Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men Evolution, I just like to play with the characters. :)

A/N: So This is my first Fanfic I would very much appreciate some reviews, good or bad.

Chapter 1

Rogue opened one eye and blearily looked at the flashing numbers of her room mates alarm clock. Said clock was currently beeping loudly and Rogue groaned and called out her friends name, the only response she gained was the younger girl rolling over. She let an exaggerated sigh escape her lips before grabbing hold of one of the pillows that was on her bed and tossing it across the room at the younger girl. Kitty groaned and brought one hand up to remove the pillow from it's spot on her face and opened one eye to look wearily over toward Rogue. Rogue, seeing she had her room mates attention mumbled something that sounded like "Make it stop." and then promptly rolled back over to fall back asleep.

Kitty rolled her eyes and lazily phased her hand through the device, the loud beeping stopped and she rolled back over, following her friend back in to the world of dreams. Unfortunately for the two girls a pair of yellow eyes watched the exchange, a tail wrapped around the light fixture was keeping the body up and a pair of fangs glinted as he grinned. The boy gracefully dropped to the ground and glanced at the two girls, trying not to laugh as he took over for the now broken alarm clock.

"Guten Morgen!" Both girls groaned and simultaneously raised their heads to glare at the boy standing in the middle of their room. "Kurt like what are you doing here? It's totally too early to be awake." Kitty groaned, letting her head drop back to her pillow. Rogue mumbled in agreement and watched as the boy smiled. "Well Katzchen vhat I'm doing here is mourning the death of another poor alarm clock." His tail swished behind him as he tried to make his face reflect sadness, gazing at the small lifeless black box on his friends night table, but his eyes danced with laughter. Kitty and Rogue glanced at each other and a silent signal seemed to be passed between the two, each girl grabbed a pillow and made to tackle the boy, swinging the pillows and aiming for his prone body. A quick 'Bamf' and a puff of smoke later, the boy was once again hanging from the ceiling and the girls pillows were colliding with each other.

Kurt grinned and saluted to the two girls "See you in ze kitchen!" He ported away and the two girls shared a look before breaking in to smiles. They both tossed their pillows on to their respective beds and commenced their preparations for the day.

Kitty and Rogue chatted quietly as they walked down the grand staircase and veered to the left to get to the kitchen, well Kitty chatted as Rogue nodded along. "So Kitty are you getting a ride with us to school today?" Kitty grinned and shook her head "Lance should be here soon, he says he likes showing up at school with the hottest girl in our year on his arm." She rolled her eyes and both girls laughed as they entered the room, Rogue through the door and Kitty through the wall beside her. The kitchen was bustling and Scott glanced up from the table. "Whats so funny?" Rogue and Kitty glanced at each other and smirked, Kitty veered off to the fridge and Rogue shrugged toward Scott. "Oh just girl stuff, ya know how it is." Scott shrugged and resumed eating his breakfast and his whispered conversation with Jean who was sitting beside him.

Kitty pulled open the fridge and her eyes brightened as her hand firmly closed around the handle of the milk jug. She pulled it out and began to unscrew the cap when a glass suddenly appeared in front of her face. "Forgetting somezing?" She slid her eyes to the side to see a grinning Kurt holding a glass out to her. Her face flushed and she took the glass from his hand. "I was getting to that part!" Kurt laughed and hopped up on the counter beside the fridge. "Sure you vere."

All the kids in the kitchen glanced toward the door when they heard a gruff throat clearing. Everyone's faces dropped as they took in the expression on Logans face, that particular grin spelled out trouble and usually quite a bit of pain for the students. "Danger room tonight. X Team only." His eyes searched out all the older students and his grin grew. "Anyone who's late gets an extra hour." He then turned and walked out, his job of torturing the students done for the morning.

The new recruits all let out breathes of relief, grinning at the older students and wishing them luck. The team groaned, resigned to their fate and continued eating breakfast. A honking could be heard from outside and Kitty perked up, chugging the last of her milk and grabbing an apple before waving to her friends and heading toward the jeep that was stopped out front of the mansions gates.

Many of the guys in the kitchen grumbled and glared in the direction of the jeep, none of them too happy that one of their own was with a boy from the brotherhood. The girls all looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Everyone in the kitchen resumed their morning activities before heading to school.


Kurt smiled as he walked down the hall hand in hand with Amanda. The two were happy together and Kurt felt proud that she still wanted to be with him even though he had come out as a mutant. The only thing they weren't happy about was that Kurt still didn't want to turn off his holo watch and Amanda kept pushing it. "Come on Kurt, I love you and so will they!" Amanda pleaded with her boyfriend, she wrapped her arm around his and her fingers slowly glided down the furry arm to touch his watch. Kurt frowned and shook his head, catching her hand with his other one. "Nien you are wrong. They hate me now and that's just because I can teleport, imagine how they vill react if they see a demon valking through the hallvay." Amanda pouted and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "But you're such a cute demon." She kissed his cheek and didn't notice when he flinched and curled in to himself a bit. He couldn't wait for the day to be over, he would take Logans training session over school any day.


Kitty sighed, she had had a tough day at school which was turning in to a regular thing. The students and teachers would all stare and whisper, giving the mutant students a large birth and death glares. Kitty stretched and relaxed against her boyfriends arms. They had finished the day and had gone to his house to watch a movie, Lance had managed to talk his house mates in to doing something else so they would have the house to themselves for a while and she smiled. She twisted in Lances arms to place a soft kiss against his lips. And Lance happily obliged, letting his hand run down her arm in a tender caress before settling on her hip. The kiss deepened and kitty let out a happy little sigh, Lances hand slowly slid under her shirt and very carefully started inching upward.

Kitty shifted and broke the kiss. "Lance, Don't." He frowned and kissed the side of her neck, his hand continued to move, leaving her side to caress her stomach and then let it rest just under her bust, his thumb barely brushing against the fabric of her bra. "Lance please, you know I'm not ready for that, besides" She glanced at the clock and then back to her boyfriend. "I have to go, Logans session is in like half an hour and I so totally can't be late." Lance gave an aggravated sigh and shoved his girlfriend off his lap and on to the couch. "Fine. Go. I need to go cool off." Kitty sighed and watched sadly as her boyfriend stormed out of the room, Most likely on his way to the bathroom. She stood up and straightened her shirt before heading home.


Logan watched the kids maneuver around the room, walls popping up to block them and bots chasing after them. His eyes however kept being drawn to a young girl with a ponytail. He frowned as he observed her, she seemed to be distracted and he winced as something slammed in to the girl, throwing her across the room. "Keety!" Kurt ported next to her to check on her and Logan raised an eyebrow as he watched them interact.

Kurt settled next to Kitty and she groaned and shook her head. "Come on Keety you ave to pay attention." Kitty grinned sheepishly at Kurt. "Sorry, guess I'm just like having an off night." She quickly reached her hand up and placed it on his shoulder, her eyes focusing on the object that was hurtling toward them. She felt her body tingle as she phased them through it then let go of Kurt. "I'm ok now, promise." She smiled at took off trying her best to concentrate on the aptly named Danger Room.


Rogue caught Kitty by the arm as they were leaving the Danger Room and Kitty looked up surprised and tilted her head toward her friend. "What's up?" „We need ta talk." Kitty raised an eyebrow and shrugged "Ok, but I wanna catch a shower first, meet you in our room?" Rogue nodded and took off to find a shower for herself.

The two girls settled on to their respective beds, dressed in their pj's. "Ok so, like what's up?" Kitty asked her best friend. "Well ah noticed you were distracted and ah wanna know whats wrong with ya." Kitty blushed and shook her head. "Nothings wrong." Rogue rolled her eyes, "Ya and Logans a giant teddy bear. Now tell meh whats wrong. Did somethin happen with Lance?" Kitty sighed and shifted so she was more comfortable before glancing at Rogue. "He.. He wants to go farther than I think I'm ready for. But I'm kind of worried that if I don't, he'll leave me. And I was starting to think... Maybe it's time. Maybe I should give him what he wants.

Kurt was standing outside the door to the girls room, his eyes wide and his hand outstretched, ready to knock. His hand slowly dropped and he shook his head. His eyes shifted to the side. 'I shouldn't be so vorried. I am vith Amanda and vhat Keety wants to do vith Lance is her decision. But..' Kurt ported back to his room, taking up his favorite spot on his balcony and let his thoughts absorb him. 'But for some reason. I reely don't vant her to.

Rogue watched the younger girl, eyes wide and she slowly got up and made her way to her friends bed. She sat down beside the girl, placing a pillow between them and leaning against it. She wasn't the huggy type of girl but she sensed her friend could use the comfort. "Kitty ah don't think you should do anythin your not ready to do. Lance will understand and if he loves ya he'll wait until your ready." Kitty smiled gratefully at the girl. Her eyes lit up a bit and she grinned at her. "And what about your pursuer hmm? Is he having any luck?"

The southern girl blushed and rolled her eyes. "Hardly. That swamp rat jus don't know when ta quit!" The girls both grinned at each other and burst in to a fit of giggles at the thought of the house's resident Cajun and his obsession with Rogue. Kitty clasped her hand in her friends cloth covered one and gave it a quick squeeze. "Thanks Rogue. I think I was like totally about to do something I would regret." Rogue smiled at her and got up to retreat to her own bed. "Any time Kitty, any time."


Guten Morgen - Good Morning

Katzchen - Kitten