Author's Rant: I want to clear something up for you babes and babycakes. Minato and Naruto aren't related here. Sorry, that would've been an awesome twist, but I got enough of those in this story to make microbraids. Is this Mpreg? Nope. Enjoy ^_^.
~side note~ sorry babycakes. no time to give a decent proofread. I'm heading off for a while, but I hope you still enjoy the chapter.
Anxiety Grows
Cooking's never been his forte. Hunting, sure. Running, yeah. Fighting, better believe it. But cooking? It was on a whole other level of complicated, especially considering he had to do it on his own. No one was in the house today. Naruto had to go to school, it was Sasuke's turn to scout out the area and Kiba . . . shit, Kyuubi wasn't even going to stoop that low. He'd go hungry before begging that spoiled ass human to do anything for him.
Kyuubi wished he could push his damn pride aside just this once though, because at this rate the apartment complex was facing internal damage. The knobs on the stove were confusing. He could read the words—a little bit—but the numbers didn't make sense. He didn't know how to count pass five. That's the dumb part. Sasuke could count at least up to twenty. Kyuubi's brain would melt if he tried.
Let's see, how will this work? This was a big black stove, versus big ole him. There was this big knob and three smaller ones. None of them made sense. Which one cooked meat? Kyuubi kneeled down to the floor and opened the door part that lead into the square compartment. Kyuubi had seen Naruto pull fish out of this thing lots of times. He'd seen the dipshit, Kiba, produce steaks for everyone when he was in a good mood.
Kyuubi would go hunt, but he had to watch the home. That was his duty today; keeping an eye on his friend's domain until the owners got back. All this waiting was going to give him stomach cramps. He would eat the meat raw but it taste better with the sprinkled orange stuff and thick yellow gunk sizzling on top until it melted.
"Fuck it." Kyuubi stood up and reached across the stove to turn them all. If he broke it, they'll fix it. He turned each button to the left until they clicked. That much he did remember how to do. The fox leaned forward to see if he was missing anything.
He was so deeply entranced with the lights blinking on that the feel of heat's acceleration didn't register until the palms of his hands stung like the worst kind of pain. "Fuck!" Kyuubi snatched away from the hot surface, fanning his hands from side to side. "Shit, shit, shit." This really hurt. The pain roared and throbbed like a caged animal under his skin.
Kyuubi hurried and crouched in a corner, down to the balls of his heels and flipped his palms over. The skin was bubbling into blisters, getting as red as spilled wine. Sometimes he hated acting before thinking. The Fox Beast was lucky to get away with a minor injury. It could've been worse. Had he been so careless on Coney Island that would've been his ass.
Kyuubi sat chilled for a moment, studying the swelling on his palms. He switched his green eyes from side to side unsure of which hand to treat first. He decided on his dominate one and stuck out his tongue. Licking seemed to only produce a harsher sting. Of all the injuries he'd obtained in his life, being burned was the newest on the list and it lingered worse than a stab wound or gunshot.
Kyuubi lost himself in licking at his wounds, unconsciously whimpering every time he did. The fox hadn't heard the front door open or the clang of keys dropping on the table. The scent of burnt skin lean Kiba into the kitchen where he found Kyuubi hunkered down in the corner. It didn't take three seconds to figure out what went down.
Kiba sighed, rolling his eyes. A couple of hours. He couldn't leave this idiot alone for a couple of hours? This was actually the first time he'd seen Kyuubi in the apartment in the last two weeks. The Fox Beast was always out in the middle of the night, doing God knows what. And when he finally decides to stay home, what happens? He burns himself and leave the stove on too.
"Kyuubi." Kiba crouched down next to the beast. "Let me see." He reached out.
Kyuubi's whimpers sunk low into his chest and marginally grew louder; almost like roaming thunder. His growls shook in Kiba's stomach so suddenly the boy fell on his butt, amazed. He recovered fast enough to narrow his eyes and snarled back. Kyuubi blinked, stunned, and then slinked away, cradling his palms in his lap.
"Get the hell away from me."
"You wanna sit in the corner whimpering like a kicked dog? How the hell did this happen?"
"None of your business. Get away from me."
"Or what? You'll claw me like Sasuke did Naruto?"
Kyuubi's neck snapped to the front so fast, it could've broken. He opened and closed his mouth, and soon his ears drooped.
"Ya know about that, huh?"
"Yeah, Naruto's stupid. He didn't think about it being my turn to wash clothes that week. I saw the blood and I saw his chest one night when he thought I was sleep." Kiba carefully kept his eyes on Kyuubi's face and reached out to take the scorched hands. Talking to the beast was probably going to be the smartest way to distract him.
"How'd you know I didn't do it?"
Kiba sucked his teeth. "'Cause as big as you are, you probably would've killed 'em. That and the depth wasn't deep enough. Your frame's heavier than Sasuke's. You could've caused some serious damage. With Sasuke, it's understandable. The cuts matched the pattern any normal cat would do."
Kyuubi tilted his head, intrigued. "How would you know?"
"It's what I'm goin' to school for." Kiba stood with Kyuubi, after a couple of tugs. "I wanna be a Veterinarian Technician and maybe I'll try out for Veterinarian later." Kiba lead him to the sink and positioned the beast's hand under the faucet. "Hold still. This is gonna hurt." Getting the big lug by the sink was a little challenging. He was taller and bulker. Kiba had to squeeze himself between the Fox Beast and the sink in order to get the water at the proper temperature.
However, with the position they were in, it put Kyuubi less than an inch from Kiba's backside and the Fox Beast's long hair was draping in tendrils over Kiba's shoulder. It smelled, uniquely different than usual. Like Jasmine and Vanilla— Oh for the love of—Kiba sighed long and annoyed.
"Dude, what did I say about using my shit?"
Kyuubi chuckled a deep vibration that seeped through his chest and into Kiba's stomach. "What do you care? You're always using the peach one. Besides, it smells better on me anyway."
"Whatever, dumbass." Kiba smirked as a warm relief blossomed in his chest. He was glad the two of them were on talking terms again. Though it was uncertain for how long.
Kiba yelped suddenly when a long brushy—something—started to coil around his waist. He swirled around and looked up. Kyuubi was concentrating on their hands as if his tail was responsible for the invasive perversion.
Well, if Kyuubi could ignore it, so could Kiba. After setting the water temperature to cool, Kiba tightened his fingers around Kyuubi's wrists.
"Will it hurt?"
"I said it would."
"Then talk to me so I won't notice." Kyuubi nuzzled his face in Kiba's hair. "I don't like thinkin' about pain."
"Uh, yeah, cool," Kiba visibly swallowed, trying his hardest to focus on the task at hand. "What did you wanna talk about?"
"Anything. It can be about you. I wanna know about Kiba."
Kiba shivered for every rippling boom gravitating from Kyuubi's voice. "There's not much to tell, really." He pushed Kyuubi's hands under the water and flinched in unison with the fox. "Sorry."
"S'cool," Kyuubi dipped his head and put his mouth right at Kiba's ear, making him shudder and sway on his feet. "That's bullshit by the way. Don't ya have family? What were you like as a kit?"
"Kit?" Kiba had to chuckle at that one. "I'm a baby fox now?"
Green eyes darkened and narrowed. Kyuubi's smile could slice bricks from the way he started thinking. He leaned closer. "You can be. You can be my baby fox."
"Assumin' I'd want you to be my Daddy Fox," Kiba playfully sneered. "Quit messin' around."
Kyuubi nudged his chest inward, practically imprinting the outline of his muscles beneath his Henley shirt against Kiba's arm.
Kiba shifted to the side and use his hands to tug down his skating rink polo. It felt tighter than usual today.
"Nah, I'm serious," said Kyuubi. "I wanna know a lil' bout you."
"Partially because I'm in pain and I wanna know. I'm nosey like that. I'm the patient, aren't I?" You're supposed to make sure I'm satisfied."
"Right." Kiba's shoulders deflated as he lifted his head and stared forward at the flowery wall paper, mind a million miles away. "Where to start? Well I grew up here. Naruto and I went to the same school. We got into fights a lot. I was a bad ass kid too. I always gave my ma and sister hell."
"I can believe that."
Kiba shot a hellish look and Kyuubi promptly shut his mouth. "Anyway, you don't have to worry. I regretted it later."
"Why? Ya mama finally whooped your ass?"
"Nah . . . I lost my ma and sister when I was six. Somebody broke into my home, tryin' to rob us. I woke up when the guy burst in my ma's bedroom and started shootin'." Kiba reached under the sink for Naruto's first aid kit and kept talk, ignoring Kyuubi's sudden closeness to his face. "My sister came in the room and told me to hide under the bed. I didn't know what was goin' on. I just heard screamin' and noises and my sister, callin' my name."
The mental image of that little boy running to his sister's aid would never leave Kiba. A pointy nose poked Kiba's temple. He subconsciously reached up to stroke Kyuubi's hair and continued.
"I came outta my room. I found my ma on the floor, shot to death. My sister. . . I couldn't help her. This guy wouldn't kill her right there. He was dragging her outta the house by her hands. She begged him to leave me alone when he came back to get me."
Kyuubi's entire body stiffened.
"He was huge, the biggest guy I'd ever seen. I don't remember everything that happened, except he grabbed my hair and my sister fought him off. I blacked out, but—I'm not sure if this was a dream, but I thought I saw him pick her up and jump in the air. . ." Kiba shook his head at the absurdity of that. "I woke up when the police came. There was so much blood on the floor. I saw my ma's body but my sis'? There was no way she could've survived. I saw the trail of blood she was dragged out."
Kiba had spread the necessary ointments and creams all over Kyuubi's palms, massaging as gently as he could until the white residue absorbed. He grinned. "I stayed with Naruto after that. His parents sort of adopted me, so we grew up like brothers. I'm always fussin' at 'em, making sure he gets home on time and I'll kick his ass if he worries me to death." He shrugged. "It's been that way since we were lil' kids. I think it has a lot to do with me losin' my family."
Kyuubi's chest deflated. He'd pressed himself in Kiba's side. The fox face loss in the bed of chocolate brown hair and the scent that came with it, "You didn't have to share that with me."
"I know," Kiba said, wrapping the gaze around each hand. "I dunno what it is with you. You just bring out the worst in me. You should be good to go."
Kiba stepped back, using the shade of his banes to camouflage his emotions. Kyuubi stared down at his hands, neatly wrapped up to his second finger joint.
"Don't fuck up our stuff in here ok? Just ask if you want somebody to cook you something," Kiba suddenly snapped and whirled on his heel to leave. He was angry with himself for letting his emotions out like that. Kiba should've been over it by now. He shouldn't allowed the past to consume with grief . . . he shouldn't—he shouldn't. Fuck, it hurt so much.
Kyuubi growled and snaked his hand out to catch Kiba's shirt and yanked hard. Kiba slammed into to the fox's very firm, very solid, very warm chest. He stumbled, losing his balance and in the process ended up with both palms pressed flat against the fox's chest. As his cinnamon eyes went saucer wide, he absently let his fingers trace the definition of Kyuubi's pectorals. His mind had gone blank. Kyuubi's smell accompanied with his pure masculinity had Kiba guessing, wondering, and contemplating. His mouth went dry again and he tried to speak, but was pushed into a span of warm neck and collarbone.
Kyuubi's large hand cradled the back of Kiba's head, rubbing crooked circles under his shirt. On his bare skin, he could feel scars, small little scars probably obtained as a little boy on that night. Kyuubi soothingly touched those, for the loss of that little kid.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It ain't your fault. I just, I just wish." Kiba's hands dropped to tightly grasp Kyuubi's coat. His breaths came in shuddering intervals. "Fuck, sometimes I wish he'd taken me with her," he whispered, burrowing his face forward. "I wanted to die so much after that night."
"Don't say that shit." That scared Kyuubi to hear such a thing. He'd—he'd lose his fucking mind if something happened to this fool. He squeezed the boy to his chest. Kiba let his breath go with a soft whoosh as fresh tears dribbled down his cheeks. Kyuubi's sigh lifted and dropped Kiba's body as he rested his chin on top of his head. "So help me, kid. I mean it. You say that shit again, I'll kick your ass."
Kiba nodded against his shirt.
Without warning, something wild clicked in Kyuubi's brain like a light switch. His nose wiggled and his instincts raged with inner knowing. His arms threatened to drop but as soon as they did, the loss of warmth enveloped him like a blizzard. He quickly grasped Kiba's body to him and looked over his head, growing frustrated by the second. He was losing himself. Kyuubi knew it'd be a matter of time, but if he kept this up, he was surely going to end up dead.
Kyuubi had only caught the brief whiff of a foreign predator a split second. His fur bristled and he kept his tail securely wrapped around Kiba's waist as he edged them to the living room and sat as one. Both his green eyes narrowed at the balcony window.
There'd been someone there. A few moments ago. They'd been there a while.
And it'd been there for a long time. Kyuubi closed his eyes tight. That hadn't been Sasuke.
It was near midnight when Sasuke returned home. He'd dressed in a long black t-shirt, some gray pants and wore a black baseball cap to hide his ears. The atmosphere was dense, heavily intensified with dominance. His fur stood on end, from his ears to the sway of his tail. The tips of his claws retracted once he noticed Kyuubi sitting on the couch, cupping Kiba's sleeping body to his chest. The Fox Beast's green eyes were ominously glowing a frost green, as he rocked back and forth, long tail thumping the floor.
When he turned his illuminated gaze to Sasuke's crimson glow, his instincts lessened, though not by much.
"What happened?" Sasuke whispered in the dark, approaching.
Kyuubi shook his head, "He needed me, and I took care of him." He covered his eyes, mournfully. "I know what's going on now. Why I can't leave him alone. I-I thought I was just messin' around, ya know, jus fuckin' with him a little."
Sasuke silently allowed his friend to continue. It'd been a long time coming.
"I fuckin' claimed him. My body, my mind, my instincts, all of me—Christ, I fuckin' claimed this kid, a human!" Kyuubi rubbed over his eyes, the sting there unbearable and beyond aggravating. "No wonder I can't think straight around him. I can't do a damn thing."
Sasuke kneeled by his friend's knees and cupped it, "You saw it coming. You wouldn't have been able to stop it any better than me claiming Naruto."
"I hadn't realized it until today. My senses were numbed," Kyuubi cradled Kiba closer, burying his nose in his hair and inhaling deep and letting it free in a loud whoosh. "He's intoxicating the hell outta me too. The little dick."
Sasuke stood up and walked to the door. "I saw him again. He came back alone. I bet he's the asshole who attacked Naruto in the parking lot before."
"Naruto was attacked?"
Sasuke faced him, "Yeah, I hadn't been sure of the smell but when I went to investigate it was all over the place. They know we're here." Sasuke placed his hand on the window, a reflection of himself deadly and calm reminding him of his old self. "We'll have to leave. They'll have to come with us then."
Kyuubi shook his head again, "They're not gonna want to."
"There isn't much choice. Both of them were seen associating with us. The Boss sent that hawk to track us down," Sasuke's hand slid away. "I didn't think they'd come this far."
"We got a price on our heads. We never finished our contracts."
"There's no deal after murder. The Boss went against his deal. He lied." Sasuke viciously hissed. "I'm done playin' lap dog. I'll be damned if I bring Naruto down with me."
"We gotta leave soon then," Kyuubi paused, and then said. "He knows where they live. I found ole dude's scent on the window this morning."
Sasuke froze, eyes wide, "How long had he been there?"
"An hour or longer."
"Damn it," Sasuke's fist struck the side of the wall. "If that's the case, why hasn't he tried to take us out?"
Kyuubi stood with Kiba in his arms and replaced the sleeping boy on the couch, covering him in the throw pillows. "Why else? He's stalking us. Hell, he probably knows we know he's out there," Kyuubi came to stand next to Sasuke. Together, they stared out the window, both pairs of eyes glowing evilly at the flying creatures in the sky. There were two this time. "He's biding his time. Either that or he's waiting to see what we do next." The Fox Beast gave his friend a hard look. "What do we do until then? We gotta take their safety into consideration now Sasuke. Its' not about us anymore. And if this fool goes stupid, I'm takin' care of what's mine first."
"I know . . . Naruto's my first priority," Sasuke said at last, folding his arms close to his chest, eyes peeled. "We'll kill first, questions don't matter. I don't need answers."
Kyuubi's wicked grin curved off his fangs, "I like that idea."
They stayed there, predator stalking predator, no one knowing truly knowing who'd be prey.
It wouldn't be long now. They'd find out soon enough.
Before Naruto opened his eyes into a new morning, the warm and scent of musk and outdoors warned him that he wasn't alone in bed. His whole body felt wrapped beneath a furry thermal, the kind made for cuddling against and receiving the same affection in return. He was going to have to get used to that sandpaper tongue gliding over his forehead too. He'd gotten in late from work last night.
Naruto found the beasts staring out the window, but didn't bother to ask. He'd been too keyed up from the hoopla of last night's partiers. All he did was take a shower, change into a t-shirt and some black pajama pants, and then fell asleep. It was a glorious rest and mainly because Naruto knew Sasuke must've come sometime later. He hadn't slept that well in ages.
Naruto slipped out of slumber and into the arms of Sasuke. He yawned, closed his eyes and said, "What time is it?"
"It's the middle of the afternoon."
Naruto gave that some consideration and the fact that Sasuke's voice didn't sound anywhere near as groggy as his, "You been up?"
"Yeah, couldn't sleep."
After another short yawn and smack to get rid of the morning taste, Naruto inched forward to hide his face in Sasuke's neck, "Go to sleep now." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around Sasuke's bicep, constricting his limp like he knew it forever.
"I'm not tired."
"You should be. I know you were out most of last night." Speaking of which, Naruto was about to be out in a couple more seconds.
"Naruto, wake up."
"Hmm why?"
"I want to ask you about us."
Naruto nuzzled into Sasuke's shoulder, sighing contently, "What about us?"
Hesitation, then, "Is it, I mean, how do you see us? Being together I mean." Sasuke threaded his fingers through Naruto's hair as if flipping the pages of a novel. He found his favorite center and pressed his nose in, inhaling the blonde's natural smell and everything about him.
"How else will I see it?" Naruto couldn't get much closer, though he tried. Their legs were already tangled and that didn't leave much crotch space, especially if Sasuke had anything to do with it. "I like what we got going. It's new." Naruto chuckled sleepily. "Even if it did happen kinda fast, I'm that kind of guy. Live for the moment, ya know?"
"I'd like that," Sasuke found Naruto's hand wedged between them and brought it to his mouth. One by one, each finger slipped between his lips, pleasure lassoing Naruto closer and closer to consciousness. "Live for a lot of moments together. We can be together all the time. Would you want that?" Sasuke added carefully.
Naruto nodded against his pillow, "Yeah, just me and you. We'd have to ditch the mutts though. Kiba and Kyuubi gotta get their own places." Naruto pulled his hand back, because if he let Sasuke have his way, he'd lick the skin off the bone. "Sasuke."
The Cat Beast quirked an eyebrow.
Naruto's eyes shifted, "Why ya never told me about what happened?" He swallowed as a pause to collect his wits and bravery since Naruto knew this was probably dangerous territory. "You hadn't said a word about Minato since last week."
"What's there to say?" Sasuke muttered. He clutched Naruto to his chest, waving his tail in the air as aimless as a leaf's drift in the wind. "I told you all there was to know. He was killed eight years ago."
"How was he killed?" Because directly asking seemed to be the best route to take. "Who killed him? Why? How old were you? You don't even look old enough to be a father."
Sasuke frowned over the blonde's brow, "I'm twenty three."
It didn't take Naruto long to do the calculations in his head and jerked so suddenly, his forehead bumped Sasuke's chin. Naruto sat up, stunned, "You were fifteen . . . you were so . . . so young."
"No, I was old enough then . . . and I'm not in the mood to talk about it."
"When will you be?"
"Soon," Sasuke flipped on his side. "Just not now."
Naruto chewed his bottom lip, "Sasuke." No answer. Naruto leaned over. The Cat Beast had fallen asleep after all.
That was . . . fine then. It gave Naruto some quiet time to properly react to the information he'd learned a week ago. At this point, he was grateful to have gotten this much out of the Cat Beast, because wring information out of him was no better than a dentist visit. Though . . . it was understandable. Naruto drew his knees up to his chest and crossed his arms over.
At fifteen, he and Kiba's concerns revolved around school work, dates, parties, fights and friends to worry about. For Sasuke, the idea of peer pressure was on a whole new level. He—he had a kid, a-a baby. And that was only the shell of the darkness.
That baby hadn't just died. He'd been killed. Someone killed Minato . . . when Sasuke had only been fifteen. Who could be so fucking heartless as to kill a baby? And why? What had Sasuke or the child done to deserve such a tragedy?
It was too much for any man to bear.
Naruto wondered, he wondered if Sasuke ever had a warmer disposure before. Like before he had a child, was his childhood endearing? Did he have family? What was his home like? Who was the person had the child with? Did he love that person? So . . . so many questions.
Naruto stretched out his legs and rolled over so that his arms could blanket's Sasuke's side with his stomach. The cat stirred, his eyes squirmed but otherwise, he didn't awaken. With some tugs and pull, Naruto managed to clasp Sasuke's torso to his chest and tucked Sasuke's head under his head.
If he wasn't awake before, Naruto was now. He let his fingers navigate through the oily hairs, pinching spikes between his thumb and index and at times, easing Sasuke back to sleep with nuzzles of his nose, a kiss on his forehead or a soft one to his lips.
It was funny, Naruto mused with a tiny smile. He could remember way back before when Sasuke didn't want him to touch him or when the beast had threatened his life on several occasions. No one would be able to convince Naruto this was the same guy if he hadn't witnessed it himself. Sasuke had changed.
Naruto could admit maybe that was his doing. It was unleashing this cosmic ooze in his stomach, very warmed and cozy like hot chocolate with marshmallows . . .
Oh. Oh damn. Naruto smiled. Now that was an idea. The blond bent his head back to check the position of the sun. It was too high right now, but later when it cooled down, maybe he convince Sasuke to go out for a while. Yeah, yeah that'd be perfect. They'd go to the beach, have fun and—Naruto rubbed his cheek softly on Sasuke's face—then they could relax and be completely into each other.
It'd give the beast something to think about.
Something other than his worries.
"I can't believe this motherfucker got me out here. Fuckin' sweatin' bullets and shit."
"Would you like some sandals for your feet, sir?"
"Get the fuck away from me!" Kyuubi rudely snapped at the fourth vendor trying to sell him merchandise since they came to the beach.
Naruto laughed behind his hand as he readjusted his surf suit. It was hotter than expected at four in the afternoon. It'd been hell finding the beast swim suits to fit their legs and tails. Kyuubi was wearing a simple white and red floral print shirt and black trucks—tucking in his long tail was hell— with a straw hat to cover his ears. Sasuke didn't complain out loud, but the grim expression on his face when Naruto bought him a dark blue sleeveless surf suit, said plenty. Kyuubi hadn't been for the trip to the beach and verbally made it none and even dared to use his intimidating size to win. He lost that fight as soon as Kiba started getting dressed and told him he could stay, but he needed the air. Naruto narrowly persuaded the beast that it was a trip they could all use. Convincing Sasuke? That took some real work. The Cat Beast was one hundred percent against going outside during the day. Naruto matched that argument word for word in the bedroom.
Now they were all here. Naruto grabbed a cooler full of sandwiches, fried chicken, and a couple of grilled steaks for Kyuubi, some grilled fish for Sasuke, a few juices and beer for Kiba. They drove Naruto's Kia because, leave it to Kiba to point out how long it'd been since he drove anywhere and it had more truck and head space then Kiba's Mustang.
"Stop scarin' people, Kyu," Kiba barked as he hooked their duffle bags over his shoulder. "You promised you'd behave."
Kyuubi looked offended, "You tell them that! I'm not trying to buy so shells, sandals, magic sand, none of that shit. All these motherfucka's wanna get eaten, that's what they want." The Fox Beast suddenly caught on something said. He grinned like it was his birthday, "So, I'm Kyu now huh?"
"I didn't say that." Kiba denied so smoothly, Kyuubi almost believed him.
But the Fox Beast knew better. They'd only been out here a few minutes. The sun didn't cause that red, "Uh huh, sure." He followed behind Kiba's back, carrying a large duffle bag of towels over his shoulders and tucking Kiba's red and white tipped Quiet Flight Platypus Surfboard.
Naruto could hear their arguing from back here. At least they were doing that much. Sasuke hadn't spoken a word since they left. He'd been brooding in the back seat, actually pouting mind you, and sneering at anyone who got too close to the car. Naruto rolled his eyes and ventured around the side to the lowered window of the back seat.
Sasuke spared him a glare, and decided to give a swaying piece of dry seaweed his attention.
"Sasuke come on, at least pretend you wanna be here," Naruto said. "I thought comin' out would be good for us. Ya know, to bond, get some fresh air?"
Sasuke remained tight lipped.
"Are you really gonna sit in here and burn up? 'Cause I'm not turnin' on the air conditioner just to please his royal highness."
That didn't get a reaction either. Naruto shifted from foot to foot and turned to face the same crumbled seaweed, no more than a thin tissue of green against the sand. He leaned against the car, crossing his ankles and sighed, dejectedly. This wasn't going nearly as well as he'd hoped.
"Why the hell are we really out here?"
Finally, Naruto smirked, angling his head down to meet Sasuke's slight lower and suspiciously thin eyes. "I wanted us to have some fun today. Everyone's been tense in the apartment. I think it's because we're always cooped up. At least out here we can cut loose and run around as much as we want."
Sasuke snorted and went back to staring at the seaweed, "I can do that at night." Not to mention . . . something wasn't right. Sasuke's pelt kept prickling on end because when the wind blew it carried only the smell of sea salt, humans, sand and various foods. He couldn't smell anything else. His senses were dulled so severely, like a plug was stuffed in his nose and ears.
Naruto's annoyed sigh, he did hear. The disappointment in those Egyptian blue eyes, he did see. The sluggish way he walked around to the truck of the car and finished gathering their belongings, Sasuke noticed too. Sasuke murmured to himself and leapt through the window when Naruto circled around carrying his surfboard and cooler.
"Why are you such an idiot?" Sasuke had to ask and snatched the gear away, none too gently. Now, he remembered seeing Kyuubi and Kiba head down this way. If he started, they should be able to catch up to them.
A strong grip pinched his chin and yanked down. Sasuke wanted to let his anger marinate, but Naruto's lips weren't letting that happen. The deepest part of his stomach pulsed and flared with heat. Sasuke's mouth was ravished expertly, shooting more heat to his groin. It became a small contest. Sasuke used his own mouth the way he'd dig his claws into prey, tongue thrusting forward and curving as it scoured every inch of Naruto's mouth.
The blond was feeling adventurous and kinky today too. Naruto dropped his hands where they rested on Sasuke's shoulders and went south knitting Sasuke's stomach muscles, his waist line, rubbed tendering over anything that felt like scars and soon he was making his way around to caress the Cat Beast's firm, shapely ass cheeks. Sasuke's tail coiled around Naruto's waist and pulled forward.
They were so close; the outline of groin to spandex was like pressing against a viper. Naruto pulled away from the kiss, leaving smaller ones here and there. "Thank you for tryin'." He muttered against Sasuke's mouth, a kiss and a talk in one. "I wanted to make you feel better."
"I do now," Sasuke kissed him again, and again. "Make me feel good." He whispered dragging the tips of his claws along Naruto's nude arms, gentle as the tip of feathers.
Naruto delivered one last kiss, and stepped back, "Later."
Sasuke's butt was softly smacked and soon he was chasing after the blond, nearly forgetting their gear. When he went back to retrieve it, Sasuke paused, sniffed and glanced around, he wasn't sure if . . . if he'd smelled right.
No it wasn't. He got their stuff and quickly remembered that he had a blond to get back too.