Exactly after where the movie lets off . . . basically.

Hope you like it!

Re-editing and some re-writing being done right now for the whole story before I post new chapters (trying to catch myself back up it's been so long)! (25 July 2013)

(Making the headers like in my work-in-progress novel too.)

(Impromptu Separator)

Chapter One

Loki Hates It Here Part One

3rd Person – Loki POV

Multiple Locations - Asgard

Unknown - Earth Calendar

Upon their rocky landing on the broken Rainbow Bridge in Asgard the two are met by a small group of highly trained Asgardian warriors. Odin watches on from his seat atop his horse as a few of the warriors quickly grab hold of Loki and put him in more restraints to prevent him from using his magic and escaping. Thor follows his father back into Asgard while the warriors flank around Loki and lead him behind the other two gods.

Thor and his father go down to the vault so that Thor may store the Tesseract in a safer place while the warriors lock Loki away in his new cell a safe distance away. Odin and Thor talk about the possible date for Loki's trial and other such details while the person-of-topic is swiftly locked away in a super max security cell that restrains the use of magic. All of Loki's restraints, including the muzzle that had been attached onto him back on Earth have been removed as they lock him away.

Loki anxiously paces around the small 10 X 10 cell that he has been placed in as he ponders what happened back on Earth. The small cell has barren, white, stone walls that are as solid as can be, there's a small metallic shelve with a "bed" that takes up one whole wall and is more like a thin blanket disguised as a mattress than anything else, a small bathroom area is walled off next to the door, and the single wall that barely divides the bathroom area from the room has holes in it to imitate shelving. He despises the place but knows that escape is futile. He paces around, thinking about anything and everything; pondering vengeance, wondering where he went wrong, should he give up or should he continue on with revenge; all these thoughts, questions, wonderings swirl inside his mind restlessly as he paces on.

Thor feels that Loki's problem is simply that he has everything all wrong and he hopes that Loki will see light inside his cell. He still considers Loki his brother even after everything that happened just as Odin still considers Loki his son after it all of it. They both agree upon leaving Loki in the cell for an extended amount of time in hope of him realizing the truth. They visit Loki once a day as well so that they can try to get it through Loki's mind that they still care for and love him.

As Loki paces in his cell he loses track of time; when he grows too weary he lays down on the thin "mattress" in the cold room and sleeps as best he can, then, when he gives up on sleeping, he gets back up and continues to pace; it's a never-ending cycle. Even when Odin and Thor visit it is the same thing; he continues to pace as they speak to him through the glass of the door and though he quiets his thoughts so that he may indeed hear what they have to say to him and he mulls over their words later, he still never quits his cycle.

The only time he quits his cycle however, is when food is brought to him. A tiny tray of food is pushed through a small opening on the bottom of the door and a small cup of water and pushed in after the tray is taken back. Loki always quickly eats his food and swallows down the water in large gulps because it is always such a small amount and meals are so far and few; he is starving by the time it is given to him. This treatment of Loki escapes Thor and Odin, though. Loki's clothes betray the starving figure that lies beneath them and he is always moving too much for them to see it in his face, in his eyes; plus he never bothers to voice it to them. The guards continue to lie about it and even when Odin tries to order more rations for Loki in fear of him starving the guards only steal the food before it ever reaches Loki's line of sight; he doesn't even know Odin ordered the rations it's such a poor deal.

Loki hates it here.

Review? It's the only thing that tells me to keep posting. The only motivation to keep on writing and put up more chapters . . . reviews. . . . Sad, isn't it?

I actually respond to reviews in the next chapter. Swear I will. Ask me anything, I'll tell you my answer. I swear it. I actually will. I am a very open person (when questioned). Try me. Honest answers to time taken to ask asked questions. Seriously.