently turns Brittany onto her back. She hisses when she finds a knot the size of a baseball on the back of the blonde's head, "Fuck! She has a head concussion but she needs to get to the hospital so I can give her a head CT. How long has she been out? How come no one noticed this?"

Alex spoke up, "Santana was talking to her before she came down to help me in the kitchen. So maybe a little less than an hour and we were a little concerned over the fact that neither of you girls had woken up yet. If you would look up than you'd notice that Randy still hasn't woken up yet."

Frannie bites her lip, the screaming in her head stop but now she's feeling like something was reaching inside of her chest and squeezing the shit out of it each breath felt painful. "Okay, okay fine I'm sorry but head injuries are very serious so we need to leave now. Brittany needs to get a hospital right now," Frannie swallows the panic bubbling underneath the surface.

Charlie whines nudging the prone blonde's shoulder Frannie somehow knew that the large panther was asking her a question. The doctor breath in harshly trying to control the panic that wanted take over, "I'm not sure how extensive the injury is or if there's any bleeding in the brain until we run some test on her. I need to get her there." She scratches the big panther's ears not taking the time to wonder how she understood the meaning of Charlie's whine, "I'm sure she's fine, she has to be."

Alex stands quickly up to find her phone and calls Manny to tell him what was going on and to bring come back with the car around the front. She scoops her up cradling her gently in her arms, "No Frannie you can't go with us because I need you to stay here. Aside from the fact that you're not even completely healed yet you also need some training to control your temper. I don't think that being in the hospital will be the best time to test you out, please trust me on this."

"There's nothing wrong with my temper," the older blonde scowls. She wanted to nothing more than to pull Brittany out of Alex's arms and cradle her in the safety of hers and never let go. Frannie narrows her eyes and growls vibrates from deep within her chest, "I'm the doctor here and I'm your best bet at getting her in to see a doctor faster."

Alex cocks her head to the side if she didn't know any better than she would say that Frannie was acting like Brittany was her mate which isn't possible since Frannie hasn't even phased yet. It's just something that she'll have to ask her Mom about later because right now she has more pressing concerns to think about. In the softest voice she could muster Alex approaches the growling woman, "She's unconscious mija so I don't think that we'll be asked to take a number."

Frannie frowns unconsciously taking Brittany's limp hand and shakes her head because there was something inside of her was itching, begging to be with the girl, "But I…"

Quinn touches her arm pleading, "Sissy I need you here with me in case Randy takes a turn for the worse. You're the only one that knows how to help her if that happens." Okay maybe she was laying it on a little thick but Alex wants her to stay probably for a good reason.

Alex adjusts the bundle in her arms, "I think Brittany would want you to take of her sister when she obviously cant right now."

Frannie glares at the older Latina, "Fine but I want consent updates and I want to speak to the doctor on the case."

Alex smirks, she just loves getting her way, "She should be waking up soon an hour at most but is she doesn't call my Mom to see if she has any theories. Have Santana explain what you can expect when you change. If there's something that she can't answer than ask feel free to ask my Mom or you can wait for me to come back."

Santana walks back into the room still pulling down her shirt, "Don't worry Mom I gots this just take care of Brittany." She stops at the bed to look over the smallest blonde, "She doesn't have a fever and she not hot so that a good sign."

Frannie whimpers when Alex walks out of the room with Brittany in her arms. She moves to door and watches with a forlorn expression as the older Latina descend the stairs taking Brittany further away from her. She tilts her head to the side that something that's been tugging in the back of her mind is back again. It's so freaking frustrating because she can't quite figure out what it all means but she knows it's something important. She tries to shrug off Quinn's arm but her sister is stubborn and doesn't let her pull away.

Feeling frustrated and upset for no reason Frannie growls following Alex to the front door struggling with the urge to hi jack the car and drive far away. Quinn frowns at the brush off taking Santana's hand as she follows Frannie down the stairs. They watch as Santana's parents load the girl in the car Frannie whimpers feeling at a loss but not sure why.

Santana tentatively reaches out to touch Quinn's shoulder when she wasn't brushed off again she lightly pushes her back into the house. She grabs Frannie's elbow and leads her back into the house as well, "I think I understand why you're so upset and I know it doesn't have anything to do with being a were."

Frannie shakes her head, "This still doesn't seem real to me. I know what I saw this morning and ten minutes ago in the room but it still doesn't make any sense to me."

Santana smiles sweetly her dimples winking at the Fabray girls, "If you let me, I'll explain as much as I can and the rest Mom or Grams can fill in." She slides her hand into Quinn's, "Come on let's take this back upstairs so we can watch over Randy."

Frannie sighs following Santana up the stairs her head hung low with a look of pure longing on her face, "Okay but I'm calling every five minutes until we get some news."

Santana laughs the tension leaving her for the first time in hours, "Oh I have no doubt about that. I love me some Fabray but you women are all kinds a crazy." Quinn smacks her on the back of the head, "Ouch damn woman no need to abuse me I'm just trying to be keeping it real."

Quinn swallows down a chuckle, "Keep it up and you'll be sleeping on the very real hard floor."

She looks at Frannie with a mock stern look on her face, "Do you see what I have to deal with?"

Quinn pushes her threw the open door, "Be quiet you're a big tough panther you can handle a few love taps."

Frannie chuckles weakly her mind still on the other blonde, "So can you explain to me why you have uh you know?"

Quinn bites the tip of her tongue her eyes twinkling with mirth, "Ah Sissy you're a doctor come on you can say that word I'm sure they taught you some anatomy in med school."

Frannie lifts her eyebrow mirroring Quinn's brow of doom, "And I'm sure I learned all about how to hurt someone with leaving a mark or making them bleed."

Santana growls a low warning at the older blonde before pulling her mate down on her lap. Quinn smirks at her sister before kissing Santana's temple, "Oh I'm not worried Sissy, Santana and Charlie will protect me."

Frannie rolls her eyes at the false sweet tone, "I'm shaking in my socks Lucy but stop stalling and answer the question, please."

Santana groans burying her face in Quinn's neck, "I guess that I have to tell you about my family history. It'll help you understand wants going to happen to you and why have this uh um your know."

Frannie smiles curling into Randy's frail body lending the small girl her strength. She listened in awe of the López family lore. If she didn't witness first-hand what she has then she wouldn't believe that the things that go bump in the night are very real.

The hunter knocks on the door the front door waiting for his new partner in crime to open the door.

When the door opens a surprised looking Kurt gasps, "What are you doing here?"

The hunter smiles sweetly, "I'm here to see Finn, is he in?"

Kurt smiles thinly, "Yes he's upstairs with Rachel but I wouldn't go up there since they seem to be having an argument for the whole neighborhood to hear."

The boy pushes past Kurt, "That's actually perfect because I need to talk to both of them. So I'll just go up if you don't mind."

Kurt eyes him but shrugs his shoulders deciding to just let it go "Whatever go ahead if you insist. It's upstairs the first door on your right."

The boy thanks Kurt and starts whistling as he practically skips up the stairs excited to complete phase one of his plan. He's pretty sure that he'll have no problems getting Finn or his bitch of girlfriend to help with his master plan.