Hey I'm Candlestic and this is my first LU story :), so I would love some reviews to let me know how I'm going. This isn't going to be a very long story but it takes place between the episodes 'Family Business' and 'Cape Duck'. Also, sorry about the disjointed format, I was trying to make it seem abit more like he was drunk. :). Thats all for now.

Rip walked through the park humming under his breath. He felt really happy and – if he admitted it to himself – slightly intoxicated: both as a result of his friends' party. It had been an awesome night, with loud music, dancing and plenty of people. But of course, all good things must come to an end and, after discovering how late it was, Rip had decided to go.

Now on his way home, Rip had decided to take a shortcut through the park. The park was huge and normally walking around would take twice as long. But it was a beautiful night and Rip really wanted to stay on his parent's good side, so he'd taken the short cut.

Looking up, Rip felt content with his decision: at this rate he would be home in no time. Things had been a lot better between him and his parents since that Robo Amigo incident. Pa had been listening to him more and Ma had been a lot more supportive. Rip really wanted to get home early to show them how much he appreciated it.

Not to mention that at this angle Rip had a perfect view of the moon through the trees. Looking back down, he marvelled at how the moonlight cast such a unique shade over the forest.

Growing up in the desert, Rip had developed a weird dislike of cities; whereas now, in the park, Rip felt more at peace being so close to nature.

A twig snapped somewhere to his right but in his drunken state, Rip didn't think anything of it.

Nor did he take any notice of the nearby rustling.

However, his intoxicated mind did lock onto the sound of footsteps walking at the same speed as him. Something about them didn't seem right to Rip so he began walking a little faster. As he increased his pace so did the figure behind him.

Panicking now, Rip started to jog, then run, then sprint but still they kept up.

While Rip was slower than the average bird, he was still a road runner at core and even in his intoxicated state, his mind was fast. He knew he needed a way out and he knew he needed it fast.

However, before he could act, a sharp pain in his arm caused him to stumble and fall.

As his limbs started to go numb Rip looked up as his attacker approached but before he got a good look at them, a bright light filled his vision.