Tears of Joy and Enormous Wooden Doors

Disclaimer: Unfortunately for Birdflash fans I do not own Young Justice

Warning: Kissing, yaoi

I listened to the same song I did when I wrote the first chapter: Disgusting by Ke$ha

So while I was writing this I kept saying, "Don't cry! Don't cry!" but eventually I did. This story has gotten so many positive reactions and reliving every moment of this stories life and then realizing it is ending is just terrible. But I really appreciate all the support and I hope all of you enjoy the final installment of Surprises. I am continuing this story as "Vows" and is going to be this story continued from the end of the wedding onward (including the honeymoon). So please check that out. Again thanks so much for everything you've said and done for me. I love you all so much, and please enjoy the final installment of Surprises:

Standing in the room of Le Roux hotel, starring at himself in the mirror, Dick realized why brides always cry on those television shows. Bruce spun him around and adjusted his tie slightly,

"Perfect," he smiled, pulling Dick into the hundredth hug that day alone.

"This is so exciting!" M'gann smiled from her blue dress, Roy stepped in behind Dick in a black suit and blue tie that matched the girls' dressed,

"Should I give this to Wally now?" he held up a black box with a silver bow,

"Yep, that is your job," he elbowed him in the solar plexus, "best man." Roy smiled,

"I'm pretty awesome aren't I?" Dick rolled his eyes and with that he walked out the hotel door,

"Hey Robin Hood," Artemis said from the door as Roy pushed past her,

"You look pretty," Roy smiled,

"Aw go make out with Jade," she smirked. Roy stuck his tongue out and continued down the hallway to Wally's room.

"Hey Boy Wonderful, Kid Mouth told me to give this to you," she smiled as Dick pulled her into a hug.

"You look gorgeous; hair down was a good idea." She did a quick curtsey and stepped back,

"Open it," Dick's smile widened and Alfred grabbed the camera from around his neck, Dick paused and looked at him,

"Proceed Mater Dick, the camera is ready," Bruce shook his head and Dick began peeling off the red package, he's eyes widened,

"Robin Cufflinks," he smiled. Bruce laughed,

"Look, one is Nightwing and the other is Robin!" M'gann exclaimed, while Alfred snapped almost thirty pictures. Dick turned to Bruce, who replaced his cufflinks,

"Really stands out with the white suit," Dick arched an eyebrow at his father,

"Ok David Tutera," Bruce ruffled his hair and Dick turned to face the mirror again,

"I can't believe this is actually happening," his breath stifled,

"No crying," Bruce wrapped his arm around Dick's shoulder and stood next to him in the mirror. Dick looked up at him and saw him quickly whip away a small tear, Dick arched his eyebrow, "Ok, maybe a little crying," Bruce sighed.

Oooooo Wally's Room oooooO

Wally stared intently at Artemis' hair,

"Hair down, curled slightly…and diamond earrings," Artemis glared at him,

"Hair up, straight, and pearl earrings," Wally crossed his arms, "listen Bay Watch, it's my hair!" Wally gave her the evilest death glare he had ever made,

"It's my wedding Barbie," Artemis growled but walked over to the hair stylist and sat patiently as her hair was brushed and curled.

"Wally," Aunt Iris sniffled, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Babe, stop crying Jesus," Uncle Barry laughed pulling her into a tight hug. He sneakily grabbed a granola bar from the mantel behind her head and unwrapped it behind her back. She grabbed the granola bar from his hands,

"This is not the time for snacking!" she growled. Wally pulled her into a one-armed hug,

"You just broke his poor speedster heart," he laughed. Uncle Barry crammed the granola bar into his mouth as she turned and squeezed Wally's cheeks,

"Oh I remember when you were just a baby! You had the chubbiest cheeks, and not just on your face!"

"AUNT IRIS!" Wally groaned as Artemis, Kaldur, and Konner laughed.

"Sorry Wall-man, but as much as I would love to listen to another story about your butt I need to deliver this to the Bride." Wally frowned and handed her the red box with a clashing yellow bow,

"Play nice." She rolled her eyes and walked out the door,

"QUICK GET TOGETHER YOU GUYS!" Konner stared blankly at her, "Picture," she smiled. Konner nodded and the men all stood together, "Cheese." Aunt Iris let the camera fall to her wrist and whipped a tear from her eyes,

"Babe come on, I'll get you a tissue," Uncle Barry sighed leaving the line-up and pulling his wife towards the bathroom.

"Am I interrupting something?" Roy's voice rang from the door,

"What's up Harper," Wally smiled pounding a fist to his,

"I come bearing gifts," he chuckled, handing Wally the box. Wally's fingers speed across the box until there was nothing but a shining black Rolex with a silver face and rims. A note read,

"It is also a laser and speedometer Bond, press the largest button and look out the window." Wally arched an eyebrow and pulled the curtains away from the window; he pressed the button and starred down at the parking lot fifty stories down, stupid penthouses. Right before he thought he didn't press it properly he saw his "baby" zoom into the parking lot.

"Oh my god…it's like the Batmobile, but better…because it's my car," Roy shook his head,

"Pick up your jaw Kid Idiot, you are about to marry into the richest family on the earth, expect the best." Wally smiled at him.

"OH ROY! You look so handsome! Picture!" Aunt Iris yelled from the bathroom. After yet another eight pictures from Aunt Iris, Wally looked into the mirror one more time,

"Damn…I would marry me if I could," he smirked and glanced at his watch, "Well. Time for me to get to the ceremony," Aunt Iris began crying again and Wally pulled her into a tight hug,

"Oh my baby is going to his wedding ceremony!" When he was released Roy pulled him into a quick hug,

"I gotta get back to Dick but…congratulations Wally, you got a good one," Wally nodded and walked with Roy out the door. Artemis was waiting outside,

"Let's go Wallace, time to get you hitched," Wally shook his head and the room cleared out, piling into the elevator at the end of the hall.

Oooooo Dick's Room oooooO

Roy walked through the door and smiled at Dick,

"Well?!" Dick asked eagerly,

"I think he peed himself a little," Roy smiled, "But more importantly, we have some things to exchange." M'gann stepped forward and handed him a white box,

"Something blue," she smiled and stepped back next to Roy and Raquel. Dick carefully opened the box, a blue handkerchief starred back at him; it was so blue it looked almost like it was a piece from the ocean,

"So Kaldur helped with that but…"Dick stared at Roy with wide eyes, "yep, it's actually water, but it won't get anything wet, I don't really know how it works." Dick smiled and placed it into the pocket of his suit gently,

"It matches your eyes," Bruce chuckled.

"It is my job to give you the something new, but it is from the team as well. Master Bruce and I were in charge of the something barrowed," Alfred smiled. The box was definitely larger than the previous one, Dick was just about to open it when Roy slapped his hand,

"What?" Dick glared at him, Roy shook his head,

"Not in front of him," it was so quiet it was barely audible, "it's for Wally," Roy winked. Dick smiled and placed the box behind him,

"I don't want to know why you put that behind you," Bruce smiled, Dick nodded. "Something barrowed," Bruce handed him a small black ring box with a bat symbol on the top. Dick smirked and flipped it open. A silver ring with the Wayne family crest on it starred back at him. Dick's eyes widened,

"Y-your ring?" Dick's eyes widened, Bruce nodded,

"It's a family tradition to get married in it, everyone in my family has. It's your turn." Dick's eyes watered and Bruce pulled him into a tight hug,

"Thanks," Dick whispered into his chest.

"Now, pull yourself together!" Roy snapped flipping shut a pocket watch he had pulled out, "We have a ceremony to get to." Bruce squeezed Dick tighter and soon they were all retreating into the elevator that had previously been filled.

It was definitely the longest ride of Dick's life, he just wanted to get to the ground level and see Wally! Not even, he just wanted to kiss Wally, to finally be pledged to him for eternity. Finally.

Eventually, they exited the elevator and the "bridal" party all lined up in front of the enormous wooden doors that separated the soon to be weds. Bruce linked his arm with Dick's and smiled at his ward,

"Nervous?" Dick shook his head,

"No way." Bruce smiled, "Don't cry, you'll make me cry," Dick whispered,

"I'm trying," Dick bit his bottom lip and faced the doors, "Music," Bruce smirked. Dick nodded and Bruce squeezed his arm tighter and kissed his head, "I love you so much,"

"I love you too dad." Before he could think another thought, the line of friends moved through the doors and he stepped into the enormous hall.

Oooooo Wally's POV oooooO

Standing in front of all those people, and I mean all those people. There were so many people, most of which Wally had no idea who they were, all people that needed to be invited because they were rich Wayne associates. Dick was not exaggerating when he said it would be easier to run away to Vegas, despite the fact that they would meet the wrath of Bats and probably be dead before they even hit the borders of Gotham City. Music starting playing and Uncle Barry elbowed him lightly,

"Hold on tight Kid Mouth and don't you dare run," he smiled. Wally smirked and turned his attention to the procession. First was Konnor and M'gann, they both looked so excited. They were followed by Raquel and Kaldur who looked extremely important and happy of course. Finally, Artemis and Roy walked in, both looked stunning and like they were trying not to crack up over some sarcastic crack Roy had made behind the doors. The music changed and Uncle Barry elbowed Wally again,

"I got you if you pass out buddy," Wally tried so hard not to laugh and turned around just in time to see Bruce push the door open.

"Oh my god," Wally whispered, he felt his heart stop beating. Dick looked amazing; the white suit fit him so well Wally felt his pants get slightly tighter. Every amazing part of Dick's body was accentuated, and the blue handkerchief in his pocket made his eyes explode off the white suit.

"Just think, that's all yours," Uncle Barry whispered. Wally's heart swelled so much he could have sworn it exploded inside him. Tears streamed down his eyes as Bruce hugged Dick and then stepped to the side.

"Hi," Wally choked out,

"Why are you crying so much," Dick whispered reaching up to whip off some of Wally's tears. Wally kissed his hand and turned him to the blonde women who was waiting to start the ceremony,

"Everyone may be seated," she smiled. There was a roar of seats and then absolute silence. The women began speaking and Dick glanced over and smiled at Wally who had finally stopped crying. Before he knew it, Wally was facing him and grabbing his hand. He held the ring just on the top of his finger,

"Repeat after me," the women smiled, Wally nodded and cleared his throat slightly,

"I Wallace Rudolf West,"

"I Wallace Rudolf West," Dick tuned out the women speaking next to him and focused solely on Wally,

"Take you Richard John Grayson, to be my lawfully wedded groom. In sickness and in heath, in rich of for poor, for better or worse, in food shortages or feasts," the crowd chuckled, and Wally leaned in so only Dick could hear him, "in spandex or suits," he backed away and grabbed the mic again, "as long as we both shall live." Dick felt his heart stop and turned to the women to begin his own vows.

Wally smiled as Dick slid a ring onto his finger,

"I Richard John Grayson take you Wallace Rudolf West to by my lawfully wedded groom, in sickness and in heath. For rich or for poor, for better or worse, in food shortages or feasts," he stepped onto his tip toes and whispered, "in spandex or suits," Wally felt chills slide down his back, "as long as we both shall live." Wally turned his head to face the women,

"Richard John Grayson do you take Wallace Rudolf West to be your groom?"

"I do," Wally felt his heart swell so large he really thought he was going to have a heart attack,

"Wallace Rudolf West do you take Richard John Grayson to be your groom?"

"I thought you'd never ask! Yes...I mean…I do." Dick shook his head smiling,

"Well then, Wally you should be ecstatic to hear these words:" Wally nodded, "I now pronounce you man and husband, Wallace you may now kiss your groom!"

"Finally," Wally smirked. He wrapped his one hand around Dick's waist and went in for the traditional "dip" kiss. But he went too fast and Dick started falling to the ground. Luckily the young acrobat quickly caught himself and Wally eagerly continued the kiss. The crowd cheered and Wally bent down slightly and slide his other arm under Dick's legs, carrying him down the aisle and out of those enormous wood doors.

Dick squeezed Wally's hand and whispered,

"Forever," Wally kissed his ear and slowly dropped him back to his feet. Wally grabbed Dick's hand in both of his and smiled, trying not to cry…again,

"Forever." Dick leaned forward and planted a light, but heated kiss,

"I never thought I'd fall in love…" Dick whispered, Wally pulled him in closer, "but life is full of surprises."

So…now Surprises is officially over and it is, to say the least bittersweet. This story however is being continued in a new form: Vows, which starts a couple days after the wedding. The second chapter will be the honeymoon, I promise! I really hope you enjoied and that you stick with these two, helpless romantics.

Again thank you so much for all the support with this story, you really have made a dream of mine come true. I love you all so much and thanks for reading Surprises.

~BBS (Demion)