A/N: I suggest you cue these songs to enhance your reading experience, played in this order:

"Houdini (acoustic)" by Foster the People [It's on youtube, if no where else]

"The Drumming Song" by Florence + The Machine

"I'm so glad we decided to come to this!" Kurt said, excited around the atmosphere of the decorated gym. "I couldn't let you miss your first Summer Kickoff!"

The boy had locked arms with Mercedes, escorting her into the beach paradise. The social committee captured the best parts of the beach and strategically placed them just right, so the students wouldn't be able to tell real from fake. Tiki lanterns lined the opposite sides of the space, with tall palm trees galore. Mercedes' eyes were still taking it in and wiggling her feet in the white mock sand. The fact that both of them were thinking about skipping the event - Kurt for bullies, Mercedes for Sam - seemed nuts now.

"I know, I'm really happy we came." Mercedes turned to Kurt, "I was worried you wouldn't want to after what happened at Prom." Kurt's smile turned down and he picked at the straws in his fedora.

"How are you doing?" Mercedes added.

Kurt sighed, "I'm all right but Blaine's still having a bit of hard time." Mercedes gave him a concerned look, making him explain more, "After the Prom debacle, we had a little tete-a-tete with Mrs. P.S. …"

Kurt and Blaine sat side by side across from the formal Mrs. Pillsbury-Schuester. She fixed the 4x6 marriage portrait at the end of her irritatingly organized desk and then folded her hands.

"So," She started with searching eyes, her tone sensitive "I called you two in to figure out your thoughts about Prom. How are you two feeling after what happened?"

A few moments passed before Kurt carefully answered her, "I'm okay. I mean, I always knew that there would be people who wouldn't accept or understand that this is who I am but it took a long time for me to realize that, the only people that matter are the ones that do." Mrs. P.S. nodded and Kurt took Blaine's hand. "I am loved and deserved to be loved. One punch to the eye isn't going to change my mind about that."

The guidance counselor tenderly smiled and looked to the quiet Blaine, who hide been hiding his eyes ever since he sat down. "Blaine?" She implored him to voice his thoughts because it looked like he had many.

Blaine licked his lips and talked to the floor still, "I .. I feel vengeful against Kurofsky for punching Kurt. I feel," he gulped, "hurt that anyone would feel it is okay to do that to someone for no good reason and .. I'm scared that it's going to happen again." He looked to Kurt, going over the healing bruise on his face. Mrs. P.S. instantly frowned at Blaine's worries.

"Well, Blaine, Kurofsky has been suspended for the remainder of the year-"

"What does that do but give him a longer summer?!" Blaine forgot himself, shouting at the woman. Unfortunately, Mrs. P.S. didn't quite have an answer for that. "He'll still be back next year. I won't feel better about this until he's expelled."

"Well, Blaine, you know that more violence and confronting him will not solve anything." Mrs P.S. said, ignoring his request for expulsion. She already tried to get him out of Quetin on the grounds of fighting, bullying and being intoxicated on school grounds. Principal Figgins denied her request. "If you do that you are no better than him."

"So, what, I'm just supposed to let Kurt and I just get pushed around?"

"No, you come to me or Principal Figgins or another teacher."

"So, he'll be suspended again and maybe it'll stop for a week. Then he'll come back and it's going to happen all over again." She knew there was probably some truth to what he was saying. Mrs. P.S. had never really talked to David Kurofsky herself because his father would always come in as a representation but he always seemed like a bit of a loose cannon. For this matter, Mister Kurofsky was genuinely apologetic for Kurt and Blaine but there was no telling what David was thinking.

"There will be more Kurofsky's, Blaine." Mrs P.S. said after a long silence. "Until our society, our world, can wholly embrace the meaning of love and that it is for everyone, you will have at least one Kurofsky anywhere you go. There are probably more Kurofsky's in this school. Next year, you'll be a senior and Kurt a junior. That's one whole year that you two won't have each other. If someone decides to hurt him, what will you do then? Come back here? Push some high school bully around and look even worse then the student in question? What I'm asking you to do, Blaine is have faith in us. There are people that care about you and Kurt. People that are willing to protect you and fight for you, if you let them. I know it's hard but the only way we can help you right now is by your cooperation."

Blaine heard Mrs. P.S. remind him that this wouldn't be the last hardship he and Kurt would have and that they would be separated within a year. This made tears sting at the boy's eyes. The guidance counselor saw this and handed him a tissue that he gladly took.

"You aren't alone in these halls, Blaine." She said, softly. "Not if you don't want to be."

"Wow." Mercedes said, helping herself to lemonade punch out of a Hawaiian bowl. Kurt nodded, feeling emotionally exhausted by just talking about it.

"It was almost like pulling teeth getting him to show up here, but I knew he wouldn't leave the Boys' Choir hanging like that. Speaking of the Boys' Choir, have you spoken to Sam, yet?"

Of course, Kurt now knew of the love triangle. She would have told him sooner if he wasn't so quick to bash her for previous actions. "No." She said hastily, before watching some of the other students pose for pictures near the simulated ocean waves. Kurt followed her quickly, being as hot on her heels as the problems she avoided.

"Mercedes, you know that you can't just ignore this forever."

"Yes. Yes, I can." She said, calm.

"Hello, everyone!" Jacob Ben Israel's voice interrupted whatever Kurt was going to say. Mercedes didn't mind it because it was going to be the same thing she already told herself: "You have to make a choice."

"Welcome to Summer Kickoff 2012. My name is Jacob Ben Israel and I will be your emcee today. To commence our annual festivities, we will have the Boys' Choir get this party started." A teacher wearing a coconut bikini top ran on stage to give Jacob a note card, "Oh, and to the person who was last in the men's bathroom, you used the last of the toilet paper. Please replace it."

The Boys' Choir was not introduced until Principal Figgins concluded his pardons, away to the men's bathroom. The boys came to the stage in their silly Hawaiian shirts, well, except Puck. Puck didn't care to wear a shirt at all. They all sat on stools and the guitarists tuned themselves into the right key. Artie made a countdown and Mike stomped his foot, bootlegging a back-beat. Guitarists, Sam and Puck started a mellow melody that moved like a crackling fire. The mood became very chill as the sounds soared in the gym. Kurt and Mercedes made their way up to the front to watch their boyfriends.. or friends.. or something perform. Sam threw a smile at Puck, because the song they spent weeks practicing was going swimmingly. Suddenly, upon looking at Mercedes, his mouth went into a straight line.

Kurt saw this and leaned into Mercedes, "Heads up. I think 'forever' is about to end."


Rise above gonna start the war
What you want what you need what'd you come here for
Well an eye for an eye and an "F" for fight
They're takin me down as the prisoners riot



Got shackles on, my words are tied




Fear can make you compromise




Fasten up, it's time to hide




Sometimes I wanna disappear

Convincing Mercedes that it was safe for him to go places unattended, Kurt went to the bathroom. Mercedes was alone, swaying to the music. Until, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Quinn giving her a shy smile.

"Hey." She stepped aside Mercedes and joined her in the swaying with her arms folded.

"Hi, Quinn."


When I feel kinda bad and don't want to stress
Pass it off on ability
Well you got what you want, and what you never knew
Perfect gift from me to you
Yeah yeah yeah

"So, how are you feeling?" Quinn asked.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Me too." Quinn paused, looking the girl up and down, seeing that there was something else on her mind.

"So, you and Puck?" Mercedes nearly snapped her neck to look at her. "You guys' good?"

"Oh yeah," She answered, her voice unnaturally high. "Yeah, we're good. Y'know .. We're good." Quinn raised her eyebrows with amusement, at the horrible front the girl was trying to put on, though she knew it was better that she didn't get involved.

Quinn leaned in to whisper, "Sam told me how he feels about you." Yes, Quinn knew it was better for her not to get involved but did anyway. "I don't know if he told you, but we only went to the Prom as friends. Nothing's going on between us - anymore, I swear it."

Mercedes was frozen next to Quinn. Any of her next sudden movements could reveal a great deal more than she was willing to show. Her eyes went to Quinn's composed face and said, "I know."

"Oh." Quinn sucked the air through her teeth, in anticipation of what else to say. She couldn't tell if she made the situation better or worse.

The awkward filled the space between and Mercedes couldn't figure out what to say to her next. She considered that possibly there were other motives for Quinn coming up to her and saying that. Maybe she was trying to trick her, play a mind game when she had plans for Sam herself. Her stomach started to hurt thinking of Quinn and Sam being together. No doubt, they'd be perfect. Ken and Barbie. Then, Mercedes thought about how she was nothing but nice to her from the moment they met. Just because she was friends with Santana and some other jerks, didn't mean she was like them and she has proven that. The exception to the age-old rule, Quinn was popular and still kind to everyone; no scheming or agendas, just plain sweetness.

"But thanks," Mercedes added quickly before the window shut, "Thanks for telling me that." The girls nodded at each other before watching the stage again.


(t's up to your ability

You never knew what I could find
What would come when we realize
I don't want to compromise

It's up to your ability

Can't stand when I disappear
Runnin around 'cus I'm filled with fear
But I can't go 'cus my life's a wreck

Kurt was making his way back to Mercedes, when he saw Quinn leaving her with a grin and a hug.

"What happened there?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.


"The last time you said that, you were letting Sam Evans flourish your garden. What's up, Mercedes?"


It's up to your ability

I know that you want me

don't mean to decieve, cause my ability


It's up to your ability

Yeah you're undecided
Yeah I don't wanna leave you
Yeah I don't wanna runaway

Mercedes thought about it, then made a grin, "She was just being a friend."


You gotta focus on your ability
Focus on your ability
Now focus on your ability
Focus on your ability

Gain again what they want to steal
Gain again what they want to steal
Then gain again what they want to steal
Gain again what they want to steal ..

Their set was finished and Sam was near the food table, drowning in sample cheeses. Mercedes was around, he could feel her there. Things went for the inverse after Prom. Mercedes said they were just friends, yet she had no problem ignoring him and hiding behind Puck (sometimes literally at parties) avoiding Sam like he was the plague. Part of Sam knew that it served him right but that didn't make it hurt any less.

"Sammy Evans." Santana said his name in a sing-song voice, making his insides recoil. She sneaked around him, lightly saying "Tick, tock, tick, tock ...", her head cocked to the side with each click of her tongue. His eyes rolled inside his head out of distress. Santana Lopez had this knack for showing up in the moments where he most wanted to be alone.

"Time's up, little rabbit." She said in his ear. Santana stood back and leaned her elbows on the table, trying to work her figure in the white peasant dress she had to wear.

"So what's it gonna be? All this or nothing at all?"

Sam made a heavy breath before saying, "Sorry, Santana, I think I'm gonna have to pass." Her dark eyebrows knotted underneath the crown of wildflowers she sported.

"Really? Really?" Santana repeated in disbelief. "What, are you finally hooking up with Quinn?"

"No, Santana. She's my friend. I just - can't be with anyone right now."

"Oh." She had never been rejected before and wanted to be sure that Sam knew what he was giving up. Sam only stared at her underneath the tips of his moppy, blonde hair. The girl scoffed out of offense but shrugged her embarrassment off shortly.

"Whatever," she said, "Have fun jerking yourself off. A Queen can rule without a King. I'll just conquer the school on my own."

Already pissed off with his current life situation, Sam unknowingly decided to misdirect his anger and point out someone else's faults instead of going over his own again and again.

"Is that all you care about, Santana? Being popular?"

Santana raised her shoulders individually, weighing her priorities, "No. I care about my grades .. my friends - "

"What friends?" Sam said with such brute honesty that it struck a nerve in Santana. Then, she went into a laugh and playfully hit Sam's arm.

"Shut up, Sam! You're my friend!" She remarked, to see Sam's face remain earnest.

"No, I'm not." Santana swallowed down her giggles and they tasted bitter. Sam continued, "You only talk to me if you want something and if you're ever honest, its only as an opportunity to be mean. You have servants and allies, even allies can become enemies in a second. No friends."

Santana felt her blood run a little cold at that revelation. To her, the word 'friend' kind of had a loose meaning anyways, but still they were important. It meant someone could want to spend time with you, want to talk to you. Someone could like you. She never thought about being liked. It didn't matter as long as you were feared, envied and attractive but now, with Sam as proof, having someone who just likes you can be beneficial, or just nice. It would be nice to have someone on her side no matter what but that's not what she has. She has no one.

For the first time ever, Sam saw Santana look completely crestfallen. Now feeling cruel for candidly saying his version of the truth, he crept a little closer to Santana and took his voice to a low whisper.

"Santana," He said into her hair, "You think that everyone loves a bitch and from the bottom of my heart, I hope you realize that isn't true before it's too late." With that, Sam walked away.

When she shook off her sadness, Santana saw that it was time for her to be backstage with the rest of the Girls' Choir for roll call. Running backstage, she saw a clutter of girls in their bare feet, talking in many conversations. Schuester and Ryerson weren't paying much attention to the others as they were going through vocal runs with Rachel Berry. In the corner, she saw Quinn talking to a nameless. Santana went over to them and dragged Quinn away, not caring that she was helping her with the steps to the number they were to perform in five minutes.

When they were in the secluded corner of Santana's choice, Quinn wanted to scold her for being rude but saw the look on her face. "What's wrong?" She rubbed her shoulders, calming the spicy Latina down.

Santana shook her head, "I just - You're my friend, right? Like, you like me?"

Quinn looked even more concerned, "Yes. Of course. Why?"

"I just needed to hear you say it."

"Coming in fourth place at this year's National Show Choir competition, introducing the Quetin Girls' Choir!" JBI leapt off the stage, remembering Santana's death threat if he mentioned that, technically, they lost the NSC.

The girls stood with matching wildflower crowns and light, white gowns with no shoes on stage. The Quetin Drum Line supported them in their grass skirts. Suddenly, the crashing of drums was heard and the Girls' Choir broke out into contemporary dance mashed with some hip-hop on the side. The louder the percussion, the stronger their movements were. Mr. Schuester mouthed the beat counts, while Mr. Ryerson tried to restrain from dancing badly.


There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound
There's a drumming noise inside my head
That throws me to the ground
I swear that you should hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

[All, Quinn lead]

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell


I ran to a tower where the church bells chime
I hoped that they would clear my mind
They left a ringing in my ear
But that drum's still beating loud and clear

[Quinn, Santana Echoes]
Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell ...


Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell ...

Kurt and Mercedes were hanging with the Boys' Choir for the moment. They were lingering near the Volleyball court, while Puck passed out flower necklaces as punishment for being shirtless and whatever else he did that week, beating the 'You got lei'd!' joke to death. Sam stayed at a distance, though, shamelessly gawking at Mercedes, loving all her outlines with his eyes. She faced Mike, discussing his future plans to go to Harvard to study Architecture and she could see him. Fingering the circled rim of his plastic cup, biting his lower lip, trying to look harmless. No. Nope. Mercedes was not entertaining this today. She saw no other option to the lethal staring match but to abort mission and run. Mercedes excused herself from Mike as Sam spilled his drink into a trash can and left in pursuit of the runaway.


As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

Mercedes' sandled feet made quick tracks in the hallway. She turned and saw Sam treading behind her.

"I'm in shape, Mercedes. I can keep up with you." He called to her. Didn't she know it? There wasn't a day that she didn't miss caressing his abs and feeling them against her when they cuddled sometimes. She flew into the first side door she saw, not seeing clearly thinking it was the girls' bathroom but not quite. It was the all public, unisex, empty, cafeteria. Breathless, Mercedes pressed against a table, bracing herself for the gale wind that was coming her way. Soon enough, Sam came storming in.

"Friends don't avoid each other, 'Cedes!" He said, guns blazing. Mercedes let out some frustrated air, that lifted the side of her bang.

"You made it clear you didn't want to be my friend, remember?"

"Only because I can't help but want more from you." Sam said with his hands, trying to keep himself from holding her.


I run to the river and dive straight in
I pray that the water will drown out the din
But as the water fills my mouth
It couldn't wash the echoes out
But as the water fills my mouth
It couldn't wash the echoes out

"It has to be all or nothing because I can't just be your friend anymore, Mercedes." Sam looked so hopeless and so sad that it had Mercedes on the brink of tears.

"Don't you think I've tried to just ignore this? That I've tried to just leave it alone? It's like .. " He shook his head, shaking out all of the phrases that weren't good enough to say. "It's like there are my days where, I can be happy for Puck and be glad that he found someone to care for. Then, I remember that person is you and I get sick. Like, physically my whole body aches to the point I feel like I'll combust. I get sick when he talks about you. I get sick when he looks at you ... " Sam was stalking closer to Mercedes, with his fists balled up. He was inching near and Mercedes almost began to shake with anticipation, like a bottle rocket.

I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole
Till there's nothing left inside my soul
As empty as that beating drum
But the sound has just begun

"I - I get sick when I think about him touching you with his hands." Sam closed the gap and hovered around her body, connecting their foreheads. "I would give anything just to be your friend again."

"Sam - " She tried to resist and push him away but he grabbed her wrists, gently enough so if she really wanted to pull away, she could.

"No, no Mercedes, look," He spoke softly to her lips, "I fucked up. I thought that I could do this and not get attached. When I did, I thought I could ignore you and my feelings would go away. Neither worked out for me. So, if you can honestly tell me that you ... that you don't love me and that I don't have any kind of shot here, I will give up. I will walk around campus, lonely and miserable, respecting your relationship with Puck. I will give up."


(Ooh, ahh ...)


There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

[Quinn & Santana]
There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

Mercedes looked at him with watered eyes, "I do love you." Sam beamed with joy until she said to herself, "But I love Puck too. I love you both. Although, I want to be with you Sam, I really do, I can't just leave Puck. He hasn't done anything to deserve it. It wouldn't be right."


(Ooh, ahh ...)

[Girls' Choir]

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell ...

[The Drum Line]

(Oh, oh, oh)

The boys of the Drum Line told Schuester that they weren't singers, but he insisted that he needed everyone's help during this number. Besides, anything was better then having to work with the Boys' Choir again. This way, no one could take away shine from the girls.

Sam shut his eyes, hurting from his core for himself, Mercedes and even Puck. The one-time innocent was completely oblivious to the situation and it sucked because it was all for his protection, but Mercedes and Sam had to be the casualties.

"So .." He finally said as Mercedes whimpered, "Where does that leave me?" Mercedes let out a sob and looked down, shaking her head.

Sam gritted his teeth and let her go. He was quickly striding to the door of the cafeteria. Mercedes wanted to call out to him but couldn't speak.

As Sam opened the door with a force, he saw Kurt on the other end. Kurt saw the both of them leave and wanted to find Mercedes if he could, to check on her. The two made short eye contact before Sam hastily passed him. Kurt could've sworn he saw a tear coming down his cheek.

"Mercedes?" Kurt carefully entered the cafeteria to see his friend holding herself and crying. Naturally, he ran to her and swept her up in his arms. He cooed and rubbed her back delicately, like a newborn.

"Thank Gaga for summer break, huh?" Kurt joked. Mercedes made a tiny laugh and he kissed her forehead. "We don't need anymore drama this year. No ma'am."

[The Drum Line]

(Oh, oh, oh ...)

[The Girls' Choir]

As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder ...

The Girls' Choir stood still at the climax of their epic performance to a rave reaction. The girls bowed and of course, Rachel singled herself out from the rest of the group and took one more bow then she should have. The audience was still applauding, not really for the girls but for the closing to another school year. Summer has officially begun.

End of Part One.

A/N: This is a Samcedes fic. Of course I wouldn't end the series without them being endgame. Look out for The Tutor 2 in spring/summer of 2013 (assuming we're all still alive).

Thank you all so much for your reviews and support of this story. You'll never know how much it means to me. See you soon. Love, CTBM.