Hellow every one, this is my first fic and I'm not sure if I should continue So please RxR
ps: english is my ( sort of ) fourth language soooo... It won't be perfect! :3
Also, le me no own le One Piece le one piece belongs to le monsieur Oda!~
What if Nami never met Luffy and lived a life on her own? And why does Trafalgar Law have anything to do with this? Pairing Nami x Law.
Nami was leaning very close to the desk as she tried to at least get a straight line on her unfinished map. The wind was blowing harshly and she would't dare to go inside. She growled frustrated as the wind blew at her making the map blow in her face probably the 10th time again. "That's it!" she grumbled picking up her utensils and placing them in her room. She walked back on deck and looked around. 'everything seems clear... The ocean is clear and theres practically nothing around, it should be safe' She walked around the deck studying the ocean. After a few minutes she was sure it was OK and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain! Capt-!"
"Would you shut it already I'm coming." A frowning figure was slouching out the door and walking to... a fluffy bear in an orange jumpsuit?
"What is it?" He grumbled 'what would be so important to wake me up at 6.30 am? A man needs his sleep god dammit.'
"Uh captain," The bear said obviously uncomfortable in his situation "there is a ship."
"So what?" He replied bluntly.
"Well the thing is, there's no one on it." He said stepping from one foot to the other.
"What do you mean 'no one on it'?"
"I mean we've looked through the periscope but we didn't see anyone, and the ship didn't
have any scratches so it wasn't attacked."
"Interesting... I think we should go check it out!" He said grinning.
Nami turned the tap waiting for the warm water, filling the whole room with steam making it barely possible to see your own feet. As she was pleased with the heat she stripped off her clothes and hopped in the shower.
"Are you sure this is a good idea captain?" The figure asked as he slouched through the door of the submarine that was now tied to the 'abandoned' blue ship.
"Of course, it's not like it's bothering anyone." The captain said confidently, adjusting his spotted fur hat.
"Well whatever..." The crew mumbled silently behind him. He ignored the protests and climbed up the rope that was attached to the rail of the ship. The whole crew was now standing on the deck of the ship admiring the tangerine trees in the back. It would be just a matter of time before all the tangerines on those trees would be history.
"Well, since I don't think anyone's here," He announced. "We should spread out and search the ship." The crew members nodded and walked into the different directions.
Nami sighed as she stepped out of the warm intimidating shower as she knew staying too long could end up in a disaster since she was alone and the steering wheel was unattended. She stepped out wrapping a towel around her as she suddenly heard some 'thuds' on the deck.
"Hmm... Interesting." The captain studied the several maps strewn around the desk. 'whoever it is, this person has talent.' he thought to himself, opening several drawers he came to the conclusion that he was dealing with a woman. After he had looked through her room the only valuably things he found were the maps and 10'000 Beli. Being satisfied with his search he walked out leaving the maps and money behind him.
"I still don't think this is a good idea..." The man mumbled to himself, he was wearing a beige jumpsuit and a hat with his name on it, Penguin. He was just walking around randomly before turning and pausing at the nearest door. 'Please don't let anyone be in here'
he thought sweat dropping. He opened the door just one crack and the steam was crawling out at the bottom. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside the warm bathroom looking around, only to see a half naked woman stare at him in horror. 'I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead!' She screamed. Loud enough. Too loud. Before gripping what was closest to her (except for the towel she was holding) , her perfume bottle on the sink and threw it at his head, making the liquid spill all over his jumpsuit as he ran out on deck screaming.
20 seconds earlier
Nami heard the thumping on the deck 'what was that? I'll go check it out.'
She quickly dried herself with the towel and was about to put on her clothes as she heard the door open. She turned around in horror as a man was standing in the door, staring at her.
'I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead!' she thought in shock and grabbed the perfume bottle on the sink and throwing it at the intruder, making the contents spill all over his ridiculous hat and jumpsuit. He ran off. As fast as she could she dressed herself and stood listening at the door, wishing she had her katana with her.
Everyone ducked out of the rooms as Penguin came running out the deck screaming, dripping with some sort of liquid. The whole crew came running after him until the fuzzy bear caught him at the arm.
"Oi, Penguin what's wrong?" The bear asked pinning him against the rail as the whole crew gathered around him.
"T-t-there's," he stuttered blushing in a bright red "a... naked woman in the bathroom!"
"WHAT!" Everyone of the three crew members yelled. They all looked at him in disbelief.
"A-a-are you sure?" One of them asked.
"Yeah I just went through the door and she was staring at me!"
"Yeah staring at you." The others said mockingly. As they all calmed down.
*sniff * "Hey Penguin, what's that smell?"
"What smell?" The crew members asked as they leaned closer to him . "Yeah I smell it too." the red headed man announced. "Are you wearing perfume?" the captain asked mockingly.
"Ooooh, Penguin not seeing a lot of women does't mean you have to wear their perfume to get their attention. The captain said making the crew burst out in laughter.
"No, No! It's not that, that girl in there threw the bottle at me, Law believe me." He yelled at the captain.
"Ohhh, right she's still in there. I think I will go fetch her." Law said walking towards the door.
I know, I know Nami has a Katana so what! It's not like she was living defenseless all those years! Sheesh this is my story. * turns around with crossed arms, looking away*
Oh oh sorry! * turns around again* So this was my first chapter! Write what you think in the reviews and please tell me about spelling errors :3