Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Mortal Instruments!

Clary's POV

"Again Clary!" Jace shouted as I fell down on the mat for what had to have been the thousandth time that day. I groaned as I got back up to my feet. I could feel my muscles aching from working so hard, and I longed for a nice hot shower, but unfortunately my drill sergeant/boyfriend wouldn't allow me to.

It had been about three months since Valentine had been defeated and we left Idris. After everything had settled down, the Lightwoods, Simon, Luke, my mom, Jocelyn, and I had all returned to New York. Mom had moved in with Luke, while I moved into the Institute to begin my Shadowhunter training. It had been a very long three months filled with pain and sweat, but I was proud to say that I had greatly improved. I had surprisingly surpassed Alec and Izzy and was now reaching Jace's level. It must have been the angel blood inside of me that allowed me to learn so quickly. That would also explain Jace's talent for hunting and killing.

Jace, I thought, sighing to myself. After we had found out that we weren't related, we immediately came out into the open about our feelings for each other and became a couple. We had suspected some resistance toward our relationship, but surprisingly everyone accepted it really well, with Luke claiming that he had always known. Jocelyn had resisted at first, but soon learned to accept it.

Everything had been perfect since Valentine fell and I couldn't be happier. My mom was alright, I was finally becoming a Shadowhunter, and Jace was my boyfriend. Life couldn't get any better, or it could get better if Jace would just let me take a break and shower.

"Please Jace," I whined after he had pinned me down once again. "We have been going at this for hours. Can we please just call it a day so that I can shower?"

Jace regarded me coolly with his stunning golden eyes. He absently pushed a golden lock of hair out of his face and smiled at me. My heart rate picked up and I couldn't help but thinking that this beautiful creature was finally mine. All mine.

"I'll tell you what," Jace said, a secretive smile gracing his lips. "If you beat me, then we'll be done."

I threw my hands up into the air. "But I'll never beat you!" I shouted.

He grinned that cocky smile of his, the one that made me want to kiss him and slap him all at the same time. "Exactly," he said.

Glaring at him, I stood up and got into position, determined to show him that I could, in fact, beat him and that he wasn't this invincible god that he seemed to think he was.

Jace smirked and stood across from me. "Whenever you're ready."

My eyes narrowed as I regarded Jace, who was standing across from me in a defensive position. I took a deep breath and charged at him, completely focused on the fight. I had just as much angel blood in my system as he did. If there was anyone that could beat him, it was me. Plus, I had an advantage as his girlfriend. If the fight started to take a turn for the worse, I could easily use some of my charms to distract him.

I smiled briefly as I continued running forward. I threw a punch toward his face, but Jace neatly dodged the attack, making it look effortless. I was sure that if I was the one doing that move, I would look like some distressed otter or something. It amazed and aggravated me that Jace was perfect at everything he tried. It just wasn't fair.

Jace smirked at me as I glared. "C'mon, Clary, you can do better than that," he taunted.

I whipped my foot out toward him, hoping to bring him down, but it had the opposite effect. Jace grabbed my leg and brought me down to the ground. But before he could pin me down, I rolled over and jumped up. Surprise flickered in Jace's tawny eyes before he refocused on the fight, bringing his fist down toward my face. I dodged quickly and brought my arm out to punch him in the stomach.

Jace dodged before advancing toward me. He kept kicking and punching, but somehow I managed to evade all of his attacks. I was surprised that I was doing so well. Usually Jace would have won the fight by now. Jace knew this too and his attacks came faster as he tried to bring me down.

Finally I grew tired of remaining on the defensive and I did a move that Jace had taught me a while ago and one that I had seen him use many times before. I faked to the right and then quick as a snake, I changed direction and landed a blow to his chest, surprising him and sending him to the ground while I followed, falling on top of him.

"I win," I said, smiling hugely. I actually beat Jace. Wow. That was a first. It had been a very long time since anyone had beaten him, which had only caused his already too big head to grow twice the size it already was, so I wasn't planning on letting him forget this for a very long time.

Jace stared up at me in surprise and with a little bit of pride on his face. "Good job, Clary. You did excellent, but I must tell you that I was going easy on you."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "You're impossible," I sighed. "You just don't want to admit that I beat you." I tried to get up, but Jace pulled me back down, pulling my body as close to his as possible.

"That may be Clary," Jace whispered, his breath surrounding me, causing my breath to hitch. "But I do know something that I am the best at."

"What's that?" I breathed out shakily, my breath coming out in gasps. Damn him for doing this to me.

"This," Jace whispered before crashing his mouth to mine and circling his arms around my waist, while my hands automatically went to his hair, pulling him close to me. We just laid there, kissing, until we heard a throat clear behind us. Jace and I shot apart, looking up to see Alec in the doorway with an amused and slightly disgusted expression on his face.

"You're lucky mom wasn't the one to catch you," Alec said, crossing his arms. "You're supposed to be training, not making out."

"We were training," I protested. "We were just finishing up."

Alec shook his head but didn't comment on what I had said. Instead he said. "Mom wants to speak to both of you in the library right now; she said it was important."

Jace sighed before standing up and pulling me along with him. "Okay, we're on our way."

Alec turned to leave, but then stuck his head back in, looking at me. "Oh, and Clary, congratulations on beating Jace, it's about time someone did. His head was getting far too big," Alec said, grinning and turning to face Jace as he said that last part.

Jace's mouth popped open as he regarded his half brother in surprise. "How did you know about that?" He demanded.

"I was here when she pinned you down. Very impressive, Clary. You have greatly improved. You're a very quick learner."

I blushed at his compliments. "Thank you Alec, but I couldn't have done it without all of you. You're all amazing teachers."

"Some better than others," Jace said smugly, having regained his cocky attitude. "I'm sure that I am Clary's favorite teacher, right Clary?"

Alec laughed out loud before I could answer. "You probably are," he said, still chuckling. "Especially considering all of the extra benefits that you give her."

Jace grinned at Alec lazily. "Hey, it benefits me too, so it's a win-win situation."

Rolling his eyes, Alec walked out, calling over his shoulder, "Remember, mom wants to talk to you in the library. Don't be late."

"Win-win situation?" I asked Jace incredulously, smacking him on the arm.

"What?" He asked, feigning innocence. "It is. Don't tell me that you don't enjoy kissing me," Jace said, placing a hand over his heart and faking hurt.

"I don't," I said, quickly turning away so he wouldn't be able to see my face. That was such a lie and we both knew it.

"Oh really?" He asked, stepping closer to me and wrapping his arms around me, immediately enveloping me in his scent of soap and sweat.

I nodded, unable to form coherent words. He brought his face down closer to mine, his lips an inch away from mine. I couldn't resist anymore, I leaned forward, brushing my lips against his, only for him to suddenly pull away.

My eyes flew open to see a big grin on his face and amusement sparking in his tawny eyes. "Nah ah," he tsked, humor filling his voice. "You said that you didn't like my kissing, so I wouldn't want to make you do something you don't want to do."

I glowered at him. "Just kiss me Jace."

"Only if you admit that I am an amazing kisser," he said, his grin widening.

I groaned. The things that he did to me. I'm not sure he knew the effect he had on me, or maybe he did and he was just torturing me. "Fine. You're an amazing kisser, Jace. Now just kiss me already."

He smirked before finally lowering his mouth onto mine and kissing me deeply, leaving me dizzy. I knotted my fingers in his hair and pulled on it lightly, causing him to groan. I smiled victoriously, pleased with myself that I could bring that kind of reaction out of him.

I quickly pulled away and walked out of his grip. "C'mon, we're going to be late to see Maryse."

Jace groaned again, this time in frustration and disappointment. "You're one evil woman."

I smiled and turned around. "You coming?"

Jace bounded over to me, kissing me lightly one last time before grabbing my hand and leading me toward the library.

When we entered the library, we saw Maryse sitting at Hodge's old desk, waiting for us. "There you two are. Take a seat," she said, gesturing to the couch that was across from her desk.

Jace and I sat down obediently and turned expectantly to Maryse.

Maryse cleared her throat before speaking. "As you both know, Clary has been training for a while now and she has made excellent progress. I believe that she is ready to go out hunting tonight with you three."

My face lit up as I heard what Maryse said. I was finally going to become a Shadowhunter. After all of this time all of my hard work was finally going to pay off.

I turned to Jace with a big grin on my face, but what I saw surprised me. I had expected Jace to be happy and excited for me, but instead he look angry as he gazed at Maryse.

"Are you crazy?" Jace demanded.

"No, Jace, I am not," Maryse replied drily. "Why are you so upset? I would have thought that you would be proud of Clary for learning so quickly."

"I am proud of Clary," Jace said stiffly. "I just don't think she's ready to go hunting with us. She still has a lot to learn."

I stood up and glared at Jace. How could he think that I wasn't ready? I had just beaten him, Jace, who thought that he was the master of all things, especially at fighting.

Jace shrank back a little under my gaze, but otherwise didn't move. "I have been training just about every day for three months," I said angrily. "I have learned a lot and I have gotten a lot better. I have beaten Alec and Izzy a handful of times and I have even beaten you once, so don't tell me that I'm not ready, because I am."

After I finished my little rant, Jace stood up from his position on the couch and grabbed my hand, but I quickly pulled it away.

"Clary, please."

"No, Jace. You still see me as a weak mundane, and I am tired of it. I am a Shadowhunter just like you and I wish that you would start treating me as one."

Jace looked pained, but I ignored him and stomped out of the room angrily. He had been treating me like a fragile little doll ever since we returned from Idris. It hurt to think that he still saw me as weak. I was just as strong as him now. I was a Shadowhunter and he had to accept that fact.

I was about halfway to my room when suddenly an arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into them. I struggled to free myself but Jace just held on tighter.

I finally gave up, knowing it was useless. When I finally became limp in his arms, Jace said, "I'm sorry Clary. I'm so sorry. I know that you're more than capable of slaying demons; it's just that I worry so much about losing you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

My expression softened slightly at hearing his confession. Jace, who must have taken this as an encouragement, continued on. "I love you so much, Clary. You have no idea how much it scares me to picture you fighting demons. You could get hurt Clary, or worse. You have no idea how much that idea haunts me."

"Yes, I do, Jace. I experience that every single time you go out hunting," I said, remembering all those lonely hours full of fear. "I would stay up for hours, pacing around my room, worrying about you, wondering if you'd even come back home to me."

Jace gently pulled me against his chest and I inhaled his scent, allowing it to calm me down. "Nothing is going to happen to me, Clary, I promise."

I pulled away and looked him in the eye. "And nothing will happen to me either."

Jace groaned and closed his eyes. I watched him and I could practically see the gears turning in that big head of his.

"Okay," he said, opening his eyes. "Here's the deal. You can go with us, but only to observe. And if there's any danger, you stay out of it and make yourself well hidden, and do not come out no matter what. Do you understand?"

My eyes narrowed as I gazed at Jace, not liking this plan at all. If Jace, Alec, or Izzy were in any kind of danger, of course I was going to do something. I wasn't just going to sit there and let them die, but Jace didn't have to know that.

"Fine," I finally said, hoping Jace wouldn't see through my lie. "I'll stay out of trouble."

Jace scrutinized my face for a second before kissing me on my forehead lightly and saying, "We leave in an hour, so start getting ready," before walking down the hall and turning a corner, disappearing from sight.

I was just about to go to my room to dig through my closet to find something to wear, when a hand grabbed my arm. I whipped around and saw Izzy standing there with a huge grin on her face. "Mom said that you were coming with us, so let's go get you ready."

I groaned but allowed Izzy to pull me toward her room. Once we got there, she pointed toward the bathroom. "Shower. Now. You smell horrible," she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

I rolled my eyes, but complied. I felt gross and sweaty and I couldn't wait to feel the nice, warm water on me. Only a few of the rooms in the Institute had a bathroom, and Izzy luckily had one. She probably had the best room in the entire building. Her bathroom was almost as big as her room, and was just as messy. Whereas her room was buried in clothes, her bathroom was covered in beauty products such as tons of hair products and makeup.

I stepped into the shower and reveled in the hot water and how good it felt against my sweaty and beaten body. I stayed in there longer than usual, and by the time I shut the water off, Izzy was banging against the door and yelling at me to hurry up.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, quickly wrapping a towel around my body and preparing myself for the torture that was coming. I always hated it when Isabelle dressed me. She usually put me in something way too short and revealing.

I sat down in a chair and Izzy came over to me with a huge makeup bag in her hands. I tried to keep the grimace off my face, but failed miserably. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I just had to deal with it. In about half an hour it would all be over. I relaxed and let Izzy get to work on my makeup and hair.

"No, Izzy. I am not wearing that," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and staring at the offending item in Isabelle's hands.

"Come on Clary, it's gorgeous. You'll have all the boys drooling if you wear this dress."

"Dress?" I shrieked. "That's not a dress; it's a scrap of fabric!"

Isabelle frowned at me.

"Besides, I have a boyfriend already. I don't need to impress any boys."

"C'mon Clary. Jace will love you in this dress," Isabelle pointed out.

"He already loves me."

Izzy rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am well aware of that. Especially considering how many times I have walked in on you and lover boy making out."

I blushed, but refused to back down. The dress was red, black, and lacy, and barely covered my butt. Not to mention it was low cut. This "dress" just screamed slut.

I voiced my thoughts to Isabelle and she shook her head at me. "Clary, you could never look like a slut. This dress will just make you look hotter. Please, Clary, please, please, please, please!"

"Fine!" I yelled. "I'll wear the damn dress."

Isabelle squealed and handed it to me. "Thank you Clary. Trust me, you won't regret it."

I grumbled to myself as I made my way into the bathroom to change into the stupid dress. I slipped it on and stared at myself in the mirror. My mouth dropped open as I gazed at myself.

The person in the mirror had fiery red curls cascading down her back and big, bright green eyes and full pink lips. The dress wasn't as bad as I thought, but I still wouldn't have worn it if I had had a choice. It gave me curves that I never knew I had and it made my legs look longer. I looked gorgeous, I thought to myself as I gazed in the mirror.

Isabelle knocked on the door. "Clary? Are you ready? We have to go now. The boys are waiting."

I stepped out the door, glancing at myself in the mirror one last time before opening the door and stepping into the room.

Izzy whistled. "I was right. That dress does looks amazing on you."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Iz. You look gorgeous too."

She smiled at me and twirled around in her blood red dress that was similar to mine. She held out her arm. "Shall we?"

I took out her outstretched arm. "We shall."

On our way to meet Jace and Alec we stopped at the weapons room and grabbed as many weapons as we could. Once we finished with that, we made our way to the entrance where we were supposed to meet the boys. When we rounded the corner, I saw Jace lazily leaning against a wall and carefully examining his fingernails while Alec played with his phone, most likely texting Magnus, his boyfriend and warlock.

Jace heard us coming and looked up. His mouth dropped open at the sight of me. He looked me up and down slowly, taking in every single detail. I blushed under his intense gaze, which caused his eyes to darken.

He slowly walked over to me and gently put an arm around my waist. "You look absolutely beautiful," he whispered in my ear before bringing his lips down to mine and kissing me hungrily. I responded with the same intensity, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing myself closer to him until I heard a cough.

I pulled away blushing, remembering that we weren't alone. Jace, on the other hand was grinning. "C'mon guys, let's go," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door, toward Pandemonium.

Author's Note:

I hope you liked it! Please REVIEW and tell me what you think. I would also appreciate to hear things that I could improve on and any suggestions that you have. Thank you!