Authors Note: Hi guys this is the next chapter hopefully ill be updating more often. Anyway this will be the training chapter that will explain some stuff and the summary of the training. By the way this will be a maybe godlike Naruto. Any way I will put up a poll to who will be in the harem. Though the poll should be up before the chapter. Anyway, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter 2 Training & Meeting Sasuki

Hi thoughts

Hi speech

Hi demons/summons/fox cloak mode

Hi demons/summons/fox cloak mode

[hi] time/location

[At Naruto's Camp]

"Alright kit lets get your sealing part of the training finished…." started Kurama only for Naruto to interrupt "What! But, that's going to take months!"

"Shut up Brat! I know a seal that can transfer all the knowledge from the notes but you won't have the experience." finished the Kyubi.

With that, Naruto started his training first of he learned his dad's techniques. It took him four months to learn the Rasengan along with mastering tree walking. After that he started learning water walking and his Physical training using gravity seals and in his free time he started learning the Hirashin.

By the end of the first year Naruto had mastered his chakra control on par with Tsunade of the Sannin and had also made his own Hirashin kunai made from Admantanium a demonic metal that could pierce through anything. His kunai was a double bladed (a blade on both ends of the handle) the handle was colored silver and the blade was colored black. His Hirashin had an extra seal on it, which returned all the kunai to his pouch on a single handsign.

The second year was spent him in learning various ninjutsu till Naruto could do them without seals and with the shadow clones that goal was accomplished. After that was done Naruto spent the rest of his training in his bloodline. Naruto was really shocked when he heard about his bloodline he was really shocked. "Naruto, what your bloodline allows you to do is control any type of fire there is including the legendary Amaretsu without you requiring a Manengekyo Sharingan." To say Naruto was shocked was like saying like Jiraya wasn't straight. By the end of the training Naruto had gained near full control over his bloodline since he couldn't do the Amaretsu Jutsus's without handsigns. Apparently he still needed more control for that. Now all Naruto had to do was sign the Fox Summoning contract though he could not become a sage yet.

"Naruto now that you have signed the contract you would normally try the sage arts but, your body is too young for that so we should wait till you are somewhere in between 13 and 14. Now go to sleep we return to the village tomorrow. And before I forget I have a present for you kit the perfect thing for you to wear. Now good night Naruto." said the Kyubi.

[Next Day]

The gate guards were just standing there bored out of their minds when they saw a figure shunshin and hand them a piece of paper and just stand there. The figure was wearing a black coat with silver lining (Organization xiii coat), black shinobi pants and black combat boots. "What's your name sir?" Asked gate guard no1 (don't remember the names) "Naruto" "Ah yes the Hokage is expecting you, go in." said gate guard no 2. With that Naruto shunshined to the Hokage tower.

[Hokage Tower]

The Hokage was in council meeting when Naruto shunshined into the room shocking everybody that was in the room and nearly getting impaled by the ANBU swords. "Who are you that dares to interrupt this meeting?" shouted Sarutobi the ANBU not moving an inch with their swords still pointed at him. "I'm surprised old man you don't recognize me, though I have changed a bit."

Said Naruto getting a shocked look from many members of the shinobi council as well as the Hokage though the civilian council was not there since this was a meeting to discuss the Uchiha massacre that took place 3 nights ago. "Ah Naruto so you're back well please wait a moment we are in a meeting," Said Sarutobi before turning back to the council "well then please excuse Naruto here and let him stay since he will need to learn to interact at a meeting like this before he becomes a clan head." Nobody was surprised sine they were good friends with Minato and Kushina and as they were part of the shinobi council they were informed.

"Now please remove the swords from his neck and bring in Sasuke." Said the Sandiame. Soon a Cat masked ANBU entered the room with a young boy though that is what it looked like. "Now as you can see young Sasuke is the only Uchiha left and as a male he would be put under.." "That's a female." Naruto's voice rang out as everybody looked at him in surprise. "How do you now Naruto?" asked the Hokage. "I can smell it since I have more advanced senses then an Inuzuka, no offence though." "You must be mistaken I am a male.." started Sasuke but Naruto cut him off with a "Prove it" this led to a staring match between the Uchiha and the Uzumaki until Naruto said "Another reason I know is that my mother was a friend of your mothers and she told my mother that she was having a girl at the same time my mother was having me and, because of that they made a…..marriage contract the between us." After Naruto had finished there was a heavy silence until a big "What!" broke out from every person in the room. "How can you.." before the man had even finished Naruto shoved a piece of paper into the mans face who turned the piece of paper to the Hokage for inspection. "I can't believe it this even has the Yondaime's seal on it. How did you find this since I didn't see it with that letter…there was another letter wasn't there?" asked the Hokage getting curious gazes from the other occupants in the room. "This was in the seal on the back of the letter from my father I only found it when I went through his notes and came upon blood seals." Explained Naruto before asking his next question to Sasuke "Why did you pretend to be a boy all this time?" "It was because I didn't wan to be used as a breeding stock by the council so since I was going to start the academy late I thought I would pretend to be a boy since I knew nobody outside the clan. My real name is Sasuki." explained Sasuki getting understanding stares from everybody in the room. "Well you don't have to worry about that as long as this contract is valid you are under the protection of my clans." Said Naruto getting a grateful look from Sasuki. "Also," he continued you have the choice to cancel it so before you make a decision I want you to know a few secrets about me. Tell me, what happened ten years before?" "The Kyubi attacked and was killed by the Yondaime." Said Sasuki though all the adults had their eyes wide at what he was about to do. "Wrong. The Kyubi is immortal so he sealed it into me. This is the reason I am hated and beaten almost every day of m life," At this he gained wide eyes from Sasuki. "I'm sure your wondering why he sealed it into well that's simple I am his son. He couldn't ask someone to give up their child if he couldn't give up his own." Said Naruto gazing sadly at the ceiling. "I don't hate you," said Sasuki causing many of the people in the room to look at her in surprise "In fact I am really grateful that you are protecting us from him and I will stay with you." She said in the end causing Naruto look at her in hope. "Sasuki since you accepted would you like for Naruto to live with you?" asked the Sandiame. The answer he got to that was a nod. "Why don't you go home and rest you can start the academy tomorrow." Said the Sandiame.

Author note: I'm really sorry if its short but I am trying to make it bigger every chapter an I have put a poll for the pairing of who I think could work well with him in this story. So if you see any mistake plese tell me so I can fix them.