Carter Pov




No one spoke to me. Frightened looking "demigods", as I had learned they were called, bustled around me attempting to hand me armor and swords. I waved them all off. I was about to explain that I could only use my own weapons when a pair of sleazy looking men slinked into the room.

The taller, yet balder, one sneered at me as he shoved my khopesh and wand into my ribbon bound hands.

"The boss says ya needs these." The shorter one remarked.

I nodded my head before the taller one cut in, "he also says ta tells ya that if ya try any funny business, like tryin to escape, he'll slit ya sister's pretty lil throat."

My eyes hardened, I should've expected as much. The two yanked me to my feet and dragged me out to the stadium.

I had always wanted to see the coliseum, but never like this!

I could hear roaring clouds and the booming voice of an announcer. "Next up we have Carter Kane, Pharaoh of Egypt, versus… the bone shredding Hydra! Get ready for some ACTION!"

I gulped as I was shoved out into the open. The pink ribbons poofed away and I willed myself to regain my strength quicker. I gripped my sword tighter and shoved my wand into the duat, drawing from Horus's power.

Come on man, don't let me down now!

I felt a renewed burst of energy surge through me as an enormous iron cage door was rolled open. I glimpsed numerous pairs of glowing red eyes as a massive withering blob of black scales slinked forward and into the light.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see two TV screen like images of groups of kids watching in horror and surprise as the hydra stretched in the light.

I ran through my digital memory bank of every myth I'd ever heard of or read that involved a hydra. The crowd whooped and chanted as the beast sized me up.

I could barely recall that for every one head you chopped off, two more sprouted back in place. I remembered poisonous blood and venom. I vaguely recalled the second labor of Hercules and decided on a plan just as the Hydra struck.

One of its numerous head stabbed forward and snapped at me venomously. I rolled away and decided to switch to my wand. I tried numerous words of power and different spells. Each only slowed the monster and it quickly regained its advantage.

I realized that if I wanted to escape this with my life I needed to combine Greek style with Egyptian magic. I switched back to my khopesh and skirted around the edge of the stadium looking for and opening. One head lunged for me it's teething nearly grazing my arm.

In response I whipped my arm around and with a glowing blade sliced clear through the neck of the beast. Before it had a chance to re-grow two more heads I morphed into my avatar. The crowd gasped in shock as my green glowing falcon- man breathed the spell for fire.

The hydra shrieked in pain, I wasted no time. I lunged and sliced off another head, chopping this one into little bits, then igniting it! I followed the same procedure for the remaining heads. The body of the beast withered in agony and then disintegrated into dust.

The crowed howled and roared in both satisfaction and anger. My arms were wobbly as I felt Horus's power trickle out of my body. I struggled to keep myself up right as I stared at Tantalus.

Suddenly exhaustion overcame me and I drowned in a sea of blackness collapsing onto the ground in a heap.

Okay so it is 3 in the morning and I'm exhausted. This is the best I can do right now guys. I understand the whole situation with Tantalus. I guess this story has become very AU. Sorry, I like the direction it's headed in so… tell me your thoughts! I love hearing from you guys!

i know its bery short!