Two years later

The baby started crying and Darcy sighed. "Good god, Lori," she said. "You sure do need to be changed often." Darcy was an expert at changing diapers by now. She tickled the baby. "But you're so cute, so it's worth it. And eventually you're going to grow up and take care of your mommy and daddy, aren't you? So I guess it's worth keeping you around for that."

Loki came into the living room and smiled at the sight of Darcy with the baby. They'd recently bought a small house just outside of New York City, and Jane and Thor had come over for a housewarming.

"There she is!" Jane crooned, swooping in and taking Lori out of Darcy's hands. "There's my angel!"

Darcy reluctantly let Lori go. It was...nice, the weight of a baby in her arms.

Loki sat down next to Darcy on the couch, putting his arm around her shoulders and drawing her to his chest. Darcy rested her head there comfortably.

Jane played with Lori's fingers as Thor walked in, carrying the glass of water that Jane had wanted.

Thor smiled hugely at the sight of his wife and baby. Looking at Darcy and Loki he winked, saying, "So when are you two going to get one of your own?"

Darcy blinked in surprise. "Oh, we're not-"

"Soon, hopefully."

Darcy looked up at Loki in surprise. "Wait. Really? You want kids?"

He tweaked her nose and she stuck her tongue out at him. "I am mortal now," he said. She still couldn't believe he'd given up his immortality! It made her both sad and beyond grateful that they would age together. She didn't know if she could take getting older as he stayed youthful and gorgeous. "It might be nice to have a few children running around, making me out to be some kind of king."

Hmmm, Darcy thought, considering. She looked at little Lori, who was giggling at the faces Jane was pulling, her little baby face bright and full of happiness and innocence. Then she looked back at Loki, trying to imagine a softer version of his features on a child.

Oh my god, she realized. Loki's baby would be adorable.

A/N: All you guys are wonderful! If you've managed to read to the end, then that makes me happy.

For all of you out there who have OTPs that are not and likely never will become canon, let us rejoice together that fanfiction exists.

And for those of you whose OTP's are canon, fuck you. Some people have all the luck.

Just kidding, but not really.