A friend of thieves

Chapter 1

The abduction

Kitty Petro was the happiest woman alive. At the age of 27 she had four healthy children, a boyfriend who loved her, and a pack of friends that she considered family.

Kitty smiled, watching her reflection in the mirror as she dragged her hand through her blonde hair. She was a vixen, a few inches shorter than she'd wished, with short blonde hair. Her right ear was pierced, her usual ear ring being a stud with the kanji for fox on it. Kitty sighed for the umpteenth time as her hair refused to obey either her or gravity, deciding that she'd just have to go with her hair ruffled, and probably have Yuri fuss all over her and give out not so subtle hints that she would look a lot better with longer hair.

Kitty dragged on a shirt, dragged up her denim jeans which were falling down again and fastened her Interpol captain badge on her belt. Looking herself over she came to the conclusion that she was not looking too shabby and sprinted down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen she laughed silently as she saw Ling trying desperately to make her two daughters agree.

Amelia, Kitty's oldest was truly her mother's daughter, at least as much as a 4 year old could be. Whenever she played with the other children in the group she was always the one who came back dirtiest, and usually she was the one responsible for getting the other children dirty too. When it started to rain Amelia was usually already out the door jumping through the rain puddles.

Mulan on the other hand were nothing like Amelia. She had a little of Kitty in her, while Amelia would approach new people with a wary look, Mulan would already have hugged the same people and invited them to her next make believe tea party.

But mostly Mulan enjoyed about all the things Amelia hated. Mulan hated getting dirty, preferring to play with dolls and tea sets, while Amelia rushed around playing soccer or climbing tree's. Kitty and Ling's sons Tim and Chang watched as Amelia and Mulan argued, Ling trying his best to make the two girls calm down, not easy to do when you were raised by Tibetan monks.

"All right" Kitty said, the two girls stopping their argument to look to their mother. "What is going on?"

Amelia opened her mouth first as always. "She and Auntie Yuri are trying to wash my brain."

"You mean brainwash me" came the voice of Tim, Kitty's fox son.

Kitty blinked but couldn't open her mouth before Mulan protested.

"It's not brainwashing, all I said was that if Amelia liked my new hair clip so much she should grow her hair out and Auntie Yuri would give one to her too."

"And how do you know this?" Kitty asked.

"Auntie Yuri told me so."

Kitty's eye twitched a little. "Of course she did. Now Amelia I am sure Mulan meant no harm, apologize to your sister for being mean right now or else no desert at Aunt Yuri's place."

Amelia's eyes went wide for about 3 seconds before she turned to Mulan. "I'm sorry" she mumbled.

Kitty smiled before turning to Mulan. "And you need to tolerate that your sister is different than you are. Just because she don't like what you like it does not mean you can try to make her like what you like… that is also the lesson I am going to give to your Auntie Yuri. Apologize now."

Mulan looked sad. "Sorry" she said turning to Amelia.

"There you go. Now hug and make up."

The sisters did as their mother asked and Kitty came over and joined in on the hug.

"Now you two try to behave ok?"

"Yes mommy."

"No problem mommy."

Kitty grinned and kissed the two on their foreheads, rising to kiss Ling on the mouth.

"And how are you doing this beautiful day?"

"Better now, thank you."

"No problem. Now please excuse me, I need to call Yuri a quick moment."

Kitty walked out of the kitchen into the hallway and drew out her cell phone, quickly finding C'est Sing in her contact list calling the number. After 3 beeps she heard Maria Folovera's voice in the other end.

"C'est Sing, how may I help you?"

"Hi Maria, I need to talk to Yuri."

"Ah Kitty, good morning to you my friend. Is there something wrong?"

"Not for long" Kitty said, grinning an almost evil grin. "Just put me over to Yuri please."

"Of course Kitty."

Kitty smiled as there were 2 more beeps, before the elegant voice of Yuri Sing could be heard.

"Oui, Yuri Sing speaking."

"Hi Yuri how is your day going?"

"Ah cheri, bonjour, my day is going pretty well so far, and yours?"

"Mulan and Amelia had a fight" Kitty said plainly. "Apparently you have told Mulan that it's ok to try to bribe Amelia into getting longer hair so she could get a shiny new hair clip."

There was silence on the other end of the line so Kitty continued.

"Amelia got mad and accused you two of trying to brainwash her. Now I am going to say this only once Yuri Sing. I have accepted that Mulan is looking less like me and Ling and more like you. I have accepted that she likes dolls, dresses and tea parties and I am starting to accept that most of our conversations usually end with the phrase but Auntie Yuri said or Auntie Naomi said. But I will not accept that you are trying to take Amelia too. You have 2 daughter's of your own, you can make them into little porcelain dolls, leave my kid out of it."

"Cheri I honestly didn't mean any harm" Yuri said, finally having found her voice. "I did tell Mulan that I had a hair clip to her sister too if she wanted it, but pointed out that she might not be able to wear it as short as her hair was at the moment."

"At the moment?"

Yuri winced. "Pardones moi, that came out wrong."

Kitty sighed. "Yuri I love you, but you and Naomi need to stop trying to make every tomboy around you into fashion freaks, it is getting old."

Yuri's amused chuckle made Kitty lift an eyebrow. "Something funny Yuri?"

"Just reminiscing about your face when I pleaded for you to model for me… and the hilarity that ensued because of it."

Kitty growled. "Yuri don't you dare trying to wriggle out of this, I am mad at you."

"All right, you are right cheri, my apologies. What can I do to make it right?"

"Stop sending Amelia dresses and pink clothes for her birthday and for Christmas. Feel free to keep sending her jewelry though, she likes everything that shines."

"Like mother like daughter."

"Oh shut it" Kitty huffed, trying to not blush and failing.

This time Yuri's chuckle turned into a laugh. "All right Kitty, I get the message, loud and clear, your scolding has been taken to heart."

"Somehow I doubt that" Kitty huffed.

"I'm hurt cheri, do you question my morals?"

Kitty huffed. "You know what, I don't have time for this, I will continue this discussion with you tonight. When does dinner start?"

"19:00. See you there cheri."

And with that Yuri ended the call. Kitty took a deep breath and slowly counted to ten. At ten she smiled as she felt Ling's arms gather around her.

"Was Yuri sorry?"

"I highly doubt it" Kitty grumbled. "However I will make her sorry at the dinner tonight."

Ling smiled. "Well until then dear we have work and the kids have kindergarten."

Kitty nodded and accepted a quick kiss from Ling as he ran up the stairs to change into his work clothes. "All right kids time to go, grab your lunch boxes, your backpacks and your coats, we're leaving in five minutes."

True to her word, Kitty, Ling and the kids were out of the door five minutes later, the kids entering the family size Suzuki outside.

Kitty sighed. "I miss the bike" she mumbled, strapping the kids into their seats as Ling gave her a small smile.

Around the corner, unknown to the family Petro/Chu a shadowy figure was watching them.

The figure raised a cell phone calling a number.

"What, you did it already?"

"No, I'm just double checking, what was the address your target lived at?"


"No, of course not but."


"I suppose you don't want any witnesses."

"What the hell do you think? Now stop bothering me."

The phone on the other end buzzed into an ended call tone dial.

"Fine, not like I have a choice you stupid tyrant… and I am a hare, not a rabbit."

The hare looked at the house. It was the one labeled to the address she had been given, along with the mission.

'Kidnap the vixen living here; leave no marks and no witnesses. Still what did she want with…? Never mind. Probably best to not think it over given the nature of her current employer.'

The Hare walked out in the sunshine as the van drove away and turned a corner.

Denim pants with leather chaps covered her legs, her leather boots pointy. Around her pants was a black belt, the buckle formed as a sheriff's star. On her head sat a common brown cowboy hat. She wore a short sleeved red shirt, a cow skin vest over it.

On the left arm of the shirt a round sigil with a yellow dragon was placed. The hare's fur was white with black splotches, a wide array of freckles crossing over the bridge of her nose and cheeks. She had long brown curly hair, her eyes matching the blue sky above her perfectly.

"Right" she sighed dragging her hat away from her eyes. "Now how to do this… might be here for a few days before a chance presents itself, might as well find a comfortable rooftop."


At Interpol HQ Kitty and Ling walked through the hallway filled with the usual hurried atmosphere. After Carmelita had announced to the chief that she had gone criminal, little had changed. As Carmelita had predicted the chief had gone through the usual set up, checking bank accounts, her family and friends interrogated and it had taken the chief nowhere. Kitty still remembered the incident where the chief had come rushing into her and Ling's office after Carmelita had disappeared from his sight.


The door opened and Chief Rob's angry face peered in.

"Did you two know?"

Kitty raised an eyebrow. "Know what? You need to be a tad more detailed there chief."

"That Sly Coopers new partner and lady friend is Carmelita?"

Kitty looked thoughtful and took a sip of her cocoa. "Let's see, did I notice that Sly got a new partner right after Carmelita quit? Did I notice that his new lady friend was a vixen? Did I add two and two and get four, yes, I do believe I did."

Chief Rob turned to Ling. "And you?"

"Kitty and I have no secrets," Ling said honestly.

"Then why Petro? Why didn't you as the officer on the case do anything? Say anything? Since she started her new career she must have been visiting the precinct at least 4 times, why is she out there and not in a jail cell?"

Kitty smiled. "Because as far as I am concerned she is still doing her job. She is putting terrible people behind bars. She and Sly is singlehandedly responsible for putting some of Interpol's most wanted in the slammer. Polarsky is dead because of them. Keiko Zuikawa behind locked doors and her father and his Yakuza connections indirectly there as well. And I don't think I need to remind you of Falke who tried to bring back the third Reich. Now you tell me Chief, why would I want to lock up someone who has done all that?"

Chief Rob growled and took a deep breath through his cigar. "You are pushing it Petro… give me one damn reason as to why I should let you two stay on the Cooper case."

"Because nobody else here has a ghost of a chance catching them… and if you take me off the case I quit the force… just as Carmelita did."

Kitty didn't say more, she didn't have too. Chief Rob's face paled and his eyes turned wide.

He huffed. "It will be an inquiry, I hope you realize that."

"Of course" Kitty said smiling. "Now if you will excuse me chief I have a lot of paperwork to go through."

Kitty pointed to her desk, more or less devoured by stacks of paper. Chief Rob huffed, but disappeared out of the door.

*flashback end*

"I still can't believe we are still on the job" Ling said shaking his head in wonder.

"I can," Kitty said grinning. "Chief Rob has enough to deal with, with Sly, Carmelita, Bentley and Murray, he doesn't need the two of us joining them on top of it… plus I think he secretly agrees with my sentiment that Carmelita is helping putting the really bad people away."

"Us joining?" Ling asked humor in his voice. "It was you who threatened to quit, not me."

"Are you saying you would stay here without me?" Kitty asked, catching the amused tone in her boyfriend's voice.

"Well we can't both be outlaws, someone have to make sure we can get money to feed the kids."

Kitty huffed. "Kids bring so much more stress than I thought… can't we just give them to Yuri and run away? Preferably by motorbike."

Ling laughed and lifted Kitty in the air, making her squeal. "No I think we are stuck with them… and you are stuck with me, now come on, we have work to do."

"Yeah yeah, just let me down will you?"


"And I am telling you Yuri Sing I am still cross with you."

It was night and the weekly annual dinner at Yuri and Bentley's place. Kitty had just more or less repeated her tirade, but having a finger pointed accusingly in Yuri's face.

Yuri sighed. "Understood Kitty, I will refrain from trying to make Amelia feminine, now please sit down while we wait for the others to join us shall we?"

Kitty sat down in one of Yuri's lush sofa's, relaxing as Ling grabbed hold of her and held her close.

"So how is life at work Yuri?" Ling asked, as Yuri sat herself down in her own chair.

"Hectic as usual. With Naomi having her children everyone else is working overtime. Svetlana just got her figure back from her long term of child rearing and is trying to make up for lost time, Maria is refusing to take some time off even though I know she is getting little sleep because of her own children and because of it she is snapping at everyone."

Kitty shook her head. "Wow now that you mention it, it suddenly became a lot more children attached to this family of ours, strange how that happens isn't it?"

"Not really, considering most of our friends are in their late twenties, early thirties, most of us wants' a family, not really that strange."

Kitty looked up at the voice, belonging to her good friend and former partner Carmelita. Carmelita was currently playing chess against Yuri and Bentley's son Phillipe, and loosing badly.

"Check auntie," Phillipe said, moving his tower into position.

Carmelita shook her head viewing the board considering her options.

"Well only one thing to do I guess" she said, tipping her king over. "I still can't believe that I continue to lose to a six year old kid."

Phillipe smiled. "A six year old kid that jumped two grades and does his parents financial paperwork in math class when he's bored. Rematch Auntie Carmelita?"

Yuri smiled. "Now mon cher, don't distress your aunt, she has probably had a long day already."

Yuri turned to Carmelita. "So how are things for the Coopers back at le hotel Champlain? I know you came back 3 months ago but you have had a lot to do."

"Yeah" Carmelita said sighing. "We are finally getting everything settled. Sly and I found a daycare for the kids under pseudonyms, even explained why we couldn't tell others who we were, the children all took it very well… except for Silvera, but you know how she is."

"Yeah she's like a small version of you" Kitty said laughing, dodging a pillow that flew over her head from Carmelita's direction.

A healthy laughter was heard as Sly entered, the 4 Cooper children in tow.

"Hi Yuri, sorry I'm late, but I needed to take a few detours."

"Not to worry Sly, we all know how it is."

Yuri rose from her seat, giving Sly a welcoming hug before the bell rang.

"Ah that must be our favorite soviets. Now excuse me, I need to play the role of welcoming host."

"Well you play the part so well I don't see why not" Sly said winking roguishly at Kitty who laughed.

Carmelita shook her head. "Really you two grow up, you are setting a bad example for the kids" Carmelita said. Just as she finished saying this there was a great wail followed by a small voice.


"Did not, where is the proof?"




"Yeah" Kitty said shaking her head. "We're the ones setting a bad example all right."

An hour or so later the Sing household hosted dinner for the entire Cooper clan.

Sly and Carmelita Cooper, with their 4 children Slyvester, Silvera, Cecilia and James.

Murray and Naomi Rousseau, who had married right after Sly and Carmelita had made their announcement to the world as well as their own children, Gloria, Narobi, Julian and Alexandre.

Bentley and Yuri Sing, as well as Celeste, Austin, Belinda and Phillipe, their 4 children.

Kitty Petro and Ling Chu, as well as Amelia, Tim, Mulan and Chang Petro Chu sat smiling and talking with their friends.

Svetlana Umanova and Sean Mallory sat with their triplets Karina, Patrick and Eirinn.

Next to them sat Maria Folovera and Jack Turner, as well as Irisa, Lucas, Rachel and Daniil, their own children.

Carmen and Carlos Fox eagerly talked with Carmelita as Maria and Enrico tried their best to look grown up and behave, making the other's smile.

Next to them were Trish and Derian Lambert, the two newlyweds happily cooing over their own children. Trish had gone into labor no more than 3 months before Carmelita and Sly had left for their vacation and was fussing over Connor, Robin, Nathaniel and Meghan.

Uma and Aslan Jaeger were in the same position, their big healthy kids Kovu, Gretel, Nala and Franz starting to make unhappy noises as their sat in their children's seats.

All in all it was a wonder Yuri's table could fit all fifty one people, children and babies included, but they did. And as they ate and talked everything was like it always was… and then Carmelita rose from her seat.

"I'd like a moment of everyone's time if possible."

It got quiet, with the occasional gurgles of children and babies who refused to listen to their aunt.

"We have a special occasion to celebrate today" Carmelita said happily. "Although the one responsible for it probably don't remember. On this day for exactly 7 years ago, I walked into Chief Rob's office and was introduced to my new partner."

Kitty looked up surprised. Carmelita continued talking, ignoring Kitty's shocked face.

"Had I known back then what hell that would await me being around this hurricane I would probably have run in the other direction screaming."


"But I am glad that I didn't, as I am sure everyone else here is… because if it wasn't for Kitty I would never have joined the Cooper gang… and had I not joined the Cooper gang I would not have asked Kitty to match make between Yuri and Bentley… and Yuri in turn would not have urged Kitty to talk with Naomi about her feelings for Murray."

Yuri spoke up. "And we would not be so intimate with the Cooper gang to relay the hint of Polarsky's moves in Paris, and Svetlana and Maria would still be in his service."

Trish spoke up next. "I met Derian one night after being frustrated over talking with Keiko Zuikawa… and she was only in my interrogation room because Kitty sent me to the Coopers for help."

"And the fraulein had a small paw to do with me and Aslan too" Uma pointed out.

Kitty looked positively red and embarrassed. Carmelita ruffled Kitty's hair and raised her voice.

"So let's all raise our glass and give three cheers for everyone's favorite rascal and scamp."

And everyone who were old enough to hold their own glass did, Kitty's already ginger fur looking more and more like a tomato as she hid her face in her hands.

The celebration lasted the rest of the night and when Kitty woke the next day she had a splitting headache that refused to go away.

"I think I might have to call in sick today" she mumbled, winching as Tim and Chang laughed at Amelia who made a funny face, while Mulan only looked like she was going to be sick.

"OK" Ling said smiling. "I'll take care of the kids; you just go and rest ok?"

Kitty smiled and kissed Ling on the mouth. "I love it when you're being considerate" she said, walking over to kiss the kids goodbye before they went to kindergarten and walked up the stairs to get some sleep.

Outside, watching from a nearby roof, a woman with long ears and white spotted fur sighed as Ling and the four children left.

"Right… it seems like you are all alone my sweet. I think it's time we got this show on the road."

Kitty had rested for no more than half an hour before the doorbell rang. Groggily she sat up and got out of bed, thumping down the stairs. She opened the door, seeing a rabbit… or was it a hare? Dressed in something out of a cowboy flick.

"Hollywood is a few miles longer west" Kitty said, making the hare chuckle.

"Funny, as if I haven't heard that one before."

"Sorry" Kitty said sighing. "I have a headache; it was a really long night yesterday and I'm not in the best of moods when someone is playing acoustics in my head. What can I help you with ma'am?"

"My car broke down and my phone is dead, I would appreciate it if I could borrow yours real quick to call for help."

"Yeah no problem" Kitty said letting the hare inn, and closed the door. "The phone is over here" Kitty said walking in front of the woman.

Just as she reached for the phone, the woman spoke up.

"I am so sorry."

And before Kitty knew what was going on, the world turned black and she fell unconscious. The hare dragged out her own cell from her jeans, calling the number 1 on her speed dial.

The voice on the other end answered gruffly. "This had better be good, do you know what time it is?"

"Montana reporting… mission complete, I am returning now." Montana spoke, each syllable dripping with contempt.

"About time" the voice said and promptly hung up.

Montana growled. "I hope you die a long horrible death and burn in hell" she growled, lifting Kitty up in her arms and carrying her out the door, closing it and leaving no traces behind.

She then walked to a non descript van and placed Kitty in the back, making sure to tie her hands together, and placing a sack over her head so she couldn't see where she was being taken.

Montana sighed as she sat down in her car and drove away, taking one last look at the Petro household in her rearview mirror before she turned a corner and disappeared.

A few hours later Kitty woke with a groan. Taking her time to put the pieces together she realized that she was tied up and blindfolded.

"Good morning… although I suppose it's almost afternoon now."

Kitty huffed, recognizing the American accent. "Kidnapping a federal officer from her home… you got some guts there woman, I hope you find that it's worth it."

"I don't… to be honest if I had a choice I would have killed myself rather than doing this."

"Then why are you doing this?" Kitty turned to the voice, not seeing but listening.

"It's a long story… but considering how far we need to go and what waits… I suppose it's only fair to warn you."

"Well this sounds pleasant" Kitty said sarcastically.

"It's not. I am a part of a criminal group who for the moment shall remain nameless. We were 4 leaders with several subordinates. Olivia, our resident brainiac and inventor, Rose, our thief and main look out, Audrey, the muscles and hijacker and me… the scout and stealth expert."

"As well as the kidnapper it seems," Kitty commented dryly.

"Not by choice. I got this job because I wouldn't leave evidence behind. Our group where doing pretty well… until one day when we were in Paris for a small job. We were taking it easy when Olivia noticed something near the seine… what we found were a woman half dead, looking like she had been in an explosion, something she probably had been too given the events earlier in the day."

"Audrey carried her back to her hideout and Olivia started trying to save her life… an arm and a leg had to be amputated, as well as most of the lower part of the woman's tail… luckily for her Olivia is a master of electronics and made suitable robot appendages, that she still uses as if she still had all of her limbs. A big part of her face was scarred and burned so bad that Olivia had to remove it with more electronics, including one eye and an ear… half of her hair had to be replaced with synthetic string."

Montana sighed. "When she woke she was in major pain, but listened in as Olivia told her what we had to do to save her life… and if she wanted she could stay for as long as she wanted. We saved her life… and were repaid by a dagger to the back."

Kitty listened in, hearing her captor's voice turn from sad to enraged.

"Olivia likes to experiment with things… and the next thing that happened is in no way her fault… at least nobody of us believes that it is, except for Olivia herself. Long ago Olivia figured that we could find a way to get past guards and the cops without having to hurt them… she tried making a chip that would stimulate the brain into ignoring what was right and what was wrong, but what she ended up making was a chip that forced the one wearing it into completely obeying the one placing it on them in the first place… a mind control chip."

"When she figured out what it did Olivia destroyed every last one, but kept the blueprints so she had something left after wasting almost a month on the darn things… what she didn't know was that our new guest had taken one of the chips for herself, having no problems abusing the powers… one day when Olivia wasn't looking, she placed the chip on Olivia's neck and gave her some new orders… don't tell anyone that anything have changed… and make 3 more of the chips."

Kitty knew where this was going. "Let me guess, you all have the chips on you right now?"

"Yes… and as I said, if I had a choice I would have refused kidnapping you, I honestly don't know what she want with you but it's probably nothing good. Our orders are undisputable I'm afraid."

"And what are your orders?"

"Do not lie to me, do not try to leave without my permission, do not use my name, if you need to address me, call me mistress etc."

Montana sighed. "One upside with the chip is that she doesn't have complete control."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's like this, she can tell us to sit and we will sit, but we can rise up again right after we have sat down… of course she can give the order sit and stay but she rarely does, she don't see the point. As long as she can force us into doing what she wants' us to do and hinder us from leaving and spreading the word about where she is she is satisfied… at least we think she is, she has a strange way of acting."

The car stopped and Kitty smelled the salt of the sea, hearing the sounds of water lapping at the shore, as well as the occasional seagull.

"We're here I take it?"

"Almost, but the next leg can't be driven by car… sit still, I'll come around."

Kitty heard a door open and close, and heard boots on gravel, before the door on her own side opened and a hand placed itself on her elbow.

"Come on, let's get this over with."

"You know, for being a kidnapper you seem very morose."

"For a kidnapped person you sound very calm."

"I have many friends in many places… They will find me… I have no regrets."

"I wish I had your optimism… keep it close, you will need it."

Kitty frowned as she found herself in a boat, Montana turning on the small boat engine and driving off.

"Do you guys live in the middle of the sea?"

"I'm not allowed to talk about it."

Kitty sighed. "Man you must have it rough."

"You have no idea… at least not yet."

Kitty turned her ears towards Montana. "By the way… you haven't told me your name yet."


"The same place as where you are from I take it?"

"Born and raised… although raised might be a tad of an overstatement."

"That bad huh?"

"Well let's just say that it's hard living in the overly Christian state of Montana and being gay… there usually was three ways I got treated, there were the ones who told me that they prayed for my salvation, the ones who told me I would be going to hell for living a sin and it were the ones who tried to make me straight because they thought they could cure me. I left Montana the day I turned eighteen and have never looked back."

"Good for you" Kitty said. "And you have my sympathies."

"I'd rather you didn't give them to me… you are in enough trouble because of me from before… speaking of wich, we're here… now let's go and meet the mistress, shall we?"

Kitty huffed. "I can hardly wait."