I do not own the Legend of Korra. Our favorite trolls, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante Dimartino do.

Chapter 1: Companion

Asami saw them everywhere. Korra and Mako sparring. Mako hugging Korra from behind, with his treasured scarf around her neck. She couldn't help it. It just seemed like wherever she looked, she would see them wallowing in their newfound bliss. Unbeknownst to them, it struck a dagger through her chest everytime. She told herself she had to stay strong. It had been an amiable seperation - one they had agreed on when they knew their relationship was falling apart. But she would not lie to herself that it still hurt. Badly.

Asami's eyes flickered to the beach, which was sprayed orange by the oncoming sunset. She watched the lovebirds as they frolicked along the edge of the sea, splashing water playfully at each other. Her eyes automatically focused on Mako, studying his expressions. He was elated. Joyful. Amused. She was amazed at how much life Korra could inject into him. A small smile tugged at the edge of her lips and she realized that regardless of whatever ache she was feeling... she was happy for them. It was a strange, bittersweet feeling.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

A familiar, husky voice interrupted her thoughts.

"General Iroh." Asami nodded, as the General sunk into the sandy patch beside her, sighing.

"Is anything the matter, Miss Sato?"

Asami was not facing him, but she could feel his worried gaze boring into the back of her head.

She merely shook her head, her eyes inadvertly falling on the two lovestruck figures in front of her.

"You know, Miss Sato, I've been always been good at reading people. It comes in handy when I need to figure out if suspects are telling the truth or not. And I can very well tell," -the General placed a warm hand on her shoulder-, "that something is bothering you."

Asami turned back, her amused emerald eyes peering straight into the General's amber ones. A sudden thought surprised her, but she realized what she was really waiting for, was for someone to notice her and tell her that she was, indeed, not alright. She smiled softly. The sea of loneliness that she seemed to be drowning in lately felt like it was draining out a little.

"Come," the General stood up, holding out his hand. "I know what will make you feel better."

Asami took it, greatful for the warmth and for a new sense of companionship.