Because I said

Warning: None Don't own nor mean any harm to JK Rowling characters.

By Wittchway

James Potter leaned over his wife and kissed her on the forehead. Lily smiled at him as he moved down to her stomach and kissed the growing baby. Lily ran her fingers through James hair, he looked up at her smiling. James placed one hand on Lily's swelling belly, "active today isn't he?" Lily smiled again and said nothing, "I was thinking Harry if it's a boy, my great grandfathers name." James set his other hand on the belly to feel the baby's kicks. Totally engrossed with the little foot out line that appeared on the base of the stomach, James missed the dark shadows that crept across his wife's face. He missed the lines of worry the creased her brow, she ran her hands over her stomach, James clasped one hand bringing it to his lips planting a tender kiss. James settled back into bed, lights out he kissed his wife's cheek and fell asleep.

Lily lay awake for along time, rubbing her aching stomach, the baby was pressing on her bladder again and she couldn't quite find a position that was comfortable. She slide from the bed trying not to wake her husband,

padding lightly down the stairs to the kitchen, she opened he cupboard, cans of vegetables and boxes of cereal greeted her, the sight of it all made her queasy. In turn she opened the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of juice.

Lily wandered out to the back porch, sitting in the lounge. This was the only seat that was semi comfortable to her. Eventually every night she crept from bed and slept here, sometimes she woke in time to wake with James other times he found her here. He never said anything, he knew she was uncomfortable, and getting a little anxious as the due date arrived for the baby.

The thing of it is she had to tell someone her concerns about the baby. She couldn't tell her husband that was out of the question. She couldn't tell her sister nor any close friends. She knew whom she had to tell, who would keep her confidence, who might understand the information. Whom might figure out if all her concerns were confounded or if they could be eased. The only problem was her husband, she was always in his presence. Except for when he was at work, and she couldn't apparate at this point it was just to hard, and Floo powder and a broom were out of the question.

The only real opportunity would come when she would take the train up to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on Tuesday for the monthly sessions with Dumbledore about the rise of Lord Voldemort. The real

problem would be getting Dumbledore alone, the Light were always present. She could say she forgot something in his office and go back for it, but there were many loopholes there, James being the biggest one. He was so concerned for her health and the baby that he would volunteer to go back and get whatever it was she forgot the other loophole being that she could just summon to her what she had forgotten.

Lily breathed a heavy sigh, well what will come will come and if the opportunity should arise to speak with Dumbledore she would grab it. She was a firm believer in fate, and as much as she regretted what she had done and as much as it would hurt James it was over with and she would have to live with it. She just didn't want the baby to be outcast nor shunned by James.


Anxiety was mounting in Lily as they neared the school. Her stomach grumbled with hungry that seemed to never go away. James smile at everyone in their compartment, he was the proud soon to be papa. Lily smiled at him again, patting her tummy.

Dumbledore's office always made Lily smile, the soft decor of comfort, she would love to spend hours in here exploring the cabinets and drawers, the books alone could satisfy her for a life time. He had such unique

things, but thats how it was being from an old wizard family. She had been equally enchanted with the James's parents home when they visited, the library walls were lined with books so old and boxes upon boxes of

trinkets the family had picked up over the years.

"Lilies" Dumbledore smiled brightly at her, "any day now is it? Have you both decided on a name?" Lily looked at James, they had both had ideas for names and his names were slightly more eccentric for her taste. Harry had been the only name he had suggested that had seemed partially normal. Thought she was pretty willing to go with anything just encase what she feared came true.

The meeting lasted to lunch time and sometime there after, it was only when Lily's fidgeting started to get out of control did the group finally adjoin for lunch. Everyone had so much news of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Tracking them was becoming harder and harder as their powers grew. Not to mention that they were becoming more ambitious in their experiments and in there eagerness to get ahead.

Lily rose with the rest of the group to head down to the main hall, where other would be joining this small group. She was glad it was summer it was her favorite time of year, yet this one had been the most stifling. The extra weight of the baby, James always hovering over her. Yet she was still eager to get down stairs to the main hall and grab a sandwich, "Lily, may I speak to you a moment". The others all turned in response to Dumbledore singling Lily out, it wasn't that he never talked to them individually or sent them on separate missions alone at times, it was just that she was pregnant and really couldn't take on much more with the baby coming and all.

James lingered behind also, Lily hoped James would go with the others, she crossed her finger at her side shutting her eyes, she knew it was a stupid childish superstition but really she would take anything at this moment. "James could you excuse us a moment", James was taken back that Dumbledore would excuse him from a conversation he was about to have with his wife. Lily smiled inward, she couldn't be more pleased, Dumbledore gestured Lily to the two chairs over by the window that overlooked the courtyard below. Lily took her seat as did Dumbledore, leaving James standing in the middle of the room alone, he looked to Lily she shrugged her shoulders to show she didn't know either what was going on. Though she could really care less what it was as long as she got an opportunity to speak with Dumbledore.

James nodded at the two and left, as he shut the door behind him, he heard the silencing spell being cast. James didn't know if he should wait for his wife or if he should just go to lunch. James opted to go to lunch, he hoped that Dumbledore wasn't assigning Lily anything too harsh or heavy to take on.


"So Lily, what is it you wanted to talk about" Dumbledore's twinkle shift from eye to eye.

Shocked Lily's mouth fell open, "how did you know?"

Dumbledore patted her hand, "well not only were you fidgeting worse than normal, but you didn't even hear half the conversation. Usually you take notes and ask questions, not a peep out of you today."

Lily looked at her hands in her lap, she almost chuckled she didn't know if she should start out with forgive me father for I have sinned or not.

"You can tell me Lily, I won't tell a soul," Dumbledore whispered, he lowered his voice even lower, "not even James."

She stared at her hands again not really seeing them, Dumbledore remained silent. She could have sat there all afternoon unfortunately her stomach rumbled, the whisper was barely audible "I cheated on James".