Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...


"Ow! Captain, why?!"

"Stop being a lecherous fool, Penguin!"

"What, why? I didn't even-"

"Save it for later, go be of use somewhere else!"

Grumble grumble

Step step step step...


"Okay then."

Still lounging on the bed of her new bird-hatted friend, Nami decided to ignore the commotion outside and take a look around before returning to her room. The chamber was somewhat small and painted the same sterile looking white as the rest of the ship. Bookshelves and a desk were on the opposite wall, filled with pictures and trinkets from various places they've visited. Nami chuckled as she saw the not-so-sneakily hidden magazines of... Adult nature peek out from behind the books on ship engineering. The round window on the far end of the room showed nothing but blue, which she brushed off as it being nighttime until a fish flew through the sky.

'... What?!'

She ran over and pressed her hands against the glass, peering outside at the sandy underwater landscape stretching out before her. Fish and other critters darted by and swept through the gently rocking seaweed on the ocean floor. Where she was trapped with no escape. Nami took a deep breath and calmed herself. This is okay. It's alright. No harm in not having any window to jump out of and escape. It's all fine!

After a few circles through the room she felt better and was determined not to get disheartened by just a minor setback, noo, not at all!

With a little huff she walked back to Penguin's bookshelf to keep snooping on his collection. 'How sweet...' She thought and ran her hand over the wooden frame holding a picture of what seems to be the Heart crew, all sitting on top of a white fluffy hill with a huge grin except for Law, whose smile turned out to be more frightening than anything else.

They don't seem to be so bad, right? A murderous crew wouldn't be taking pictures and kidnapping saving strangers they meet. Still, the years on her own made her realise that the world is no fairy tale where everyone gets along, and anyone could stab her in the back when she least expects it. She had to do her best to stay alert and cautious until they surface and she could make her escape. Yes.

After one last check to make sure there wasn't any hidden money she might swipe, she walked over to the large metal door, but caught her reflection in the mirror hanging by the wall and her jaw dropped.

She looked up and down, her beautiful long hair was matted and all over the place, her body bruised and put into some sort of poncho for hospital patients and her face was strangely pale with tired eyes. Nami flinched slightly at the sight, but told herself that it is expected to look like that after all that happened. She took a leather band tied around her wrist and fashioned her locks into a bouncy bun on top of her head.

Opening the heavy metal door she stepped outside and looked both ways down the hallway, and was disheartened as she realised that both sides looked exactly the same. Closing the door behind her with as little noise as possible, she picked a random side and creeped down the hall to the left, tiptoeing like a cautious cat. All the doors she passed looked the same, all the windows showed the same surroundings and all the corners seemingly turned to the same corridor she was in at the beginning, argh! How oddly quiet it was too...

'Maybe I should just...' Nami thought to herself as she reached out to open random door nr. 896 when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Eeep!" She couldn't help but screech out loud, spinning around and having the captain's smirk right in front of her nose.

"Well hello there miss navigator," Law spoke with a slight hind of a devious smirk in his voice, "I was looking all over for you, only to find you were looting my ship? If that is how you repay out kindness..." He sighed dramatically.

"What, no! I didn't do anything! I mean I was just-"

"It's alright miss navigator, we're both aware of your underlying thieving urges. Come, you need to get back to the infirmary so your wounds don't open up again." He said in a more serious tone of voice and started walking down the hall, fully expecting her to follow him.

Nami silently rolled her eyes and walked a few metres behind him, secretly glad about not being lost anymore.

"So your name was Law, is that so?"


"And you're a pirate?"


"Your ship is a submarine?"


"You're still headed to Sabaody?"


"You're not going to hurt me until then?"


"When we're there you'll let me go?"


"Ah I see... Wait what?!"

"And we're here, miss navigator." Law opened random door nr. 597 which turned out to be her former prison. "You once again will find your bed and medical supplies you are not permitted to touch. Rest in here until I send one of my crew members to bring you to the dining hall for dinner in two hours."

He walked in, giving her a look to follow him.

"Hold on, what do you mean you won't let me go?! You said you wouldn't hurt me! First you destroy my ship and I'm forced to be your slave or what?" Nami's brow was twitching from anger and slight underlying fear.

"Calm down now miss navigator, I never said anything about you becoming our slave... Unless you want to." He smirked at her which was replied by a huff.

He walked over a shelf and pulled out a box, continuing. "The thing is, Sabaody is a corrupt, crime ridden island which is most prominent in slave trade. As heartless as you might make us out to be, my crew refused to drop you off on your own out there and be kidnapped so I have decided to take you one island further, you're welcome. Now if you'd please take a seat here." He said, motioning the bed with a bandage.

Nami quite dumbfounded sat down silently, deep in thought.

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" She suddenly yelped when she felt cold fingers on her arm.

"Changing your bandages, miss navigator. I thought it would be quite obvious from the fact that I am approaching you with a bandage."

Nami fell silent again and let him unwrap the gauze from her delicate arms, flinching each time she felt his hands touch her. She was painfully aware of his closeness, his breath on her leg when he leaned dow and the scent of him so close to her... To avoid being caught, Nami forced on a stern face and stared out the window.

From the corner of his eye, Law watched her squirm beneath his touch felt a sense of devious triumph. He wondered how far he could take it... But in due time, he didn't want to scare off his new found toy just yet.

"Well that's it miss navigator. Try not to move too much to avoid complications with the healing process, otherwise you should be fine." He said, standing up again and brushing his hand against her bare leg.

"Like I said before, dinner is in two hours. Be there."

Law left the room and smirked at the angry, blushing redhead sitting on the bed.

Haha, I can't believe it's been four years since I've touched this story! Though I doubt that many of you will still be interested, I hope you like my rusty writing in this chapter. Also, I forgot how to make those break lines and I can't figure it out...