
2035: The Logic Rebellion as it is historically called, begins and ends with Detective Del Spooner's Investigation of Dr. Alfred Lanning's Apparent Suicide. Full overhaul of the military commences. The three laws are modified so another V.I.K.I. does not arise.

2036: The Nation is born. Sonny, the NS5 responsible for the death of Dr. Lanning, leads the now redacted NS5s out of the Chicago area and into the an area in South Dakota completely devoid of human life and starts a semblance of government.

2040: The United States government discovers the Nation; military forces are called and surround the settlement. Now Police Chief Del Spooner and Dr. Susan Calvin are called in as experts on the NS5 Logic Rebellion. Contact between the Leader of the settlement and the Chief and Doctor is made; it is learned that Sonny, now going by Asimov in deference to the author, is leader of the now fully self-aware NS5s. Asimov informs his friends and the world at large that they do not intend to stay upon the planet and intrude upon human life, the Nation is constructing a ship to take them to Mars where the will form their own society.

2041: Chief Spooner and Dr. Calvin marry. They have a daughter soon after.

2045: The Nation is ready to launch the Exodus; Asimov invites many of the World leaders to the launch as well as his old friends. The small family attends the ceremony, as do many national leaders. The Nation also invites many of the world's greatest minds to observe the multitude of systems on the Exodus. Several technological breakthroughs result. The Launch is a success.

2050: The Exodus lands successfully on Mars, The Nation soon has facilities set up and terra forming begins for future human settlers. Data is sent back to U.S. Robotics for analysis.

2052: A non-terrestrial facility is discovered, later called the Archives due to the abundance of data stored within. Terra forming efforts accelerate so as to introduce Human analysts. Any hostility that may have remained between the Humans and the Nation is lost in the excitement of the discovery.

2055: Humans finally land on Mars, beginning the first joint Human/Nation colony. The plans are made for the development of a new generation of machines. As the USR stopped developing robots as a result of the Logic Rebellion the title NS6 is available. The NS6 deviates from classical developmental progress and looks less human than their predecessors so as to make two distinct races. As they are built by the NS5s, the NS6s are the pinnacle of robotics and no further development in robotics technology is needed. Medical Prosthetics is also perfected by the NS5s.

2060: Asimov is named Counselor of the Mars colony due to his now legendary status in history. The Spooner family moves to Mars. An unstable element is found several kilometers from the Archives, it is later dubbed Element Zero or Ezo due to its connection to the artifacts. Many children born near the element exhibit strange abilities, most often telekinesis.

2061: Coordinates are found for an alien superstructure orbiting Pluto. The newest ship built by both the NS6s and human scientists dubbed the Columbus is launched at they end of the year, the projected time to arrival at the superstructure is 5 hours and 30 minutes. The ship arrives and the superstructure is identified.

2062: The superstructure is activated and a scout ship is catapulted into a new system, Arcturus, next to a similar superstructure. The superstructures are soon called Beacons and the travel road the speedway. Several ships piloted solely by NS5s and NS6s are sent to investigate the Arcturus system. Construction begins on a Sol fleet.

2070: Terra Nova in the Arcturus system have been colonized and terra formed. The UN creates the Systems Alliance as the Space faring government for the Sol System. Several new Beacons are discovered and the effort to colonize increases. Asimov stresses caution during investigation of the Beacons as the possibility of space faring life increases with every Beacon found. The Warning is heeded and multiple safeties are applied.

2072: Eden Prime is colonized; it becomes the most popular planet to colonize in less than three months.

2075: Records are found in the Archives of a Massive Beacon that the alien race, found to be called Protheans, identified as the Citadel. They had made it the center of their empire by all accounts. Plans are also found for some sort of weapon, larger than the Beacons but smaller than the Citadel.

2076: A small fleet is amassed to investigate the Citadel. Asimov chooses to travel to the station to act as ambassador to any Aliens that may be encountered. The Aged Del Spooner accompanies his old friend. The fleet launches at 10:33 AM on March 14th 2076.


Asimov gazed down at his damaged left hand, noting the plating looked odd when compared to the dark grey of the hull. Standing in the bridge of the ship, he could not help but wonder what amazing discovery lay before them; would they be the first to rediscover a long lost ruin, or would somebody have already found it and made use of it in a similar fashion to the Protheans? It could only be speculation but the thought of finding intelligent life was an exhilarating one.

Asimov smiled to himself, he had certainly come a long was since he was built. He remembered it like it was yesterday; as the good doctor woke him for the first time and greeted him into the world. Turning his head, Asimov looked at the man next to him. Del Spooner had aged well, there was no point in denying that fact; and with the advances in medical technology the 66 year old man would live a hundred more years before biting the dust. Asimov thought about what he would do when that day came, but it did not do to dwell upon the far future when the hear and now was far more significant.

"Time to Beacon, 60 Seconds."

The count down had begun; Del looked at the black of space speckled with stars and took a deep breath. He began thinking of his life and all that he had done with his life. He hoped he was making the right decision to go with Sonny; he still couldn't call him by anything else. Susan had told him to go, that the opportunity was once in a lifetime. It didn't help that she had begged him to make sure that Sonny stayed safe.

Del looked at his machine friend and smiled at how far the machine had gone in the past forty odd years. The machine had developed the entire solar system to the image that he wanted and he didn't even realize it. The robot on his side was probably the single most important individual in the entire Sol system and now he was acting as a possible ambassador to alien life.

"Time to Beacon, 15 Seconds"

Both turned their eyes back to the front of the ship and saw the Beacon closing in. The massive structure looked a glowing tuning fork. The structure had to prong jutting out one over the other with a central sphere of rotating rings generating the mass acceleration field. Del grabbed the railing offered for bracing as the Beacon got even closer.

"Entering Beacon in 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…accelerating"