a girl. a boy. alcohol. and raspberries.



Sakura stood her head was spinning and vision blurring. There was a reason she had chosen once she turned eighteen that she would not drink. It was this. The loss of control. Her best friends Ino and Karin had been in one bad state too many to put Sakura off of the nasty stuff. Unfortunately however, Sakura found herself drinking at the spiked punch bowl before she realised what was happening to her.

She stumbled her way through the living room, the dim lights and loud music was not helping her coordination. She continued on her drunken path, her mission unclear until she bumped into something. Sakura stumbled backwards and even though the world around her was blurred, she knew that she was about to fall and hit the ground.

After several moments Sakura realised she was no longer falling and was in fact enclosed in a pair of arms. She half stumbled and clinging to the arms around her waist she turned to look at who had saved her.

She was met with dark eyes and a pretty boy with pale skin and dark hair. He looked familiar to Sakura but she was too giddy and unstable to figure out who it was.

"Hi." She said grinning wrapping her arms around her saviour's neck.

"Hey." He said back a smirk on his beautiful face, Sakura couldn't help but lean in towards him and his head dipped also. His dark locks falling forward tickling her cheeks caused her to giggle.

"You smell like raspberries." He said before closing the distance between their lips.



The Raspberry Kiss



"Sakura!" said Shikamaru shaking his cousin; he would be killed if his parents saw her like this.

"Shika waa?" she mumbled trying to swat away the hands that were shaking her.

"Sakura, jesus wake up! Mom and dad are gona be home soon." He snapped losing his patience; his straight edge cousin just had to decide to get drunk at his house.

"Oh god, my head. What's happening to me?" she said sitting up on the sofa, the room still spinning slightly.

"You're hung over." He said continuing his previous task of cleaning the room now that Sakura was awake.

"How did I get drunk?" she asked trying to piece together what happened.

"I don't know I was upstairs most of the night. Chances are someone spiked the punchbowl." He said his ears reddening slightly at admitting where he was.

"Oh really? And why were you upstairs Shika?" she questioned teasingly and attempted to get off the sofa.

"Temari is back from college, if you must know." He said throwing a plastic cup into the bin bag he was holding.

Sakura painfully made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. Shikamaru was the best cousin ever she decided gleefully sipping the warm liquid. After having her fill of coffee she made her way to the bathroom, she no doubt probably looked like hell. She lifted a towel and dampened it, wiping it over her face, the black from her eyes transferring off onto said towel.

Once her face was clean, she looked in the mirror and froze. She blinked several times and a hand flew to her neck. Beneath her hand sat a small purple bruise. She had a hickey. That was when she remembered making out with someone, someone whom she distinctively remembered was very good looking.

Sakura burst from the bath room and practically leapt down the stairs.

"Shika!" she shouted as he glared at her for being so loud. "Shika, was I with someone last night?"

"I told you Sakura, I was upstairs." he said sighing, his hangover was starting to really kick in.

"I know but when you came down this morning, were there not like people still here or something." She said, it was still early and although she couldn't quite remember how she fell asleep on the sofa, she did remember being with this boy for quite some time of the night.

"There were a few people but you were on your own on the sofa." He said and her face fell.

"Damnit! That guy was so hot!" Sakura exclaimed and her cousin rolled his eyes.

"I need food and Karin. Karin has food. I'm going to Karin's." She declared grabbing her purple hoodie from the sofa and pulling it over her head.

"Don't offer to help." Shikamaru mumbled sarcastically as Sakura took her leave.



"I'm coming over skank! You better have food." Sakura said down the phone to her red headed best friend.

"What's got you up so early slut? Yes I have food." questioned Karin yawning.

"Ugh I need to talk to you about last night. That's good, I plan on eating it." She said opening a barrage of questions.

"Why? Where were you last night? This sounds good!" Karin said excitedly at the prospect of gossip.

"I'll explain when I get to yours." Sakura replied tiredly hanging up before Karin could ask anything more.

She hugged her hoodie more tightly around her and stared at her beat up converse as she made her way towards Karin's. She was thankful that it was only a fifteen minute walk from Shikamaru's house; she wouldn't have made the journey if it was any longer.

She saw the large Uchiha house as she reached the end of the street and trudged up the steps to knock on the door. Karin opened it and Sakura immediately fell into her arms.

"Hug me back!" she snapped as the red head awkwardly patted her back.

"I don't do hugs." Karin replied leading her into the house.

"Neither do I but I thought we should seeing as I'm hung over!" she snapped as Karin's eyes grew wide beneath her glasses.

"You were drunk!" she exclaimed as they took a seat on the bar stools in Karin's kitchen.

"I don't even know how it happened!" Sakura said rubbing her temples.

"Oh my god, Ino is gonna freak when she finds out. I can't believe our saint like Sakura got drunk for the first time and we missed it!" she said frowning.

"And you never will; god this feels awful."

"You'll get used to it." Karin smirked, "So where exactly where you?"

"I was at Shikamaru's house, I was only drinking the fruity stuff in the kitchen; I think it was spiked." Sakura replied and Karin snorted.

"Well obviously it was spiked, oh dear virginal Sakura, you have much to learn." She laughed fixing her glasses slightly.

"That's not all, I was making out with this guy for ages and I have no idea who he is." Sakura whined laying her head on the table.

"You got drunk and you made out with a hot guy. What happened to my innocent Sakura?" Karin asked as Sakura lifted her head back off the counter.

"She died." She replied dramatically.

"Well describe him to me." She said rolling her eyes, Sakura always dragged things out.

"He was tall, had these dark pretty eyes, dark hair and he was…your brother." Sakura finished her mouth hanging open as Karin's older brother walked past the kitchen and left the house, the door slamming after him.

"What!" Karin exclaimed whipping her head round to watch Sasuke leave.

"I thought Sasuke was in college!" Sakura said panicking, she did not just make out with her best friends older brother. Her best friend's older brother, whom she had secretly crushed on for years.

"Oh god this is hilarious." Karin said and started laughing. Who would have thought the two most up tight, frigid people would get drunk and make out with each other. She would never let her brother live this one down.

"This is not hilarious, he is your brother!" Sakura said on the brink of hysteria.

"Sakura chill out, I can't believe you made out with Sasuke, he is such a frigid." She said laughing again.

"Oh my god." Sakura said thumping her head off of the kitchen counter yet again.



Sasuke thought his head was going to explode. There were only a few times in his life that he drank and those were forced upon him by the boys. He wasn't exactly sure what made him lift the bottle of jack last night, but the rest was a blur. He did however have the taste of raspberries on his lips and remembered making out with some girl.

He sincerely hoped she wasn't some psycho fan girl; he couldn't deal with another one of those.

"Oi bastard, what's got you looking extra emo today?" questioned Naruto as Sasuke climbed up into the attic space of Naruto's house. It was perfect for Sasuke today as there was no sunlight in the attic, and he would ride out the hangover playing COD.

"Fuck off." Was Sasukes immediate reply as he slumped into one of the beanbags and pulled his hood over his head.

"Jesus, are you hung over?" Naruto asked incredulously.

"Hn." Was all Sasuke could reply before Naruto started laughing.

"How did I not see this!" he said clutching his stomach before the attic door opened and in walked Suigetsu and Kiba.

"Sasuke was drunk last night!" exclaimed Naruto before either boy could speak.

"Oh was he now?" said Suigetsu with a smirk before he and Kiba jumped on Sasuke who let out a string of curses as they wrestled for several minutes.

"Fuck off!" he shouted for the second time but his voice was hoarse and it came out crackled, leading the other three to break into laughter again.

"So Sasuke, where exactly where you to get drunk last night?" asked Kiba as he lifted a controller.

"Shikamaru's house party." He replied fixing his hoodie and sinking back into the bean bag.

"Thanks for the invite." Suigetsu said flopping down on the bag beside Sasuke.

"Well fuck, if I thought you were gona cry I woulda asked." He bit back sarcastically causing a chorus of oooohhh's from the boys.

"Why the hell are you so pissy, this isn't the first time you've been hung over?" asked Kiba his thumbs rapidly pressing buttons on the controller.

"I think I was with this girl all night too." Sasuke admitted as Naruto paused the game.

"You were with a girl. You were with a girl. You were with a girl?" Naruto asked several times over not believing his ears.

"Yes, and I don't remember who it was, if it's some fucking fan girl I swear." Sasuke huffed crossing his arms.

"Dude, not even for your own safety but for ours I hope it's not a fan girl." Suigetsu said, shivering at the last time that had happened.

"You don't remember anything about her?" asked Naruto removing the game from pause.

"She had green eyes…and smelled like raspberries."

"You sound like a fucking pansy." Laughed Suigetsu as his phone started vibrating.

"Fuck you." Sasuke said getting up and storming out of the attic.

"You had to piss him off." Sighed Naruto knowing he would never hear then end of Sasuke bitching.

"Huh?" said Suigetsu busy on his phone.

"Jesus you're not still chatting to that chick, are you?" asked Kiba.

"So what if I am."

"Who's this?" said Naruto distractedly as he and Kiba worked to take the lead in their game.

"He's been texting and chatting to this girl for few months now and he won't say who she is." Kiba answered as Suigetsu shrugged.

"A slut like 'getsu is maintaining a relationship with a girl?" teased Naruto and he received a shove in the back.

"I can't tell you who she is because she off limits." Suigetsu said.

"Please tell me she's not a minor." Said Naruto pausing their game again.

"Of course she's not a fucking minor, she's eighteen." He said rolling his eyes.

"Thank fuck." Kiba said before Suigetsu snapped at him.

"Don't know what you're, giving off about I happen to know that you were with blondie last night."

"How the fuck did you know that!" exclaimed Kiba re-pausing the game.

"Aw Kiba man, you're not starting this again." Said Naruto, he truly could not believe his friends. Suigetsu was keeping a girl in secret, Kiba was banging his ex and Sasuke was getting drunk and making out with random chicks. Was he the only one able to maintain a healthy, peaceful, drama free relationship? He loved his dear Hinata.

"What? I don't see what the big deal is; we broke up cause of the distance thing. Now we don't have to worry about that."

"Yea until summer is over." Suigetsu deadpanned.

"Whatever." Kiba shrugged starting the game again.



"Where is she?" asked Ino walking into Karin's bedroom.

"That pile under my covers." Said the red head from her desk, she was preoccupied on her chat window. Ino looked over and on the bed was a pile of pillows and throws but underneath it she could vaguely see the outline of a body.

"My saku-chan, oh beautiful bestest friend." Ino sang hopping onto the bed, removing pillows. She received a quiet mumbling and Sakura tried to stop her from uncovering her layer.

"Sakura honestly get up." Ino said; patience was never her thing. Sakura groggily sat up on the bed and looked over to Ino.

"So you made out with Karin's really hot older brother." Ino said dismissively as Karin snorted from across the room.

"Why did I have to drink the stupid punch bowl!" Sakura snapped.

"I will give Shikamaru a piece of my mind when I see him next." Ino vowed and it lifted Sakuras spirits slightly.

"Where were you last night anyways?" Sakura asked noting the smile on the blondes face.

"Um, I was with Kiba." She admitted and Karin spun round in her chair.

"You were where?" she questioned, was she the only one of her friends who wasn't out whoring about?

"I know, don't judge me!" she said lifting a pillow and covering her face.

"Ino you and Kiba only broke up a few months ago. This isn't healthy." Sakura said as she lowered the pillow.

"I know but he's back from college for summer now, I couldn't help it." Ino whined.

"Ino! You two broke up because of the long distance thing, when summers over it's going to start all over again and it's going to be worse because you're going to a different college than him." Karin said wondering how she ended up being the level headed one of them all.

Ino was reminded of how difficult it was when she and Kiba separated. They had almost made it through Kiba's first year of university but there had been so much fighting over never seeing each other that they called it off. When he rang her last night, she knew she should have said no but she couldn't resist just seeing him one more time.

"I know." She sighed but Sakura and Karin knew there was no point in trying to convince the blonde otherwise.

Karin turned back to what she was doing, she thought it was weird to be secretly chatting to her brother's friend but he started it. Suigetsu had messaged her over chat after she met him several months ago at Christmas. Sasuke had all the boys over to her house and she couldn't help but get the vibe he was interested. Late in the night when they were all asleep he knocked on her door and she had had the best bout of sex in her life.

It was only unfortunate that she had to keep it all a secret. Sasuke would be so pissed if he ever found out, but now armed with the fact that he made out with her best friend maybe she could use it against him.

"I need water." Sakura croaked hopping off the bed, making her way down to Karin's kitchen. She was reaching for a glass off the shelf when she heard the front door open and close. Sakura paused mid action and heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

She turned and her cheeks reddened as Sasuke walked in. What was she going to say? He briefly looked at her and Sakura looked like a rabbit caught in the head lights.

"Could you pass me one." He said and it took her a minute to realise he was talking about the glass. She lifted another one from the shelf and handed it to him; he filled the glass with water and left the kitchen.

Sakura was freaking. He didn't remember. He didn't remember her. And she was surprised to find she was unhappy with that. Filling her own glass with water Sakura hopped up the stairs back into Karin's room and both girls turned to look at her.

"Your brother doesn't know it was me!" Sakura exclaimed and Karin laughed.

"Yea I know, Suigetsu just told me. Apparently you smell like raspberries." She quoted and Ino burst out laughing.

"Ugh! This sucks." Sakura sighed taking a gulp of water before getting back into Karin's bed.



"Boys." Suigetsu smirked as Naruto and Kiba turned to look at him.

"I know who Sasuke's mystery woman is."



Yes, yes I know I had a fiction called The Raspberry Kiss years ago but it never left me alone and now this has popped into my head and won't leave me. This will most likely not be a very long fiction but I'm having fun with it!

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