Chapter 21: Welcome Home

The next morning, Inuyasha wakes up from the sun's rays peeking of the horizon. He looks around to see his father standing guard at the edge of the mountain pass. He looks back down to see Kagome sleeping peacefully. He just couldn't help but to wake her up playfully. The trick? Why rubbing her ear of course. He gently rubs the right one with his fingers instead of his claws. Her purring shows that she's enjoying it. "A little more to the right." She said in her sleep. Inuyasha couldn't help but grin even more and he massaged the desired part of her ear. She moans more pleasurably, despite Inuyasha's grin shows that' enjoys massaging her ears. 'See what happens when you massage my ears, Kagome?" He asks in thought. Kagome heard that one for sure. She snaps hey eyes opens, "Oh so I guess it's all about getting payback." She asks his him in return. She turns around to face him. "You know it." Inuyasha simply replies. Kagome stretches out her body. "Man what a night that was." She comments as she feels her ligaments get back into their places. Inuyasha does the same thing as well. "Hey where's your father?" Kagome asks him looking around. "Relax he's up there." Inuyasha points to where his father is. "He's keeping guard on us." He explains to her. Kagome nods as she stands up. Inuyasha does the same thing. "I guess we can go home then." Kagome said as they go up the mountain pass to meet Inutaishou. "Yes, we can go home now." Inuyasha answers. Kagome giggles and runs ahead, with Inuyasha right by her side.

Inutaishou stood up and look over the horizon. 'I bet Sesshomaru has someone he cared about.' He thought to himself. "I see you're finally awake." He said to the couple. "Good morning, my lord." Kagome bows to him. Inuyasha feh's not being that well mannered. "Don't be so formal, Kagome. You can still call him Inutaishou." Inuyasha said to her. Kagome nods. "I see you're ready to go home then?" Inutaishou assumes to them. Inuyasha nods, "Yes we are father." He answers to him. So they run off to the Western Lands Castle.

About 4 hours later, the castle comes into the view. "I see it, Inuyasha." Kagome cries out to him. "We'll get there in no time." Inuyasha replies back proudly. Inutaishou smiles to see his home again.

About 15 minutes later, Inuyasha, and Kagome arrive at the gate. "We're back." Inuyasha calls out to someone. The gate opens to reveal no one to welcome them home. "Where is everyone?" Kagome sniffs the area, to find no one is around. "I can't smell them anywhere." Inuyasha said to her. The walk hoping that someone can come out and hug them. "Inuyasha, Kagome?" A voice asks them from nowhere. Kagome twitches her ear, trying to pinpoint where it's coming from. "Is someone there?" She goes on ahead.

Inutaishou comes in afterwards. "Son, what's going on?" He asks as he comes in. "Kagome and I heard someone, but there's no scent coming from anywhere in the castle." Inuyasha answers him. Inutaishou narrows his eyes, "There's a place in the castle that can cover anyone's scent. Let's go." He starts running into the castle. Inuyasha grabs hold of Kagome. "Inuyasha what are you…" Inuyasha presses his finger onto his lips, "Dad's up to something." He answers as they catches up to his dad.

Inutaishou stops at a door in the hall. "This should be the place." He said. Inuyasha and Kagome walk to him. "What's in there?" Kagome curiously asks. Knowing her, she hasn't been in this part of the castle. She was almost though when she first came here before Inuyasha brought her back to the safe side of the place. "I knew this room was forbidden, and now it's occupied." Inutaishou said to her. "What do you mean?" Inuyasha asks him. "Back when I was young, this room is forbidden to anyone who dared to go in." Inuyasha nods, "So what's in there?" He asks. "In this room is where you can cloak your scent from anything." Inutaishou explains so far. "Then why is it forbidden?" Kagome next asks. Inutaishou doesn't hesitate as he opens the room. Inside, there's no scent or sound coming from anywhere. "This is the none room. It's been sealed by my grandfather, who had to make sure no one would abuse this kind of power." Inutaishou explains. Inuyasha looks around and can't find anything. Kagome goes to the back and finds a hidden door. "Hey over here." She calls to them. Inuyasha and Inutaishou come to her. "What did you find?" Inuyasha asks her. "It looks like a hidden passage." She answers his question. Inutaishou comes to it and opens it. Out comes a light, bright enough to illuminate the room. "SURPRISE!" A crowd shouts out to them from behind. Kagome runs to Sango. "Sango. Shippo. I'm so glad to see you." She hugs them. Inuyasha smiles, "Where were you guys?" He asks them. "Let's just say we wanted to surprise you guys with the cloak spell." Sesshomaru answers to him. "I'm impressed." Inutaishou comes up to him. "Father?" His expression turns into warm joy. "But how is it that you're alive?" He asks him. "I'm just a spirit for the time being, my son." Inutaishou explains to him. "Kagome managed to break the curse. And the dog stone broke as well freeing me from its imprisonment." Inutaishou adds. Sesshomaru smiles and he hugs him like crazy. "It's nice to see you again. But I assume you won't be here for long." Sesshomaru said sadly in the end. Inutaishou grabs his shoulder. "I'm proud of you when you manage to protect a mortal and you had the purpose for her to become a dog demon like you." He comments as Rin comes up to him. "Rin, if it weren't for you, my son wouldn't be like this. I'm grateful." He said to her nicely. Rin bows, "You're welcome my lord." She then hugs him.

So throughout the rest of the day, everyone had a great time and such, and now it's time for Inutaishou to leave. Everyone is outside seeing that gate has opened up for him only. "I want to thank you everyone to give me this chance to walk here and help you out." He calls out to them. Everyone bows down before him. "I'll make sure you are safe an d sound under my unaware protection. So there forth I bid you all farewell." He then disappears in front of them.

About an hour later, Kagome is in the garden, sitting on a bench looking down in the water. 'All because of me.' She thought to herself. The moon shines brightly down to her. 'All because of you, Kagome.' Inuyasha thought back to her. Inuyasha sits down by he side, and pulls her into his arms. "I guess you heard that, didn't you?" She asks him getting comfortable in his embrace. "In and out, Kagome." He grins to her. She looks down to the reflection of theirs in the water. I just can't believe what I put myself into." She said to him, "For me to be like this. A half-demon. Being cursed, and…" Inuyasha sighs, "…my mate." He finishes her statement. Kagome chuckles, "And here I am, just like you." She kissed him on the cheek. "And you now know what it's like to be one." Inuyasha kissed her back. "Yes, and I regret it. Every bit of it." Kagome sniffles with admit in her voice. Inuyasha's eyes widen. "I just want to protect you from anything. And I didn't even prove myself to you about my purpose in life." Inuyasha said with dignity. Kagome looks up to him. "I wasn't there when you were abducted by Naraku into the Sacred Jewel, I lost control within myself. I couldn't help but to think that I lost a part of myself. I felt the demon nature within me was going to control me, but I knew you'd calm it down." Kagome nods, showing she's understanding what they both been though. "I was there for you, Inuyasha." She snuggles deeper. "I was there for you, Kagome." Inuyasha smiles lovingly. "And that's why I wanted be just like you, to live as long as you. So you didn't have to go on without me when I die." Inuyasha kisses her deeper. "If you die, I die." He suggests even though it's not going to happen anytime soon. "You're my mate, and there's nothing anyone can do about it." He said finally to her. Kagome replies, "And that's why fate decided to have us together." Inuyasha agrees with her. "And I'm proud ever bit of it." He finishes. He looks to the reflection. And just like that, they can live in peace.