
Rated: M

Shit Happens: Part 2

In less than 24 hours, Korra found herself in the same distasteful position of waking up in a dark, damp, unfamiliar place. Unlike the last time though, all her thoughts came to her with ease. She blushed as she remembered all the things she had done and said to Amon. She vaguely remembered telling him he was pretty at some point. Korra groaned. Great.

She pushed herself up from where she lay on the rocky floor. Her whole body ached but what could she expect, she had been electrocuted after all.

Korra glanced around at the cave. It wasn't large. And most of it was taken up by the natural dock. She could just see the sun, high in the sky outside. It must have been a day since she was kidnapped. She knew she had to return to Air Temple Island. Everyone must be searching for her.

Despite the feeling of guilt she felt for being gone so long Korra remembered the day before and she knew that there was something else she needed to do before she headed back home. She had to talk to him.

Korra pulled herself to her feet. "Hello?" She moved to the water's edge and was surprised to see that it wasn't particularly deep. She jumped in, fully clothed. The water only came to her waist. "Amon?" She called as she waded out into the ocean. Her clothes were heavy on her and they slowed her down.

She was nearing the edge of the cave when she heard a noise. A sob. Curious, she peaked over the edge of the cave wall and was shocked at what she found. There he was; the surprisingly human man standing waist deep in water outside the cave. In his hand he held something. She tried to take a better look but it was hard to see from this far.

Another sob escaped him and she watched in awe as he shamelessly cried. He released the pbject in his hand and it began to float away. Korra gasped as she noticed it was a charred piece of water tribe blue fabric.

"This is for you brother."

Korra's eyes widened as she recognized exactly what was transpiring. Something had happened to Tarrlok and Amon was mourning. He had died.

The Avatar debated whether or not she should say something, maybe help him in some way.

"I know you're there, Korra." Amon's voice startled her and she blushed at being caught. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"

"No it's fine." His voice was dull and flat.

Korra hesitantly took a step forward. "What happened?"

"We were on a boat. Leaving Republic City and… he blew it up."

She gasped in horror. "But, why?"

He turned to face her, his expression cold and Korra flinched. "He had his reasons, I'm sure. Perhaps he was tired of this life. Perhaps he felt like he owed the world a favour in getting rid of me. Who knows."

"I'm so sorry."

"Avatar, I don't need your pity."

"There's nothing wrong with pity. Letting someone be compassionate to you won't kill you, Amon. Besides, maybe I feel sorry for Tarrlok and not you. We may not had gotten along but in the end, he proved to be a hero."

"He was always the nicer one."

"I'd have hardly thought it looking back." Korra reminisced idly.

"But he was."

"I know."

There was silence.

"When we were younger a whale washed up on our shores. Everyone knew the whale was going to die and there was nothing and of us could do about it. Tarrlok on the other hand refused to believe us. He brought the whale fish and flowers everyday. He would waterbend water over it when he felt it was getting too dry. He was in tears when it finally did die."

Korra was surprised at the tale he accounted.

"That's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

"And when he was younger he used to love stories about the Avatar and friends' adventures? He had a crush on Katara. It was adorable."

"Really? That's so sweet."

"Yes. She came to our village to visit once. He picked her flowers and wrote a love letter explaining why he was a better choice for her than Avatar Aang."

Korra laughed and tried to think of her own tale to tell.

"I don't think I have many good stories about Tarrlok. Uhmm he bought me a car once."

Amon looked at her. "What? That's all I could think of!"

He laughed.

"Tarrlok was so unbelievably cute but what about you?" Korra looked up at Amon whom she stood next to now.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean cute stories. Do you have any?"

"Well I wouldn't exactly say I was cute."

Korra nudged him. "Oh please. You're Tarrlok's brother. He had to learn it from someone."

Amon smiled. "Okay, there was the time mother tried to teach us to cook. Usually I was better than Tarrlok at most things but he dominated cooking. I on the other hand was horrible. I had a habit of lighting things on fire, completely on accident. My mother left me to watch the stew and somehow my parka sleeve caught on fire."

"Is that it?"

He nodded.

Korra laughed. "That's just pathetic."

"Well I doubt you could do any better. You don't seem like the cooking type."

"Hey! I can firebend up a mean fried fish!"

"I'm sure anyone who can shoot flames out of their fist can manage that just fine." He teased.

"Okay, you win! I'm horrible at cooking!"

"Well at least you admitted it."

They both laughed, completely oblivious to the fact that they should not be as comfortable in each other's company as they were now. The day went on much like that. They returned to the alcove and talked about everything. From their respective childhoods to the similarity of the two water tribes they hailed from.

Soon, the sun began to set , signaling another day had passed and Korra suddenly became alarmed. Everyone was probably sick with worry about her. Reluctantly she told Amon this.

"I understand." He said.

"Are you… are you going to stay here?" Korra asked, looking down at her feet and twiddling her fingers.

"Probably not. I need to eat and this place isn't exactly comfortable."


There was silence as they both considered what was before them now.

"Will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know."

"We had a great talk. I never imagined you would be so funny."

"And I never knew you to be so interesting, Avatar."

"You can call me Korra."


There was an awkward silence. Then Korra stepped forward towards Amon and hugged him. He returned the hug. His hands were wrapped around her waist and she shivered and pulled away enough to look up at him.

His blue eyes matched the intensity in her own. Her hand reached up to cup his face. Slowly she leaned in, giving him time to pull away. He didn't. Her heart raced in her chest as their lips met. Gently, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

Korra blushed at the closeness and broke away. She took a step backward.

"Amon, we shouldn't."

"Spirits, I know."

Korra shook her head as she tried to organize her feelings. She knew that it was wrong. Why? She had no clue. It just was, wasn't it? But then again, when had Korra ever stuck to the rules?

"Amon, this is wrong in so many ways but… I want to do it. With you. Tonight."

"Korra, you were right, we really should not be engaging in such things."

"No Amon. We won't ever have this opportunity again. You can't stay in Republic City and I can't leave. Let's enjoy this now while we can."

"Korra no; This will only lead to pain for the both of us."

Korra could feel the tears coming. She blinked them away.

"Okay then, I understand."

She turned to leave.

"Goodbye, Amon."

The desire he felt. The heat that overcame him when she was near. He knew it was wrong which is why, as the older of the two, he had to say no. As he watched her go though, he remembered that night all those years ago when he had walked away. From his mother and Tarrlok. From his life.

In a swift move, Korra dived into the water skilfully. "Korra!" He called but she was under now and couldn't hear him.

Hurriedly he pulled off his jacket, shirt and shoes before diving in after him. As expected, she was a strong swimmer and was already far ahead of him. He put his muscles to work as he swam after her. He tried calling her name but she couldn't hear him. With one final burst, he met her and caught her hand before she could go any further.

She turned, alarmed. She relaxed, though as she recognized that it was him. "What are you doing here?"

Amon shrugged. "I just wanted to tell you, you could use the boat."

Korra made a face. "Oh really?"


She shook her head and laughed. "Come here." She swam into his arms and kissed him something fierce.

Amon was taken off guard but soon he returned the kiss with as much fervour as she had. They both sank beneath the surface of the water as they were making no effort to stay afloat. They broke for air and swam to the surface.

"We should go back to the cave." Amon offered.

Korra shook her head. "No I have a better idea."

She explained to him what she was going to do and what she would need him to do.

Together, they formed an iced over air pouch around them.

"This was by far the best plan I believe you've ever came up with." Amon said as he positioned himself comfortably in their floating haven.

Korra laughed. "I can't even take credit for it. This is what Avatar Aang used when he ran away."

"I should have known." Amon chuckled and suddenly he was looming above her. "Now where were we?"

Korra's breath caught in her throat at the sudden change. Her face flushed. Amon bent his head to capture her lips. They kissed fiercely and Korra's hands ran down his bare chest.

He fingered the hem of her shirt before she gave him the okay to take it off. He pulled it up and over her head with her help. Korra undid her bindings herself and soon, her breasts were bare. They were smooth and brown andAmon's breaths became ragged as he gazed upon them. Korra blushed at the attention.

"Korra, you are perfect." Amon's hands ran up her stomach to cup one breast in his hand. His thumb roamed over her now perk nipple. Korra shivered and pulled the man down to kiss her.

She ran her hand down his back, all the way down to his behind, he same one she had felt up only yesterday. Her hands slipped into his pants and sighed in content as she grasped it.

Amon slid his knee between her leg and Korra rubbed herself against him. She tilted her head back in pleasure, her eyes closed. Amon moved from her breasts to her neck and kissed her down. He nipped and sucked at the skin and she moaned.

Korra's hands glided to the front of his pants where a growing bulge was forming. "Amon, I want you, now." Her voice was rough with desire.

"Patience isn't your thing, I'm guessing." He whispered into her ear.

She pressed herself up into him. "You've got that right." Amon moved down her body, pressing kisses along the way.

He unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down as best he could. She raised herself up to help. When the pants were gone, Amon needed a moment to take in the sight. Korra lay before him bare. He kissed her lips once more before raising her legs and going down to taste her.

Korra gasped at the sudden sensation of his mouth on her. She moaned and ground her hips into him. He continued on until she was thoroughly aroused. When he could no longer take the waiting, he got up and she pouted in discontent. Though when his hands moved to his pants she grew excited. He undid the fastenings and pulled them down, followed by his underwear.

Now, he too was bare. Korra admired his body openly, just as he had hers. Her hand moved down to touch his fully erect penis. Curious, she wrapped her hands around it, squeezed slightly and began to stroke him carefully.

Amon bit his lip and let her have his way with him. While Korra enjoyed pleasuring the man, she was eager to be pleased herself. Korra guided him to her entrance. Amon knew what she wanted and began to push into her slowly. A mutual groan escaped their lips as he entered her. Together, in this moment, they were complete.

Amon leaned down to be close to her. He kissed her and together they rocked their hips, each movement bringing them closer to their climax.

Korra was loud. Her moans were intercepted with the occasional "OH!" and "Yeah!" Her lusty moans grew louder and her fists clenched into his hair.

She was close, he could tell. So was he. He increased the speed of his thrusts and soon her back arched and she began to shake from the power of her orgasm. Her vaginal muscles squeezed around him, and he came closer to his own climax. Amon came just as Korra cried out and the last wave of pleasure washed over her.

Together, they rested besides each other, bare and happy.

"Amon that was perfect."

He watched her tenderly. "Call me Noatak."

And that is the end of this entire thing. It's the first project I've finished in… well ever and I haven't written in a while before that. I don't think that smut could have gotten any less romantic. I might as well had embedded a video of animals humping. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed it and remember, I never said I was good at writing smut.