"Trust me."
Their eyes met. Up until now, the blonde had avoided his gaze, speaking only to the other members of the group. But at that moment, his words were for him, and for him alone.
Trust me.
Kurogane stared into those eyes, those brilliant blue eyes. His mind raced.
Trust me.
He loved the guy. He couldn't deny that, no matter how much he might like to. He loved him.
But did he dare trust him?
Trust me.
"Why?" he finally asked. "Why should we trust you?"
"Because if you don't…" The other took a deep breath, as if to steady himself, before he continued.
"Everyone will die."
Author's Note:
This was originally in the crossover section, but then I thought, hey, I'm only taking the setting from 'Pendragon', not the characters, and it's an implied setting at that. So, although there will be concepts from 'Pendragon: Journal of an Adventure Through Time and Space', it's mostly your average Kuro/Fai nonsense. And by nonsense I mean crimefic romance, with strong language and violence and drug use and, who knows, maybe there'll be some sex. Actually, there will definitely be sex, the only question is how much of it I'll show, hence the tentative T rating.
Anyway, hope you enjoy. Review, please.