A/N First Gakuen Alice fic! I'm seriously excited to be writing this and I hope you all like it! Enjoy! Oh, this chapter is inspired by the song Not Gonna Get Us by TATU, well mainly near the end.
It was supposed to be just any other day. They were supposed to smile. They were supposed to laugh. He was supposed to tease her and she was supposed to pout and retaliate. He was supposed to nonchalantly grab her hand and frown at her when she tried to pull away and she was supposed to smile sweetly and hold on just as hard. It was supposed to be perfect. But of course, as life usually goes, it didn't. Everything went the exact opposite. Now, he was just left with the empty dreams and closed heart of a boy who couldn't protect the one thing he swore to keep; his heart. All he could do now was hope she was strong enough to save herself.
Sixth grade; new building, new teachers and most importantly, a new start. What with a whole new building and new principal, the old Class B couldn't be happier. Most of all being Natsume, glad that the nightmare of Persona and the Elementary Principle were far behind him and that his own little miracle was safe and sound. Said miracle however was currently being loud and annoying so when Hotaru pulled out her Baka Gun 2000 and shot her five times in the head, he could only smirk and shake his head in amusement. Stupid idiot.
"Neeee, Natsume! Don't laugh! It hurts." His girlfriend pouted cutely, crossing her arms and glaring at him from underneath heavy lashes.
"It's not my fault you're an idiot." He retorted, giving her a pointed look and covering his crimson eyes with his hair.
Pouting even more, she slid into her normal seat next to him and sunk low onto the table. "Even when we're dating you're still mean to me." She sulked pettily, tracing circles on the desk and sighing dramatically.
Rolling his eyes at her antics, he hauled her up from her mini pity session and planted a chaste kiss on her nose, watching in amusement as sakura blossoms grew on her cheeks. "Are you done sulking now?" he asked curtly, not letting her see the nearly imperceptible smile spreading on his lips.
Cheering up like a light bulb, her inner light flamed brightly and she smiled widely. "Mhm! I love you Natsume!" she chirped cheerily before bounding up from her seat to go and talk to Sumire about getting a haircut.
Blushing a bit, Natsume scowled into his manga and glared at anyone who dared to smile at him in amusement. Stupid Polka… "Hey Natsume! Did you hear?" a short boy with wild blonde hair ran up to his desk with unhidden enthusiasm. Leaning for a moment to catch his breath, the shine went back in his eyes as he burst to life. "The Wonderland Dance Troupe is coming to perform at the Academy tomorrow!"
An eye-brow raised in a what-the-hell-do-I-care expression, Natsume glared at him heatedly. "And I care becauuuuse?" he dragged out his words all the while playing with a flame in his palm.
Hardly fazed by the fire he held, Koko continued on with an all-knowing smirk. "Well apparently, it's a couple's only event and everyone's trying to get tickets to see it. They say that whoever goes will have a budding romance forever!"
"That's a load of crap." He replied coldly, turning back to his manga, completely ignoring the mind-reader in front of him.
"...And apparently Mikan wants to go…"Natsume's interest caught, Koko could barely repress his grin at the chaos he was about to cause, "And someone already asked her!" he finished with relish, looking mischievously at the innocent brunette who was currently laughing away without a care in the world.
That did it. Curiously now piqued, Natsume exploded from his chair in a rush of anger and halo of fire swirling around him. "They did WHAT? Where is that sorry bastard? I'm going to burn him into the deepest pits of hell!" he raved furiously, outrage blazing in his heated eyes.
Noticing her boyfriend's explosion, Mikan hurried over to his side and reaching out to his arm, nullifying his flames before grabbing his forearms in panic. "Natsume, what's going on?" she asked, worry pouring from her almond eyes like a waterfall.
"Someone trying to steal my girlfriend is what's going on." He snarled hatefully.
Shock registered in the smaller girl's face, her eyes widening and her mouth opening into a perfect O before a smile spread across her lips and she thwacked him lightly on the head. "Stupid Natsume, no one's taking me away from you, I said no of course." She dropped her hands from his arms to clasp his hand firmly in hers, smiling gently.
Undaunted by her sweetness, his glare stayed true as he tried to pinpoint exactly which idiot dared to ask HIS girlfriend out. "It doesn't change the fact that you're mine and he has no right to go around and ask you to the stupid dance show, which in fact, has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" he was ranting now and Mikan shook her head, amused.
Reaching up to stroke his face, she forced him to look at her and held his gaze in her own. "Natsume, you're the one I gave my alice stone to and nothing anyone says or does can change that. So can you please calm down and not kill anyone?" his harsh gaze softened and she grinned up at him sweetly before turning away stubbornly,"And for the record, the dance show is NOT stupid and I really wanted to go!" she whined, stars suddenly popping up in her eyes at thought of dancers twirling on stage and Natsume greeting her in a suit, carrying a perfect red rose.
"It would be so romantic!" she sighed happily, content to just stay in her dream world forever.
Natsume's sharp voice shattered her fantasy and she pouted when he slapped her lightly on the back of her head. "No." was his curt and as usual, cold answer.
"But Natsume!"
But the fire wielder was back in the arms of his precious manga and currently ignoring her. Again. Sighing, Mikan took her seat as their new teacher strode in the room carrying that day's lessons plans. Better luck next time. But by God she WOULD get Natsume to take her to the dance recital!
Three hours later however, the prospects of them going out on a date were getting smaller and smaller.
"But Natsumeee! Just this once can't you take me out?" she begged, pleading with him with her shining doe eyes.
Finding the strength somewhere within him, probably thanks to that willpower alice, he turned away from her puppy-dog face and replied with the same answer he'd been telling her all day. "No."
Throwing her hands up in frustration, she plopped down onto the ground where the trunk of their Sakura tree met the earth and crossed her arms. "I just don't see why not!" she exclaimed exasperatedly.
Patience now wearing thin, Natsume threw himself down so that his face was level with her own so she could feel the electricity sparking in his eyes. "Because! I don't trust anyone that comes into the academy from the outside. The only reason you ever come back to this prison is to get back at it." his body language was tense and agressive, but Mikan could tell he was on the edge and for once not out of anger. Natsume was worried.
"No, end of discussion. We're not leaving the dorms during their performance. All of us; Ruka, Koko, Permy, Imai, all of us are staying in the dorms and we're NOT going to that dance got it?" His eyes stared vehemently into hers and she swallowed loudly.
"Natsume, the Elementary School Principal is gone, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore." She murmured gently, placing her hands on his knees.
Looking away from her, he refused to show her his face. "There's always a reason to be afraid." he murmured bitterly.
"Nothing's going to happen to us, I promise!" she exclaimed, determination building up in her eyes.
"And what if something does? I'm supposed to protect you!"
"So what? You're just going to lock me away like the Principal did, is that it?" Mikan was beginning to get angry and her annoyance at his overprotectiveness was showing. She understood, honest to God she did, but he couldn't keep her sheltered like that. It just wasn't right.
"Don't." his voice sharpened like the blade of a knife and his eyes glowered at her like demon flame, "Don't you dare compare me to him." He spat the last word out like it was a poison.
"Then don't keep me in a bubble Natsume. You can't lock me away from the world just to keep me safe." She said gently, taking hold of his hand.
"But what if something happens?" and in that moment, Mikan saw more of Natsume's vulnerability than anyone had ever seen. His voice dropped low and she could see the unbearable worry plaguing his ruby orbs and the slight frown on his face.
Smiling as brightly as she could, she squeezed his hand and laughed confidently. "Then we'll get through it like we always do. Together." Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his and revelled in the sweet taste of his mouth and the way her entire body lit up like a firework and the warmth that spread from head to toe. "Nothing's gonna get us... I promise." She sealed her vow with a kiss and somewhere in the back of her mind wondered if this was what getting married felt like.
"You're lucky I love you Polka-Dots."
She rolled her eyes amusedly, "Oh yeah, I'm sooo lucky."
They stayed like that, just sitting together, enjoying soaking up each other's presence for the rest of the day. Eventually, Mikan fell asleep, Head resting in Natsume's lap, her soft breathing warming up the inside of his leg. Her face relaxed and peaceful, Natsume suddenly felt the gripping feeling of fear clenching his chest and he fought to keep it at bay. He would fight; he would fight 'till the very end for the girl who currently slept without a care in the world. He loved her, dear God he loved her. And he wasn't about to let her go. Deep inside him, all he wanted to do was keep her away from anything that could harm her, keep her all to himself, but he knew that he couldn't. All he could do was try his best to keep her safe. In his scared mind, being happy came second to her well-being, but if she really wanted to go that badly, then who the hell was he to be the jerk boyfriend who wouldn't take his own girl out to a show?
Fine, he'd take her, if only to see her smile.
"Boss, the preparations are all set. You have a master suite in the Guests Wing of the Academy…yes…yes it's right next to the Student Dorms…no I don't think we'll have to resort to thaaat, no I think she did a good job of convincing Hyugaa to go…yes…he will be there…alright then, tomorrow…tomorrow everything will fall into place…good night sir."
A/N Ooooh, who was on the phone? What's going to happen next? Who knows? :) I hope you all are intrigued enough to look forward to the next chapter :P Until next time!
- Ray