I'm sooo sorry! I kind of let this take the backseat to my novels that I'm trying to write! Terribly sorry! I'm going to change my style (not actual writing just intro format, you'll see what I mean soon) to fit into my novels (sort of, only as in their format).

Rewritten quite a bit in the previous chapters so you might want to go back and reread.

(Impromptu Separator)

Chapter Twenty-Four

Are They Dead?!

1st Person – Loki

Unknown – Unknown

Unknown – Earth Calendar

I open my eyes slightly but end up closing them, groaning against the bright light. I try once more and moan out in pain, struggling against the light and my bonds. What the hell happened to me?

"I found them!" Someone shouts loudly and distantly.

I slowly pass back out, not being able to stay awake for very long.

A fire fight breaks out between S.H.E.I.L.D. agents and Thanos' agents alike. How cruel it was, the idea of Thanos torturing me on the Earth that I failed on then began to find solace at as well.

My dreams swirl around with emotions, thoughts, and feelings. I have the worst of nightmares and the sweetest of memories that merge and blur together. I hear voices in the distance, whispering things I don't quite catch or process.

"Are they dead?!"I hear the fear-filled cry somewhere off in the distance as my body swiftly starts to shut down on me. I hold fast to the cold lump on my lap, not even sure of what it is any more.

More voices sound, this time I understand them. "I don't know, Thor, I'm beginning to think that he might not make it."

A black and green blur of rage demolishes the minions of Thanos in its destructive and deadly path towards Thanos himself. He manages to escape its fury only for the blur to split and the green to chase after him while the black stays on its path towards Vali and me as we were only just behind Thanos. A bit of green, extremely light as it is, flashes in my vision, making me realize who it is.

"Narvi? Sigyn, he was killed last week! Probably ten minutes before you first appeared!" The disbelief is evident but it's all just white noise to me. I try to move, to show them that I am right there, but nothing responds. I can't even swallow. It occurs to me that I am in immeasurable pain but I am so numb I can't even really feel it. A warm, amazing, almost fiery feeling courses its way up my arm, erasing all pain in its path, covering my whole body, making me sleepy. I slide out of consciousness and back into the past.

The guard that was ruining my eldest twin takes one step before being tackled by the black blur that then turns red with the guard's screams, blood, and flesh. All of it goes everywhere all at once as he is torn apart. The screams finish before the black blur. When the blur is done it turns its attention first to the chains holding both Vali and me and then turns to go after a guard behind me, completely clearing my head.

"Why the hell doesn't he wake up?" The growl comes from somewhere near me. Pain shoots up in my head before I can place who they are and who they are talking about. I try to growl or at least move somewhat to get their attention and alert them to my predicament but my body fights me. Pain shoots up in every part that I try to move, including my mouth, which I don't understand. The fire is becoming familiar as it shoots up my arm once more, numbing the pain away and shipping me off to the past once more.

It registers in my mind that we are two are free so I dive forward and pull Vali up against me tightly. He trembles something horrible, sobbing uncontrollably. "Here," I quickly help him back into his clothes, straightening him out as best I can. He shudders and whimpers and trembles and whines and everything in between as I try to help him out then pull him back up against me, holding him tight. I start rocking him gently, attempting to shush him while fighting the tears that threaten to over take me. The black blur takes out any and all minions that get too close to us as I hug and try to comfort my uncontrollably sobbing son. "Shh, it's okay now, Vali, its okay. No one's going to ever hurt you again, Vali, I promise, I promise you that. It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay."

Shudders rack my body as I feel too cold, feel too much pain, feel too tired, and feel too scared. I don't understand what's going on here anymore; never knew to begin with, and that scares me. I remember Vali and my shudders get worse as I begin to freak out; where is my son? Is he okay? What have they done to him?! I promised him he would feel no more pain! I desperately fight the numbing fire that now laces my arms. No! I can't black out now! I need my son! I need to save my son! I have to know where he is! NO!

He eventually calms down a fraction and slowly, trembling nonstop still, buries his face in my head and really starts to wail in pain and fear. I keep him pressed up against me tightly yet gently. The black blur begins to slow down and take form as the minions thin out. Fenrir's wolf comes into better focus as he comes to a stop in front of us. He stands close by, growling low and threateningly, obviously not taking shit from anybody. I haven't even noticed anything outside our little bubble split between the three of us.

A little while later I end up falling asleep in pain, scared, and clueless.

(Impromptu Separator)

1st Person – Tony

Earlier That Week

"What are you two up to?" Natasha asks as she walks into the same room Banner and I had searched for the Tesseract in. We both look at her as she studies us before turning back to our work.

"The source of the red magic stole Loki's scepter which we actually have a tracking implement attached to it. Currently, Dr. Banner and I are running a tracking algorithm that is searching for it on Earth. If it isn't located then we will find a way to search Asgard, the other realms if we have to even. We are going to find Loki and Vali, Natasha, even if Fury doesn't want us to, we-" a ringing cuts across my sentence and I turn to Banner in surprise, I hadn't actually expected Thanos to be here on Earth, in all honesty. "Where is it?" I walk over and look at the coordinates, same at Tasha, meeting up with Banner. We split up quickly, Banner to find the others, Tasha and I to suit up at different locations of the Hellicarrier.

"Get ready to suit up, Dr. Banner," I call out to him in the back of the Quinjet, "we are almost there and from what I can see, we are going to need a little rage to smash us a way in." I look at the well fortified, concrete bunker that's probably got more than enough levels buried under ground. I quickly look up the area, trying to find out as much about the building as possible but not succeeding in finding anything.

We land not far away and send in Captain Spangles and Thor first to start clearing the perimeter, next is the Hulk then I go in behind him, followed by Black Widow and Hawkeye. I'm on a mission to find, not really caring about any missed guards, not stopping to take care of them, only preferring to take care of the ones that are in my way. I'm searching every room for them when Fenrir shows up. I had completely forgotten about him, too busy trying to locate the brother and blood father he had been losing sleep over; having nightmares, not eating, walking around almost listlessly; he missed them and now he's ready to find them just as I am ready to get the fun-loving son I adopted back.

The deeper in we get the more guards we see. They are getting higher up in numbers and more frequent, telling us that we might be getting closer. All the Avengers are close together for the most part, with some deviation. The Hulk clears a lot out in front of us with Fenrir and me only getting what's in the way of ourselves. Spangles and Thor get the leftovers as the master assassins get any stragglers while keeping the back clear.

The Hulk smashes down another wall and the first thing I notice is Vali and my heart nearly stops. "I found them!" I call out to the others behind us. Fenrir and the Hulk immediately start to tear apart guards on their way down to Thanos and, not far behind him, Vali. Thanos moves, revealing Loki who looks desperate and quite startled. I quickly get to work on killing every damned guard that dares to get in my way. Rage slowly bubbles up inside me over Vali's obvious treatment and predicament causing me to fight more blindly than smartly, causing me a few bad calls and their consequences. I see Thor smashing the guards that seem to poor in from every little crevice, joined by Captain America who is doubling up with him like they did in New York. Fenrir is tearing up guards in a blur with the Hulk while Black Widow and Hawkeye take cover near Thor and Captain America, taking down guards with them.

J.A.R.V.I.S. rapidly analyzes the surrounding area as I push Vali back and try to concentrate better on everything around me. "Banner, to your left!" The Hulk starts running to the attempting to escape Thanos. I fire a warning shot at the ground in front of him and he turns around to come face to face with the Hulk, starting an epic fight that I can't quite watch, to busy with my own battles.

"Stark! Behind you!" I spin around and zap the two guards there at the sound of Steve's warning. I catch sight of Clint punching a few guards, obviously out of arrows, back to back with Tasha. Thor gets a guard before it gets Steve's back as I zap a few coming up on the Hulk and Thanos. I spot how empty the area around Fenrir is and realize that we need him if we are going to win our battles over here. He's crouched over Loki and Vali, making me realize that he won't leave them.

I spin around to the others, "let's go! Everyone! Make your way over to Fenrir, we need his fight but he won't leave his family's side. Now!" I fly over and start getting a few around him. I notice the Hulk trying to herd Thanos this way as well. The others start to flank around them in an effort to crowd what they can this way. When they get close enough, Fenrir snaps the guards apart, ripping them to shreds. and the guards start to thin out much faster. A few get to close to Loki and Vali a few times and it was the only time Loki would let go of Vali so as to fight them off. He took a lot of damage, obviously really weak from these past few days.

(Impromptu Separator)

1st Person – Fenrir

Dad flies over to me awhile ago and now he's helping me clear the area, making sure as few as possible get to Loki. Though the others needed to move over in order to win, as I can see now, it creates a screen and safety problem for me, allowing a few to slip past me and to my brother and Loki, pissing me off as they are both too weak for that. Glancing over shows me that Loki is failing, rapidly, with each guard that slips through.

"Move! Move! Move! Give him space!" Someone the Wolf doesn't recognize shouts out as the Hulk and Thanos get to close to us. The Wolf growls deathly and loud before biting a huge chunk out of Thanos' flesh without much warning. Thanos escapes the Hulk's grip and starts running, holding the large, deep gash in his side. The Hulk turns around and grabs a guard away from Loki, abandoning Thanos as Loki falls to the ground. He gets up with enough strength to encase Vali once more, holding on tightly to him, rocking him. Loki obviously does not have enough strength to fight.

"Dad! Land and protect Vali! Loki is too weak to do it himself! They need cover!" I growl, taking over for a moment with the magic of the Wolf. He lands and starts to fend off the stragglers, protecting them excellently. I ignore them and quickly figure my surroundings; Thanos is too far away and a mass of the guards is in the middle. I get what I can, staying put as much as possible, then release the Wolf to kill anything he wishes within the Avengers area.

I shrink down to size, panting and sweating, in my human form, looking around me as I stay hidden amongst the other Avengers. When I realize that the area is secure, I run over to Loki and Vali and immediately become worried. "Daddy!" I cry out, fear starting to take over as I grab and shake Loki's shoulder roughly. "Daddy! Somebody! Help me! Please!" I check Vali for a pulse as Dr. Banner in regular form comes running over.

"Move, Fenrir, I need access to them." He says gently.

Dad comes over and gently parts the two, laying them down side by side. "What's the problem, Doc?" He takes off his helmet quickly and looks over at me. "You okay, Fenrir?"

I can feel myself hyperventilating as I watch them; they look so dead; limply laying, eyes closed, chests barely moving. I feel my dad's enclose around me, pulling me close. "Are they?" My voice is so high-pitched with fear that I barely even recognize it.

"They'll be okay, I'm sure." He tries to reassure me as Dr. Banner gives sad eyes that suggest differently.

"Are they dead?!"
